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Studies on the genetics of tda-1 XY sex reversal in the mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the Y chromosome of at least some populations of the house mouse of Western Europe and the Mediterranean, Mus musculus domesticus, is placed into the C57BL/6J (B6) inbred mouse genome, XY fetuses develop into hermaphrodites or females. It has been hypothesized that the testis-determining gene on the Y chromosome of M. m. domesticus (TdyDOM) interacts improperly with a putative B6/J recessive, testis-determining, autosomal gene (tda-1). The present study extended these earlier findings. The mating of B6 mice possessing the Y chromosome of M. m. domesticus (B6.YDom/Na; N6-N9) to females of the AKR, BALB/c, C3H/An, and C3H/He, but not SJL, strains resulted in aberrant testicular differentiation in day-14/15 F1 fetuses. The aberrant testes were characterized by a delay in testicular differentiation at the cranial and caudal poles of the gonad, i.e., the presence of a thin (or no) tunica albuginea and the presence of disorganized (or no) seminiferous tubules. Crossing B6.YDom male phenotypes with SJL females did not result in aberrant testicular differentiation, suggesting that the SJL strain possesses the dominant testis-determining, autosomal-1 allele, Tda-1. Studies using recombinant DNA probes specific for the murine Y chromosome have suggested that the SJL and AKR strains possess the M. m. domesticus Y chromosome. When Y chromosomes of the SJL and AKR strains were placed on the B6 background, aberrant testicular differentiation similar to tda-1 XY sex reversal occurred in only 1 out of 87 (1%) N4 day-14/15 fetuses possessing YSJL, but in 25 out of 45 (56%) N4 day-14/15 fetuses possessing YAKR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Male-to-female 64,XY sex reversal is a frequently reported chromosome abnormality in horses. Despite this, the molecular causes of the condition are as yet poorly understood. This is partially because only limited molecular information is available for the horse Y chromosome (ECAY). Here, we used the recently developed ECAY map and carried out the first comprehensive study of the Y chromosome in XY mares (n=18). The integrity of the ECAY in XY females was studied by FISH and PCR using markers evenly distributed along the euchromatic region. The results showed that the XY sex reversal condition in horses has two molecularly distinct forms: (i) a Y-linked form that is characterized by Y chromosome deletions and (ii) a non-Y-linked form where the Y chromosome of affected females is molecularly the same as in normal males. Further analysis of the Y-linked form (13 cases) showed that the condition is molecularly heterogeneous: the smallest deletions spanned about 21 kb, while the largest involved the entire euchromatic region. Regardless of the size, all deletions included the SRY gene. We show that the deletions were likely caused by inter-chromatid recombination events between repeated sequences in ECAY. Further, we hypothesize that the occurrence of SRY-negative XY females in some species (horse, human) but not in others (pig, dog) is because of differences in the organization of the Y chromosome. Finally, in contrast to the Y-linked SRY-negative form of equine XY sex reversal, the molecular causes of SRY-positive XY mares (5 cases) remain as yet undefined.  相似文献   

In mammals, sex is determined in the bipotential embryonic gonad by a balanced network of gene actions which when altered causes disorders of sexual development (DSD, formerly known as intersex). In the XY gonad, presumptive Sertoli cells begin to differentiate when SRY up-regulates SOX9, which in turn activates FGF9 and PGDS to maintain its own expression. This study identifies a new and essential component of FGF signaling in sex determination. Fgfr2 mutant XY mice on a mixed 129/C57BL6 genetic background had either normal testes, or developed ovotestes, with predominantly testicular tissue. However, backcrossing to C57BL6 mice resulted in a wide range of gonadal phenotypes, from hypoplastic testes to ovotestes with predominantly ovarian tissue, similar to Fgf9 knockout mice. Since typical male-specific FGF9-binding to the coelomic epithelium was abolished in Fgfr2 mutant XY gonads, these results suggest that FGFR2 acts as the receptor for FGF9. Pgds and SOX9 remained expressed within the testicular portions of Fgfr2 mutant ovotestes, suggesting that the Prostaglandin pathway acts independently of FGFR2 to maintain SOX9 expression. We could further demonstrate that double-heterozygous Fgfr2/Sox9 knockout mice developed ovotestes, demonstrating that both Fgfr2 and Sox9 can act as modifier intersex genes in the heterozygous state. In summary, we provide evidence that FGFR2 is important for male sex determination in mice, thereby rendering human FGFR2 a candidate gene for unsolved DSD cases such as 10q26 deletions.  相似文献   

