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The inference of extrazooidal feeding currents in fossil bryozoan colonies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taylor, Paul D. 1979 01 15: The inference of extrazooidal feeding currents in fossil bryozoan colonies. Lethaia , Vol. 12, pp. 47–56. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Previous studies on live bryozoan colonies have shown that the feeding autozooids in a colony may cooperate in differing ways to produce an extrazooidal watercurrent system organised on a colony-wide or subcolony-wide basis. The presence of an extrazooidal current system may be inferred in fossil stenolaemate bryozoans which exhibit either a differential spacing of open autozooecial apertures or a systematic variation across the marial surface in the orientation of automoecial distal portions. By inference, aggregations of autozooecial apertures represented loci of inhalant extrazooidal flow whereas zoarial protuberances (e.g. monticules) with outwardly leaning autozooecia acted as loci of exhalant extrazooidal flow. Bryozoans having automoecia opening obliquely into gaps or fenestrules in their zoaria probably drew a unidirectional extrazooidal current of water through the fenestrules. Extrazooidal water currents may function to accelerate colony clearance rate, decrease the chances of recycling filtered water, aid spermatoman and larval dispersal, and clear sediment from the colony surface.  相似文献   

Colony counting error due to indistinguishable colony overlap (i.e., masking) was evaluated theoretically and experimentally. A theoretical model to predict colony masking was used to determine colony counting efficiency by Monte Carlo computer simulation of microorganism collection and development into CFU. The computer simulation was verified experimentally by collecting aerosolized Bacillus subtilis spores and examining micro- and macroscopic colonies. Colony counting efficiency decreased (i) with increasing density of collected culturable microorganisms, (ii) with increasing colony size, and (iii) with decreasing ability of an observation system to distinguish adjacent colonies as separate units. Counting efficiency for 2-mm colonies, at optimal resolution, decreased from 98 to 85% when colony density increased from 1 to 10 microorganisms cm-2, in contrast to an efficiency decrease from 90 to 45% for 5-mm colonies. No statistically significant difference (alpha = 0.05) between experimental and theoretical results was found when colony shape was used to estimate the number of individual colonies in a CFU. Experimental colony counts were 1.2 times simulation estimates when colony shape was not considered, because of nonuniformity of actual colony size and the better discrimination ability of the human eye relative to the model. Colony surface densities associated with high counting accuracy were compared with recommended upper plate count limits and found to depend on colony size and an observation system's ability to identify overlapped colonies. Correction factors were developed to estimate the actual number of collected microorganisms from observed colony counts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Asexual and sexual modes of colony formation in a tabulate coral Paleofavosites capax are recognized from the early Silurian Gun River Formation of Anticosti Island. Québee. Colonies produced by asexual fragmentation comprise monospecific 'clumped populations'. They are characterized by circular and concave bases, and lack a protocorallite origin of colony growth. Sexually produced colonies, where in situ , are always dispersed and characterized by conical bases with a definite protocorallite point origin of colony growth. Asexual colony formation by fragmentation in P. capax appears to have been an adaptation to a habitat of muddy substrates. Sexual reproduction in this species probably played a minor role but was necessary for the maintenance of gene diversity and long-distance dispersal. A comparison of corallite size distributions between populations demonstrates that intrapopulation variation in the 'dispersed population' and the conical colonies in 'transported populations' of P. capax is significantly larger than the variation in the 'clumped populations'. It is suggested that this difference reflects the two modes of reproduction. The above observations are significant to systematic studies because they show that estimates of species morphologic parameters can he seriously biased even when based on a relatively large sample size from a well-defined population if that population is largely a result of asexual colony formation.  相似文献   

The reef coral Montastraea annularis has been used in a wide range of investigations. Recently, it has been recognized as a complex of three species based on field observations of the variation in colony shape. These observations have also been confirmed by molecular methods as well as morphometrics on individual corallites in the colonies. This paper presents a new quantitative method for measuring overall colony shape based on geostatistics. Seventeen colonies collected from San Blas, Panama in 1995 and 1996 were examined using the Polhemus 3SPACE FASTRAK system to construct three-dimensional coordinates of the center of several hundred corallites in each colony. This method measures the larger bumps or “ridges” as well as the smaller bumps or “lumps” of the colonies. Variograms were then calculated for all the specimens and the lag distances and the values of the variogram were used in a multivariate statistical analysis. Overall, this method indicated that M. annularis and Montastaea faveolata overlap in their relative amount of bumpiness in colony shape while Montastraea franksi is distinct from the other two species. This method has implications for both the modern and fossil record of Montastraea as well as other organisms with similar shapes.  相似文献   

