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研究利用intein的蛋白质反式剪接功能在大肠杆菌中对凝血VIII因子(FVIII)重链和轻链的连接作用,将B结构域大部分缺失型FVIII(BDD-FVIII)于满足剪接所需的保守性氨基酸Ser1657前断裂为重链和轻链,分别与split mini Ssp DnaB intein的106个氨基酸的N端(Int-N)和48个氨基酸的C端(Int-C)融合,构建到原核表达载体pBV220。诱导表达后SDS-PAGE分析可见预期大小的BDD-FVIII蛋白条带,Western blotting用FVIII特异性抗体证明其为剪接所产生的BDD-FVIII蛋白,表明intein可有效连接BDD-FVIII的重链和轻链。为进一步甲型血友病基因治疗研究应用intein以双腺相关病毒载体(AAV)携带FVIII基因,克服单个AAV载体的容量限制提供了依据。  相似文献   

Antibodies undergo significant conformational changes upon acidification, leading to the formation of an alternatively folded state. Here, we analyzed the conformation of MAK 33 Fab and its light chain at acidic pH, both in the reduced and oxidized form. At acidic pH, the proteins exhibited a highly structured, but non-native conformation, corresponding to the alternatively folded state, previously described for the intact antibody. However, the requirements to form this alternative structure were different for the oxidized and reduced protein. Whereas in the oxidized form of the immunoglobulin light chain the alternatively folded state could only be detected at pH<1.4, the reduced light chain already adopted this structure at pH 2. Thermal denaturation measurements revealed that, surprisingly, the alternatively folded state of the reduced light chain was more stable than that of the oxidized protein at pH 1.4. This indicates that the intradomain disulfide bonds, which stabilize the native state of antibody domains, impede the formation of the alternatively folded state.  相似文献   

The bifunctional reagent dimethyl suberimidate, reacting with primary amino groups of proteins, was used to cross-link highly purified human factor VIII. Reaction products were reduced with beta-mercaptoethanol or treated with Rhizopus arrhizus triglyceride lipase. The proportions of the dissociated subunits and their oligomers were calculated from the relative staining intensities of individual bands following polyacrylamide electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Low concentrations of dimethyl suberimidate (up to 0.5 mM) produced covalently linked dimers which retained full functional (coagulant and von Willebrand factor) activities. Treatment with increasing concentrations of dimethyl suberimidate resulted in an almost simultaneous appearance of both trimeric and tetrameric species, suggesting the existence of specific intra-dimer contacts. A parallel decrease of functional activities was observed at higher concentrations of dimethyl suberimidate. A monofunctional reagent (ethyl acetimidate), reacting similarly with primary amino groups, amidinated factor VIII at rates similar to dimethyl suberimidate. Up to 40% amidinated factor VIII retained full biological activities. We conclude that the most reactive lysine residues are not involved in the active sites responsible for either coagulant or von Willebrand activity.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy has the power to visualise lipid membranes at the closest to in vivo conditions. The structure of the lipid bilayer can be well resolved and the interactions between lipid-protein and protein-protein molecules followed at the molecular level. We undertook an extended Cryo-electron microscopy study to follow the factor VIII binding to phosphatidylserine containing lipid nanotubes at different lipid composition. Obtaining well ordered tubes is required to define the factor VIII membrane-bound structure. The observed alterations in the arrangement of the protein molecules are indicative for the flexibility of the membrane-bound factor VIII. Understanding the significance of these conformational changes is essential to comprehend the function of factor VIII in coagulation and as a drug for Hemophilia A.  相似文献   

The disulfide bond assignments of human alanyl tissue factor pathway inhibitor purified fromEscherichia coli have been determined. This inhibitor of the extrinsic blood coagulation pathway possesses three Kunitz-type inhibitor domains, each containing three disulfide bonds. The disulfide bond pairings in domains 1 and 3 were determined by amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry of peptides derived from a thermolysin digest. However, thermolysin digestion did not cleave any peptide bonds within domain 2. The disulfide bond pairings in domain 2 were determined by isolating it from the thermolysin treatment and subsequently cleaving it with pepsin and trypsin into peptides which yielded the three disulfide bond pairings in this domain. These results demonstrate that the disulfide pairings in each of the three domains of human tissue factor pathway inhibitor purified fromEscherichia coli are homologous to each other and also to those in bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor.  相似文献   

