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Studies were conducted on the effects of antiepileptic drugs on the acetylcholine-stimulated32P labeling of phospholipids in rat brain synaptosomes. Of the four antiepileptic drugs investigated in the present study, namely phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and valproate, only phenytoin blocked the acetylcholine-stimulated32P labeling of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidic acid, and the acetylcholine-stimulated breakdown of polyphosphoinositides. Phenytoin alone, like atropine alone, had no effect on the32P labeling of phospholipids nor on the specific radioactivity of [32P]ATP. Omission of Na+ drastically reduced both the32P labeling of synaptosomal phospholipids and the specific radioactivity of [32P]ATP and furthermore it significantly decreased the phosphoinositide effect. It was concluded that certain antiepileptic drugs, such as phenytoin, could exert their pharmacological actions through their antimuscarinic effects. In addition the finding that phenytoin, which acts to regulate Na+ and Ca2+ permeability of neuronal membranes, also inhibited the phosphoinositide effects in synaptosomes, support the conclusions that Ca2+ and Na+ are probably involved in the molecular mechanism underlying this phenomenon in excitable tissues.Abbreviations used ACh Acetylcholine - PA phosphatidic acid - PI phosphatidylinositol - poly PI polyphosphoinositides (diphosphoinositide and triphosphoinositide) - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PS phosphatidylserine - S.A. specific radioactivity  相似文献   

The role of Ca2+ on 32Pi incorporation into polyphosphoinositides (PPI) of rat cortical synaptosomes was studied. Stimulation of muscarinic receptor by carbachol (1 mM) resulted in a decrease in 32Pi incorporation into phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphophaphate (TPI) and phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (DPI), and an increase in 32Pi incorporation into phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidic acid (PA), whereas no significant effect on other membrane phospholipids was found. This response could be blocked by atropine (1 microM). The stimulatory effect of carbachol required Ca2+ in the medium; the presence of 0.5 mM EGTA blocked the effect of carbachol on PPI turnover completely. Calcium ionophore A23187, at 1 microM, had a similar effect on PPI turnover by carbachol (1 mM). At higher concentrations (10-100 microM) of A23187, the PPI turnover rate was much enhanced. Depolarization of the membrane by high potassium (60 mM) in the presence of calcium resulted in an enhanced PPI turnover, which was similar to the results of the carbachol (1 mM) effect but to a lesser extent. Calcium antagonists, diltiazem and trifluoperazine, at 10 microM could block the carbachol effect on 32Pi incorporation into PPI in this preparation. Our results suggest that the enhancement of PPI turnover in rat cortical synaptosomes by carbachol, calcium ionophore or high potassium requires Ca2+, and it can be blocked by compounds which interfere with the availability of this ion, such as EGTA or calcium antagonists.  相似文献   

A high rate of 32P turnover in polyphosphoinositides (up to 80% of the total radioactivity) was found in synaptosomes of normal and ischemic rat brain. Corticotropin (ACTH) increases the rate of 32P turnover in polyphosphoinositides of normal synaptosomes and decreases it in ischemic synaptosomes. Depolarization (high KCl concentration in the incubation medium) activates polyphosphoinositide metabolism in normal (by 50%) and ischemic (by 30%) synaptosomes. The combined influence of depolarization and ACTH results in the additive effect. Thus, a stimulating effect of ACTH on phosphoinositide metabolism disturbed in ischemia was recovered during depolarization of ischemic synaptosomes.  相似文献   

Isolated rat hepatocytes were incubated with 32Pi for various times and then fractionated into plasma membranes, mitochondria, nuclei, lysosomes, and microsomes by differential centrifugation and Percoll density gradient centrifugation. The phospholipids were isolated and deacylated by mild alkaline treatment. The glycerophosphate esters were separated by anion exchange high pressure liquid chromatography and assayed for radioactivity. It was found that plasma membranes, mitochondria, nuclei, lysosomes, and microsomes displayed similar rates of 32P incorporation into the major phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylglycerol, and phosphatidic acid. This suggests that the phospholipids of these organelles are undergoing rapid turnover and replacement with newly synthesized phospholipids from the endoplasmic reticulum. However, the plasma membrane fraction incorporated 32P into phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (DPI) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (TPI) at rates 5-10 and 25-50 times, respectively, faster than any of the other subcellular fractions. Although the plasma membrane is the primary site of 32P incorporation into DPI and TPI, this study also demonstrates that significant incorporation of 32P into DPI occurs in other subcellular sites, especially lysosomes.  相似文献   