Microorganisms often form complex multicellular assemblies such as biofilms and colonies. Understanding the interplay between assembly expansion, metabolic yield, and nutrient diffusion within a freely growing colony remains a challenge. Most available data on microorganisms are from planktonic cultures, due to the lack of experimental tools to control the growth of multicellular assemblies. Here, we propose a method to constrain the growth of yeast colonies into simple geometric shapes such as cylinders. To this end, we designed a simple, versatile culture system to control the location of nutrient delivery below a growing colony. Under such culture conditions, yeast colonies grow vertically and only at the locations where nutrients are delivered. Colonies increase in height at a steady growth rate that is inversely proportional to the cylinder radius. We show that the vertical growth rate of cylindrical colonies is not defined by the single-cell division rate, but rather by the colony metabolic yield. This contrasts with cells in liquid culture, in which the single-cell division rate is the only parameter that defines the population growth rate. This method also provides a direct, simple method to estimate the metabolic yield of a colony. Our study further demonstrates the importance of the shape of colonies on setting their expansion. We anticipate that our approach will be a starting point for elaborate studies of the population dynamics, evolution, and ecology of microbial colonies in complex landscapes.  相似文献   

Microorganisms often form complex multicellular assemblies such as biofilms and colonies. Understanding the interplay between assembly expansion, metabolic yield, and nutrient diffusion within a freely growing colony remains a challenge. Most available data on microorganisms are from planktonic cultures, due to the lack of experimental tools to control the growth of multicellular assemblies. Here, we propose a method to constrain the growth of yeast colonies into simple geometric shapes such as cylinders. To this end, we designed a simple, versatile culture system to control the location of nutrient delivery below a growing colony. Under such culture conditions, yeast colonies grow vertically and only at the locations where nutrients are delivered. Colonies increase in height at a steady growth rate that is inversely proportional to the cylinder radius. We show that the vertical growth rate of cylindrical colonies is not defined by the single-cell division rate, but rather by the colony metabolic yield. This contrasts with cells in liquid culture, in which the single-cell division rate is the only parameter that defines the population growth rate. This method also provides a direct, simple method to estimate the metabolic yield of a colony. Our study further demonstrates the importance of the shape of colonies on setting their expansion. We anticipate that our approach will be a starting point for elaborate studies of the population dynamics, evolution, and ecology of microbial colonies in complex landscapes.  相似文献   

UV irradiation treatment of the asexual yeast Candida tropicalis gave rise to morphological mutants exhibiting at least four different types of abnormal colonies on glucose-containing solid medium. These mutants were named according to their colony morphologies: 'doughnut', 'frilly', 'echinoid' and 'walnut' mutants. The doughnut mutant produced a wrinkled colony with a hollow in its central region that was rich in filamentous pseudohyphal cells. With increased incubation time, the colony gradually changed to a reticulate shape. The parent strain, which normally produced smooth colonies, gave similar colonies to those of the doughnut mutant when grown in medium containing oleic acid as carbon source. Both the frilly and the walnut mutants produced pseudohyphal cells in a similar fashion to the doughnut mutant. The echinoid mutant produced an echinulate colony morphology with aerial hyphae and contained true hyphal cells as well as pseudohyphal ones. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that the echinoid and frilly mutants had different karyotypes from that of their parent strain, suggesting the occurrence of chromosomal rearrangements associated with these morphological mutations.  相似文献   

Six-day-old colonies of Flavobacterium sp. 22 were studied by electron microscopy. Direct evidence was obtained of bacterial cell division across the entire colony volume, indicating that the colony growth of Flavobacterium sp. 22 is not purely peripheral. It is argued that the colony shape is determined not only by peripheral growth but also by physical forces acting upon a droplet of liquid on the surface. For bacterial colonies developing on solid nutrient media, the intercellular matrix plays the role of such a liquid.  相似文献   

Black fungi, belonging to the Dematiaceae, with yeast-like growth patterns, were isolated from rock surfaces in the Mediterranean. They tolerate high temperatures and sodium chloride stress although they are neither thermophilic nor halophilic organisms. Environmental stress factors not only affect growth velocity of the fungi but also the colony shape. A shift of the smooth and flat colonies developed under optimal culture conditions to more clump-like growth similar to the colony shape on the natural rock substratum is caused by both high temperature and osmotic stress. The “principle of uniformity” is proposed as a new term to interpret specific morphotypes of pleomorphic fungi of different taxonomic assignment.  相似文献   