XY sex reversal associated with a nonsense mutation in SRY.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sex determination in humans is mediated through the expression of a testis-determining gene on the Y chromosome. In humans, a candidate gene for the testis-determining factor (TDF) that encodes a protein with a putative DNA-binding motif and has been isolated is termed SRY. Here we describe an XY sex-reversed female with pure gonadal dysgenesis who harbors a de novo nonsense mutation in the SRY open reading frame (SRY-orf). This single-basepair substitution results directly in the formation of a termination codon in the putative SRY DNA-binding motif, presumably leading to a nonfunctional gene product. This brings the number of reported XY sex-reversed females with de novo mutations in the known SRY-orf to three, each occurring in the putative DNA-binding domain. This provides further evidence to support SRY being TDF in humans and also indicates the functional importance of the putative DNA-binding domain of the SRY protein.  相似文献   

Homozygous inactivation of Sox9 causes complete XY sex reversal in mice   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In the presence of the Y-chromosomal gene Sry, the bipotential mouse gonads develop as testes rather than as ovaries. The autosomal gene Sox9, a likely and possibly direct Sry target, can induce testis development in the absence of Sry. Sox9 is thus sufficient but not necessarily essential for testis induction. Mutational inactivation of one allele of SOX9/Sox9 causes sex reversal in humans but not in mice. Because Sox9(-/-) embryos die around Embryonic Day 11.5 (E11.5) at the onset of testicular morphogenesis, differentiation of the mutant XY gonad can be analyzed only ex vivo in organ culture. We have therefore conditionally inactivated both Sox9 alleles in the gonadal anlagen using the CRE/loxP recombination system, whereby CRE recombinase is under control of the cytokeratin 19 promoter. Analysis of resulting Sox9(-/-) XY gonads up to E15.5 reveals immediate, complete sex reversal, as shown by expression of the early ovary-specific markers Wnt4 and Foxl2 and by lack of testis cord and Leydig cell formation. Sry expression in mutant XY gonads indicates that downregulation of Wnt4 and Foxl2 is dependent on Sox9 rather than on Sry. Our results provide in vivo proof that, in contrast to the situation in humans, complete XY sex reversal in mice requires inactivation of both Sox9 alleles and that Sox9 is essential for testogenesis in mice.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of SRY: nonsense and missense mutations in XY sex reversal   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary XY females (n=17) were analysed for mutations in SRY (sex-determining region Y gene), a gene that has recently been equated with the testis determining factor (TDF). SRY sequences were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and analysed by both the single strand conformational polymorphism assay (SSCP) and DNA sequencing. The DNA from two individuals gave altered SSCP patterns; only these two individuals showed any DNA sequence variation. In both cases, a single base change was found, one altering a tryptophan codon to a stop codon, the other causing a glycine to arginine amino acid substitution. These substitutions lie in the high mobility group (HMG)-related box of the SRY protein, a potential DNA-binding domain. The corresponding regions of DNA from the father of one individual and the paternal uncle of the other, were sequenced and found to be normal. Thus, in both cases, sex reversal is associated with de novo mutations in SRY. Combining this data with two previously published reports, a total of 40 XY females have now been analysed for mutations in SRY. The number of de novo mutations in SRY is now doubled to four, adding further strength to the argument that SRY is TDF.  相似文献   

