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The interaction of ferricytochrome c with negatively charged heteropolytungstates was studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. In analogy to previous findings on ferricytochrome c bound to other types of charged interface (Hildebrandt, P. and Stockburger, M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 6710-6721, 6722-6728), it was shown that in these complexes the conformational states I and II are stabilized. While in state I, the structure is the same as is in the uncomplexed heme protein, in state II three different coordination configurations coexist, i.e., a six-coordinated low-spin, a five-coordinated high-spin and a six-coordinated high-spin form. These configurations constitute thermal coordination equilibria whose thermodynamic properties were determined. The detailed analysis of the low-frequency resonance Raman spectra reveals that in state II the heme pocket assumes an open structure leading to a significantly higher flexibility of the heme group compared to the native ferricytochrome c. It is concluded that these structural changes are the result of Coulombic attractions between the polyanions and the lysine residues around the exposed heme edge which destabilize the heme crevice. Modifications of these interactions upon variation of the ionic strength, the pH or the type of the polytungstate are sensitively reflected by changes of the coordination equilibria in state II as well as of the conformational equilibrium of state I and state II. The conformational changes in state II significantly differ from those associated with the alkaline transition of ferricytochrome c. However, there are some structural similarities between the acid form of the heme protein stable below pH 2.5 in aqueous solution and the six-coordinated high-spin configuration of the bound ferricytochrome c at neutral pH (state II). This suggests that electrostatic interactions with the heteropolytungstates perturb the ionic equilibria of those amino acid side chains which are involved in the acid-induced transition leading to a significant upshift of the apparent pKa.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman scattering from cow milk lactoperoxidase (LPO) and its complexes with various electron donors and inhibitors was investigated. The Raman spectrum of LPO is strikingly close to that of hog intestinal peroxidase but distinctly dissimilar to that of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). The v10 frequency suggested the six-coordinate high-spin structure of heme for native LPO in contrast with the five-coordinate high-spin structure for HRP. For the v10 band, benzohydroxamic acid caused a frequency shift with HRP but not with LPO. Guaiacol, o-toluidine, and histidine brought about a frequency shift of the v4 mode for LPO but not for HRP. The frequency shift was restored upon removal of the substrate or inhibitor by dialysis. The down shift of the v4 frequency is considered to represent an appreciable donation of electrons from the substrate or inhibitor to the porphyrin LUMO and thus their direct interaction with the heme group. From the relative intensity of the shifted and unshifted v4 lines, the dissociation constant was determined to be Kd = 52 mM for guaiacol and Kd = 87 mM for histidine at pH 7.4. The binding of histidine was relatively retarded in the presence of sulfate anion (Kd = 150 mM for 0.53 M sulfate present), and imidazole alone yielded no frequency shift, indicating the binding of the carboxyl group of histidine to the protein cationic site on one hand and a weak charge-transfer interaction between the imidazole group and the heme group on the other.  相似文献   

