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Vertebrates secrete elevated levels of glucocorticoids in response to various stressors, which mobilize energetic reserves but concurrently interfere with reproduction. In accordance with life-history theory, recent evidence suggests that the corticosterone response to stress is modulated according to the value of the brood. Since brood value is positively related to parental care, the stress response modulation may be either the consequence of offspring value (e.g. large broods have high fitness potential - the brood value hypothesis) or the consequence of parental workload (e.g. large broods are energetically demanding for the parents - the workload hypothesis). In this experiment, we aimed at experimentally separating the effects of brood value and workload and to confront the latter two hypotheses. To do so, we captured the male parents from breeding pairs of house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and took them in captivity for 48 h. During the absence of males, mate-removed females made more food deliveries than controls (increased workload) but were unable to fully compensate the lack of their mate, thus their chicks were in worse condition (reduced brood value) than control chicks. After the experimental period, mate-removed females responded more strongly to the standardized stressor than controls. In both groups, the corticosterone response to stress was negatively related to the nestlings' mass gain. These results provide experimental support for the brood value hypothesis, i.e. that individuals may actively modulate their stress response (either down- or upwards) with respect to the value of their current reproduction.  相似文献   

Mutations that cause rhodopsin misfolding and retention within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are a prominent cause of retinitis pigmentosa. Here, we discuss the hypothesis that the failure of photoreceptor neurons to adapt to the stress caused by rhodopsin accumulation in the ER leads to a global collapse of homeostasis and to retinal degeneration. We review the molecular mechanisms underlying the activity of local ER conformational sensors and stress-relaying modules and consider how ER-derived stress signals are amplified and implemented to impact on downstream processes, including rhodopsin clearance and cell fate control. The emerging view is that alterations to the systems responsible for the detection, transduction and implementation of ER stress might be used therapeutically to treat retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

Our previous study showed that pair housing with a familiar male prevented an increase in anxiety caused by social defeat in male rats. The present study attempted to identify the aspects of social interactions with a familiar male that are needed for the emergence of such a pair-housing effect. In Experiment 1, the subject was repeatedly exposed to the cage and bedding used by a familiar pairmate, after two instances of social defeat. Mere exposure to the soiled cage and bedding did not prevent an increase in anxiety in the elevated plus-maze test performed two weeks after social defeat. In Experiment 2, the subject was separated from a familiar pairmate with a wire mesh partition, which allowed visual, auditory, and limited physical contact, in addition to olfactory contact with the pairmate. The separation with a wire mesh partition abolished the buffering effect of pair housing on anxiety. These results indicate that visual, auditory, and olfactory contact with a familiar male was not sufficient in reducing the anxiogenic effect of social defeat in male rats. It was suggested that full physical contact is necessary for the emergence of the buffering effect of pair housing on social stress.  相似文献   

We studied the developmental stability of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in 10 populations (five acidified, five control) in Norway, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and departure from the morphological norm. We measured four meristic and four morphometric characters, and scored the level of biochemical heterozygosity at 49 loci (20 polymorphic). We reared eggs of a single population in a hatchery using four different water qualities (three replicates of each treatment) to test the effect of acidification stress on developmental instability. There were no significant differences in the level of FA, in departure from the morphological norm between brown trout sampled from lakes with acidified or control water qualities, or in brown trout hatched at different water qualities. There was no correlation between level of heterozygosity and FA or departure from the morphological norm, either when tested within populations or among populations. There were no single-locus effects on developmental stability tested for 11 loci. We conclude that measures of developmental stability or morphological variability are not useful for detecting acidification stress in brown trout. Furthermore, we conclude that developmental stability in our material varies independently of heterozygosity.  相似文献   

The relationship between morningness/eveningness, sleep, and psychological problems is well documented in adults as well as in adolescents. However, research on the circadian orientation and its concomitants in younger children is scarce. The authors investigated the distribution of morningness/eveningness and its connection to sleeping and psychological problems in 91 children and 151 adolescents in Austria. The authors found that morning (M) types had less sleep-related and psychological problems than intermediate (I) and evening (E) types, respectively. Among children, M-types suffered less from daytime sleepiness (females: χ(2)((2))?= 8.1, p =?.017; males: χ(2)((2))?= 14.8, p =?.001). Among adolescents, M-types showed fewer sleep-wake problems (females: χ(2)((2))?= 17.5, p 相似文献   

Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in various upland soils show a rather large diversity with respect to their amoA genes (coding for a subunit of the ammonium monooxygenase). It is known that the community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in upland soils is influenced by different selective factors, such as pH, gravimetric water content, fertilizer treatment, and temperature. The question, from an ecological point of view, is whether a particular ecophysiological factor, such as temperature, could select for a particular community structure of ammonia oxidizers in upland soils that would be represented by distinct clusters of the amoA gene (AmoA cluster). Studying the literature, including recent publications and our own unpublished results, we found that AmoA clusters 3a, 3b, and 9-12 apparently exhibited no preference for either subtropical/tropical soils (i.e., warm regions) or temperate cold soils. However, AmoA clusters 1 and 4 (and perhaps cluster 2) seem to occur predominantly in soils from cold-temperate regions. Here we review the evidence for a temperature effect on the global distribution of amoA genes in warm- and cold-temperate soils.  相似文献   

Acute exposure to contaminants frequently induces stress, but prolonged exposures, such as those experienced by individuals in wild populations, can impair the capacity to mount a stress response. Using the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), a small benthic fish and potential sentinel species for habitat contamination in the Great Lakes, we explored the impacts of living in highly polluted areas. Round goby were collected from highly contaminated and less contaminated areas of Hamilton Harbour (a well-known site of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and heavy metal contamination). The cortisol stress responses of fish from sites of high and low contamination were compared using an EIA assay on blood collected (n?=?112) either prior to or 0, 10, 30, 60, 240 min and 24 h following the application of a 4-min confined air exposure stressor. Plasma cortisol levels were elevated at 10 and 30 min post-stressor (100.3 and 87.5 ng/mL), and returned to levels similar to baseline (22.3 ng/mL) 1 h after the stressor. In contrast to predictions, round goby from areas of high and low contamination had similar cortisol levels at all timepoints. We also monitored stress responses immediately after a chasing stressor (n?=?19). During the chasing stressor, contaminated-site round goby exhausted faster than individuals from a less contaminated site, although they had similar levels of plasma cortisol (23.5 versus 20.9 ng/mL) and lactate (2.53 versus 1.98 mmol/L). Our results indicate that not all fishes may demonstrate impaired stress responses, even in highly contaminated habitats; however, such animals may still have increased vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   

This study examines the utility of histopathology in the damselfish, Parma microlepis, as a biomarker for the effects of organochlorine pesticides and hexachlorobenzene (HCB). Linkages between organochlorine residue concentrations and contaminant-associated histological effects in fish were examined using field collections and a manipulative field experiment. The distribution of 11 frequently identified organochlorines were measured in wild fish at different spatial scales, spanning 270 km of coastline centred around the Sydney region. Histopathology was used to investigate possible effects on liver, gills and gonad tissues in these fish. Pearson correlations and correlative multivariate statistical techniques were used to explore possible associations between concentrations of organochlorines in fish collected from the field and histological alterations in tissues. Only 6% of correlations between organochlorine residues and histological alterations in fish from field collections, were significant. A weak correlation was found between the occurrence of lamellar fusion in gills and the concentration of aldrin and dieldrin in a manipulative field experiment. A hypothetical model is suggested to explain these results.  相似文献   

