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BACKGROUND: Although many birth defects surveillance programs incorporate georeferenced records into their databases, practical methods for routine spatial surveillance are lacking. We present a macroprogram written for the software package R designed for routine exploratory spatial analysis of birth defects data, the Automated Spatial Surveillance Program (ASSP), and present an application of this program using spina bifida prevalence data for metropolitan Atlanta. METHODS: Birth defects surveillance data were collected by the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program. We generated ASSP maps for two groups of years that correspond roughly to the periods before (1994-1998) and after (1999-2002) folic acid fortification of flour. ASSP maps display census tract-specific spina bifida prevalence, smoothed prevalence contours, and locations of statistically elevated prevalence. We used these maps to identify areas of elevated prevalence for spina bifida. RESULTS: We identified a large area of potential concern in the years following fortification of grains and cereals with folic acid. This area overlapped census tracts containing large numbers of Hispanic residents. CONCLUSIONS: The potential utility of ASSP for spatial disease monitoring was demonstrated by the identification of areas of high prevalence of spina bifida and may warrant further study and monitoring. We intend to further develop ASSP so that it becomes practical for routine spatial monitoring of birth defects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: With the significant advancement of geographic information systems (GIS), mapping and evaluating the spatial distribution of health events has become easier. We examine the role of GIS in birth defects surveillance and research. METHODS: We briefly describe the geocoding process and potential problems in accuracy of the obtained geocodes, and some of the capabilities and limitations of GIS. We illustrate how GIS has been applied using the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program geocoded dataset. We provide some comments on potential data quality and confidentiality issues with birth defects in relation to GIS. RESULTS: It is desirable to geocode addresses using a multistrategy approach to achieve a high-quality and accurate GIS dataset. Beyond the basic but important function of mapping, sophisticated statistical approaches and software are available to analyze the spatial or spatial-temporal occurrence of birth defects, alone or in association with environmental hazards, and to present this information without compromising the confidentiality of the subjects. CONCLUSIONS: We recommend a broad and systematic use of GIS in birth defects spatial surveillance and research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The assessment of the data quality of population-based registration systems is essential to understanding the reliability and usefulness of disease surveillance and research findings resulting from the use of registry data. Since the New York State Congenital Malformations Registry (CMR) uses passive case ascertainment, the completeness of the registry data is an important aspect of the quality of information. This paper presents the results of hospital audits, which were conducted to capture the unreported cases using hospital discharge files, and evaluates the effectiveness of the audits. METHODS: Children age 2 years or younger and diagnosed with reportable birth defects for the birth years 1998-2000 were selected from hospital discharge files of all reporting hospitals in the New York Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) and matched to the CMR database for the same birth year period.The unmatched reports from the SPARCS hospital discharge files that the CMR possibly missed were sent to hospitals, requesting submission of the missed reports. Two audits on all reporting hospitals in New York State were conducted: 1) 1998 and 1999 birth cohorts audited from June 2000 to March 2002, and 2) 2000 birth cohort audited from November 2001 to November 2002. RESULTS: Hospital audits using SPARCS hospital discharge data identified 5,460 reports that the CMR missed for the selected 66 hospitals analyzed. About 86% of these reports had reportable conditions and were added to the CMR, which comprised 21.4% of all reports from the 66 hospitals for the birth years 1998-2000. The number of reports that would have been missed without audits decreased from the 1998 and 1999 birth cohort (25.1%) to the 2000 birth cohort (13.9%). Low reporting rates and, thus, a high percent of added reports, were found for hospitals with a relatively small number of annual reports and for some specific birth defects such as chromosomal anomalies, anencephalus and congenital anomalies of the urinary system. CONCLUSION: The current study demonstrates that using hospital discharge data to improve case ascertainment is a valuable and effective method of enhancing birth defect surveillance, particularly for those hospitals with low reporting rates.  相似文献   

Infants with multiple congenital anomalies (MCA) can provide important clues in the detection of teratogenic agents. Definition, classification, and ascertainment of MCA vary, however. We present comparative epidemiologic data on MCA from two U.S. surveillance systems: the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program, which ascertains major birth defects during the first year of life, and the Birth Defects Monitoring Program, a nationwide system that relies on newborn hospital-discharge diagnoses. This system has two components: the Commission on Public Hospitals Activities (CPHA) and the McDonnell Douglas Health Information System (MDHIS). Our analyses were based on over 600,000 births occurring in Atlanta, and over 5 million births occurring nationwide. Infants were classified as having MCA if they had two or more major defects from different categories (central nervous system, eye, orofacial, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, genitourinary, and musculoskeletal). Additional analyses were also done on infants with three or more defects. Compared with the nationwide system, Atlanta showed 1) a much higher rate of MCA (16.2 per 10,000 births vs. 4.9 and 3.8 per 10,000 births in CPHA and MDHIS, respectively) and 2) a higher rate of MCA with chromosomal syndromes (2.0 per 10,000 births vs. 0.6 and 0.3 per 10,000 births in CPHA and MDHIS, respectively). Moreover, in Atlanta, the proportion of MCA with recorded chromosomal syndromes increased substantially during 20 years. These data point to differences in the ascertainment of MCAs in birth defects surveillance systems. More effort is needed to improve the ascertainment and comparability of MCA in surveillance systems, an important step toward better detection of human teratogens.  相似文献   

The thalidomide tragedy of the 1960s resulted in thousands of children being born with severe limb reduction defects (LRD), among other malformations. In Brazil, there are still babies born with thalidomide embryopathy (TE) because of leprosy prevalence, availability of thalidomide, and deficiencies in the control of drug dispensation. Our objective was to implement a system of proactive surveillance to identify birth defects compatible with TE. Along one year, newborns with LRD were assessed in the Brazilian hospitals participating in the Latin-American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC). A phenotype of LRD called thalidomide embryopathy phenotype (TEP) was established for surveillance. Children with TEP born between the years 2000-2008 were monitored, and during the 2007-2008 period we clinically investigated in greater detail all cases with TEP (proactive period). The period from 1982 to 1999 was defined as the baseline period for the cumulative sum statistics. The frequency of TEP during the surveillance period, at 3.10/10,000 births (CI 95%: 2.50-3.70), was significantly higher than that observed in the baseline period (1.92/10,000 births; CI 95%: 1.60-2.20), and not uniformly distributed across different Brazilian regions. During the proactive surveillance (2007-2008), two cases of suspected TE were identified, although the two mothers had denied the use of the drug during pregnancy. Our results suggest that TEP has probably increased in recent years, which coincides with the period of greater thalidomide availability. Our proactive surveillance identified two newborns with suspected TE, proving to be a sensitive tool to detect TE. The high frequency of leprosy and the large use of thalidomide reinforce the need for a continuous monitoring of TEP across Brazil.  相似文献   

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