M Nagai  Y Yoneyama  T Kitagawa 《Biochemistry》1989,28(6):2418-2422
Resonance Raman spectra of four hemoglobins (Hbs) M with tyrosinate ligand, that is, Hb M Saskatoon (beta distal His----Tyr), Hb M Hyde Park (beta proximal His----Tyr), Hb M Boston (alpha distal His----Tyr), and Hb M Iwate (alpha proximal His----Tyr), were investigated in order to elucidate structural origins for distinctly facile reducibility of the abnormal subunit of Hb M Saskatoon in comparison with other Hbs M. All of the Hbs M exhibited the fingerprint bands for the Fe-tyrosinate proteins around 1600, 1500, and 1270 cm-1. However, Hb M Saskatoon had the lowest Fe-tyrosinate stretching frequency and was the only one to display the Raman spectral pattern of a six-coordinate heme for the abnormal beta subunit; the others displayed the patterns of a five-coordinate heme. The absorption intensity of Hb M Saskatoon at 600 nm indicated a transition with a midpoint pH at 5.2, whereas that of Hb M Boston was independent of pH from 7.2 to 4.8. The fingerprint bands for the tyrosinate coordination as well as the Fe-tyrosinate stretching band disappeared for Hb M Saskatoon at pH 5.0, and the resultant Raman spectrum resembled that of metHb A, while those bands were clearly observed for Hb M Boston at pH 5.0 and for two Hbs M at pH 10.0. These observations suggest that the unusual characteristics of the heme in the abnormal beta chain of Hb M Saskatoon result from the weak Fe-tyrosinate bond, which allows weak coordination of the proximal histidine, giving rise to the six-coordinate high-spin state at pH 7.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectra with 229-nm excitation are reported for aqueous tyrosine and for ovomucoid third domain proteins from chicken [OMCHI3(-)] and from chachalaca [OMCHA(-)], as well as alpha 1-, alpha 2-, and beta-purothionin. At this excitation wavelength interference from phenylalanine is minimized, and it is possible to determine the frequencies of the Tyr ring modes nu 8a and nu 8b. The nu 8b frequency decreases with the degree of Tyr H-bond donation, reaching a limiting value for deprotonated tyrosine. This spectroscopic indicator of H-bond strength was calibrated by using the model compound p-cresol in H-bond acceptor solutions for which the enthalpy of H-bond formation can be obtained from the literature. With this calibration it is possible to estimate Tyr H-bond enthalpies in proteins for which Tyr is a H-bond donor; values of 13.7, 9.6, and 11.2 kcal/mol were found for OMCHA3(-) and for alpha 1- (or alpha 2-) and beta-purothionin, respectively. The intensity of the 1176-cm-1 nu 9a band of Tyr excited at 229 nm and also the intensity ratio of the Tyr 830/850-cm-1 Fermi doublet excited at 200 nm both correlate strongly with the estimated H-bond enthalpies, but large deviations are seen for the purothionins, reflecting a special environment for the Tyr residue of these proteins, which is believed to be constrained in a hydrophobic pocket. The molar intensity of the strong approximately 1000-cm-1 nu 12 band of phenylalanine in aqueous solution is about half the value observed in most proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas bacteriophage Pf3 is a long and narrow filament consisting of a covalently closed DNA single strand of 5833 bases sheathed by approximately 2500 copies of a 44-residue subunit. Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectra excited at 257, 244, 238, and 229 nm and off-resonance Raman spectra excited at 514.5 nm are reported for Pf3 in both H2O and D2O solutions. The key Raman bands are assigned to specific protein and DNA groups of the native virion assembly. The results are compared with proposed assembly models and Raman spectra recently reported for the isomorphous (class II) Pseudomonas phage Pf1 and the morphologically distinct (class I) coliphage fd [Wen, Z. Q., Overman, S. A., and Thomas, G. J. , Jr. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 7810-7820; Wen, Z. Q., Armstrong, A., and Thomas, G. J., Jr. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 3148-3156]. Surprisingly, deoxynucleosides of the packaged DNA genome of Pf3 adopt the same conformation (C3'-endo/anti) found for DNA packaged in the class I fd virion rather than that (C2'-endo/anti) associated with DNA in the isomorphous Pf1 virion. However, DNA base stacking in Pf3, as judged by Raman hypochromic effects, differs significantly from that occurring in either Pf1 or fd. Thus, the single-stranded DNA genomes of Pf3, Pf1, and fd are all organized differently within their respective capsids, implying that local subunit-DNA interactions may be important in determining the structure specific to each native assembly. The present study confirms a completely alpha-helical secondary structure for the Pf3 subunit and an unusual indolyl ring environment for the subunit tryptophan residue (Trp-38).  相似文献   

