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The levels of polyamines (PA) and abscisic acid (ABA) in the pericarp of California variety pepper fruit ( Capsicum annuum L.) were analyzed during development and ripening. Putrescine level was 2.75 μmol g−1 fresh weight 7 days after fruit set and fell during the exponential stage of growth to 1.05 μmol g−1 fresh weight. During the second growth stage. PA and ABA levels remained stable and fell sharply at the beginning of maturation. The levels of spermidine and spermine decreased throughout fruit development and maturation from 0.61 to 0.05 and 0.31 to 0.02 μmol g−1 fresh weight, respectively, but no changes were associated with the onset of maturation. ABA levels remained high (0.70-0.80 μg g−1 fresh weight) during the stages of fruit growth and fell at the beginning of maturation to 0.12 μg g−1 fresh weight, before rising again during the last stages of maturation and senescence. The decrease in putrescine and ABA levels and the subsequent increase in the latter may be responsible for controlling the processes of ripening in pepper fruit.  相似文献   

Both abscisic acid (ABA) and jasmonates are known to promote leaf senescence. Since ABA and jasmonates have both chemical and physiological similarities, we are interested to know whether senescence of detached rice leaves induced by methyl jasmonate (MJ) is mediated through an increase in endogenous ABA levels. In darkness, the endogenous level of ABA in detached rice leaves remained unchanged in the first day of incubation in water and increased about 5 times its initial value in the second day. However, the pattern of senescence, as judged by protein loss, was rapid during the first day. MJ significantly promoted senescence of detached rice leaves. Contrary to our expectation, endogenous ABA levels decreased in MJ-treated detached rice leaves. Similar to the effect of MJ, endogenous ABA levels decreased in detached rice leaves which were induced to senesce by treatment with NH4Cl. These results suggest that endogenous ABA levels are not linked to MJ-induced senescence of detached rice leaves.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Drought causes a decline of root hydraulic conductance, which aside from embolisms, is governed ultimately by aquaporins. Multiple factors probably regulate aquaporin expression, abundance and activity in leaf and root tissues during drought; among these are the leaf transpiration rate, leaf water status, abscisic acid (ABA) and soil water content. Here a study is made of how these factors could influence the response of aquaporin to drought. METHODS: Three plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) or aquaporins were cloned from Phaseolus vulgaris plants and their expression was analysed after 4 d of water deprivation and also 1 d after re-watering. The effects of ABA and of methotrexate (MTX), an inhibitor of stomatal opening, on gene expression and protein abundance were also analysed. Protein abundance was examined using antibodies against PIP1 and PIP2 aquaporins. At the same time, root hydraulic conductance (L), transpiration rate, leaf water status and ABA tissue concentration were measured. KEY RESULTS: None of the treatments (drought, ABA or MTX) changed the leaf water status or tissue ABA concentration. The three treatments caused a decline in the transpiration rate and raised PVPIP2;1 gene expression and PIP1 protein abundance in the leaves. In the roots, only the drought treatment raised the expression of the three PIP genes examined, while at the same time diminishing PIP2 protein abundance and L. On the other hand, ABA raised both root PIP1 protein abundance and L. CONCLUSIONS: The rise of PvPIP2;1 gene expression and PIP1 protein abundance in the leaves of P. vulgaris plants subjected to drought was correlated with a decline in the transpiration rate. At the same time, the increase in the expression of the three PIP genes examined caused by drought and the decline of PIP2 protein abundance in the root tissues were not correlated with any of the parameters measured.  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years many studies have been undertaken to elucidate the regulation of seed germination. Abscisic acid (ABA) and the gibberellins (GAs) are the hormones proposed to control this process, the first by inhibiting and the second by inducing germination. It has been proposed that a high water potential increases the growth potential of the embryo, presumably permitting the production or activation by GA of the cell wall hydrolases and thus decreasing the yield threshold of the endosperm close to the radicle tip. A low water potential, e.g., imbibition in an osmoticum. imposes a stress on cell metabolism, by reducing the turgor of the radicle cells, and there is a decrease in growth potential. Exogenous ABA also causes a decline in growth potential of the radicle: however, the actions of low water potential in preventing germination are not mediated through an increase in ABA in the seeds. In the present paper an attempt is made to asses the role of ABA and polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the germination of chick-pea (Cicer arietinum L.) seeds. The endogenous ABA of chick-pea seeds was purified by reversed-phase HPLC and quantified by GC-ECD. The variations in the ABA levels in the embryonic axes and the cotyledons were studied during 120 h. of imbibition. The highest ABA level in the embryome axes was found at 18 h. coinciding with an increase in fresh weight and a high germination percentage. ABA was not detected in the cotyledons during incubation which probably indicates that the hormone is more involved in the active growth of the embryonic axes itself than in the mobilization process of the reserves. When seeds were treated with different PEG-cycles. PEG delayed germination, reduced the fresh weight of embryonic axes, and retarded the onset of ABA synthesis. It is concluded that endogenous ABA is related to the onset of germination and the growth of the embryonic axis. In addition, there is no correlation among the different PEG-cycles and the level of ABA and germination. Germination was related more to the water conditions inside the embryo's cells than to ABA levels.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl and ABA on the respiration of N2-fixing nodules were analysed in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) inoculated with Rhizobium tropici the reference strain CIAT899. Shoot and nodule growth was more inhibited by NaCl than root growth. The O2 uptake by nodulated roots at 21 kPa O2 was significantly inhibited by salinity. Raising pO2 stimulated nodule respiration more under NaCl treatment than for the control, although it did not compensate totally for the inhibitory effect of NaCl. Short NaCl application was less destructive than long term application. Also, the external application of ABA inhibited nodule respiration, and this inhibition was partly compensated by raising pO2.  相似文献   

