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Animals of the amphipod Orchestia montagui are kept in constant darkness with two short light pulses. One pulse is applied at the beginning of subjective night (around the dusk) and the other one at the end of subjective night (around the dawn). The pulse duration is estimated in the order of one or two hours around the dusk as well as the dawn. The locomotor activity rhythm was monitored in individual animals in summer under constant temperature. Results revealed that whatever the experimental conditions, under continuous or interrupted darkness by pulses, two endogenous components have been highlighted. In fact, Periodogram analysis showed the presence of ultradian and circadian periods around 12 and 24 h, respectively. The shortest circadian period and the most important inter-individual variability was observed under pulse of 2 h around the dusk with mean value equal to τDD+pulse = 24h38′ ± 4h34′. The activity profiles are in majority unimodal. Moreover, the most activity peak showed a slipping of its location from the middle of subjective night under constant darkness to the middle of subjective day under pulse. Globally, the locomotor activity rhythm of O. montagui was better defined under pulses and specimens were significantly more active under continuous darkness. Moreover, a great variability around the activity time was observed especially with pulse of 1 h.  相似文献   

Freshly collected individuals of Orchestia gammarellus from the supralittoral zone of Ghar El Melh lagoon (Northern of Tunisia) were housed in spring in a controlled-environment cabinet. Locomotor activity rhythm of this species was recorded in spring, at a constant temperature of 18 ± 0.5 °C. In the first experiment, juveniles and adults specimens were kept under light-dark cycle in phase with the natural diel cycle. In the two other experiments (males/females and mixed/unmixed groups), individuals of O. gammarellus were maintained under constant darkness. According to double-plotted actograms, waveforms and periodogram analysis, results revealed different locomotor pattern. However, locomotor rhythm of juveniles was more stable than adults. Also, the locomotor activity rhythm of groups was more defined than that of the isolated individuals. Moreover, the activity of mixed groups as well as unmixed groups was more pronounced than the activity of the isolated individuals. Furthermore, results showed no significant difference between locomotor rhythm pattern of males and females of this species.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity rhythm of Orchestia montagui was investigated under constant darkness in a population collected in spring from the supralittoral zone of Bizerte lagoon (northern region of Tunisia) at Menzel Jmil in spring. This rhythm was recorded in individual and groups of animal by infrared actography every 20 min by multichannel data loggers, at a constant temperature of 18 ± 0.5 °C. According to double-plotted actograms, wave forms and periodogram analysis, results revealed different locomotor pattern. However, locomotor activity rhythm of males was more stable than females. Furthermore, the mortality was statistically higher in unmixed groups than in mixed groups.  相似文献   

The expression of biological rhythms was investigated in five populations of three different species of talitrid amphipods from various habitats in the Maremma Regional Park, Grosseto, Italy: Talitrus saltator (from a sandy beach and a canal), Orchestia montagui (form a Posidonia banquette), and O. gammarellus (from a cave entrance and a river bank). Locomotor activity rhythms were recorded in individual animals over 21 days in constant dark at a temperature of 18°±1°C. A high variability in rhythm expression was evident, not only among species and populations but also within populations and the activity pattern of individuals. Activity rhythms of T. saltator and O. montagui were similar, with a good definition and precise circadian periodicity, whereas O. gammarellus showed a high variability and low definition of the circadian rhythm. Significant differences were also observed between two populations of O. gammarellus and T. saltator from different habitats. Within the O. gammarellus species, a significantly higher percentage of active animals (p<0.001) was observed in the cave than the river‐bank population; within T. saltator, a significantly lower percentage of active animals (p<0.01) and higher percentage of periodic animals (p<0.05) was found in the canal than the sandy beach population. With reference to environmental stability and variability, the differences observed are explained as a need for plasticity to adapt to environmental changes.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity rhythm of the isopod, Porcellio olivieri, was investigated in Gannouch site in the south of Tunisia. The rhythm was monitored under constant temperature in individual animals in winter under two simultaneous regimens: the light–dark (LD) cycle and the continuous darkness (DD). Results revealed that whatever regimens, actograms, and mean activity curves showed that specimens of P. olivieri concentrated their activity during the experimental and subjective night. The species exhibited a locomotor rhythm period significantly shorter under LD (T = 23h13 ± 0h44) than DD (τ = 24h28 ± 0h58). However, the locomotor activity rhythm was less stable and the individuals were significantly more active under entraining conditions than constant darkness. The activity pattern of this species will be discussed as an adaptative strategy to respond to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity rhythm of three supralittoral crustacean species, Tylos europaeus (terrestrial isopod) and Britorchestia brito and Talitrus saltator (amphipod, Talitridea), was investigated in Barkoukech Beach. The rhythm was monitored in individual animals in spring under continuous darkness and constant temperature. Results revealed that whatever the species, actograms and mean activity curves showed that specimens of T. europaeus and T. saltator concentrated their activity during the subjective night; whereas, B. brito concentrated its activity during the subjective day. The three species exhibited a circadian locomotor rhythm with mean circadian period, respectively, equal to 24h41′ ± 0h44′, 24h46′ ± 0h55′ and 25h21′ ± 1h16′. The most stable locomotor rhythm was found in T. saltator (0.444 ± 0.246). Furthermore, individuals of T. europaeus were significantly more active (10h47′ ± 2h52′) than the two amphipods. Differences in the activity patterns of the three species will be discussed as an adaptative strategy to respond to interspecific competitive interactions.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity rhythm of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Amphipoda Talitridae) was investigated in Madfoun beach. The rhythm was monitored in individual and group animals during 21 days at constant temperature. During the first two weeks, animals were kept under light–dark cycle (d1–d7) and constant darkness (d8–d14). Light pulses of 2 h were applied, at the end of the experimental night, during the first 3 days of the third week (d15–d18). Then, constant darkness was restored for the rest of the experiment (d19–d21). Results revealed that Talitrus saltator individuals as well as groups concentrated their activities in experimental night under light–dark cycle and in the presence of pulses; whereas, a clear drift of activity is observed under constant darkness. Periodogram analysis showed the presence of circadian component whatever the recording type. An ultradian period was revealed in individual recording whatever the regimen, while for groups, this component appeared only under nLD cycle. Furthermore, the locomotor rhythm is more defined under nLD cycle for individuals and in constant darkness for groups.  相似文献   