The effect of phagocytosis on the incorporation of 32Pi and myo-[2-3H]inositol into the phosphoinositides (phosphatidylinositol, diphosphoinositide, and triphosphoinositide) by polymorphonuclear leukocytes from guinea pig peritoneal exudates has been studied. The results show that phagocytosis enhanced the incorporation of 32Pi and myo-[2-3H]inositol into all three inositides in polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that phagocytosis did not stimulate the loss of the label from the inositides. The findings indicate that the increased radioactivity of the phosphoinositides in polymorphonuclear leukocytes during phagocytosis is due to a greater rate of synthesis of these phospholipids at the time of labeling, rather than due to an increase in the rate of their turnover.  相似文献   

The effect ofl-aspartate on the32Pi incorporation of phospholipids, was studied on slices of rat cerebral cortex. This amino acid produced an inhibitory effect in concentrations 0.01–10 mM, which was more evident at 120 min. This effect was not stereospecific and did not imply a change in Pi uptake and in nucleotides P precursors. The inhibition was present in PS, PC, PE and to a lesser extent in PI. On liver slices 1 mMl-aspartate had the opposite effect, stimulating the incorporation of32Pi into total phospholipids. Our results suggest that the effect ofl-aspartate is by a non-specific mechanism, probably not mediated by a receptor.  相似文献   

1. Six subcellular fractions were prepared from the brain of 3-week-old rats after the injection of [(32)P]orthophosphate into the subarachnoidal space. The fractions were characterized by chemical and enzymic determinations and by electron microscopy. 2. The highest concentration of phosphoinositides was found in the microsomal fraction. 3. After an exchange period of 4hr. in vivo, the specific radioactivity of phosphatidylinositol was high in the nuclear, mitochondrial and supernatant fractions, and that of diphosphoinositide was high in the nuclear, microsomal and supernatant fractions. Triphosphoinositide specific activity was highest in the myelin fraction. 4. Specific activities (counts/100sec./mug. of P) were in the following order for all fractions except myelin: diphosphoinositide>phosphatidylinositol>triphosphoinositide. For myelin the order was: diphosphoinositide>triphosphoinositide>phosphatidylinositol. 5. Phosphatidylinositol extracted from a tissue fraction by acidified chloroform-methanol had roughly twice the specific activity of that extracted by neutral solvents. The same applied to diphosphoinositide.  相似文献   

Calcium stimulation of glutamine hydrolysis in synaptosomes from rat brain   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Calcium stimulates the hydrolysis of glutamine in synaptosomes prepared from rat brain both by the sucrose- (12) and the Ficoll/sucrose-gradient techniques (13). The calcium activation is phosphate-dependent and maximal effect is obtained at a calcium concentration of 0.5-1.0 mM. It is reduced by increasing the numbers of synaptosomes in the incubation mixture, and abolished by the product inhibitors of glutaminase, glutamate and ammonia, but unaffected by the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol which inhibits the mitochondrial proton pump. Moreover, since the hydrolysis of glutamine is mediated by glutaminase (EC, and calcium does not activate the purified enzyme, an indirect phosphate-dependent effect of calcium on glutaminase is most likely. Calcium activates preferentially the N-ethylmaleimide insensitive fraction of glutaminase. The calcium activation is not dependent on synaptosomal membranes as it is found in synaptosomes subject to previous freezing. It is also found in isolated synaptosomal mitochondria and is thus a property of nerve endings. The calcium activation of glutaminase is unaffected by potassium in depolarizing concentrations, and may not be directly involved in the neurotransmission processes, but possibly in replenishing depleted stores of transmitter glutamate.  相似文献   

