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红藻氨酸癫痫大鼠海马GFAP基因调控蛋白表达的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的和方法:用Southwestern印迹从红藻氨酸(KA)癫痫大鼠海马结构中筛选调控胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)基因表达的DNA结合蛋白;并观察其在海马内表达变化的规律,旨在从基因调控水平深入探讨癫痫反复发作形成的神经病理学机制。结果:Southwestern印迹的实验显示海马结构内有两种调控GFAP基因表达的序列特异的DNA结合蛋白,分子量分别为39kDa和35.5kDa;KA后1d,两种调控蛋白的表达即开始增加,5-7d时表达显著增加,3周时表达最多,3个月时表达仍很高。结论:KA通过上调调控GFAP基因表达的转录因子,使海马GFAP过量表达,提示该转录调控因子很可能参与一次KA后癫痫反复发作的形成。  相似文献   

蝎毒对癫痫敏感性和海马GFAP释放的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的和方法 :本工作用海人酸癫痫模型 ,通过对癫痫大鼠蝎毒治疗后行为变化及脑内胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)免疫反应活性的检测 ,对蝎毒抗癫痫反复发作的相关脑区及其机制做以初步探讨。结果 :癫痫大鼠蝎毒治疗三周后 ,能明显减少癫痫发作的例数 ,减轻癫痫发作的程度 ,使发作的潜伏期延长 (P <0 .0 5 )。免疫细胞化学的实验显示 ,蝎毒抗癫痫反复发作的相关脑区是海马。 8例蝎毒治疗的大鼠与实验对照组相比 ,有 6例背侧海马GFAP免疫染色明显减轻 ,未见星形胶质细胞增生 ;CA1区无明显神经元缺失 ;而且与空白对照组相比无显著差异。结论 :癫痫大鼠蝎毒治疗三周后 ,能明显减轻癫痫发作的行为 ,抑制海马星形胶质细胞的增生肥大 ,减轻海马神经元受损的程度。蝎毒抑制海马星形胶质细胞增生很可能是蝎毒抗癫痫反复发作的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

蝎毒对癫痫大鼠海马内强啡肽原mRNA表达的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的和方法:本工作用红藻氨酸癫痫模型,通过对癫痫大鼠蝎毒处理后民内哟啡肽原mRNA(KPUYNmRNA)表达的原位杂交观察,对国产蝎粗毒抗癫痫反复发作的细胞分子机制进行初步探讨。结果:原位杂交的实验显示,三周KA后,实验对照组与空白对照组相比,腹侧海马尤其是海马门区PDYNmRNA阳性数目明显减少(P〈0.01)。实验给药组大鼠8例,其中有6例腹侧海马门区PDYNmRNA阳性神经元数目未见减少且有  相似文献   

蝎毒抗癫痫作用与微生态调节剂的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
:一次颈部皮下给予海人酸 (Kainic acid,KA ,10 m g/ kg)诱发 SD大鼠出现急性癫痫发作后 ,将实验组动物随机分为 3组 ,每天灌胃分别给予生理盐水、微生态调节剂 [活菌数 4× 10 9个 (0 .4ml)只 ]和蝎毒粗提液 (SV,10 0 mg/ kg)。 10天后再次给予同样剂量的 KA检测癫痫敏感性 ,行为结果经统计学处理后表明 ,两者均可明显抑制动物癫痫敏感性的形成。免疫组化结果表明 ,两者均可防止海马硬化的形成。本工作进一步探讨了微生态调节剂与蝎毒抗癫痫作用的关系  相似文献   

生物钟的基因调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Du YZ  Tong J 《生理科学进展》2002,33(4):343-345
从细菌到哺乳动物的大多数生物都存在分子时钟,也就是生物钟。它的存在使生物的生理,生化,行为表现出以24小时为周期的节律性。本文从基因组成以及节律发生的分子机制等方面,对昼夜节街生物钟进行综述。  相似文献   

外源基因在植物体内的瞬时性或稳定性表达受植物本身代谢及分子水平的调控.同时也受来自受体植物的限制与修饰。通过调控性元件(启动子)可人为对外源基因进行调节。综述了外源基因在转基因植物体内的表达、调控及人为调节策略。  相似文献   

印记基因的印记机制及其表达调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
越来越多的研究资料表明 ,来自双亲的等位基因在功能上存在着差异 ,当同一个基因由不同性别的双亲传给子代时可引起不同的表型。这一点在马、驴正反交中表现得最为明显。其正反交后代在个体上所表现的显著差异是经典遗传理论所不能解释的。这种同源染色体基因表达活性不同的现象即为基因组“印记”(genomicimprinting) [1,2 ] 。在哺乳动物中所发现的印记基因大都具1 .1 印记的形成  印记形成于成熟配子 ,并持续到出生后。核移植实验表明 ,至少在卵母细胞内 ,基因印记的获得与否与DNA甲基化变化是高度一致的 ,而富含…  相似文献   

植物基因的调控机制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

在高等植物中,绝大多数基因的表达是以一定的时间和空间顺序进行调控的,有的基因只在某些特异的组织中表达,有的只在某一特异的发育阶段表达,还有的则只在植物体受到一定的生理刺激后才表达。  相似文献   

舌苔形成与舌背黏膜上皮细胞的增殖、分化和凋亡密切相关.凋亡相关基因是调控细胞增殖和凋亡的重要基因,不同舌苔中凋亡相关基因的表达规律是近年来舌苔研究的热点.本文综述了近年来的相关研究成果,并展望了新方法和技术在舌苔研究中的应用前景,以期推动凋亡相关基因调控舌苔形成的分子机制研究.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acidic (GFA) protein has been synthesized in an RNA-dependent cell-free system derived from rabbit reticulocytes. The cell-free synthesized product appears to have the same size as GFA protein isolated from bovine spinal cord, thus showing that GFA protein does not undergo detectable proteolytic processing.  相似文献   