Mangrove crickets have a circatidal activity rhythm (~12.6 h cycles) with a circadian modulation under constant darkness (DD), whereby activity levels are higher during subjective night low tides than subjective day low tides. This study explored the locomotor activity rhythm of mangrove crickets under constant light (LL). Under LL, the crickets also exhibited a clear circatidal activity rhythm with a free-running period of 12.6 ± 0.26 h (mean ± SD, n = 6), which was not significantly different from that observed under DD. In contrast, activity levels were almost the same between subjective day and night, unlike those under DD, which were greater during subjective night. The loss of circadian modulation under LL may be explained by the suspension of the circadian clock in these conditions. These results strongly suggest that the circatidal activity rhythm is driven by its own clock system, distinct from the circadian clock.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity rhythm of the desert woodlouse Hemilepistus reaumurii was monitored as individuals over the four seasons, under entraining and constant darkness conditions. Results indicated that individuals exhibited an endogenous rhythm of locomotor activity with a circadian period longer in spring than the other seasons whatever the regimen. Due to the important inter-individual variability, no significant difference in period was found between seasons as well as between regimens. Periodogram analysis revealed also an ultradian period around 12 h. Activity was mostly confined to the hours of the photophase or to those of subjective day. The activity pattern showed two main peaks. This bimodal circadian rhythm persisted for as long as the experiments were run, and was clearer in summer and autumn than in winter. The most clearly defined rhythms were found in spring and summer recordings, respectively, under entraining and free running conditions. The variation of activity patterns according to the seasons will be discussed.  相似文献   

Amphipoda and Isopoda were sampled in 40 Tunisian wetlands, and their fauna were compared at four different types: lagoon, sebkhas, dams and hill reservoir. At each station, eight quadrates of 50 × 50 cm were randomly placed. Amphipoda and Isopoda were collected by hand. They were identified to species level. At each station, analyses of organic matter, sodium, calcium and heavy metals content from the soil collected in each station were performed. We recorded 19 and eight species for respectively Isopoda and Amphipoda and caught 3,035 specimens in total. The highest isopod's species richness (11 species) was noted around hill reservoirs and dams, a quite similar richness in the banks of lagoons (10 species) but only six species in the sebkhas. Eight amphipod species were recorded in the supralittoral zone of lagoons, three species around sebkhas but no amphipods were found in samples from dams and hill reservoirs. Isopod species richness was positively correlated with soil humidity. However, the distribution of the species Orchestia mediterranea, Orchestia gammarellus, Orchestia montagui, Orchestia stephenseni and Platorchestia platensis was related to soil metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity rhythm of the supralittoral species Talitrus saltator and Tylos europaeus was studied under continuous light in populations of Korba and Barkoukech beaches in summer. Results showed that these two species were characterized by a nocturnal behaviour. Under the subjective night, the activity was continuous for T. saltator and interrupted in T. europaeus with the presence of a clear drift towards the right more accentuated for the second species. Whatever the site, using actograms and the waveforms, results showed the absence of bimodal profile in T. europaeus and the plurimodal one in T. saltator. Moreover, the most important activity peaks were observed around the dawn and the dusk, respectively. Furthermore, periodogram and MESA analyzes highlighted the presence of ultradian and circadian components. Whatever the component and the site, the inter-individual variability was more pronounced in T. europaeus. Moreover, whatever the site, individuals of T. europaeus were more active and the locomotor rhythm was more defined in T. saltator. With reference to environmental stability and variability, the differences of locomotor activity characteristics observed between these two species are explained as a need for plasticity to adapt to environmental changes.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigate the locomotor behaviour of Talitrus saltator (Montagu 1808) for a population collected from the supralittoral zone of Korba beach. The locomotor activity rhythm was recorded for adult individuals during 10 summer days under continuous light with four different luminous intensities: 5 lux (N = 30), 35 lux (N = 30), 75 lux (N = 30) and 140 lux (N = 15). By the end of the experiments, 100% of the considered individuals were found alive under light intensities of 35 and 140 lux, whereas only 86 and 90% were found alive under light intensity of 5 and 75 lux, respectively. Furthermore, whatever the imposed luminous intensity is, actograms showed a clear drift to the right lengthening day after day the circadian period. Moreover, we found that by raising the light intensity, the drift becomes increasingly important. Actograms as well as activity curves, results showed that the locomotor activity profiles are mainly unimodal and their percentage increases when increasing the light intensity. Furthermore, periodogram analysis highlighted the presence of ultradian and circadian components where the longest periods were observed with the highest luminous intensity. In addition, the locomotor activity rhythm was statistically more defined and individuals of Talitrus saltator were significantly more active under the lowest luminous intensity.  相似文献   


