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The activity of many receptors and ion channels in the nervous system can be regulated by redox-dependent mechanisms. Native and recombinant GABAA receptors are modulated by endogenous and pharmacological redox agents. However, the sensitivity of GABAC receptors to redox modulation has not been demonstrated. We studied the actions of different reducing and oxidizing agents on human homomeric GABAρ1 receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The reducing agents dithiothreitol (2 mM) and N -acetyl- l -cysteine (1 mM) potentiated GABA-evoked Cl currents recorded by two-electrode voltage-clamp, while the oxidants 5-5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid (500 μM) and oxidized dithiothreitol (2 mM) caused inhibition. The endogenous antioxidant glutathione (5 mM) also enhanced GABAρ1 receptor-mediated currents while its oxidized form GSSG (3 mM) had inhibitory effects. All the effects were rapid and easily reversible. Redox modulation of GABAρ1 receptors was strongly dependent on the GABA concentration; dose–response curves for GABA were shifted to the left in the presence of reducing agents, whereas oxidizing agents produced the opposite effect, without changes in the maximal response to GABA and in the Hill coefficient. Our results demonstrate that, similarly to GABAA receptors and other members of the cys-loop receptor superfamily, GABAC receptors are subjected to redox modulation.  相似文献   

The rho1 subunit of the ionotropic GABA receptors is thought to contribute to the formation of the GABA(C) receptors with pharmacological and physiological properties distinct from those of GABA(A) receptors. Previous characterization of this subunit expressed in the Xenopus oocytes revealed an ion channel with slow activation and deactivation and no desensitization, quite different from the properties of GABA(C) receptors observed in native cells. We expressed the human rho1 subunit in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells and quantitatively characterized the kinetic properties of these receptors using a rapid drug application device. The rho1 subunit expressed in HEK293 cells exhibited pharmacological and kinetic properties qualitatively identical to those described when rho1 was expressed in the oocytes. An apparent desensitizing current observed during a constant GABA application was determined to be secondary to an E(Cl) shift. Detailed kinetic analyses and parameter estimation for a five-state kinetic model revealed that the channel is best described by a set of rate constants with a notably faster GABA unbinding K(off) rate compared to the parameters proposed for the same subunit expressed in the oocytes. The same subunit expressed in hippocampal neurons showed activation and deactivation kinetics identical to the current characterized in HEK293 cells. The kinetic properties of rho1 subunit expressed in a nonoocyte model system may be better described quantitatively by the rate constants presented here.  相似文献   

Cys-loop receptor neurotransmitter-gated ion channels are pentameric assemblies of subunits that contain three domains: extracellular, transmembrane, and intracellular. The extracellular domain forms the agonist binding site. The transmembrane domain forms the ion channel. The cytoplasmic domain is involved in trafficking, localization, and modulation by cytoplasmic second messenger systems but its role in channel assembly and function is poorly understood and little is known about its structure. The intracellular domain is formed by the large (>100 residues) loop between the alpha-helical M3 and M4 transmembrane segments. Putative prokaryotic Cys-loop homologues lack a large M3M4 loop. We replaced the complete M3M4 loop (115 amino acids) in the 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3A (5-HT(3A)) subunit with a heptapeptide from the prokaryotic homologue from Gloeobacter violaceus. The macroscopic electrophysiological and pharmacological characteristics of the homomeric 5-HT(3A)-glvM3M4 receptors were comparable to 5-HT(3A) wild type. The channels remained cation-selective but the 5-HT(3A)-glvM3M4 single channel conductance was 43.5 pS as compared with the subpicosiemens wild-type conductance. Coexpression of hRIC-3, a protein that modulates expression of 5-HT(3) and acetylcholine receptors, significantly attenuated 5-HT-induced currents with wild-type 5-HT(3A) but not 5-HT(3A)-glvM3M4 receptors. A similar deletion of the M3M4 loop in the anion-selective GABA-rho1 receptor yielded functional, GABA-activated, anion-selective channels. These results imply that the M3M4 loop is not essential for receptor assembly and function and suggest that the cytoplasmic domain may fold as an independent module from the transmembrane and extracellular domains.  相似文献   