Six-day-old colonies ofFlavobacterium sp. 22 were studied by electron microscopy. Direct evidence was obtained of bacterial cell division across the entire colony volume, indicating that the colony growth ofFlavobacterium sp. 22 is not purely peripheral. It is argued that the colony shape is determined not only by peripheral growth but also by physical forces acting upon a droplet of liquid on the surface. For bacterial colonies developing on solid nutrient media, the intercellular matrix plays the role of such a liquid.  相似文献   

Siderastrea radians (Pallas) is a common West Indian reef coral that displays wide morphological variation. The hypothesis that a spherical form of free living colonies of S. radians has advantages for survival was examined in Barbados. Colonies were sampled from tide pools and from random quadrats at four reef flat sites subjected to strong wave action. Survival was found to be a positive function of colony size measured as living surface area and was correlated with stage of development toward a spherical shape. The combination of spherical shape and larger size confer a selective advantage on free living colonies in disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

There have been catastrophic population declines at a number of rockhopper penguin Eudyptes chrysocome rookeries over the past 50 years or so. At Campbell Island, New Zealand, large contiguous rookeries have fragmented into much smaller subcolonies and although the underlying cause of the major part decline was possibly diet related, it seems likely that predation may be having an increasingly important impact. In an extension of selfish herd ideas, we hypothesised that since predation and colony contraction are edge related, the initial shape of the colony may play an important role in how quickly it might fragment and in turn how long it might persist. Intuition tells us that fragmentation is likely to occur on these smaller subcolonies and that their shape will likely affect their rate of fragmentation. We provide the first quantitative assessment of this qualitative theory of fragmentation risk as a function of colony shape for a range of hypothetical colonies.  相似文献   

Previous measurements of growth rates of giant yeast colonies on solid media are shown to be unreliable as they depend strongly on extraneous factors such as the proximity of other colonies and the dimensions of the apparatus used. The hitherto unexplained dependence of the growth rate on the square root of the growth limiting nutrient concentration is explained by constructing a theory based on the diffusion of nutrient towards the colony which makes use of many ideas used in the theory of flame propagation. The theory also explains why the temperature dependence of the homogeneous growth constant is different from that observed in the surface colony, and it requires the existence of a lag phase in the homogeneous culture kinetics if the velocity of propagation of the culture is to be independent of inoculum size and shape. Both phenomena are known to occur.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that corals of the same species, but of varying size and shape, may respond differently to thermal stress because of different mass transfer capacities. High mass transfer rates are an advantage under thermal stress, and mass transfer rates are assumed to scale with size. Yet large, corymbose Acropora colonies are more vulnerable to thermal stress than small corymbose Acropora colonies. We took a two-tiered approach to examine the differences in the susceptibility of different coral morphologies to thermal stress. Firstly, the response of several coral species of different sizes and shapes were measured in the field through a thermal stress event. Secondly, diffusion experiments were conducted using gypsum-coral models of different morphologies to estimate mass transfer rates, to test whether dissolution rates differed in accordance with colony morphology and colony size. Coral colonies with a high height to diameter ratio were subjected to more partial mortality than flat colonies. These results agree with mass transfer theory. The diffusion experiments showed that in a low-flow environment, small encrusting colonies had higher rates of dissolution than large flat or small branched colonies. These results, however, disagree with mass transfer theory. We show that the volume of space between colony branches predicts the response to thermal stress in the field. Small encrusting colonies were most likely to maintain mass transfer and were therefore more likely to survive thermal stress than large branched colonies. We predict that an increase in the frequency and intensity of thermal stresses may see a shift from large branched coral colonies to both small colonies, and flat-massive colonies with low aspect ratios.  相似文献   

Microstructure of Colonies of Rod-Shaped Bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Whole colonies of Bacillus cereus, B. megaterium, B. mycoides CN2495, Corynebacterium hofmanni NCTC1938, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCIB1899, Nocardia graminis NCTC4728, Pseudomonas viscosa, and Serratia marcescens were prepared for scanning electron microscopic examination by freeze-drying and metal-coating. The arrangement of individual cells within colonies could be seen. Cells of Bacillus colonies tended to be longer than in liquid culture and irregular in shape and to give the appearance of branching. B. megaterium colonies frequently had a dense covering film. Colonies of gram-negative bacteria consisted of fairly short rods covered by much adherent extracellular material. L. acidophilus had colonies comprised of densely packed, well-oriented rods. C. hofmanni colonies contained coccobacilli, packed together. Correlations were observed between plano-convex colony form and densely packed cells, rough colony form and random arrangement of well-separated microorganisms, and irregular colony edge and tendency of cells to grow out from the colony in filaments.  相似文献   