Bush bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Tenderette) plants were grown in north-south (N-S) and east-west (E-W) rows under field conditions to test effects of row orientation on reflected far-red (FR) light patterns and on shoot size and edible bean productivity. Soil water and nutrients were adequate. Plants in N-S rows received slightly higher ratios of FR relative to red (R) light, because of heliotropic movement of the leaves. Plants in N-S rows partitioned more dry matter to shoots and edible green beans than those in E-W rows. We conclude that row orientation of broadleaf plants can affect the FR/R light ratio and the phytochrome-mediated regulation of plant development under field conditions.  相似文献   

Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) leaves were inoculated with a conidial suspension of Elsinoe phaseoli by spraying, by applying a 10 μl drop, by a cotton wool technique or by using a camel hair brush. Spray application resulted in a uniform distribution of lesions over the leaf surface and gave consistent levels of infection between repetitions. Drop application allowed good control of the amount of inoculum applied. Although brush or cotton wool techniques gave high levels of infection it was not possible to control the amount of inoculum. Only immature tissues were susceptible to infection. Five cultivars were inoculated with two isolates and disease was scored on the basis of numbers of lesions and lesion type (scab severity). The small white cvs PAN 181 and Teebus were the most resistant; lesions were small and generally fewer than on the large-seeded red speckled sugar bean cvs Umlazi and Umvoti. The value of the different inoculation techniques in studies on bean scab is discussed.  相似文献   

The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is the central regulator of abiotic stress in plants and plays important roles during plant growth and development. In animal cells, ABA was shown to be an endogenous hormone, acting as a stress signal and stimulating cell functions involved in inflammatory responses and in insulin release. Recently, we demonstrated that Lanthionine synthetase component C-like protein 2 (LANCL2) is required for ABA binding to the plasmamembrane of granulocytes and for the activation of the signaling pathway triggered by ABA in human granulocytes and in rat insulinoma cells. In order to investigate whether ABA activates LANCL2 via direct interaction, we performed specific binding studies on human LANCL2 recombinant protein using different experimental approaches (saturation binding, scintillation proximity assays, dot blot experiments and affinity chromatography). Altogether, results indicate that human recombinant LANCL2 binds ABA directly and provide the first demonstration of ABA binding to a mammalian ABA receptor.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of temperature, carbon dioxide and abscisic acid on mung bean (Vigna radiata). Plants were grown under 26/22°C or 32/28°C (16?h?light/8?h?dark) at 400 or 700?μmol?mol?1 CO2 and received ABA application of 0 or 100?μl (10?μg) every other day for three weeks, after eight days of initial growth, in growth chambers. We measured 24 parameters. As individual factors, in 16 cases temperature; in 8 cases CO2; in 9 cases ABA; and as interactive factors, in 4 cases, each of temperature?×?CO2, and CO2?×?ABA; and in 2 cases, temperature?×?ABA were significant. Higher temperatures increased growth, aboveground biomass, growth indices, photochemical quenching (qP) and nitrogen balance index (NBI). Elevated CO2 increased growth and aboveground biomass. ABA decreased growth, belowground biomass, qP and flavonoids; increased shoot/root mass ratio, chlorophyll and NBI; and had little role in regulating temperature–CO2 effects.