During the secondary vitellogenesis the oocytes of Orchestia gammarellus accumulate yolk spheres and lipid droplets. We studied the uptake of tritiated vitellogenin by the oocyte and its accumulation in the yolk spheres.  相似文献   

Blattella bisignata (Brunner) and B. germanica (L.) are oviparous cockroaches with cyclic reproductive behaviour, but in B. germanica only males show circadian rhythmicity of locomotion at 28°C and DD (constant darkness). In B. bisignata, males and virgin females cockroaches entrained by light–dark cycles show free‐running rhythmicity in DD, and most activities occur during the subjective night. Daily locomotor activities of virgin females show cyclic changes that coincided with ovarian development. Virgin females also exhibit calling behaviour during the subjective night, and this shows a free‐running rhythm. Male mate‐finding locomotion and female calling behaviour are under circadian control, so the timing for both behaviours is synchronized. However, most mated females do not show a locomotor free‐running rhythm under DD conditions. Our results indicate that only mated females could not express a circadian locomotor rhythm. Pregnancy reduces a female’s locomotory intensity and masks the expression of a circadian locomotor rhythm. We attribute the differences in circadian locomotory rhythms between these two species to their living environments and mate‐finding strategies.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Orchestia gammarellus maintained in air and provided with food in the form of agar was found to be very tolerant of changes in the ionic content of the food and was shown to have well-developed powers of ionic regulation over the salinity range 5–40‰ at 10°C.
  • 2.2. There was an inverse relationship between haemolymph protein and acclimation salinity.
  • 3.3. The concentration of sodium and protein ions in the haemolymph of O. gammarellus from above high water mark (H.W.M.) was markedly different from animals collected below H.W.M. Individuals taken from above H.W.M. characteristically had low haemolymph sodium but elevated haemolymph protein concentrations.

Locomotor activity rhythm of fresh adult of H. reaumurii was recorded in pairs with ovigerous and with non-ovigerous females. According to double-plotted actograms and waveform curves, results showed the presence of different locomotor patterns. In fact, locomotor profiles of pairs with ovigerous females were mainly bimodal whatever the recording conditions, whereas locomotor patterns were trimodal in pairs with non-ovigerous females. Results showed also that locomotor activity rhythm was more stable in the presence of the synchronizer (nLD cycle) than in constant darkness whatever the recording type. Moreover, the most important stability of the locomotor rhythm was observed under constant darkness and individuals were more active in pairs with ovigerous females than in pairs with non-ovigerous females.  相似文献   

Summary Cu and Zn concentrations were determined for the following talitroidean amphipods, Hyale nilssoni (Rathke), Talitrus saltator (Montagu), Talorchestia deshayesii (Audouin), Orchestia mediterranea Costa, O. gammarellus (Pallas), O cavimana Heller and Arcitalitrus dorrieni (Hunt) in September 1986 from sites in W. Britain (mostly Scottish). To minimize size effects, only animals >2mg body dry weight were included in analyses. Only Talorchestia (Cu & Zn) and O. cavimana (Zn) showed any residual relationship between metal concentration and dry weight. Log transformed data for concentrations of each metal against log dry wt. in all species were compared by ANCOVA. Copper and zinc concentrations of males and females were not significantly different in O. gammarellus, O. mediterranea and T. deshayesii, though Cu (but not Zn) concentrations differed with sex in O. cavimana. The order of species when ranked according to an ascending series of Cu concentrations (at standard body weight) reflected their ecological zonation from sea to land closely, with species living proximal to the sea having lowest Cu concentrations. The 6 talitrid species all had similar Zn concentrations but the Zn concentration of H. nilssoni was considerably lower. There was a relationship between Cu and Zn concentrations in individuals of only one species (O. gammarellus). Data on Cu and Zn concentrations for O. gammarellus derived from the same site in September 1983 were almost exctly the same as in September 1986. The possible impact of seasonal variation on haemocyanin levels is discussed.  相似文献   



