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Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) encodes a superantigen (Sag) that is expressed at the surface of antigen-presenting cells in conjunction with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) type II molecules. The Sag-MHC complex is recognized by entire subsets of T cells, leading to cytokine release and amplification of infected B and T cells that carry milk-borne MMTV to the mammary gland. Expression of Sag proteins from endogenous MMTV proviruses carried in the mouse germ line usually results in the deletion of self-reactive T cells during negative selection in the thymus and the elimination of T cells required for infection by specific milk-borne MMTVs. However, other endogenous MMTVs are unable to eliminate Sag-reactive T cells in newborn mice and cause partial loss of reactive T cells in adults. To investigate the kinetics of Sag-reactive T-cell deletion, backcross mice that contain single or multiple MMTVs were screened by a novel PCR assay designed to distinguish among highly related MMTV strains. Mice that contained Mtv-17 alone showed slow kinetics of reactive T-cell loss that involved the CD4(+), but not the CD8(+), subset. Deletion of CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells reactive with Mtv-17 Sag was not detected in thymocytes. Slow kinetics of peripheral T-cell deletion by Mtv-17 Sag also was accompanied by failure to detect Mtv-17 sag-specific mRNA in the thymus, despite detectable expression in other tissues, such as spleen. Together, these data suggest that Mtv-17 Sag causes peripheral, rather than intrathymic, deletion of T cells. Interestingly, the Mtv-8 provirus caused partial deletion of CD4(+)Vbeta12(+) cells in the thymus, but other T-cell subsets appeared to be deleted only in the periphery. Our data have important implications for the level of antigen expression required for elimination of self-reactive T cells. Moreover, these experiments suggest that mice expressing endogenous MMTVs that lead to slow kinetics of T-cell deletion will be susceptible to infection by milk-borne MMTVs with the same Sag specificity.  相似文献   

A Novel Membrane Protein Is a Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Receptor   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) infects a number of different cell types, including mammary gland and lymphoid cells, in vivo. To identify the cellular receptor for this virus, a mouse cDNA expression library was transfected into Cos-7 monkey kidney cells, and those transfected cells able to bind virus were selected by using antibody against the virus’s cell surface envelope protein, gp52. One clone isolated from a library prepared from newborn thymus RNA, called MTVR, was able to confer virus binding to both monkey and human cells; this binding was blocked by anti-MTVR antibody. Moreover, transfection of MTVR into CV1 cells rendered them susceptible to infection by a murine leukemia virus-based retrovirus vector pseudotyped with the MMTV envelope protein. An epitope-tagged MTVR cofractionated with cellular membranes. Coimmunoprecipitation of the MMTV envelope protein and a MTVR-rabbit Fc fusion protein showed that these two proteins bound to each other. The MTVR sequence clone is unique, shows no homology to known membrane proteins, and is transcribed in many tissues.  相似文献   

Many receptors in hematopoietic cells use a common signaling pathway that relies on a highly conserved immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), which signals through Src family tyrosine kinases. ITAM-bearing proteins are also found in many oncogenic viruses, including the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) envelope (Env). We previously showed that MMTV Env expression transformed normal mammary epithelial cells and that Src kinases were important mediators in this transformation. To study how ITAM signaling affects mammary cell transformation, we utilized mammary cell lines expressing two different ITAM-containing proteins, one encoding a MMTV provirus and the other a B cell receptor fusion protein. ITAM-expressing cells were resistant to both serum starvation- and chemotherapeutic drug-induced apoptosis, whereas cells transduced with these molecules bearing ITAM mutations were indistinguishable from untransduced cells in their sensitivity to these treatments. We also found that Src kinase was activated in the MMTV-expressing cells and that MMTV-induced apoptosis resistance was completely restored by the Src inhibitor PP2. In vivo, MMTV infection delayed involution-induced apoptosis in the mouse mammary gland. Our results show that MMTV suppresses apoptosis through ITAM-mediated Src tyrosine kinase signaling. These studies could lead to the development of effective treatment of nonhematopoietic cell cancers in which ITAM-mediated signaling plays a role.  相似文献   

Preferential Binding of Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus to B Lymphocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has been shown to preferentially infect B lymphocytes in vivo. We have used recombinant envelope-coated fluospheres and highly purified MMTV particles to study the distribution of the viral receptors on fresh mouse lymphocytes. A preferential dose-dependent binding to B lymphocytes was observed which could be competed with neutralizing antibodies. In contrast, T-lymphocyte binding remained at background levels. These results strongly suggest a higher density of viral receptor molecules on B lymphocytes than on T lymphocytes and correlate with the preferential initial infection of B lymphocytes observed in vivo.  相似文献   

We investigated whether mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) favors preactivated or naive B cells as targets for efficient infection. We have demonstrated previously that MMTV activates B cells upon infection. Here, we show that polyclonal activation of B cells leads instead to lower infection levels and attenuated superantigen-specific T-cell responses in vivo. This indicates that naive small resting B cells are the major targets of MMTV infection and that the activation induced by MMTV is sufficient to allow efficient infection.  相似文献   