A procedure for the isolation of assembly-competent glial fibrillary acidic (GFA) protein from 2 m urea extracts of bovine spinal cord by anion-exchange chromatography is reported. The tissue was previously extracted with low-ionic-strength buffer. The procedure allowed the separation of nondegraded GFA protein from GFA protein comprising degraded species. As previously reported for neurofilament preparations obtained from porcine spinal cord (N. Geisler and K. Weber, J. Mol. Biol., 151, 565–571 (1981)), the procedure also allowed the simultaneous separation of the three neurofilament polypeptides (200,000; 150,000; and 70,000 daltons) contained in the 2 m urea extract. Brain filament proteins sequentially eluted at increasing salt concentration (25–200 mm NaCl) according to their isoelectric point. Proteins with higher pI eluted first. Tubulin eluted between the 200,000- and 150,000-dalton neurofilament polypeptides.  相似文献   

The two-site immunoradiometric assay (two-site IRMA) for the brain-specific glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA protein) is carried out by reaction of the GFA protein solution with a solid-phase anti(GFA) followed by a second reaction in which the insoluble product is incubated with purified, radioactive anti-(GFA). Unreacted labeled antibodies remain in solution and are washed away. As the amount of GFA increases, the radioactivity in the solid-phase increases. The most significant assay variables include (a) stability and reactivity of the solid-phase antibody, (b) washing the solid-phase, (c) nonspecific interference by serum proteins, and (d) a paradoxical fall in tube radioactivity which occurs at high dose (the “high-dose hook effect”). The assay becomes more sensitive and precise and the serum effect is minimized when the solid-phase antibody is separated from the matrix by an immunoglobulin “spacer-arm”. For a triplicate determination, the minimal detectable dose averaged 73 pg200 μl incubation. The assay precision enables a 500-fold assay range. GFA activity found in aged crude tissue or tissue-culture extracts, CSF, and used tissueculture media, often did not appear to be immunologically identical to the purified standard GFA protein. This may be explained by the known tendency of GFA protein to aggregate. The assay does not cross-react significantly with other common CNS proteins. Assay of various rat tissues confirms the localization of GFA protein only to the CNS.  相似文献   

胶质原纤维酸性蛋白的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
星形胶质细胞(astrocyte,AS)约占正常成人中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)细胞总数的40%,其重要功能日益受到重视,AS可特异性表达胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(glial fibrillary acidic protein,GFAP).GFAP是AS骨架蛋白特有的成分,可作为AS的特异性标记物,本文主要从分子生物学角度,就GFAP在复杂的细胞活动(如细胞骨架重建,髓鞘维持,细胞粘附和信号转导途径等)中的广泛作用,及GFAP转基因动物研究等做一综述。  相似文献   

Specificity of the glial fibrillary acidic protein for astroglia.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA) is the main constituent of glial filaments and the close similarity of GFA and neurofilament protein has been recently reported. However, the immunofluorescence staining of peripheral nerve which may be observed with GFA antisera is not due to cross-reaction between GFA and neurofilament protein. Staining of peripheral axons was also observed with control sera obtained by injecting the rabbits with nonimmunogenic GFA preparations isolated with the same procedure. Immune GFA antisera and control sera reacted with sodium dodecyl sulfate extracts of sciatic nerve. However, the precipitin line formed with peripheral nerve crossed the line against GFA protein, thus indicating nonidentity between the two antigens. Buffer extract of sciatic nerves that had been incubated with spinal cord reacted by immunodiffusion with GFA antisera, thus indicating that redistribution of GFA occurred under these conditions.  相似文献   

Analysis of the expression of genes encoding myelin basic protein (MBP) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in human glial tumors was carried out for determination of the expression specificity of these genes according to tumor types and their malignancy. Low levels of MBP mRNA in astrocytoma specimens of malignancy grades II-IV and significantly higher levels in perifocal zones adjacent to them have been determined by Northern hybridization. Diffuse astrocytomas and anaplastic astrocytomas are characterized mostly by a low level of MBP gene expression and high level of GFAP gene expression, but distinct subtypes of diffuse and anaplastic astrocytomas with a high level of GFAP gene expression can also be detected that may be the reflection of different oncogenic pathways. Very low levels or even absence of MBP mRNA were revealed in oligodendroglioma and all oligoastrocytomas. Thus, Northern hybridization data are correlated with serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE). Obtained results show that MBP is a nonspecific marker for tumors of oligodendroglial origin, but determination of relative levels of MBP and GFAP mRNAs may be useful for glial tumor recognition. In such a way, these two genes together with YKL-40 and TSC-22, which we found previously, can be included into the gene panel for determination of so-called “gene signatures” of brain tumors. However, strict requirements in relation to a clinical value of these “gene signatures” cannot be formulated without verifying them on a large number of clinical samples of tumors and valid control.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acidic protein was localized at the electron microscope level in the cerebellum of adult mice by indirect immunoperoxidase histology. In confirmation of previous studies at the light microscope level, the antigen was detectable in astrocytes and their processes, but not in neurons or their processes, or in oligodendroglia. Astrocytic processes were stained in white matter, in the granular layet surrounding synaptic glomerular complexes, and in the molecular layer in the form of radially oriented fibers and of sheaths surrounding Purkinje cell dendrites. Astrocytic endfeet impinging on meninges and perivascular membranes were also antigen positive. In astrocytic perikarya and processes, the immunohistochemical reaction product appears both as a diffuse cytoplasmic label and as elongated strands, which by their distribution and frequency could be considered glial filaments.  相似文献   

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