The teleost fish, Oryzias curvinotus, is a closely related species to the medaka, Oryzias latipes, and both species have the DMY gene, which is required for male development in O. latipes. It suggests that the molecular function of the DMY gene and the following molecular events of sex differentiation are conserved between these two species. In the present study, we obtained interspecific hybrids between O. curvinotus and O. latipes and demonstrated sex-reversed XY females in the hybrids. The incidence of sex-reversed females in F1 XY hybrids between O. curvinotus females and O. latipes males, and hybrids between O. latipes females and O. curvinotus males were 21% and 100%, respectively. These results indicate that DMY does not always determine maleness in hybrid fish even though it is able to specify normal male development on its native genetic background and suggest that there are some differences between DMY(latipes) and DMY(curvinotus) alleles. Appearance of XY females in F1 hybrids also suggests that an autosomal or X-liked gene(s) from the maternal species interferes in the function of the paternal DMY gene in the male-determining process of the hybrid fish. These hybrid fish would supply a new experimental approach for investigating the genetic and molecular pathway of testis determination and differentiation.  相似文献   

Sex determination in Drosophila is commonly thought to be a cell-autonomous process, where each cell decides its own sexual fate based on its sex chromosome constitution (XX versus XY). This is in contrast to sex determination in mammals, which largely acts nonautonomously through cell-cell signaling. Here we examine how sexual dimorphism is created in the Drosophila gonad by investigating the formation of the pigment cell precursors, a male-specific cell type in the embryonic gonad. Surprisingly, we find that sex determination in the pigment cell precursors, as well as the male-specific somatic gonadal precursors, is non-cell autonomous. Male-specific expression of Wnt2 within the somatic gonad triggers pigment cell precursor formation from surrounding cells. Our results indicate that nonautonomous sex determination is important for creating sexual dimorphism in the Drosophila gonad, similar to the manner in which sex-specific gonad formation is controlled in mammals.  相似文献   

The gonadal ontogeny through sex differentiation and transition of three protogynous coral trout species, Plectropomus leopardus , P. maculatus and P. laevis was described, based on anatomical and germinal differences along the length of the reproductive tract. Gonads of immature and mature females, sex changing individuals (transitionals) and males were examined. Specific anatomical features that were compared between sexual phases included the presence and structure of sperm sinuses, gonadal musculature and germinal cell types. All three coral trout species first differentiated as an immature female. The sexual pattern of P. leopardus and P. maculatus was concluded to be diandric protogynous hermaphroditism (males were derived from the juvenile phase as well as through sex change of mature females). Plectropomus laevis was found to be monandric as males were only derived through sex change in mature females. Structural changes did not occur concomitantly with the germinal changes associated with sex change in these Plectropomus species, which is atypical for protogynous species described to date. Precursory sperm sinuses in the dorso-medial region of the gonad were present, although non-functional, in a proportion of immature and mature females of all three species. These proportions, however, varied between species depending on the sexual pattern. The structural and germinal changes observed were hypothesized as anatomical adaptations that aid in minimizing time spent in the (non-reproductive) sexual transition phase and maximizing flexibility in male development in the diandric species.  相似文献   

Summary An inherited genetic disorder causes XY embryos of the horse to develop as mares. On the basis of our study of 38 such mares, we have identified four grades or classes of XY sex reversal according to this scheme: class I, nearly normal female, of which some are fertile; class II, female with gonadal dysgenesis, normal mullerian development; calss III, intersex mare with gonadal dysgenesis, abnormal mullerian development, enlarged clitoris; class IV, virilized intersex characterized by high levels of testosterone. In general, class I and calss II mares were typed H-Y antigen-negative whereas class III and class IV mares were typed H-Y antigen-positive.  相似文献   