Transgenic founder rabbits carrying a gene construct consisting of a 2.5 kb murine whey acidic protein promoter (mWAP), 7.2 kb of the human clotting factor VIII (hFVIII) cDNA and 4.6 kb of 3′ flanking sequences of mWAP gene were crossed for three generations. All transgenic animals showed stable transgene transmission. Transgenic females showed high level of recombinant hFVIII (rhFVIII) mRNA expression in biopsed mammary gland tissues, while marginal expression of rhFVIII mRNA was observed in the spleen, lung and brain. No adverse effects of ectopic expression on the physiology of the rabbits were observed. Expression was not detected in the liver, kidney, heart and skeletal muscle. In transgenic females derived from three generations, rhFVIII protein was secreted from the mammary gland of lactating females, as shown by Western blotting. Biological activity of rhFVIII protein, as revealed in clotting assays was ranged from 0.012 to 0.599 IU/ml corresponding to 1.2% and 59.9% of the hFVIII level in normal human plasma. No apparent effect of secreted rhFVIII on the milk performance of rabbits was observed. Our results confirm the possibility of producing a significant amount of a biologically active rhFVIII in the mammary gland of established transgenic rabbit lines.  相似文献   

Disulfide bonds play a critical role in the stabilization of the immunoglobulin β-sandwich sandwich. Under reducing conditions, such as those that prevail in the cytoplasm, disulfide bonds do not normally form and as a result most antibodies expressed in that compartment (intrabodies) accumulate in a misfolded and inactive state. We have developed a simple method for the quantitative isolation of antibody fragments that retain full activity under reducing conditions from large mutant libraries. In E. coli, inactivation of the cysteine oxidoreductase DsbA abolishes protein oxidation in the periplasm, which leads to the accumulation of scFvs and other disulfide-containing proteins in a reduced form. Libraries of mutant scFvs were tethered onto the inner membrane of dsbA cells and mutants that could bind fluorescently labeled antigen in the reducing periplasm were screened by Anchored Periplasmic Expression (APEx; Harvey et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:9193–9198.). Using this approach, we isolated scFv antibody variants that are fully active when expressed in the cytoplasm or when the four Cys residues that normally form disulfides are substituted by Ser residues.  相似文献   

To assess the respective roles of local and long-range interactions during protein folding, the influence of the native disulfide bonds on the early formation of secondary structure was investigated using continuous-flow circular dichroism. Within the first 4 ms of folding, lysozyme with intact disulfide bonds already had a far-UV CD spectrum reflecting large amounts of secondary structure. Conversely, reduced lysozyme remained essentially unfolded at this early folding time. Thus, native disulfide bonds not only stabilize the cfinal conformation of lysozyme but also provide, in early folding intermediates, the necessary stabilization that favors the formation of secondary structure.  相似文献   

The light and truncated heavy chains of human factor VIII, expressed separately in baculovirus-infected insect cells, exhibited different secretory behaviour when compared with each other and with a biologically active fusion molecule of the truncated heavy and light chains.The light chain was very efficiently secreted into culture medium, as judged by high extracellular protein levels and the absence of evidence for light chain retention within cells.Alternatively, proteins containing the heavy chain sequence were poorly secreted and appeared to be sequestered within cells, suggesting that regions within the heavy chain are responsible for the low levels of secreted protein which have generally been observed for recombinant factor VIII.  相似文献   

The activity of many RNases requires the formation of one or more disulfide bonds which can contribute to their stability. In this study, we show that RNase activity and, to a much lesser extent, nuclease activity, are redox regulated. Intracellular RNase activity was altered in vitroby changes in the glutathione redox state. Moreover, RNase activity was abolished following exposure to reducing agents such as -ME or DTT. Following reduction with glutathione (GSH), RNase activity could be fully reactivated with oxidized glutathione (GSSG). In contrast, RNase activity could not be reactivated when reduced with DTT. Decreasing the level of glutathione in vivoin wheat increased RNase activity. Tobacco engineered to have an increased glutathione redox state exhibited substantially lower RNase activity during dark-induced senescence. These results suggest that RNase activity requires the presence of one or more disulfide bonds that are regulated by glutathione and demonstrate for the first time that RNase activity can be altered with an alteration in cellular redox state.  相似文献   