Jin Y  Nagai M  Nagai Y  Nagatomo S  Kitagawa T 《Biochemistry》2004,43(26):8517-8527
The alpha-abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) M variants show physiological properties different from the beta-abnormal Hb M variants, that is, extremely low oxygen affinity of the normal subunit and extraordinary resistance to both enzymatic and chemical reduction of the abnormal met-subunit. To get insight into the contribution of heme structures to these differences among Hb M's, we examined the 406.7-nm excited resonance Raman (RR) spectra of five Hb M's in the frequency region from 1700 to 200 cm(-1). In the high-frequency region, profound differences between met-alpha and met-beta abnormal subunits were observed for the in-plane skeletal modes (the nu(C=C), nu(37), nu(2), nu(11), and nu(38) bands), probably reflecting different distortions of heme structure caused by the out-of-plane displacement of the heme iron due to tyrosine coordination. Below 900 cm(-1), Hb M Iwate [alpha(F8)His --> Tyr] exhibited a distinct spectral pattern for nu(15), gamma(11), delta(C(beta)C(a)C(b))(2,4), and delta(C(beta)C(c)C(d))(6,7) compared to that of Hb M Boston [alpha(E7)His --> Tyr], although both heme irons are coordinated by Tyr. The beta-abnormal Hb M variants, namely, Hb M Hyde Park [beta(F8)His --> Tyr], Hb M Saskatoon [beta(E7)His --> Tyr], and Hb M Milwaukee [beta(E11)Val --> Glu], displayed RR band patterns similar to that of metHb A, but with some minor individual differences. The RR bands characteristic of the met-subunits of Hb M's totally disappeared by chemical reduction, and the ferrous heme of abnormal subunits was no longer bonded with Tyr or Glu. They were bonded to the distal (E7) or proximal (F8) His, and this was confirmed by the presence of the nu(Fe-His) mode at 215 cm(-1) in the 441.6-nm excited RR spectra. A possible involvement of heme distortion in differences of reducibility of abnormal subunits and oxygen affinity of normal subunits is discussed.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC, EC acts as a sensor for nitric oxide (NO), but is also activated by carbon monoxide in the presence of an allosteric modulator. Resonance Raman studies on the structure-function relations of sGC are reviewed with a focus on the CO-adduct in the presence and absence of allosteric modulator, YC-1, and substrate analogues. It is demonstrated that the sGC isolated from bovine lung contains one species with a five-coordinate (5c) ferrous high-spin heme with the Fe-His stretching mode at 204 cm(-1), but its CO adduct yields two species with different conformations about the heme pocket with the Fe-CO stretching (nuFe-CO) mode at 473 and 489 cm(-1), both of which are His- and CO-coordinated 6c ferrous adducts. Addition of YC-1 to it changes their population and further addition of GTP yields one kind of 6c (nuFe-CO=489 cm(-1)) in addition to 5c CO-adduct (nuFe-CO=521 cm(-1)). Under this condition the enzymatic activity becomes nearly the same level as that of NO adduct. Addition of gamma-S-GTP yields the same effect as GTP does but cGMP and GDP gives much less effects. Unexpectedly, ATP cancels the effects of GTP. The structural meaning of these spectroscopic observations is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Aromatic amino acids of membrane proteins are enriched at the lipid-water interface. The role of tryptophan on the folding and stability of an integral membrane protein is investigated with ultraviolet resonance Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy. We investigate a model system, the β-barrel outer membrane protein A (OmpA), and focus on interfacial tryptophan residues oriented toward the lipid bilayer (trp-7, trp-170, or trp-15) or the interior of the β-barrel pore (trp-102). OmpA mutants with a single tryptophan residue at a nonnative position 170 (Trp-170) or a native position 7 (Trp-7) exhibit the greatest stability, with Gibbs free energies of unfolding in the absence of denaturant of 9.4 and 6.7 kcal/mol, respectively. These mutants are more stable than the tryptophan-free OmpA mutant, which exhibits a free energy of unfolding of 2.6 kcal/mol. Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectra of Trp-170 and Trp-7 reveal evolution of a hydrogen bond in a nonpolar environment during the folding reaction, evidenced by systematic shifts in hydrophobicity and hydrogen bond markers. These observations suggest that the hydrogen bond acceptor is the lipid acyl carbonyl group, and this interaction contributes significantly to membrane protein stabilization. Other spectral changes are observed for a tryptophan residue at position 15, and these modifications are attributed to development of a tryptophan-lipid cation-π interaction that is more stabilizing than an intraprotein hydrogen bond by ∼2 kcal/mol. As expected, there is no evidence for lipid-protein interactions for the tryptophan residue oriented toward the interior of the β-barrel pore. These results highlight the significance of lipid-protein interactions, and indicate that the bilayer provides more than a hydrophobic environment for membrane protein folding. Instead, a paradigm of lipid-assisted membrane protein folding and stabilization must be adopted.  相似文献   

Huang CY  Balakrishnan G  Spiro TG 《Biochemistry》2005,44(48):15734-15742
Early events in the unfolding of apomyoglobin are studied with time-resolved ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy coupled to a laser-induced temperature jump (T-jump). The UVRR spectra provide simultaneous probes of the aromatic side-chain environment and the amide backbone conformation. The amide bands reveal helix melting, with relaxation times of 70 and 16 micros at pH 5.5 and 4, respectively, in reasonable agreement with previously reported amide I' FTIR/T-jump relaxations (132 and 14 micros at pD 5.5 and 3). The acceleration at pH 4 is consistent with destabilization of the hydrophobic AGH core of the protein via protonation of a pair of buried histidines. The same relaxation times are found for intensity loss by the phenylalanine F12 band, signaling solvent exposure of the phenyl rings. There are seven Phe residues, distributed throughout the protein; they produce a global response, parallel to helix melting. Relaxation of the tryptophan W16 intensity also parallels helix melting at pH 5.5 but is twice as fast, 7 micros, at pH 4. The pH 5.5 signal arises from Trp 7, which is partially solvent-exposed, while the pH 4 signal arises from the buried Trp 14. Thus, Trp 14 is exposed to the solvent prior to helix melting of the AGH core, suggesting initial displacement of the A helix, upon which Trp 14 resides. All of the UVRR signals show a prompt response, within the instrument resolution (approximately 60 ns), which accounts for half of the total relaxation amplitude. This response is attributed to solvent penetration into the protein, possibly convoluted with melting of hydrated helix segments.  相似文献   