Extreme variability in the size, shape and spacing of skeletal spines ofPocillopora damicornis has been demonstrated both within single colonies and also between colonies from different environments. Preliminary studies indicated that the majority of spines from branch tips at the apex of the colony display a ‘fasciculate’ growth surface in contrast to partly fasciculate or ‘smooth’ growth surfaces exhibited by spines from branch tips at the base of the colony. No significant differences in the height and width of costal spines from apical and basal branch tips within a single colony were observed, although spines from colonies exposed to strong wave action tended to be significantly shorter and narrower than those from more sheltered environments. Both costal and coenosteal spines from wave-exposed colonies displayed branching and divided extremities while those from sheltered environments consisted of simple cones. Spines develop as an outgrowing of the calicoblastic ectoderm which secretes the skeleton. Growing costal and coenosteal spines are enveloped by a layer of calicoblastic ectoderm which penetrates through mesogloea, aboral gastroderm, coelenteron, oral gastroderm, mesogloea and finally oral ectoderm. Spines within the corallite are surrounded by calicoblastic ectoderm, mesogloea and aboral gastroderm only. A scheme for the growth of the spines is discussed.  相似文献   

Manual counting of bacterial colony forming units (CFUs) on agar plates is laborious and error-prone. We therefore implemented a colony counting system with a novel segmentation algorithm to discriminate bacterial colonies from blood and other agar plates.A colony counter hardware was designed and a novel segmentation algorithm was written in MATLAB. In brief, pre-processing with Top-Hat-filtering to obtain a uniform background was followed by the segmentation step, during which the colony images were extracted from the blood agar and individual colonies were separated. A Bayes classifier was then applied to count the final number of bacterial colonies as some of the colonies could still be concatenated to form larger groups. To assess accuracy and performance of the colony counter, we tested automated colony counting of different agar plates with known CFU numbers of S. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa and M. catarrhalis and showed excellent performance.  相似文献   

Avian breeding colonies are generally in a continuous state of flux, some parts growing whilst others shrink as individuals move within the colony on the search for better nest‐sites. We examined the role of experience in breeding patch choice by individually marked Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in a recently established colony in sub‐arctic Russia. Individuals failing to reproduce successfully tended to shift nest location further the following season than did successful pairs, and they did so towards the most dense nest aggregations within the colony, where reproductive success was higher. We suggest that individual decisions on nest‐site choice shape the spatial dynamics of this colony.  相似文献   

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) have, in insects, important physiological and ecological functions, such as protection against desiccation and as semiochemicals in social taxa, including termites. CHCs are, in termites, known to vary qualitatively and/or quantitatively among species, populations, castes, or seasons. Changes to hydrocarbon profile composition have been linked to varying degrees of aggression between termite colonies, although the variability of results among studies suggests that additional factors might have been involved. One source of such variability may be colony age, as termite colony demographics significantly change over time, with different caste and instar compositions throughout the life of the colony. We here hypothesize that the intracolonial chemical profile heterogeneity would be high in incipient termite colonies but would homogenize over time as a colony ages and accumulates older workers in improved homeostatic conditions. We studied caste‐specific patterns of CHC profiles in Coptotermes gestroi colonies of four different age classes (6, 18, 30, and 42 months). The CHC profiles were variable among castes in the youngest colonies, but progressively converged toward a colony‐wide homogenized chemical profile. Young colonies had a less‐defined CHC identity, which implies a potentially high acceptance threshold for non‐nestmates conspecifics in young colonies. Our results also suggest that there was no selective pressure for an early‐defined colony CHC profile to evolve in termites, potentially allowing an incipient colony to merge nonagonistically with another conspecific incipient colony, with both colonies indirectly and passively avoiding mutual destruction as a result.  相似文献   

The coexistence of multiple unrelated reproductives within social insect colonies decreases the relatedness among colony members and therefore challenges kin selection theory. This study investigated the colony genetic structure of a French introduced population of the American subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes by analyzing genotypes at eight microsatellite loci and at one mtDNA region. Results revealed that all colonies contained numerous related secondary reproductives, and that 31% of colonies possessed more than two unrelated reproductives. The presence of several unrelated reproductives within colonies of this species is commonly assumed to result from colony fusion. Although such a high occurrence of colony fusion is the highest ever observed in a termite population, it is probable that the available methodology underestimated the detection of colony fusion in French populations. Overall, these results suggest that French colonies might differ strongly from the great majority of American colonies in their capacity to produce secondary reproductives as well as in their ability to merge. The nature and evolutionary origin of these population differences are discussed.  相似文献   

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