The role of disulfide bonds in directing protein folding is studied using lattice models. We find that the stability and the specificity of the disulfide bond interactions play quite different roles in the folding process: Under some conditions, the stability decreases the overall rate of folding; the specificity, however, by yielding a simpler connectivity of intermediates, always increases the rate of folding. This conclusion is intimately related to the selection mechanism entailed by entropic driving forces, such as the loop formation probability, and entropic barriers separating the native and the many native-like metastable states. The folding time is found to be a minimum for a certain range of the effective disulfide bond interaction. Examination of a model, which allows for the formation of disulfide bonded intermediates, suggests that folding proceeds via a threestage multiple pathways kinetics. We show that there are pathways to the native state involving only native-like intermediates, as well as those that are mediated by nonnative intermediates. These findings are interpreted in terms of the appropriate energy landscape describing the barriers connecting low energy conformations. The consistency of our conclusions with several experimental studies is also discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies with the homodimeric recombinant human macrophage colony-stimulating factor beta (rhM-CSFbeta), show for the first time that a large number (9) of disulfide linkages can be reduced after amide hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange, and the protein digested and analyzed successfully for the isotopic composition by electrospray mass spectrometry. Analysis of amide H/D after exchange-in shows that in solution the conserved four-helix bundle of (rhM-CSFbeta) has fast and moderately fast exchangeable sections of amide hydrogens in the alphaA helix, and mostly slow exchanging sections of amide hydrogens in the alphaB, alphaC, and alphaD helices. Most of the amide hydrogens in the loop between the beta1 and beta4 sheets exhibited fast or moderately fast exchange, whereas in the amino acid 63-67 loop, located at the interface of the two subunits, the exchange was slow. Solvent accessibility as measured by H/D exchange showed a better correlation with the average depth of amide residues calculated from reported X-ray crystallographic data for rhM-CSFalpha than with the average B-factor. The rates of H/D exchange in rhM-CSFbeta appear to correlate well with the exposed surface calculated for each amino acid residue in the crystal structure except for the alphaD helix. Fast hydrogen isotope exchange throughout the segment amino acids 150-221 present in rhM-CSFbeta, but not rhM-CSFalpha, provides evidence that the carboxy-terminal region is unstructured. It is, therefore, proposed that the anomalous behavior of the alphaD helix is due to interaction of the carboxy-terminal tail with this helical segment.  相似文献   

Lactadherin, a glycoprotein secreted by a variety of cell types, contains two EGF domains and two C domains with sequence homology to the C domains of blood coagulation proteins factor V and factor VIII. Like these proteins, lactadherin binds to phosphatidylserine (PS)-containing membranes with high affinity. We determined the crystal structure of the bovine lactadherin C2 domain (residues 1 to 158) at 2.4 A. The lactadherin C2 structure is similar to the C2 domains of factors V and VIII (rmsd of C(alpha) atoms of 0.9 A and 1.2 A, and sequence identities of 43% and 38%, respectively). The lactadherin C2 domain has a discoidin-like fold containing two beta-sheets of five and three antiparallel beta-strands packed against one another. The N and C termini are linked by a disulfide bridge between Cys1 and Cys158. One beta-turn and two loops containing solvent-exposed hydrophobic residues extend from the C2 domain beta-sandwich core. In analogy with the C2 domains of factors V and VIII, some or all of these solvent-exposed hydrophobic residues, Trp26, Leu28, Phe31, and Phe81, likely participate in membrane binding. The C2 domain of lactadherin may serve as a marker of cell surface phosphatidylserine exposure and may have potential as a unique anti-thrombotic agent.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A, a life-threatening bleeding disorder, is caused by deficiency of factor VIII (FVIII). Replacement therapy using rFVIII is the first line therapy for hemophilia A. However, 15-30% of patients develop neutralizing antibody, mainly against the C2, A3 and A2 domains. It has been reported that PS-FVIII complex reduced total and neutralizing anti-rFVIII antibody titers in hemophilia A murine models. Here, we developed FVIII-containing cochleate cylinders, utilizing PS-Ca2+ interactions and characterized these particles for optimal in vivo properties using biophysical and biochemical techniques. Approximately 75% of the protein was associated with cochleate cylinders. Sandwich ELISA, acrylamide quenching and enzymatic digestion studies established that rFVIII was shielded from the bulk aqueous phase by the lipidic structures, possibly leading to improved in vivo stability. Freeze-thawing and rate-limiting diffusion studies revealed that small cochleate cylinders with a particle size of 500 nm or less could be generated. The release kinetics and in vivo experiments suggested that there is slow and sustained release of FVIII from the complex upon systemic exposure. In vivo studies using tail clip method indicated that FVIII-cochleate complex is effective and protects hemophilic mice from bleeding. Based on these studies, we speculate that the molecular interaction between FVIII and PS may provide a basis for the design of novel FVIII lipidic structures for delivery applications.  相似文献   