Many mucosal pathogens invade the host by initially infecting the organized mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (o-MALT) such as Peyer’s patches or nasal cavity-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) before spreading systemically. There is no clear demonstration that serum antibodies can prevent infections in o-MALT. We have tested this possibility by using the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) as a model system. In peripheral lymph nodes or in Peyer’s patches or NALT, MMTV initially infects B lymphocytes, which as a consequence express a superantigen (SAg) activity. The SAg molecule induces the local activation of a subset of T cells within 6 days after MMTV infection. We report that similar levels of anti-SAg antibody (immunoglobulin G) in serum were potent inhibitors of the SAg-induced T-cell response both in peripheral lymph nodes and in Peyer’s patches or NALT. This result clearly demonstrates that systemic antibodies can gain access to Peyer’s patches or NALT.  相似文献   

A single-cell clone of C3Hf mammary tumor cells (clone 14) was developed into a continuous cell line expressing high levels of endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) with less than 0.1% murine leukemia virus expression. Comparison of the C3Hf MMTV protein profile on sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with that of C3H MMTV revealed that the protein content of the two viruses was quite similar. However, oligonucleotide fingerprints obtained of MMTV 70S RNA revealed that approximately 20% of the large oligonucleotides examined were unique to each virus. The oligonucleotide fingerprint indicated that although the viruses were similar, they differed in their genetic content. The differences in the two viruses extended to immunological differences in the major envelope glycoprotein, gp52. C3Hf MMTV competed only partially in a homologous radioimmunoassay for gp52 of C3H MMTV, whereas C3H MMTV gave complete competition, indicating that gp52 of C3H MMTV contained type-specific determinants not present on gp52 of C3Hf MMTV. Comparison of C3Hf MMTV with highly oncogenic C3H, GR, and RIII MMTVs in a homologous C3H MMTV gp52 assay gave two patterns of reactivity: complete competition by GR and C3H MMTV and incomplete competition by C3Hf and RIII MMTV. Absorption of anti-C3H MMTV serum by either C3Hf MMTV or RIII MMTV removed all antibodies against both viruses but not against GR and C3H MMTVs. These results indicate that C3H and GR MMTVs are more closely related to each other than to RIII and C3Hf MMTVs.  相似文献   

The Gag protein of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is the chief determinant of subcellular targeting. Electron microscopy studies show that MMTV Gag forms capsids within the cytoplasm and assembles as immature particles with MMTV RNA and the Y box binding protein-1, required for centrosome maturation. Other betaretroviruses, such as Mason-Pfizer monkey retrovirus (M-PMV), assemble adjacent to the pericentriolar region because of a cytoplasmic targeting and retention signal in the Matrix protein. Previous studies suggest that the MMTV Matrix protein may also harbor a similar cytoplasmic targeting and retention signal. Herein, we show that a substantial fraction of MMTV Gag localizes to the pericentriolar region. This was observed in HEK293T, HeLa human cell lines and the mouse derived NMuMG mammary gland cells. Moreover, MMTV capsids were observed adjacent to centrioles when expressed from plasmids encoding either MMTV Gag alone, Gag-Pro-Pol or full-length virus. We found that the cytoplasmic targeting and retention signal in the MMTV Matrix protein was sufficient for pericentriolar targeting, whereas mutation of the glutamine to alanine at position 56 (D56/A) resulted in plasma membrane localization, similar to previous observations from mutational studies of M-PMV Gag. Furthermore, transmission electron microscopy studies showed that MMTV capsids accumulate around centrioles suggesting that, similar to M-PMV, the pericentriolar region may be a site for MMTV assembly. Together, the data imply that MMTV Gag targets the pericentriolar region as a result of the MMTV cytoplasmic targeting and retention signal, possibly aided by the Y box protein-1 required for the assembly of centrosomal microtubules.  相似文献   

Protocadherin-1 (PCDH1) is a novel susceptibility gene for airway hyperresponsiveness, first identified in families exposed to cigarette smoke and is expressed in bronchial epithelial cells. Here, we asked how mouse Pcdh1 expression is regulated in lung structural cells in vivo under physiological conditions, and in both short-term cigarette smoke exposure models characterized by airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness and chronic cigarette smoke exposure models. Pcdh1 gene-structure was investigated by Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends. Pcdh1 mRNA and protein expression was investigated by qRT-PCR, western blotting using isoform-specific antibodies. We observed 87% conservation of the Pcdh1 nucleotide sequence, and 96% conservation of the Pcdh1 protein sequence between men and mice. We identified a novel Pcdh1 isoform encoding only the intracellular signalling motifs. Cigarette smoke exposure for 4 consecutive days markedly reduced Pcdh1 mRNA expression in lung tissue (3 to 4-fold), while neutrophilia and airway hyperresponsiveness was induced. Moreover, Pcdh1 mRNA expression in lung tissue was reduced already 6 hours after an acute cigarette-smoke exposure in mice. Chronic exposure to cigarette smoke induced loss of Pcdh1 protein in lung tissue after 2 months, while Pcdh1 protein levels were no longer reduced after 9 months of cigarette smoke exposure. We conclude that Pcdh1 is highly homologous to human PCDH1, encodes two transmembrane proteins and one intracellular protein, and is regulated by cigarette smoke exposure in vivo.  相似文献   