The effects of ionophore A23187 on the incorporation of 32Pi into phospholipids and on 45Ca2+ uptake and release by polymorphonuclear leukocytes were examined. A23187 increased 32Pi incorporation into phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine, and the phosphoinositides. It also promoted a rapid burst uptake and release of 45Ca2+ by leukocytes. External Ca2+, but not Mg2+, was required for full stimulation of 32Pi incorporation into phosphatidic acid and the phosphoinositides. In the absence of external Ca2+, the increased radiophosphorus activity of phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylserine and the phosphoinositides was grossly reduced but not eliminated, and the decreased radiophosphorus activity of phosphatidylcholine became pronounced. In addition, the ionophore effect on 32Pi incorporation into leukocyte phospholipids was not abolished by ethyleneglycol bis(beta-amino-ethylether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid. ATP radiophosphorus activity was also enhanced by the presence of A23187, but the enhancement was much less than that of the acidic phospholipids. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the increased 32Pi incorporation into the acidic phospholipids of leukocytes induced by A23187 was not solely derived from the higher radioactivity of ATP, increased Ca2+ fluxes and perturbation of cellular Ca2+ distribution of leukocytes exposed to A 23187 may trigger part of the altered 32Pi incorporation into phospholipids.  相似文献   

Taurine uptake into rat brain synaptosomal fractions appears to occur by two saturable transport processes and by bulk diffusion. The transport requires the presence of sodium ions. The dependence of the transport on temperature and cellular respiration implies that the uptake is an active process. The active process is specific for taurine and closely related amino acids. Brain regions differ in their ability to transport taurine. Uptake is not due to mitochondrial contamination of the synaptosomal fractions. However, glial contamination might partly contribute to the uptake. Kainic acid lesions of rat corpus striatum and cerebellum reduce taurine uptake implying that the uptake is, at least partly, into neurons.  相似文献   

Various local anesthetics enhanced the incorporation of [3H]inositol into phosphoinositides in guinea pig cerebral cortical synaptoneurosomes. Dibucaine, QX-572 and dimethisoquin showed maximum stimulation at 100 microM, tetracaine and diphenhydramine at 300 microM, and QX-314 at 1 mM, while quinacrine, lidocaine and cocaine showed no or only slight stimulation. There was no correlation between local anesthetic activity, estimated by inhibition of the 22Na+ flux elicited by the sodium channel activator batrachotoxin, and the potency for stimulation of inositol incorporation. A quaternary, relatively weak, local anesthetic, QX-572, was the most potent agent in stimulation of inositol incorporation, while the next most potent agent was dibucaine, a tertiary, very potent, local anesthetic. Dibucaine did not affect the uptake of [3H]inositol by synaptoneurosomes. The incorporation of [3H]inositol into phosphoinositides was increased in calcium-free buffer. The presence of dibucaine resulted in further stimulation of [3H]inositol incorporation in calcium-free buffer. Although dibucaine and QX-572 markedly stimulated incorporation of [3H]inositol into phosphoinositides, only QX-572 significantly enhanced the incorporation of 32PO4(3-) into phosphoinositides. The results suggest that certain local anesthetics enhance a pathway involving an exchange reaction between inositol and the phosphoinositol ester bond of phosphatidylinositol, but do not markedly affect the de novo pathway of phosphoinositide synthesis.  相似文献   

High affinity transport of choline into synaptosomes of rat brain   总被引:33,自引:13,他引:20  
—The accumulation of [3H]choline into synaptosome-enriched homogenates of rat corpus striatum, cerebral cortex and cerebellum was studied at [3H]choline concentrations varying from 0.5 to 100 μm . The accumulation of [3H]choline in these brain regions was saturable. Kinetic analysis of the accumulation of the radiolabel was performed by double-reciprocal plots and by least squares iterative fitting of a substrate-velocity curve to the data. With both of these techniques, the data were best satisfied by two transport components, a high affinity uptake system with Km. values of 1.4 μM (corpus striatum), and 3.1 μM (ceμ(cerebral cortex) and a low affinity uptake system with respective Km. values of 93 and 33 μM for these two brain regions. In the cerebellum choline was accumulated only by the low affinity system. When striatal homogenates were fractionated further into synaptosomes and mitochondria and incubated with varying concentrations of [3H]choline, the high affinity component of choline uptake was localized to the synaptosomal fraction. The high affinity uptake system required sodium, was sensitive to various metabolic inhibitors and was associated with considerable formation of [3H]acetylcholine. The low affinity uptake system was much less dependent on sodium, and was not associated with a marked degree of [3H]acetylcholine formation. Hemicholinium-3 and acetylcholine were potent inhibitors of the high affinity uptake system. A variety of evidence suggests that the high affinity transport represents a selective accumulation of choline by cholinergic neurons, while the low affinity uptake system has some less specific function.  相似文献   