HemAT from Bacillus subtilis (HemAT-Bs) is a heme-based O2 sensor protein that acts as a signal transducer responsible for aerotaxis. HemAT-Bs discriminates its physiological effector (O2) from other gas molecules (CO and NO), although all of them bind to a heme. To monitor the conformational changes in the protein moiety upon binding of different ligands, we have investigated ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectra of the ligand-free and O2-, CO-, and NO-bound forms of full-length HemAT-Bs and several mutants (Y70F, H86A, T95A, and Y133F) and found that Tyr70 in the heme distal side and Tyr133 and Trp132 from the G-helix in the heme proximal side undergo environmental changes upon ligand binding. In addition, the UVRR results confirmed our previous model, which suggested that Thr95 forms a hydrogen bond with heme-bound O2, but Tyr70 does not. It is deduced from this study that hydrogen bonds between Thr95 and heme-bound O2 and between His86 and heme 6-propionate communicate the heme structural changes to the protein moiety upon O2 binding but not upon CO and NO binding. Accordingly, the present UVRR results suggest that O2 binding to heme causes displacement of the G-helix, which would be important for transduction of the conformational changes from the sensor domain to the signaling domain.  相似文献   

Haruta N  Aki M  Ozaki S  Watanabe Y  Kitagawa T 《Biochemistry》2001,40(23):6956-6963
Conformational change of myoglobin (Mb) accompanied by binding of a ligand was investigated with 244 nm excited ultraviolet resonance Raman Spectroscopy (UVRR). The UVRR spectra of native sperm whale (sw) and horse (h) Mbs and W7F and W14F swMb mutants for the deoxy and CO-bound states enabled us to reveal the UVRR spectra of Trp7, Trp14, and Tyr151 residues, separately. The difference spectra between the deoxy and CO-bound states reflected the environmental or structural changes of Trp and Tyr residues upon CO binding. The W3 band of Trp7 near the N-terminus exhibited a change upon CO binding, while Trp14 did not. Tyr151 in the C-terminus also exhibited a definite change upon CO binding, but Tyr103 and Tyr146 did not. The spectral change of Tyr residues was characterized through solvent effects of a model compound. The corresponding spectral differences between CO- and n-butyl isocyanide-bound forms were much smaller than those between the deoxy and CO-bound forms, suggesting that the conformation change in the C- and N-terminal regions is induced by the proximal side of the heme through the movement of iron. Although the swinging up of His64 upon binding of a bulky ligand is noted by X-ray crystallographic analysis, UVRR spectra of His for the n-butyl isocyanide-bound form did not detect the exposure of His64 to solvent.  相似文献   

Richter S  Müssig J  Gierlinger N 《Planta》2011,233(4):763-772
Using the Raman imaging approach, the optimization of the plant cell wall design was investigated on the micron level within different tissue types at different positions of a Phormium tenax leaf. Pectin and lignin distribution were visualized and the cellulose microfibril angle (MFA) of the cell walls was determined. A detailed analysis of the Raman spectra extracted from the selected regions, allowed a semi-quantitative comparison of the chemical composition of the investigated tissue types on the micron level. The cell corners of the parenchyma revealed almost pure pectin and the cell wall an amount of 38–49% thereof. Slight lignification was observed in the parenchyma and collenchyma in the top of the leaf and a high variability (7–44%) in the sclerenchyma. In the cell corners and in the cell wall of the sclerenchymatic fibres surrounding the vascular tissue, the highest lignification was observed, which can act as a barrier and protection of the vascular tissue. In the sclerenchyma high variable MFA (4°–40°) was detected, which was related with lignin variability. In the primary cell walls a constant high MFA (57°–58°) was found together with pectin. The different plant cell wall designs on the tissue and microlevel involve changes in chemical composition as well as cellulose microfibril alignment and are discussed and related according to the development and function.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet resonance Raman (UV RR) spectra of functional ATP/membrane-bound Na+K+-ATPase complexes have been obtained. The substrate binding in the enzyme active site has been shown to be accompanied with significant changes in the electronic vibrational structure of the adenine ring. From the spectral analysis of ATP, 8-Br-ATP and 6-NHMe-adenine at various pH values the conclusion was made that N1 and the NH2, group and, probably, N7 of the substrate adenine part, interact with the protein surroundings via hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