ERGIC-53 is a type I transmembrane lectin facilitating the efficient export of a subset of secretory glycoproteins from the endoplasmic reticulum. Previous results have shown that ERGIC-53 is present as reduction-sensitive homo-oligomers, i.e. as a balanced mixture of disulfide-linked hexamers and dimers, with the two cysteine residues located close to the transmembrane domain playing a crucial role in oligomerization. Here, we demonstrate, using sucrose gradient sedimentation, cross-linking analyses, and non-denaturing gel electrophoresis, that ERGIC-53 is present exclusively as a hexameric complex in cells. However, the hexamers exist in two forms, one as a disulfide-linked, Triton X-100, perfluoro-octanic acid, and SDS-resistant complex, and the other as a non-covalent, Triton X-100, perfluoro-octanoic acid-resistant, but SDS-sensitive, complex made up of three disulfide-linked dimers that are likely to interact through the coiled-coil domains present in the luminal part of the protein. In contrast to what was previously believed, neither of the membrane-proximal cysteine residues plays an essential role in the formation, or maintenance, of the latter form of hexamers. Subcellular fractionation revealed that the double-cysteine mutant was present in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi-intermediate compartment, indicating that the two cysteine residues are not essential for the intracellular distribution of ERGIC-53. Based on these results, we present a model for the formation of the two hexameric forms.  相似文献   

Liqun Zhang 《Proteins》2017,85(4):665-681
Human defensins are a class of antimicrobial peptides that are crucial components of the innate immune system. Both human α defensin type 5 (HD5) and human β defensin type 3 (hBD‐3) have 6 cysteine residues which form 3 pairs of disulfide bonds in oxidizing condition. Disulfide bond linking is important to the protein structure stabilization, and the disulfide bond linking and breaking order have been shown to influence protein function. In this project, microsecond long molecular dynamics simulations were performed to study the structure and dynamics of HD5 and hBD‐3 wildtype and analogs which have all 3 disulfide bonds released in reducing condition. The structure of hBD‐3 was found to be more dynamic and flexible than HD5, based on RMSD, RMSF, and radius of gyration calculations. The disulfide bridge breaking order of HD5 and hBD‐3 in reducing condition was predicted by two kinds of methods, which gave consistent results. It was found that the disulfide bonds breaking pathways for HD5 and hBD‐3 are very different. The breaking of disulfide bonds can influence the dimer interface by making the dimer structure less stable for both kinds of defensin. In order to understand the difference in dynamics and disulfide bond breaking pathway, hydrophilic and hydrophobic accessible surface areas (ASA), buried surface area between cysteine pairs, entropy of cysteine pairs, and internal energy were calculated. Comparing to the wildtype, hBD‐3 analog is more hydrophobic, while HD5 is more hydrophilic. For hBD‐3, the disulfide breaking is mainly entropy driven, while other factors such as the solvation effects may take the major role in controlling HD5 disulfide breaking pathway. Proteins 2017; 85:665–681. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin Type A is synthesized byClostridium botulinum as a 150 kD single chain polypeptide. The posttranslational processing of the 1296 amino acid residue long gene product involves removal of the initiating methionine, formation of disulfide bridges, and limited proteolysis (nicking) by the bacterial protease(s). The mature dichain neurotoxin is made of a 50-kD light chain and a 100-kD heavy chain connected by a disulfide bridge. DNA derived amino acid sequencepredicted a total of 9 Cys residues (Binzet al., 1990,J. Biol. Chem. 265, 9153–9158; Thompsonet al., 1990,Eur. J. Biochem. 189, 73–81). Treatment of the dichain neurotoxin, dissolved in 6 M guanidine. HCl, with 4-vinylpyridine converted 5 Cys residues into S-pyridylethyl cysteine residues; but alkylation after mercaptolysis converted all 9 Cys residues in the S-pyridylethylated form. After confirming the predicted number of Cys residues by amino acid analysis, the positions of the 5 Cys residues carrying sulfhydryl groups and the 4 involved in disulfide bridges were determined by comparing the elution patterns in reversed-phase HPLC of the cyanogen bromide mixtures of the exclusively alkylated and the mercaptolyzed-alkylated neurotoxin. The chromatographically isolated components were identified by N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis. The HPLC patterns showed characteristic differences. The Cys residuespredicted in positions 133, 164, 790, 966, and 1059 were found in the sulfhydryl form; Cys 429 and 453 were found disulfide-bridged connecting the light and heavy chains, and Cys 1234 and 1279 were found in an intrachain disulfide-bridge near the C-terminus in the heavy chain. Ten amino acid residues, Thr 438-Lys 447,predicted to be present in the single chain neurotoxin were not found in the dichain neurotoxin. Nicking of single-chain neurotoxin by the protease(s) endogenous to the bacteria therefore appears to excise these 10 amino acid residues from the nicking region which leaves Lys 437 as the C-terminus of the light chain and Ala 448 as the N-terminus of the heavy chain. The N-terminal Pro 1 and C-terminal Leu 1295,predicted from the nucleotide sequence, remain conserved after nicking. Residues Pro 1-Lys 437 and Ala 448-Leu 1295 constitute the light and heavy chains, respectively. The C-termini were determined by isolation of short C-terminal peptide fragments and subsequent sequence analysis by Edman degradation. About 20% of the amino acid sequence predicted from DNA analysis was confirmed in these studies by protein-chemical methods.  相似文献   