X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder expressed as four disease variants characterized by adrenal insufficiency and graded damage in the nervous system. X-ALD is caused by a loss of function of the peroxisomal ABCD1 fatty-acid transporter, resulting in the accumulation of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) in the organs and plasma, which have potentially toxic effects in CNS and adrenal glands. We have recently shown that treatment with a combination of antioxidants containing α-tocopherol, N-acetyl-cysteine and α-lipoic acid reversed oxidative damage and energetic failure, together with the axonal degeneration and locomotor impairment displayed by Abcd1 null mice, the animal model of X-ALD. This is the first direct demonstration that oxidative stress, which is a hallmark not only of X-ALD, but also of other neurodegenerative processes, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD) and Huntington's disease (HD), contributes to axonal damage. The purpose of this review is, first, to discuss the molecular and cellular underpinnings of VLCFA-induced oxidative stress, and how it interacts with energy metabolism and/or inflammation to generate a complex syndrome wherein multiple factors are contributing. Particular attention will be paid to the dysregulation of redox homeostasis by the interplay between peroxisomes and mitochondria. Second, we will extend this analysis to the aforementioned neurodegenerative diseases with the aim of defining differences as well as the existence of a core pathogenic mechanism that would justify the exchange of therapeutic opportunities among these pathologies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Metabolic functions and biogenesis of peroxisomes in health and disease.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted using Fraxinus ornus plants grown outside under full sunlight irradiance, and supplied with 100% (well-watered, WW), 40% (mild drought, MD), or 20% (severe drought, SD) of the daily evapotranspiration demand, with the main objective of exploring the effect of excess light stress on the activity of antioxidant enzymes and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. Net CO? assimilation rate at saturating light and daily assimilated CO? were significantly smaller in SD than in WW and MD plants. Xanthophyll-cycle pigments supported nonphotochemical quenching to a significantly greater extent in SD than in MD and WW leaves. As a consequence, the actual efficiency of PSII (Φ(PSII)) was smaller, while the excess excitation-energy in the photosynthetic apparatus was greater in SD than in WW or MD plants. The concentrations of violaxanthin-cycle pigments relative to total chlorophyll (Chl(tot)) exceeded 200 mmol mol?1 Chl(tot) in SD leaves at the end of the experiment. This leads to hypothesize for zeaxanthin a role not only as nonphotochemical quencher, but also as chloroplast antioxidant. Reductions in ascorbate peroxidase and catalase activities, as drought-stress progressed, were paralleled by greater accumulations of esculetin and quercetin 3-O-glycosides, both phenylpropanoids having effective capacity to scavenge H?O?. The drought-induced accumulation of esculetin and quercetin 3-O-glycosides in the vacuoles of mesophyll cells is consistent with their putative functions as reducing agents for H?O? in excess light-stressed leaves. Nonetheless, the concentration of H?O? and the lipid peroxidation were significantly greater in SD than in MD and WW leaves. It is speculated that vacuolar phenylpropanoids may constitute a secondary antioxidant system, even on a temporal basis, activated upon the depletion of primary antioxidant defences, and aimed at keeping whole-cell H?O? within a sub-lethal concentration range.  相似文献   

Activated carbon (AC) is widely used in ecological studies to elucidate the role of allelopathic substances in interspecific plant competition. However, by adsorbing chemical signalling compounds AC may also have negative effects on plants with symbiosis partners such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia. Here we test whether addition of AC has detrimental effects on the mycorrhizal root colonization of the native forb Plantago lanceolata and the exotic legume Lupinus polyphyllus, the nodulation of L. polyphyllus, and the nutrient uptake and growth of the plants growing in intra- and interspecific competition. Allelopathic effects probably occurred in the germination and seedling establishment phase when P. lanceolata suffered from the presence of L. polyphyllus. However, this negative effect of L. polyphyllus on P. lanceolata was not ameliorated by AC addition. AC negatively affected L. polyphyllus root biomass in week 4, and root and shoot biomass of P. lanceolata in week 9 of the experiment; both effects were independent of the presence and absence of the competing plant species. Mycorrhizal root colonization of both plant species was reduced in the presence of AC, although the effect tended to be stronger for L. polyphyllus. No significant effect of AC on the nodulation of L. polyphyllus was detected. P. lanceolata was the superior competitor and led to reduced biomasses of L. polyphyllus in interspecific competition. We conclude that AC can reduce the mycorrhization and performance of plants which may lead to changes in interspecific competition without the involvement of allelopathy. Contrary to former studies the AC used in our study did not enhance the nutrient availability for the plants, but reduced plant growth and mycorrhization. We suggest that the nutrient properties of the used AC are of crucial importance for the direction and the mechanisms of the effects and should always be reported.  相似文献   

In mammalian oocytes, fertilization-associated calcium [Ca2+]i oscillations are responsible for the activation of development. The mechanism(s) by which the sperm triggers the initial [Ca2+]i rise and supports long-lasting oscillations is not resolved. It has been proposed that the sperm may interact with receptors in the oocyte's plasma membrane and engage intracellular signaling pathways that result in Ca2+ release. A different line of investigation suggests that upon sperm-oocyte fusion, a sperm cytosolic factor is released into the oocyte which interacts with unknown cytosolic targets, and generates [Ca2+]i oscillations. We will discuss the most recent evidence for both lines of thought and demonstrate that injections of sperm crude extracts (SF) into mammalian oocytes trigger [Ca2+]i oscillations that support in vitro parthenogenetic development to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

The midbrain dopaminergic system is a key element in the control of motor activity, cognition, and the motivational effects of drugs of abuse, including nicotine. In this issue of Neuron, Drenan et al. find that alpha6-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors might selectively activate mesolimbic and mesostriatal dopaminergic neurons, enhancing striatal dopamine release and its behavioral consequences.  相似文献   