The gamma-aminobutyric acid type C (GABA(C)) receptor is a ligand-gated chloride channel with distinct physiological and pharmacological properties. Although the exact subunit composition of native GABA(C) receptors has yet to be firmly established, there is general agreement that GABA rho subunits participate in their formation. Recent studies on white perch suggest that certain GABA rho subunits can co-assemble with the GABA(A) receptor gamma2 subunit to form a heteromeric receptor with electrophysiological properties that correspond more closely to the native GABA(C) receptor on retinal neurons than any of the homomeric rho receptors. In the present study we examined the interactions among various perch GABA rho and gamma2 subunits. When co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the gamma2 subunit co-immunoprecipitated with Flag-tagged perch rho1A, rho1B, and rho2B subunits, but not with the Flag-tagged perch rho2A subunit. Immunocytochemical studies indicated that the membrane surface expression of the gamma2 subunit was detected only when it was co-expressed with perch rho1A, rho1B, or rho2B subunit, but not with the perch rho2A subunit or when expressed alone. In addition, co-immunoprecipitation of perch rho1B and gamma2 subunits was also detected in protein samples of the teleost retina. Taken together, these findings suggest that a heteromeric rho(gamma2) receptor could represent one form of GABA(C) receptor on retinal neurons.  相似文献   

The initial steps of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) maturation take place in the cytoplasm. After formation of an Sm-core and a trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap, the RNPs are transported into the nucleus via the import adaptor snurportin1 (SPN) and the import receptor importin-beta. To better understand this process, we identified SPN residues that are required to mediate interactions with TMG caps, importin-beta, and the export receptor, exportin1 (Xpo1/Crm1). Mutation of a single arginine residue within the importin-beta binding domain (IBB) disrupted the interaction with importin-beta, but preserved the ability of SPN to bind Xpo1 or TMG caps. Nuclear transport assays showed that this IBB mutant is deficient for snRNP import but that import can be rescued by addition of purified survival of motor neurons (SMN) protein complexes. Conserved tryptophan residues outside of the IBB are required for TMG binding. However, SPN can be imported into the nucleus without cargo. Interestingly, SPN targets to Cajal bodies when U2 but not U1 snRNPs are imported as cargo. SPN also relocalizes to Cajal bodies upon treatment with leptomycin B. Finally, we uncovered an interaction between the N- and C-terminal domains of SPN, suggesting an autoregulatory function similar to that of importin-alpha.  相似文献   

RON is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that mediates biological activities of Macrophage Stimulating Protein (MSP). MSP is a multifunctional factor regulating cell adhesion, motility, growth and survival. MSP binding to RON causes receptor tyrosine phosphorylation leading to up-regulation of RON catalytic activity and subsequent activation of downstream signaling molecules. Recent studies show that RON is spatially and functionally associated with other transmembrane molecules including adhesion receptors integrins and cadherins, and cytokine and growth factor receptors IL-3 betac, EPOR and MET. For example, MSP-induced cell shape change is mediated via RON-activated IL-3 betac receptor. Activation of integrins causes MSP-independent RON phosphorylation, and the integrin/RON collaboration regulates cell survival. Thus, RON can be activated without MSP by ligand stimulation of RON-associated receptors, and MSP-activated RON can cause ligand-independent activation of RON-associated receptors. As a result of the receptor cross-activation RON-specific pathways become a part of a signal transduction network of other receptors, and conversely signaling pathways activated by other receptors can be used by RON. This receptor collaboration extends the spectrum of cellular responses generated by MSP and by putative ligands of RON-associated receptors. However signaling pathways involved in the receptor cross-talk and underlying activation mechanisms remain to be investigated. The purpose of this review is to summarize data and to discuss a role of cross-talk between RON and other transmembrane receptors.  相似文献   

The properties of calcium channels were studied at the period of neurogenesis in the early embryonic chick retina. The whole neural retina was isolated from embryonic day 3 (E3) chick and loaded with a Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye (Fura-2). The retinal cells were depolarized by puff application of high-K+ solutions. Increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations were evoked by the depolarization through calcium channels. The type of calcium channel was identified as l-type by the sensitivity to dihydropyridines. The Ca2+ response was completely blocked by 10 μM nifedipine, whereas it was remarkably enhanced by 5 μM Bay K 8644. Then we sought a factor to activate the calcium channel and found that GABA could activate it by membrane depolarization at the E3 chick retina. Puff application of 100 μM GABA raised intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, and this Ca2+ response to GABA was also sensitive to the two dihydropyridines. Intracellular potential recordings verified clear depolarization by bath-applied 100 μM GABA. The Ca2+ response to GABA was mediated by GABAA receptors, since the GABA response was blocked by 10 μgM bicuculline or 50 μM picrotoxin, and mimicked by muscimol but not by baclofen. Neither glutamate, kainate, nor glycine evoked any Ca2+ response. We conclude that l-type calcium channels and GABAA receptors are already are already expressed before differentiation of retinal cells and synapse formation in the chick retina. A possibility is proposed that GABA might act as a trophic factor by activating l-type calcium channels via GABAA receptors during the early period of retinal neurogenesis. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In the study reported here we have reached two conclusions. First, the cat adrenal medulla chromaffin cell possesses a dopamine D1 receptor that seems to be coupled to an adenylyl cyclase. Second, this receptor regulates the muscarinic-mediated catecholamine release response through a negative feed-back loop which uses cyclic AMP as a second messenger. These conclusions are supported by the following findings: (i) SKF38393 (a selective D1 receptor agonist), but not quinpirole (a selective D2 agonist), inhibits the methacholine-mediated catecholamine release responses in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 of around 1-2 microM). (ii) SCH23390 (a selective D1 antagonist), but not sulpiride (a selective D2 antagonist), reversed by 70% the inhibitory effects of SKF38393. (iii) Dibutyril cyclic AMP (500 microM) inhibited by 80% the secretory effects of methacholine.  相似文献   