Abbreviations: AN: net CO2 assimilation; E: transpiration; Fv/Fm: maximum quantum yield of PSII; gs: stomatal conductance; LAR: leaf area ratio; LMA: leaf mass per area; LMR: leaf mass ratio;φPSII: effective quantum yield of PSII; qNP: non-photochemical quenching; qP: photochemical quenching; SRMR: shoot to root mass ratio; WUE: water use efficiency  相似文献   

We investigate physiological mechanisms behind the convergent evolutionary loss of seed dormancy in plant lineages, focusing on mangroves as a model system. More than 60 angiosperm families, including several mangrove taxa, contain species with seeds that are intolerant of drying and do not undergo dormancy. These desiccation-intolerant species occur with disproportionate frequency in wet or coastal tropical habitats. In plants, the hormone abscisic acid (ABA) coordinates both the development of desiccation tolerance during the onset of seed dormancy and whole-organism responses to flooding. Thus, changes in ABA levels and/or modes of action in different plant compartments are implicated in the repeated evolutionary loss of seed dormancy among species of wet habitats. We compare ontogenetic dynamics of ABA levels in embryonic, maternal, and mature vegetative tissue of four phylogenetically independent pairs of related viviparous mangroves and nonviviparous nonmangroves. We demonstrate that ABA levels are consistently lower in embryos of viviparous mangrove taxa than embryos of nonmangrove, nonviviparous sister taxa. In contrast, elevated tissue concentrations of ABA characterize leaves of all mangrove species tested, while ABA levels in maternal tissues vary among mangrove species. These commonalities suggest a functionally important trade-off between the maintenance of embryonic development and the adjustment of the parent tree to salinity stress. This study yields comparative data on seed physiology in naturally occurring desiccation-intolerant species, for which these data are currently scarce, and demonstrates a potentially significant role of phytohormones in the evolution of plant life histories.  相似文献   

Elongation, indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) levels, – gas chromatography-mass spectrometry quantification –, in the elongating zone were analysed for maize ( Zea mays L., Cv. LG11) roots immersed in buffer solution with or without zeatin (Z). The effect of Z depends on the initial extension rate of roots. The slower growing roots are more strongly inhibited by Z (10−7−10−5 M ) and they show a greater increase in IAA and ABA content. When compared to the rapidly growing roots, the larger reactivity of the 'slow'ones cannot be attributed to a higher Z uptake as shown when using [14C]-Z. It is suggested that Z could regulate root elongation by acting on the IAA and/or ABA level. The comparative action of these two hormones is discussed.  相似文献   