Structure prediction and three-dimensional modeling of disulfide-rich systems are challenging due to the limited number of such folds in the structural databank. We exploit the stereochemical compatibility of substructures in known protein structures to accommodate disulfide bonds in predicting the structures of disulfide-rich polypeptides directly from disulfide connectivity pattern and amino acid sequence in the absence of structural homologs and any other structural information. This knowledge-based approach is illustrated using structure prediction of 40 nonredundant bioactive disulfide-rich polypeptides such as toxins, growth factors, and endothelins available in the structural databank. The polypeptide conformation could be predicted in 35 out of 40 nonredundant entries (87%). Nonhomologous templates could be identified and models could be obtained within 2 A deviation from the query in 29 peptides (72%). This procedure can be accessed from the World Wide Web (http://www.ncbs.res.in/ approximately faculty/mini/dsdbase/dsdbase.html).  相似文献   

In the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation factor XIa (FXIa) activates factor IX (FIX) by cleaving the zymogen at Arg(145)-Ala(146) and Arg(180)-Val(181) bonds releasing an 11-kDa activation peptide. FXIa and its isolated light chain (FXIa-LC) cleave S-2366 at comparable rates, but FXIa-LC is a very poor activator of FIX, possibly because FIX undergoes allosteric modification on binding to an exosite on the heavy chain of FXIa (FXIa-HC) required for optimal cleavage rates of the two scissile bonds of FIX. However preincubation of FIX with a saturating concentration of isolated FXIa-HC did not result in any potentiation in the rate of FIX cleavage by FXIa-LC. Furthermore, if FIX binding via the heavy chain exosite of FXIa determines the affinity of the enzyme-substrate interaction, then the isolated FXIa-HC should inhibit the rate of FIX activation by depleting the substrate. However, whereas FXIa/S557A inhibited FIX activation of by FXIa, FXIa-HC did not. Therefore, we examined FIX binding to FXIa/S557A, FXIa-HC, FXIa-LC, FXIa/C362S/C482S, and FXIa/S557A/C362S/C482S. The heavy and light chains are disulfide-linked in FXIa/S557A but not in FXIa/C362S/C482S and FXIa/S557A/C362S/C482S. In an ELISA assay only FXI/S557A ligated FIX with high affinity. Partial reduction of FXIa/S557A to produce heavy and light chains resulted in decreased FIX binding, and this function was regained upon reformation of the disulfide linkage between the heavy and the light chains. We therefore conclude that substrate recognition by the FXIa exosite(s) requires disulfide-linked heavy and light chains.  相似文献   

A formulation with stabilizers replacing albumin was developed for lyophilization of recombinant factor VIII (FVIII), GreenGene F (WHO INN: beroctocog alfa), to achieve stability and eliminate safety issues of blood‐derived albumin. L ‐Arginine (hydrophilic amino acid, positively charged side chain), L ‐glutamic acid (hydrophilic amino acid, negatively charged side chain), and L ‐isoleucine (hydrophobic amino acid, nonpolar) were selected as stabilizers, and the mixture of the three amino acids were optimized. The mixture had results comparative with albumin and other commonly used stabilizers showing good preservation of recombinant FVIII during lyophilization, robust stability with consistently high recovery of FVIIII, very low aggregate formation, and good storage stability without alterations in protein characteristics. In vivo test results showed that the efficacy was maintained and had no signs of toxicity. The study demonstrated that the three amino acid mixture acts as a good stabilizer for lyophilization of recombinant FVIII and as a safe excipient. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012  相似文献   

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