The effects of the enantiomers of (+/-)-CAMP and (+/-)-TAMP [(+/-)-cis- and (+/-)-trans-2-aminomethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acids, respectively], which are cyclopropane analogues of GABA, were tested on GABA(A) and GABA(C) receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes using two-electrode voltage clamp methods. (+)-CAMP was found to be a potent and full agonist at homooligomeric GABA(C) receptors (K:(D) approximately 40 microM: and I:(max) approximately 100% at rho(1); K:(D) approximately 17 microM: and I:(max) approximately 100% at rho(2)) but a very weak antagonist at alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2L) GABA(A) receptors. In contrast, (-)-CAMP was a very weak antagonist at both alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2L) GABA(A) receptors and homooligomeric GABA(C) receptors (IC(50) approximately 900 microM: at rho(1) and approximately 400 microM: at rho(2)). Furthermore, (+)-CAMP appears to be a superior agonist to the widely used GABA(C) receptor partial agonist cis-4-aminocrotonic acid (K:(D) approximately 74 microM: and I:(max) approximately 78% at rho(1); K:(D) approximately 70 microM: and I:(max) approximately 82% at rho(2)). (-)-TAMP was the most potent of the cyclopropane analogues on GABA(C) receptors (K:(D) approximately 9 microM: and I:(max) approximately 40% at rho(1); K:(D) approximately 3 microM: and I:(max) approximately 50-60% at rho(2)), but it was also a moderately potent GABA(A) receptor partial agonist (K:(D) approximately 50-60 microM: and I:(max) approximately 50% at alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2L) GABA(A) receptors). (+)-TAMP was a less potent partial agonist at GABA(C) receptors (K:(D) approximately 60 microM: and I:(max) approximately 40% at rho(1); K:(D) approximately 30 microM: and I:(max) approximately 60% at rho(2)) and a weak partial agonist at alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2L) GABA(A) receptors (K:(D) approximately 500 micro: and I:(max) approximately 50%). None of the isomers of (+/-)-CAMP and (+/-)-TAMP displayed any interaction with GABA transport at the concentrations tested. Molecular modeling based on the present results provided new insights into the chiral preferences for either agonism or antagonism at GABA(C) receptors.  相似文献   

The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) sustains cell migration through its capacity to promote pericellular proteolysis, regulate integrin function, and mediate chemotactic signaling in response to urokinase. We have characterized the early signaling events triggered by the Ser-Arg-Ser-Arg-Tyr (SRSRY) chemotactic uPAR sequence. Cell exposure to SRSRY peptide promotes directional migration on vitronectin-coated filters, regardless of uPAR expression, in a specific and dose-dependent manner, with maximal effect at a concentration level as low as 10 nm. A similar concentration profile is observed in a quantitative analysis of SRSRY-dependent cytoskeletal rearrangements, mostly consisting of filamentous structures localized in a single cell region. SRSRY analogues with alanine substitutions fail to drive F-actin formation and cell migration, indicating a critical role for each amino acid residue. As with ligand-dependent uPAR signaling, SRSRY stimulates protein kinase C activity and results in ERK1/2 phosphorylation. The involvement of the high affinity N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe receptor (FPR) in this process is indicated by the finding that 100 nm N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe inhibits binding of D2D3 to the cell surface, as well as SRSRY-stimulated cell migration and F-actin polarization. Moreover, cell exposure to SRSRY promotes FPR-dependent vitronectin release and increased uPAR.alphavbeta5 vitronectin receptor physical association, indicating that alphavbeta5 activity is regulated by the SRSRY uPAR sequence via FPR. Finally, we provide evidence that alphavbeta5 is required for SRSRY-dependent ERK1/2 phosphorylation, whereas it is not required for protein kinase C activation. The data indicate that the ability of uPAR to stimulate cell migration and cytoskeletal rearrangements is retained by the SRSRY peptide alone and that it is supported by cross-talk between FPR and alphavbeta5.  相似文献   

γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. It acts via both ionotropic GABA-A and metabotropic GABA-B receptors. We evaluated the interaction of receptors with members of the inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir 3) channel family, which also play an important role in neuronal transmission and membrane excitability. These channels are functionally regulated by GABA-B receptors. Possible physical interactions between GABA-B receptor and Kir 3 channels expressed in HEK cells were evaluated using Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET) experiments, co-immunoprecipitation and confocal microscopy. Our data indicate that Kir 3 channels and Gβγ subunits can interact with the GABA-B1 subunits independently of the GABA-B2 subunit or Kir 3.4 which are ultimately responsible for their targetting to the cell surface. Thus signalling complexes containing GABA-B receptors, G proteins and Kir channels are formed shortly after biosynthesis most likely in the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence indicates the second transmembrane domain (TM2) of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor lines the integral ion pore. To further delineate the structures that constitute the ion pore and selectivity filter of the rho1 GABA receptor, we used the substituted cysteine accessibility method with charged reagents to identify anion- and cation-accessible surfaces. Twenty-one consecutive residues were mutated to cysteine, one at a time, in the presumed intracellular end of the first transmembrane domain (TM1; Ala(271)-Met(276)), the entire linker connecting TM1 to TM2 (Leu(277)-Arg(287)), and the presumed intracellular end of TM2 (Ala(288)-Ala(291)). Positively (MTSEA(+)) and negatively (pCMBS(-)) charged sulfhydryl reagents, as well as Cd(2+), were added extracellularly to test accessibility of the engineered cysteines. Four of the mutants, all at the intracellular end of TM2 (R287C, V289C, P290C, A291C), were accessible to positively charged reagents, whereas seven mutants (A271C, T272C, L277C, W279C, V280C, P290C, A291C) were functionally modified by negatively charged pCMBS(-). These seven modified residues were at the intracellular end of TM2, in the TM1-TM2 linker, and at the intracellular end of TM1. In nearly all cases (excluding P290C), the rate and the degree of modification were state-dependent, with greater accessibility in the presence of agonist. Select cysteine mutants were combined with a point mutation (A291E) that converted the pore from chloride- to non-selective. In this case, positively charged reagents could modify residues in the TM1-TM2 linker (Leu(277) and Val(280)), supporting the notion that the modifying reagents were reaching their target through the pore. Taken together, our results suggest that, up to its intracellular end, the TM2 domain is not charge selective. In addition, we propose that the TM1-TM2 linker and the intracellular end of TM1 are along the pathway of the permeating ion. These findings may lend new insights into the structure of the GABA receptor pore.  相似文献   

In this review, we focus on two attributes of P2X receptor channel function, one essential and one novel. First, we propose that P2X receptors are extracellular sensors as well as receptors and ion channels. In particular, the large extracellular domain (that comprises 70% of the molecular mass of the receptor channel protein) lends itself to be a cellular sensor. Moreover, its exquisite sensitivity to extracellular pH, ionic strength, and multiple ligands evokes the function of a sensor. Second, we propose that P2X receptors are extracellular zinc receptors as well as receptors for nucleotides. We provide novel data in multiple publications and illustrative data in this invited review to suggest that zinc triggers ATP-independent activation of P2X receptor channel function. In this light, P2X receptors are the cellular site of integration between autocrine and paracrine zinc signaling and autocrine and paracrine purinergic signaling. P2X receptors may sense changes in these ligands as well as in extracellular pH and ionic strength and transduce these sensations via calcium and/or sodium entry and changes in membrane potential.  相似文献   

As neuroactive steroids modulate several ionotropic receptors, we assessed whether the ATP-gated currents elicited by P2X4 receptors are modulated by these compounds. We transfected HEK293 cells or injected Xenopus laevis oocytes with the cDNA coding for rat P2X4 receptor. Application of 0.1–10 μM alfaxolone potentiated within 60-s the 1 μM ATP-evoked currents with a maximal potentiation of 1.8 and 2.6-fold in HEK293 or oocytes cells respectively. Allopregnalolone or 3α, 21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (THDOC) also potentiated the ATP-gated currents but with a maximal effect only averaging 1.25 and 1.35-fold respectively. In contrast, 0.3–10 μM pregnanolone, but not its sulfated derivative, inhibited the ATP-gated currents; the maximal inhibition reached 40% in both cell types. THDOC, but not other neurosteroids increased significantly the τoff of the ATP-evoked currents, revealing another mode of neurosteroid modulation. Sexual steroids such as 17β-estradiol or progesterone were inactive revealing explicit structural requirements. Alfaxolone or THDOC at concentrations 30- to 100-fold larger than required to modulate the receptor, gated the P2X4 receptor eliciting ATP-like currents that were reduced with suramin or brilliant blue G, but potentiated the P2X4 receptor more than 10-fold by 10 μM zinc. In conclusion, neurosteroids rapidly modulate via non-genomic mechanisms and with nanomolar potencies, the P2X4 receptor interacting likely at distinct modulator sites.  相似文献   

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