As part of a study of the cell surface changes associated with the production of murine mammary tumor virus, the structure of the envelope of this virus has been examined by using freeze-fracture techniques. Both fracture and deep-etch surfaces were examined. The fracture faces contain 10-nm spheres comparable to those observed on fractured plasma membranes, although fewer in number. Surfaces exposed by etching possess a highly regular hexagonal array of pits 25 nm apart. By examining freeze-fracture and freeze-etch preparations of virus with ferritin covalently bound to its surface, it has been determined that the surface exposed by etching is the outer surface of the virus. The pitted exterior surface of the mammary tumor virus appears to be a unique surface structure.  相似文献   

We have studied the kinetics of dexamethasone induction of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) RNAs and proteins in virus-infected rat XC cells and GR mouse mammary tumor cells. A detectable increase in viral RNA in infected XC cells was present within 10 min after hormone addition, and half-maximal induction was achieved in less than 2 h. The increase in viral RNA concentration was apparent first in nuclear RNA and later in the cytoplasm. Within the first 15 min of induction, only genome-sized RNA (35S, 7.8 kilobases) was present in augmented amounts, whereas the major subgenomic RNA (24S, 3.8 kilobases) did not appear until at least 30 to 60 min postinduction. The sequential appearance of these RNAs, the probable mRNA's for the gag and env proteins, paralleled the order of appearance of the gag and env proteins, respectively, after hormone treatment. An additional species of viral RNA (20S, 2.5 kilobases) was detected during these induction experiments, but the role of this RNA is not known. Both subgenomic RNAs contain sequences derived from both the 5′ and 3′ termini of genomic RNA and are presumably spliced. After dexamethasone induction of infected XC cells, we detected two smaller env-related proteins which were not found in full hormone induction. The functional role of these smaller proteins is not known. A previously reported smaller species of RNA (13S, 1.0 kilobase) did not appear to be induced and was shown to be cellular rather than viral in origin. In the fully induced infected XC and GR mammary tumor cells, the only viral RNAs present were the 35S and 24S RNAs. In addition, mammary tumors contained only these two viral RNAs. Thus, tumor cells appear to contain only the viral RNAs which direct the synthesis of the gag, pol, and env proteins of the virion.  相似文献   

The polypeptide and glycoprotein compositions of the mouse mammary tumor virus virion from primary monolayer cultures of BALB/cfC3H mouse mammary tumor cells were studied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by using internal and external labeling and Coomassie blue and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining. Twelve polypeptides were reproducibly resolved by the combined methods. Five major polypeptides were demonstrable with estimated molecular weights of 52,000, 36,000, 28,000, 14,000, and 10,000. Seven minor polypeptides were also consistently detected and had estimated molecular weights of 70,000, 60,000, 46,000, 38,000, 30,000, 22,000, and 17,000. Carbohydrate was associated with five of these polypeptides as measured by PAS stain or [(3)H] glucosamine labeling, or both. These glycoproteins had estimated molecular weights of 70,000, 60,000, 52,000, 36,000 and 10,000. The majority of the PAS stain and glucosamine was found in the 52,000 and 36,000 dalton peaks.  相似文献   

放射诱导调控腺病毒介导gfp报告基因在肿瘤细胞内的表达   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为建立放射诱导基因表达调控系统并用于肿瘤的基因治疗,利用PCR技术克隆出放射诱导基因Egr-1基因启动子,经测序证实后与报告基因gfp连接,并利用新型、高效的细菌内同源重组腺病毒载体制备方法制备出重组腺病毒AdEgr-GFP。感染腺病毒的肿瘤细胞给予不同剂量的γ射线照射,体外采用FACS方法检测GFP的表达发现,照射可明显提高GFP表达,并呈剂量依赖性,Western印迹检测也显示类似的结果,为进行体内实验,瘤内注射AdEgr-GFP腺病毒后48h,肿瘤局部接受不同剂量的γ射线照射,8h后制备肿瘤组织标本用于分析GFP的表达。肿组织图像分析结果显示,γ射线照射可显著提高肿瘤组织中GFP的表达,并呈剂量依赖性,结果说明,放射经Egr-1启动子可有效调控腺病毒介导gfp基因的肿瘤细胞内表达。  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MTV) was isolated from the milk of RIII mice by density-gradient centrifugation in Ficoll. The homogeneity of the preparation was demonstrated in electron micrographs. The nucleic acid was extracted with phenol in the presence of Pronase. Its viral origin was attested by failure of ribo-nuclease and deoxyribonuclease treatment of the virus preparation to destroy the filamentous molecules; after phenol extraction, the molecules were destroyed by ribonuclease but not by deoxyribonuclease. Rotary shadowed preparations were examined in the electron microscope. The length distribution of the RNA filaments showed peaks at 1.2, 2.4, and 3.6 mum. The molecular weight of the longest molecule of MTV-RNA was estimated as 3.6 x 10(6) daltons.  相似文献   

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