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 We have identified an engrailed-class (en-class) gene and determined the distribution pattern of its protein during embryogenesis in a member of the Onychophora. The results of this work add to our understanding of the evolution of development and in addition, they contribute information toward clarifying the phylogenetic position of this group. We observe transient expression in a portion of each developing segment. By the time limbs have formed, segmental expression of en-class protein is restricted to the mesoderm. This pattern shares important spatio-temporal characteristics with those of Annelida and Arthropoda, both of which have members that express en-class genes segmentally in mesoderm and ectoderm. Received: 30 January 1997 / Accepted: 17 July 1997  相似文献   

Orthologs of the Drosophila gap gene hunchback have been isolated so far only in protostomes. Phylogenetic analysis of recently available genomic data allowed us to confirm that hunchback genes are widely found in protostomes (both lophotrochozoans and ecdysozoans). In contrast, no unequivocal hunchback gene can be found in the genomes of deuterostomes and non-bilaterians. We cloned hunchback in the marine polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii and analysed its expression during development. In this species, hunchback displays an expression pattern indicative of a role in mesoderm formation and neurogenesis, and similar to the expression found for hunchback genes in arthropods. These data suggest altogether that these functions are ancestral to protostomes.Pierre Kerner and Fabiola Zelada González contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The visceral yolk sac (VYS), composed of extraembryonic mesoderm and visceral endoderm, is the initial site of blood cell development and serves important nutritive and absorptive functions. In the mouse, the visceral endoderm becomes a morphologically distinct tissue at the time of implantation (E4.5), while the extraembryonic mesoderm arises during gastrulation (E6.5–8.5). To isolate genes differentially expressed in the developing yolk sac, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods were used to construct cDNA from late primitive streak to neural plate stage (E7.5) murine VYS mesoderm and VYS endoderm tissues. Differential screening led to the identification of six VYS mesoderm-enriched clones: ribosomal protein L13a, the heat shock proteins hsc 70 and hsp 86, guanine-nucleotide binding protein-related gene, cellular nucleic acid binding protein, and ã-enolase. One VYS endoderm-specific cDNA was identified as apolipoprotein C2. In situ hybridization studies confirmed the differential expression of these genes in E7.5 yolk sac tissues. These results indicate that representative cDNA populations can be obtained from small numbers of cells and that PCR methodologies permit the study of gene expression during early mammalian postimplantation development. While all of the mesoderm-enriched genes were ubiquitously expressed in the embryo proper, apolipoprotein C2 expression was confined to the visceral endoderm. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that at E7.5, the yolk sac endoderm provides differentiated liver-like functions, while the newly developing extraembryonic mesoderm is still a largely undifferentiated tissue. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Detailed information about stage-specific changes in gene expression is crucial for the understanding of the gene regulatory networks underlying development. Here, we describe the global gene expression dynamics during early flower development, a key process in the life cycle of a plant, during which floral patterning and the specification of floral organs is established. We used a novel floral induction system in Arabidopsis, which allows the isolation of a large number of synchronized floral buds, in conjunction with whole-genome microarray analysis to identify genes with differential expression at distinct stages of flower development. We found that the onset of flower formation is characterized by a massive downregulation of genes in incipient floral primordia, which is followed by a predominance of gene activation during the differentiation of floral organs. Among the genes we identified as differentially expressed in the experiment, we detected a significant enrichment of closely related members of gene families. The expression profiles of these related genes were often highly correlated, indicating similar temporal expression patterns. Moreover, we found that the majority of these genes is specifically up-regulated during certain developmental stages. Because co-expressed members of gene families in Arabidopsis frequently act in a redundant manner, these results suggest a high degree of functional redundancy during early flower development, but also that its extent may vary in a stage-specific manner.  相似文献   

Enchytraeus japonensis is a highly regenerative oligochaete annelid that can regenerate a complete individual from a small body fragment in 4–5 days. In our previous study, we performed complementary deoxyribonucleic acid subtraction cloning to isolate genes that are upregulated during E. japonensis regeneration and identified glutamine synthetase (gs) as one of the most abundantly expressed genes during this process. In the present study, we show that the full-length sequence of E. japonensis glutamine synthetase (EjGS), which is the first reported annelid glutamine synthetase, is highly similar to other known class II glutamine synthetases. EjGS shows a 61–71% overall amino acid sequence identity with its counterparts in various other animal species, including Drosophila and mouse. We performed detailed expression analysis by in situ hybridization and reveal that strong gs expression occurs in the blastemal regions of regenerating E. japonensis soon after amputation. gs expression was detectable at the cell layer covering the wound and was found to persist in the epidermal cells during the formation and elongation of the blastema. Furthermore, in the elongated blastema, gs expression was detectable also in the presumptive regions of the brain, ventral nerve cord, and stomodeum. In the fully formed intact head, gs expression was also evident in the prostomium, brain, the anterior end of the ventral nerve cord, the epithelium of buccal and pharyngeal cavities, the pharyngeal pad, and in the esophageal appendages. In intact E. japonensis tails, gs expression was found in the growth zone in actively growing worms but not in full-grown individuals. In the nonblastemal regions of regenerating fragments and in intact worms, gs expression was also detected in the nephridia, chloragocytes, gut epithelium, epidermis, spermatids, and oocytes. These results suggest that EjGS may play roles in regeneration, nerve function, cell proliferation, nitrogenous waste excretion, macromolecule synthesis, and gametogenesis.  相似文献   

Genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC) participate in the formation of the central nervous system in the Drosophila embryo. Previous genetic analyses have indicated that lethal of scute (l'sc) is the most important gene of the complex in that process. We have obtained antibodies against the l'sc protein to study the expression of the gene during early neurogenesis. The protein is found in groups of embryonic neuroectodermal cells, analogous to the proneural clusters that precede the appearance of precursors of peripheral sensory organs in imaginal epithelia. The groups appear in different regions of the neuroectoderm, accompanying the three successive waves of neuroblast segregation. Most neuroblasts delaminate from these clusters and express position-specific levels of l'sc protein. No significant differences have been found between the distribution of l'sc RNA and protein. Phenotypic analysis of a l'sc deficiency has shown that the gene is required for neuroblast commitment, although this requirement is less widespread than the domain of l'sc expression, suggesting a high degree of redundancy in the function of genes that participate in the process of neuroblast segregation. The ASC genes have been postulated to play a role in the control of NB identity, revealed by the generation of a defined lineage of identifiable neurons. However, our study in l'sc mutants of the expression of fushi tarazu, engrailed, and even-skipped, used as markers of neuronal identity, has not provided evidence to support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Cortical interneuron dysfunction has been implicated in multiple human disorders including forms of epilepsy, mental retardation, and autism. Although significant advances have been made, understanding the biologic basis of these disorders will require a level of anatomic, molecular, and genetic detail of interneuron development that currently does not exist. To further delineate the pathways modulating interneuron development we performed fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACs) on genetically engineered mouse embryos that selectively express green fluorescent protein (GFP) in developing interneurons followed by whole genome microarray expression profiling on the isolated cells. Bioinformatics analysis revealed expression of both predicted and unexpected genes in developing cortical interneurons. Two unanticipated pathways discovered to be up regulated prior to interneurons differentiating in the cortex were ion channels/neurotransmitters and synaptic/vesicular related genes. A significant association of neurological disease related genes to the population of developing interneurons was found. These results have defined new and potentially important data on gene expression changes during the development of cortical interneurons. In addition, these data can be mined to uncover numerous novel genes involved in the generation of interneurons and may suggest genes/pathways potentially involved in a number of human neurological disorders.  相似文献   

The maintenance of selective patterns of homeotic gene expression within the Drosophila CNS involves cross-regulatory interactions among the genes of the antennapedia and bithorax complexes (ANT-C and BX-C). Such a mechanism does not appear to be responsible for the establishment of these selective expression patterns during early development. Here we show that mutations in several of the gap genes strongly alter the early patterns of Antp and Abd-B expression. The altered patterns that are observed do not always correlate with simple expectations based on cuticular pattern defects observed in advanced-stage mutants. It appears that the initial patterns of Antp and Abd-B expression involve their differential regulation by a common set of gap genes. We propose that the gap genes are largely responsible for integrating the processes of segmentation and homeosis.  相似文献   

Using genome-wide microarrays, we recognized 172 genes that are highly expressed at one stage or another during multicellular development of Dictyostelium discoideum. When developed in shaken suspension, 125 of these genes were expressed if the cells were treated with cyclic AMP (cAMP) pulses at 6-min intervals between 2 and 6 h of development followed by high levels of exogenous cAMP. In the absence of cAMP treatment, only three genes, carA, gbaB, and pdsA, were consistently expressed. Surprisingly, 14 other genes were induced by cAMP treatment of mutant cells lacking the activatable adenylyl cyclase, ACA. However, these genes were not cAMP induced if both of the developmental adenylyl cyclases, ACA and ACR, were disrupted, showing that they depend on an internal source of cAMP. Constitutive activity of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase PKA was found to bypass the requirement of these genes for adenylyl cyclase and cAMP pulses, demonstrating the critical role of PKA in transducing the cAMP signal to early gene expression. In the absence of constitutive PKA activity, expression of later genes was strictly dependent on ACA in pulsed cells.  相似文献   

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