Large herbivore grazing is a popular conservation management tool to promote vegetation structural diversity of rangelands. However, vegetation patch dynamics, that is, how patches of grazing-defended tall vegetation and grazer-preferred short lawns shift over space and time, is poorly understood. Here, we describe a new conceptual framework for patch dynamics within rangelands, combining theories of classical cyclical succession, self-organization and multitrophic feedbacks between grazers, vegetation and bioturbating soil fauna.


We use the cattle-grazed salt marsh of the island Schiermonnikoog, The Netherlands, as a model system. The grazed salt marsh is characterized by distinct tall vegetation patches dominated by the grazing-defended rush Juncus maritimus and grazing-intolerant grass Elytrigia atherica, surrounded by a matrix of grazing lawn (dominated by Festuca rubra).

The Framework

Based on previous observational and experimental studies, we propose a cyclical patch dynamic where plant species composition and structure transitions through four phases: patch initiation (a) occurs when the grazing-defended rush J. maritimus establishes in the grazed lawn. Patch establishment (b) follows when the grazing-intolerant grass E. atherica establishes in the patch due to associational defence by J. maritimus and produces a large amount of litter that attracts the key bioturbating amphipod Orchestia gammarellus. Patch expansion (c) occurs when O. gammarellus activities improve soil properties of the patch, which favours E. atherica growth, leading to E. atherica competitively displacing J. maritimus in the centre of the patch. Patch degeneration (d) follows when cattle enter the enlarged patch to consume E. atherica in the centre, trample the soil, displace O. gammarellus and decrease vegetation cover, opening space for grazing-lawn species to invade. The cycle restarts when remnants of the rush J. maritimus in the degenerated patches (or individuals recently established from seed dispersal) initiate new patches in the grazing lawn.


Our proposed patch-dynamic model provides a means to describe the mechanisms driving vegetation patch dynamics and serves as a foundation for further experimental and observational exploration, not only for this specific system, but more generally for grazed systems worldwide that show patches of typical grazing-defended and grazer-preferred vegetation.  相似文献   

The talitrid amphipods were found for the first time in the Northeastern Baltic Sea in 1999. Orchestia cavimana inhabited damp wracks cast up on shore within a 200 m area of Saaremaa Island. In the following year, the species expanded its range to a few kilometres. In 2002, six additional locations of O. cavimana were found in Saaremaa Island and two locations in the Northwestern part of Estonia. Abundances and biomasses were highest in the first year of the invasion. In the following years, the values stabilized on remarkably lower levels. Population characteristics of the species varied significantly between locations. The average biomass and abundance were 9 g dw m−2 and 1975 ind m−2, respectively. Wrack biomass and interaction between wrack biomass and exposure were the best predictors of the abundances and biomasses of O. cavimana. Humidity explained additional variability in biomasses. The size structure of the population of O. cavimana was mostly related to humidity and wrack biomass. The Southern coast of the Baltic Sea may be regarded as the initial donor region for the Estonian populations of O. cavimana. The vector of this invasion is most likely related to the natural dispersal of the drifting algae but human activities as a transport vector can not be excluded. The incredible speed of the invasion of O. cavimana and its high biomasses indicate that the species will very likely extend its distribution along the coast of the Northeastern Baltic Sea in the following years.  相似文献   

Cu and Zn concentrations were determined for three talitrid amphipods, Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas), O. mediterranea Costa and Talitrus saltator (Montagu), collected at two-monthly intervals in 1987 from sites on Great Cumbrae Island, Firth of Clyde, Scotland. To account for size effects, log transformed Cu and Zn concentrations were regressed against log dry weight for each bimonthly sample of each species, and compared by analysis of covariance. Copper concentrations in O. gammarellus were significantly raised in March 1987, and lowered in November 1987. Copper concentrations in O. mediterranea and T. saltator were significantly lowered in November 1987. Cu concentrations differed interspecifically in the order O. gammarellus > O. mediterranea > T. saltator. There was no significant intraspecific seasonal variation in zinc concentration in any of the three species. Zn concentrations differed interspecifically in the order T. saltator > O. gammarellus > O. mediterranea.  相似文献   

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