To investigate the basis of the 'light-switch' effect, the solvent dependence of the Kerr-gated picosecond-time resolved resonance Raman (TR(3)) spectra of [Ru(bpy)(2)dppz](2+), [Ru(phen)(2)dppz](2+), and the modified complex [Ru(phen)(2)cpdppzOMe](2+) and a dimer [mu-C4(cpdppz)(2)-(phen)(4)Ru(2)](4+) were studied. The investigation focussed on comparing the behaviour of [Ru(phen)(2)dppz](2+) in acetonitrile, ethanol, H(2)O, D(2)O, and DNA. The data are consistent with a model wherein excitation induces metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) to any of the ligands (termed the 'precursor' state) which, by interligand electron transfer (ILET), produces an excited state localised on the dppz ligand, MLCT(1). In water this state relaxes with a characteristic time of approximately 6 ps to a non-emissive state (MLCT(2)). The TR(3) spectra in water, acetonitrile and DNA are all distinctly different. However, the early (4 ps) water spectrum resembles the spectrum in DNA. This interesting observation suggests that the DNA-bound excited state of the complex can be thought of as a model for the initial, poorly solvated state in water.  相似文献   

The effect of Li+ ions as a transformation inducing agent on the yeast cell wall has been studied. Two Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, p63-DC5 with a native cell wall, and strain XCY42-30D(mnn1) which contains structural changes in the mannan-protein complex, were used. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy has been used for the characterization of the yeast strains and for determination of the effect of lithium cations on the cell wall. A comparison of the carbohydrate absorption band positions in the 970–1185 cm?1 range, of Na+ and Li+ treated yeast cells has been estimated. Absorption band positions of the cell wall carbohydrates of p63-DC5 were not influenced by the studied ions. On the contrary, the treatment of XCY42-30D(mnn1) cells with Li+ ions shifted glucan band positions, implying that the cell wall structure of strain XCY42-30D(mnn1) is more sensitive to Li+ ion treatment.  相似文献   

Among the four types of hemoglobin (Hb) M with a substitution of a tyrosine (Tyr) for either the proximal (F8) or distal (E7) histidine in the α or β subunits, only Hb M Saskatoon (βE7Tyr) assumes a hexacoordinate structure and its abnormal subunits can be reduced readily by methemoglobin (metHb) reductase. This is distinct from the other three M Hbs. To gain new insight into the cause of the difference, we examined the ionization states of E7 and F8 Tyrs by UV resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy and Fe–O(Tyr) bonding by visible RR spectroscopy. Hb M Iwate (αF8Tyr), Hb M Boston (αE7Tyr), and Hb M Hyde Park (βF8Tyr) exhibited two extra UV RR bands at 1,603 cm−1 (Y8a′) and 1,167 cm−1 (Y9a′) arising from deprotonated (ionized) Tyr, but Hb M Saskatoon displayed the UV RR bands of protonated (unionized) Tyr at 1,620 and 1,175 cm−1 in addition to those of deprotonated Tyr. Evidence for the bonding of both ionization states of Tyr to the heme in Hb M Saskatoon was provided by visible RR spectroscopy. These results indicate that βE7Tyr of Hb M Saskatoon is in equilibrium between protonated and deprotonated forms, which is responsible for facile reducibility. Comparison of the UV RR spectral features of metHb M with that of metHb A has revealed that metHb M Saskatoon and metHb M Hyde Park are in the R (relaxed) structure, similar to that of metHb A, whereas metHb M Iwate, metHb M Boston and metHb M Milwaukee are in the T (tense) quaternary structure.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic methods reveal differences in flexibility and stability of P450 forms. Among microsomal P450s, the most flexible active site has been found in the CYP3A4 enzyme as it is compressible and the heme vinyl side chains may adopt two different conformations. On the other hand, active site of this enzyme denatures quite easily upon hydrostatic pressure. The most rigid active site able to withstand the effect of high pressure has CYP1A2. The bacterial CYP102 (BM3) flavocytochrome has also a rather stable, but flexible active site. The differences between CYP3A4 and CYP1A2 active sites apparently reflect their ability to bind various substrates: whereas the CYP3A4 binds a vast variety of structures, the CYP1A2 preferentially binds planar, aromatic structures and its substrate specificity is relatively narrow.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli protein HU functions as an architectural DNA-binding protein by facilitating DNA looping or bending to form multiprotein complexes. Although HU does not recognize a specific DNA sequence, site-specific binding to a number of discontinuous, looped, or bent DNA substrates has been observed. In this study UV resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy is used to identify structural elements associated with low- and high-affinity binding by examining three different HU-DNA complexes. UVRR spectra obtained with an excitation wavelength of 210 nm, which preferentially enhances protein backbone amide vibrations, indicate that HU secondary structure content increases and the protein structure becomes more rigid upon binding to DNA. The increase in alpha-helical content is attributed to the C-terminal helix, which interacts with the DNA and may play a role in binding affinity and specificity. UVRR spectra obtained with a 215 nm excitation wavelength demonstrate that Pro mode intensity at 1455 cm(-1) decreases upon complex formation. This intensity decrease is attributed to the intercalation of Pro residues between DNA base pairs to induce a bend in the DNA, as has been observed previously in the IHF-DNA and HU-DNA cocrystal structures. DNA vibrational modes are also indicative of significant base unstacking and opening of the minor groove upon protein binding, consistent with bending and distortion of the DNA. In all three complexes, A-DNA conformational features are indicated by deoxyribose-phosphate backbone modes. These and other results suggest that protein-induced bending plays an important role in HU site-specific binding and supports a model of a mutually induced fit.  相似文献   