In previous papers it has been demonstrated that the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is responsible for the stimulation of water filtration and oxygen consumption elicited by a temperature increase in the Mediterranean demosponge Axinella polypoides. The signal transduction pathway triggered by ABA involves activation of ADP-ribosyl cyclase (ADPRC), leading to an increase of the intracellular concentration of cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR), a universal and potent intracellular calcium mobilizer. These data prompted us to investigate the possible involvement of the ABA/ADPRC/cADPR system in the sponge life cycle and in post-traumatic tissue regeneration of Mediterranean sponges. ADPRC activity was detected in the cell lysate from several common Mediterranean sponge species, including Calcarea and Demospongiae. Specimens were collected monthly over a 2-year period, from January 2002 to April 2004. All species studied showed a peak of ADPRC activity during July and August 2003, concomitant with an anomalous heat wave that struck the whole Mediterranean basin during these months. In the aquarium, during spontaneous tissue regeneration, an increase of the [ABA]i and of the ADPRC activity over time zero values was consistently observed. In conclusion, these results indicate that an increase of ABA content and of ADPRC activity correlates with the growth and with post-traumatic tissue regeneration in several Mediterranean sponge species, indicating that the ABA/ADPRC/cADPR system is involved in the response to environmental stress in sponges. Determination of ADPRC activity/ABA content may provide a means to assess metabolic activation of sponge populations under conditions of environmental stress.  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of free and conjugated forms of three classes of planthormones were quantified at various stages of megagametophyte development inDouglas fir. Megagametophytes were excised weekly from 8–16 weeks pastpollination (WPP), a period encompassing the central cell to the earlymaturation stage of seed development. The hormones indole-3 acetic acid (IAA),indole-3-aspartate (IAAsp), zeatin (Z), zeatin riboside (ZR), isopentenyladenine(iP), isopentenyladenosine (iPA), abscisic acid (ABA) and abscisic acid glucoseester (ABA-GE) were extracted, purified, fractionated by high- performanceliquid chromatography (HPLC), and then quantified using an enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Z levels ranged from 0–25ng/g dry weight (DW) and were highest in megagametophytes at thecentral cell stage (8 WPP). During embryogenesis, Z levels peakedduring week 13. In contrast, the ZR conjugate was not detected over the periodstudied. The iP content of megagametophytes increased at 10 and 13WPP, while the iPA concentration increased at 13 WPP.Prior to fertilisation, IAA was highest in megagametophytes at 9WPP. During embryogenesis, the major IAA accumulations occurred at11, 13 and 15 WPP, the concentration ranging from 0–0.43g/g DW. IAAsp concentrations reached their highest level duringembryogenesis at 14 WPP. ABA content increased at 11 and 13WPP, with a concentration range of 0.1–13 g/gDW. In contrast, ABA-GE levels were relatively constant over the 9-weekperiod analyzed. The endogenous levels of plant hormones varied withmegagametophyte development and were associated with morphological changes.  相似文献   

The effect of morphactin (methyl-2-chloro-9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylate) on the content of several plant growth substances in bean roots was determined. Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Spartan) were soaked in aqueous solutions of morphactin, 1 x 10-4, 1 x 10-5, and 1 x 10-6M and grown in moist vermiculite. As controls were used beans grown in water-moistened vermiculite either intact or having the root tips removed (decapped). The roots, morphactin-treated, controls, and the decapped ones were analyzed for indol-3-yl acetic acid (IAA), indol-3-yl acrylic acid (IAcA), indol-3-yl pyruvic acid (IPyA), indol-3-yl lactic acid (1LA), abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellins GA1, GA3, GA4, and GA9 using gas-liquid chromatographic methods. Morphactin, while affecting the geotropical responses, changed also the growth substance content of roots. IAA, ABA, GA1, and GA9 contents decreased, IPyA, IAeA, GA3, and GA4 contents were not affected and ILA content increased slightly with increasing dosages of morphactin. Growth substance pattern of decapped roots resembled that of the roots treated with the highest dose, 1 x 10-4M, of morphactin.  相似文献   

Stomata of Commelina leaves pre-opened by incubation in moist air were found to close within 30 min when supplied with abscisic acid (ABA) via the transpiration stream. Radioactive ABA had similar effects, but allowed the distribution of the compound within the leaf to be measured and correlated with stomatal movements to give estimates of the sensitivity of Commelina stomata. On a whole-leaf basis, less than 163 fmol ABA per mm2 leaf area were present at the time of complete stomatal closure. This was close to other published estimates. By taking epidermal 14C measurements, however, it was possible to increase the accuracy of the estimate on the assumption that only ABA present in the epidermis was physiologically active. Thus, less than 235 amol ABA for stomatal complex were present at complete closure, and statistically significant narrowing of the stomatal aperture had occurred when between 12.6 and 45.4 amol per complex were present. The distribution of ABA within the epidermal tissue after transpiration-stream application was studied using microautoradiography, and the compound appeared to have accumulated within the stomatal complex.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