A detailed study on the structure of the gonad of Monopterus albus was made as a basis for analysis of gonadal steroids in this sex-reversing teleost. Two types of males were identifiedand their existence appeared to be a result of the difference in gonadal ontogeny among the individuals in natural populations. The germinal area of the gonad, the gonadal lamellae, exhibited à zoned nature with regard to the location of the female and male germ cells. Observations suggested that the male germ cells originated from gonia pre-existing in the inner zone of the gonadal lamellae before sex reversal. Natural reversal of sex in this protogynous hermaphrodite was found to be usually a postnuptial event and was always accompanied by loss of ovarian tissue and by development of interstitial (Leydig) cells. In the mesogonial region of the gonadal wall, peculiar mesenchyme cells were found, their significance remained uncertain.  相似文献   

The histological structure of the gonads was studied in yellow eels sampled from a coastal lagoon and from stocks reared in an aquaculture plant showing different sex ratios. Gonad development related to body size rather than to age and underwent an intermediate stage characterized by a structure of an early testis but containing oogonia and oocytes. This gonad was called the Syrski organ and the stage juvenile ambisexual. Ovaries were found in eels from 22–30 cm in length, possibly derived from undifferentiated gonads or from Syrski organs. Fully differentiated testes were found in eels >35 cm, derived from Syrski organs. These observations support the results of previous research. From elvers and in eels up to 15–16 cm in length, growth of the gonadal primordium is due to primordial germ cell migration. In eels > 15 cm multiplication of primordial cells begins. Oogonial clones were found in eels > 18 cm in length, whilespermatogonium B clones were observed in eels >30 cm in length. The dynamics of sex differentiation was different among stocks with different ultimate sex ratios: ovaries were found in shorter eels in stocks with a prevalence of females, in longer eels in stocks with a prevalence of males. This result supports the hypothesis of a metagametic (environmental) sex determination. The somatic cells in contact with germ cells and those in the interstitium appeared early during gonad development and preceded germ cell differentiation. This suggests that somatic cells are the targets of the environmental factors influencing sex differentiation.  相似文献   

To clarify the importance of endogenous estrogens during sex differentiation in a teleost fish, the Nile tilapia, we examined the target events for endogenous estrogens and their role during gonadal sex differentiation. The expression of CYP19a (P450arom) precedes any morphological gonadal sex differentiation. Further to these findings, the treatment of XX fry with non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor (AI), Fadrozole, from seven to 14 days after hatching caused complete sex reversal to functional males. The XX sex reversal induced by AI was rescued completely with simultaneous estrogen treatment. We also found that XY fry treated with estrogen, before the appearance of morphological sex differences, caused complete sex reversal from males to females. Taken together, these results suggest that endogenous estrogens are required for ovarian differentiation. To identify the down-stream gene products of estrogen during ovarian differentiation, we performed subtractive hybridization using mRNA derived from normal and estrogen treated XY gonads. Two out of ten gene products were expressed in germ cells, whereas the others were expressed in somatic cells.  相似文献   

The sex-determining region of the Y chromosome (SRY) plays a key role in human sex determination, as mutations in SRY can cause XY sex reversal. Although some SRY missense mutations affect DNA binding and bending activities, it is unclear how others contribute to disease. The high mobility group domain of SRY has two nuclear localization signals (NLS). Sex-reversing mutations in the NLSs affect nuclear import in some patients, associated with defective importin-beta binding to the C-terminal NLS (c-NLS), whereas in others, importin-beta recognition is normal, suggesting the existence of an importin-beta-independent nuclear import pathway. The SRY N-terminal NLS (n-NLS) binds calmodulin (CaM) in vitro, and here we show that this protein interaction is reduced in vivo by calmidazolium, a CaM antagonist. In calmidazolium-treated cells, the dramatic reduction in nuclear entry of SRY and an SRY-c-NLS mutant was not observed for two SRY-n-NLS mutants. Fluorescence spectroscopy studies reveal an unusual conformation of SRY.CaM complexes formed by the two n-NLS mutants. Thus, CaM may be involved directly in SRY nuclear import during gonadal development, and disruption of SRY.CaM recognition could underlie XY sex reversal. Given that the CaM-binding region of SRY is well-conserved among high mobility group box proteins, CaM-dependent nuclear import may underlie additional disease states.  相似文献   

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