Formation of amyloid oligomers, the most toxic species of amyloids in degenerative diseases, is critically coupled to the interplay with surrounding water. The hydrophobic force driving the oligomerization causes water removal from interfaces, changing the surface-hydration properties. Here, we show that such effects alter the magnetic relaxation response of local water in ways that may enable oligomer detection. By using water proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we measured significantly longer transverse magnetic relaxation (T2) times in mixtures of serum and amyloidogenic Aβ1-42 peptides versus similar concentration solutions of serum and nonamyloidogenic scrambled Aβ42-1 peptides. Immunochemistry with oligomer-specific antibodies, electron microscopy and computer simulations demonstrated that the hyperintense magnetic signal correlates with Aβ1-42 oligomerization. Finding early biophysical markers of the oligomerization process is crucial for guiding the development of new noninvasive imaging techniques, enabling timely diagnosis of amyloid-related diseases and pharmacological intervention.  相似文献   

delta 5-3-Ketosteroid isomerase (KSI: EC of Pseudomonas testosteroni catalyzes the isomerization of delta 5-3-ketosteroids to delta 4-3-ketosteroids by the stereospecific transfer of the steroid 4 beta-proton to the 6 beta-position, using Tyr-14 as a general acid and Asp-38 as a base. Ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectra have been obtained for the catalytically active double mutant Y55F + Y88F, which retains Tyr-14 as the only tyrosine residue (referred to as the Y14(0) mutant), and the Y14F mutant, which has 50,000-fold lower activity. The UVRR results establish that binding of the product analog and competitive inhibitors 19-nortestosterone or 4-fluoro-19-nortestosterone to the Y14(0) mutant does not result in the formation of deprotonated Tyr-14. The UVRR spectra of the steroid inhibitors show large decreases in the vinyl and carbonyl stretching frequencies on binding to the Y14(0) enzyme but not on binding to the Y14F enzyme. These changes cannot be mimicked by protonation of the steroids. For 19-nortestosterone, the vinyl and carbonyl stretching frequencies shift down (with respect to the values in aqueous solution) by 18 and 27 cm-1, respectively, on binding to Y14(0) KSI. It is proposed that the changes in the steroid resonance Raman spectrum arise from polarization of the enone moiety via the close proximity of the charged Asp-38 side chain to the vinyl group and the directional hydrogen bond between Tyr-14 and the 3-carbonyl oxygen of the steroid enone. The 230-nm-excited UVRR spectra do not, however, show changes that are characteristic of strong hydrogen bonding from the tyrosine hydrogen. It is proposed that this hydrogen bonding is compensated by a second hydrogen bond to the Tyr-14 oxygen from another protein residue. UVRR spectra of the Y14(0) enzyme obtained using 200 nm excitation show enhancement of the amide II and S Raman bands. The secondary structure of KSI was estimated from the amide II and S intensities and was found to be low in alpha-helical structure. The alpha-helix content was estimated to be in the range of 0-25% (i.e., 10 +/- 15%).  相似文献   

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