To obtain new insights into the mechanisms underlying aging in perennials, we measured abscisic acid levels, growth and other stress indicators in leaves of Cistus clusii Dunal plants of different ages grown under Mediterranean field conditions. Recently emerged leaves from 9-year-old plants were compared to those of 1-year-old plants (obtained from cuttings from 9-year-old plants) to evaluate the effects of meristem aging on plant aging. Rooting and successful establishment of the cuttings allowed us to compare the physiology of plants with old meristems, but of different size. Plants obtained from cuttings were rejuvenated, with new leaves displaying a higher leaf area and chlorophyll content, but smaller leaf mass per unit area ratios and endogenous abscisic acid levels than those of 9-year-old plants. A comparative study in 1-, 4- and 9-year-old plants revealed that abscisic acid levels increase during the early stages of plant life (with increases of 90% between 1- and 4-year-old plants), but then remain constant at advanced developmental stages (between 4- and 9-year-old plants). Although leaf biomass was 53% smaller in 9-year-old compared to 4-year-old plants, the dry matter produced per shoot apical meristem was equivalent in both plant groups due to an increased number of leaves per shoot in the former. It is concluded that (i) C. clusii plants maintain the capacity to rejuvenate for several years; (ii) newly emerged leaves accumulate higher amounts of abscisic acid during early stages of plant life, but the levels of this phytohormone later remain constant; and (iii) although plant aging leads to the production of smaller leaves, the amount of biomass produced per shoot apical meristem remains constant at advanced developmental stages.  相似文献   

The pith parenchyma in tomato ( Lycopersicum esculentum ) stems was found to be disrupted in response to water stress (stem pithiness). The process of the degradation starts at the upper part of the stem and proceeds downwards as the stress is prolonged. The damage to the stem tissue was found to be irreversible upon rehydration of the stressed plants. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the protoplast of the affected cells is disrupted first, followed by degradation of the cell wall.
Application of abscisic acid (ABA) induced pithiness in non-stressed plants and also enhanced the effect of a short period of dehydration. Kinetin, although causing severe wilting, did not induce pithiness. However, when given after a short period of water stress or within the period of stress, kinetin enhanced pithiness development.
In the course of the stress, ABA levels in the upper part of the stem and in the young leaves were higher than the levels found in the lower parts of the plant shoot. The increase in ABA levels was detected before any sign of pithiness.
It is suggested that ABA might be the triggering agent of the cellular degradation process initiated by water stress.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinins and gibberellin-like substances (GAs) were extracted from the roots and shoots of 17-day-old sunflower seedlings which had been droughted or were unstressed. Plants were grown in an aeroponic chamber which allowed for good control over degree of water stress and easy access to roots. Following methanolic extraction of lyophilized material, cytokinins were separated from the acidic growth-regulators on a cellulose PO4 cationic exchange column. The cytokinins were analysed by paper chromatography and HPLC and the soybean hypocotyl section assay. Semipurified acidic regulators were chromatographed on SiO2 columns and HPLC and aliquots assayed with the dwarf rice cv. Tan-ginbozu bioassay for GAs. Fractions known to contain ABA were purified by sequential reverse-phase HPLC of the acid and then of the methyl ester forms followed by quantitation as Me-ABA on GLC-EC. ABA losses were measured by using an internal standard [3H]-ABA). Ethylene production was also monitored in stressed and unstressed seedlings.The effect of drought on GAs and ethylene was minimal. The ABA levels were markedly higher in droughted plants. Stressed roots had 32 times more ABA than controls. The levels of cytokinins in the shoots of droughted plants were about half those in unstressed shoots, and qualitative differences occurred in the roots. Under stress a large peak of activity was present similar to zeatin glucoside which was not present in the unstressed condition. The results are discussed in relation to drought-effects on metabolism.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that shoot tips of in vitro plantlets of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. clone SES1) can be cryopreserved using the encapsulation-dehydration technique (survival rate of 37% after freezing). This article reports the influence of abscisic acid (ABA) and cold acclimation on survival after cryopreservation. When ABA was added to the multiplication medium of the plants, the survival rate of shoot tips after cryopreservation was not increased (45%). After cold acclimation of the plants, their growth pattern differed (plants became apically dominant) and the survival rate of the shoot tips after cryopreservation clearly increased (70% survival and 50% plant regeneration after freezing). This improved protocol was successfully applied to three other clones. Received: 28 October 1996 / Revision received: 28 January 1997 / Accepted: 15 March 1997  相似文献   

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