Oxytocin is well known for its role in reproduction. However, evidence has emerged suggesting a role in cardiovascular and hydroelectrolytic homeostasis. Although its renal effects have been characterized, the cardiac ones have not been much studied. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the cardiac effects of oxytocin both in vivo and in vitro. In unanesthetized rats (n=6) intravenous oxytocin (1 mug) decreased dP/dt(max) by 15% (P<0.05) and heart rate by 20% (P<0.001), at the first minute after injection. dP/dt(max) was still lower in OT-treated rats than in controls (n=8) after 15 min (P<0.05), while heart rate returned to control values after 5 min. In isolated hearts, oxytocin was able to promote negative inotropic and chronotropic effects. Perfusion with 10(-5), 10(-6) and 10(-7)M oxytocin resulted in approximately 60% (P<0.01), 25% (P<0.01) and 10% (P<0.05) reduction of left ventricle developed pressure, without effect in lower concentrations (10(-10) to 10(-8) M). Also, dP/dt(max) was reduced by 45 and 20% (10(-5) e 10(-6) M; P<0.01), while diastolic pressure raised and heart rate fell only with 10(-5)M oxytocin (P<0.05). Intravenous oxytocin (1 mug; n=6) increased arterial pressure by 22% at the first minute (+23+/-3 mm Hg; P<0.001), returning to control value thereafter. Thus, oxytocin is able to promote directly negative inotropic and chronotropic effects, but its in vivo effect also involves a reflex mechanism, originated from its pressor effect.  相似文献   

Recently, we showed that homozygosity for the common 677(C-->T) mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, causing thermolability of the enzyme, is a risk factor for neural-tube defects (NTDs). We now report on another mutation in the same gene, the 1298(A-->C) mutation, which changes a glutamate into an alanine residue. This mutation destroys an MboII recognition site and has an allele frequency of .33. This 1298(A-->C) mutation results in decreased MTHFR activity (one-way analysis of variance [ANOVA] P < .0001), which is more pronounced in the homozygous than heterozygous state. Neither the homozygous nor the heterozygous state is associated with higher plasma homocysteine (Hcy) or a lower plasma folate concentration-phenomena that are evident with homozygosity for the 677(C-->T) mutation. However, there appears to be an interaction between these two common mutations. When compared with heterozygosity for either the 677(C-->T) or 1298(A-->C) mutations, the combined heterozygosity for the 1298(A-->C) and 677(C-->T) mutations was associated with reduced MTHFR specific activity (ANOVA P < .0001), higher Hcy, and decreased plasma folate levels (ANOVA P <.03). Thus, combined heterozygosity for both MTHFR mutations results in similar features as observed in homozygotes for the 677(C-->T) mutation. This combined heterozygosity was observed in 28% (n =86) of the NTD patients compared with 20% (n =403) among controls, resulting in an odds ratio of 2.04 (95% confidence interval: .9-4.7). These data suggest that the combined heterozygosity for the two MTHFR common mutations accounts for a proportion of folate-related NTDs, which is not explained by homozygosity for the 677(C-->T) mutation, and can be an additional genetic risk factor for NTDs.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The effects of salt stress on the salt marsh halophyte Spartina alterniflora have been well documented. However, plant responses to combined salinity and ammonium toxicity and the underlying mechanisms are relatively unknown. The aim of the present investigation was to study the effects of both salinity (0, 200 and 500 mM NaCl) and nitrogen form (NO3 ?, NH4 + or NH4NO3) on S. alterniflora.


Plants were cultivated in sandy soil under greenhouse conditions for 3 months. At harvest, growth parameters were measured and leaf samples were analysed for oxidative stress parameters (malondialdehyde, MDA; electrolyte leakage, EL; and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 concentration) and the activity of antioxidant enzymes (glutathione reductase, GR; superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT; ascorbate peroxidase, APX and Guaiacol peroxidase, GPX).


In the absence of NaCl, plant growth rate was the highest in the medium containing both nitrogen forms, and the lowest in the medium containing only nitrate. Irrespective of the nitrogen form, plant growth was generally higher at 200 mM NaCl than without salinity. Ammonium-fed plants showed better growth than nitrate-fed plants under high salinity. In the absence of salinity, ammonium-fed plants showed higher SOD, APX, GR, CAT, and GPX activities than nitrate-fed ones. The antioxidant enzymes exhibited higher activity in saline-treated plants. The considerable advantage of NH4 + nutrition to S. alterniflora under saline conditions was associated with high antioxidant enzyme activities, together with low MDA content, EL, and H2O2 concentration.


These data clearly demonstrate that NH4 + is more favourable for the growth of S. alterniflora under high salinity than NO3 ?. It is suggested that NH4 + nutrition improves the plant’s capacity to limit oxidative damage by stimulating the activities of the major antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

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