The metabolism of phosphoinositides was investigated in the red blood cell membrane of the rat by measuring 32P-incorporation into phospholipids after incubation of membranes with [gamma-32P]ATP in a medium containing magnesium. A new chromatographic procedure has been developed which facilitates the separation of triphosphoinositide, diphosphoinositide and phosphatidylinositol from the phospholipids present in lipid extracts of incubated 'ghost' under our experimental conditions only two phospholipids, diphosphoinositide and triphosphoinositide, were 32P-labelled. Furthermore, the results indicate that either di-or triphosphoinositide could be labelled preferentially, depending upon the magnesium concentration of the incubation medium. This clarifies some apparent discrepancies reported in the literature between the 32 P labelling of polyphosphoinositides observed in intact erythrocytes and that observed with 'ghost' membranes. In addition, the enzymatic pathways involved in the phosphoinositide metabolism are discussed.  相似文献   

3H]Inositol incorporation into phosphoinositides of pig reticulocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) of pig reticulocytes were extensively labelled when these cells were incubated with [3H]inositol. In marked contrast, a total lack of [3H]inositol labelling of phosphoinositides was observed in mature erythrocytes. Phosphoinositides of both reticulocytes and mature erythrocytes were labelled with 32P but the labelling in reticulocytes was several-fold higher than in mature erythrocytes. Inclusion of Ca2+ (2 mM)+ ionophore A23187 (2 micrograms/ml) during the labelling experiments substantially reduced the radioactivity incorporation into phosphoinositides of reticulocytes. When [3H]inositol-prelabelled reticulocytes were treated with Ca2+ + A23187 the levels of radioactive PI and PIP2 did not change significantly. However, the PIP pool exhibited a remarkable sensitivity to Ca2+ as shown by a 75% increase in its radioactivity over the control. The ability to incorporate [3H]inositol into phosphoinositides remains transitorily intact in the reticulocyte stage. Thus, pig reticulocytes offer a suitable model in which to explore the physiological role of phosphoinositides in relation to cellular maturation process.  相似文献   

1. The phospholipid composition of fat-cells prepared from rat epididymal fat-pad was determined. 2. The incorporation of [32P]Pi into the phospholipids of fat-cells incubated in glucose-free medium and the effect of adrenaline and of α- and β-adrenergic blocking agents, were studied. 3. Incorporation of [32P]Pi into fat-cell phospholipid increased with time; incubation with adrenaline resulted in increased incorporation that was related to the concentration of adrenaline. 4. The pattern of incorporation of [32P]Pi into the individual phospholipids of fat-cells after incubation for 1h was determined; adrenaline (5.4μm) resulted in increased incorporation into phosphatidylcholine. 5. Incubation of fat-cells with propranolol (34μm) and adrenaline (5.4μm) resulted in abolition of adrenaline-stimulated lipolysis; there was a decrease in the specific radioactivity of phosphatidylcholine and an increase in the specific radioactivity of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylinositol and cardiolipin compared with cells incubated with adrenaline alone. 6. Incubation of fat-cells with phenoxybenzamine (0.1mm) and adrenaline (5.4μm) resulted in stimulation of lipolysis, and in diminished specific radioactivities of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylglycerol and choline plasmalogen compared with cells stimulated with adrenaline alone.  相似文献   

The in vivo effect of insulin upon the incorporation of 32Pi into nuclear proteins was investigated in quiescent baby hamster kidney fibroblasts (BHK-21). Insulin has previously been shown to be mitogenic in these cells (Richman, R. A., Johnson, R. A., and Friedman, D. L. (1981) Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 168, 196-203). Incorporation into two proteins (Mr = 62,000 and 72,000) in the 0.4 M salt-resistant nuclear fraction was enhanced 2-6-fold by insulin. The effect of insulin (20 nM) was observable within 5 min of treatment, reached a maximum at 15 min, and continued for at least 90 min. The half-maximal effect of insulin was obtained at a concentration of approximately 1 nM. Analysis of nuclear matrix preparations indicated that the two insulin-sensitive proteins were prominent nuclear matrix proteins and suggested that they were lamins A and C. This was confirmed by immunostaining with lamin antibodies and by two-dimensional electrophoresis. These studies indicate that insulin rapidly stimulates the incorporation of phosphate into nuclear lamins A and C in quiescent BHK-21 fibroblasts.  相似文献   

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