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Geochemical processes in the Lake Fryxell Basin (Victoria Land,Antarctica)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Major ion, nutrient, transition metal, and cadmium concentrations are presented for nine meltwater streams flowing into Lake Fryxell, a permanently stratified lake with an anoxic hypolimnion in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. For the major ions, stream compositions are considered in terms of dissolution of marine-derived salts and chemical weathering of local rocks. Although Lake Fryxell has undergone significant evaporative concentration, only calcite, of the simple salts, is predicted to precipitate. Geochemical budgets indicate, however, that large quantities of K, Mg, and SO4 have also been removed from the lake. Reverse weathering may be an important sink for K and Mg, although magnesium removal with calcium carbonate phases is also likely. Assuming constancy of composition over recent geologic time, all of the salts in the Fryxell water column could have been delivered under present flows in about three thousand years (chloride age).Comparison of nutrient concentrations in these meltwater streams with other flowing waters in the world reveals that the Fryxell streams are strikingly deficient in NO3-N but not PO4-P. The apparent nitrogen deficiency in Lake Fryxell itself can be attributed to the low annual stream loadings of this nutrient.Stream concentrations and loadings are also presented for Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Cd. Dissolved metal concentrations correlate roughly with average crustal abundances, suggesting that chemical weathering is the major source for these elements. Vertical metal profiles within Lake Fryxell itself appear to be governed by the formation of insoluble sulfide phases, or, in the case of Mn, by MnHPO4. However, dissolved nickel levels in sulfide-bearing waters are much higher than can be explained in terms of metal-sulfide equilibria, and we suspect that significant organic complexing of this metal is occurring in the deeper waters.  相似文献   

A 9.14 m long sediment sequence was recovered from Lake Fryxell, Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and investigated for its chronology and sedimentological, mineralogical, and biogeochemical changes. The basal part of the sequence is dominated by coarse clastic matter, i.e., mainly sand. The sediment composition suggests that a lake existed in Fryxell basin during the Middle Weichselian by ca. 48,000 cal. year BP. After a short period of lake-level lowstand ca. 43,000 cal. year BP, lower Taylor Valley became occupied by the proglacial Lake Washburn, which was at least partly supplied by meltwater and sediments from the Ross Ice Sheet that was advanced to the mouth of Taylor Valley. Evaporation of Lake Washburn to lower levels started during the Last Glacial Maximum at ca. 22,000 cal. year BP, long before the Ross Ice Sheet retreated significantly. Lake-level lowering was discontinuous with a series of high and low stands. From ca. 4000 cal. year BP environmental conditions were similar to those of today and lower Fryxell basin was occupied by a small lake. This lake evaporated to a saline or hypersaline pond between ca. 2500 and 1000 cal. year BP and refilled subsequently.  相似文献   

1. Lake Fryxell, situated in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, offers the opportunity to study microbial loop processes in the absence of crustacean zooplankton and other higher organisms. This is the first study of Lake Fryxell to provide detailed temporal and vertical variations of microbial loop organisms.
2. Protozoan communities are concentrated around the chemocline (9–10 m) in Lake Fryxell. Phototrophic nanoflagellates (PNAN), heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) and ciliates formed deep maxima of 14 580, 694 and 58 cells mL−1 respectively. Although abundance and biomass at the chemocline was high, diversity of protozoa was low, Plagiocampa accounting for> 80% of the total ciliate biomass.
3. In the mixolimnion (4.5–8 m), protozoa were less abundant, but more diverse, with 24 ciliate morphotypes being identified within this region of the water column. Inter-annual variability of protozoan biomass and abundance was greater in the mixolimnion than at the chemocline due to more variable nutrient and prey concentrations.
4. Physicochemical gradients in Lake Fryxell were very stable because the perennial ice cover reduced wind driven currents. As a consequence, ciliate species occurred in distinct depth strata, Monodinium being most abundant directly beneath the ice cover, Askenasia having maximum abundance at 8 m and Plagiocampa dominating ciliate biomass at the chemocline. The lack of vertical mixing reduced seasonal successions of PNAN and ciliate species. Three cryptophyte species dominated the PNAN community at all times (>79% of total biomass).  相似文献   

Seasonal cycle of the microbial plankton in Crooked Lake,Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Changes in the abundance of the components of the microbial plankton between July 1990 and March 1991 in Crooked Lake, one of the largest and deepest freshwater lakes in Antarctica, are described. Chlorophyll a concentration is low (0.2–0.4g·1–1) and there is no discernable spring increase. The phytoplankton is largely dominated by flagellates. Bacterioplankton exhibits a seasonal pattern of abundance ranging from 1.0 × 108·1–1 in July to 3.25 × 108·1–1 in September. Changes in bacterial abundance probably relate to temperature and grazing by heterotrophic and mixotrophic flagellates. Total flagellated protozoan concentrations ranged between 25–136 × 102·l–1. Autotrophic and heterotrophic flagellate abundances were coupled and peaks in their abundance oscillated with peaks in bacterioplankton concentration. Four species of ciliated protozoa, dominated by oligotrichs, particularly the plastidic Strombidium, inhabit the lake. The plankton is characterised by the presence of floes which act as loci for bacteria, flagellates and amoebae and feeding sites for the ciliates and the two sparce metazoan components of the plankton. Crooked Lake is extremely oligotrophic but nonetheless supports a plankton community with a low species diversity and simple trophodynamics.  相似文献   

Bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) are pentacyclic triterpenoid lipids that contribute to the structural integrity and physiology of some bacteria. Because some BHPs originate from specific classes of bacteria, BHPs have potential as taxonomically and environmentally diagnostic biomarkers. For example, a stereoisomer of bacteriohopanetetrol (informally BHT II) has been associated with anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria and suboxic to anoxic marine environments where anammox is active. As a result, the detection of BHT II in the sedimentary record and fluctuations in the relative abundance of BHT II may inform reconstructions of nitrogen cycling and ocean redox changes through the geological record. However, there are uncertainties concerning the sources of BHT II and whether or not BHT II is produced in abundance in non‐marine environments, both of which are pertinent to interpretations of BHT II signatures in sediments. To address these questions, we investigate the BHP composition of benthic microbial mats from Lake Fryxell, Antarctica. Lake Fryxell is a perennially ice‐covered lake with a sharp oxycline in a density‐stabilized water column. We describe the diversity and abundance of BHPs in benthic microbial mats across a transect from oxic to anoxic conditions. Generally, BHP abundances and diversity vary with the morphologies of microbial mats, which were previously shown to reflect local environmental conditions, such as irradiance and oxygen and sulfide concentrations. BHT II was identified in mats that exist within oxic to anoxic portions of the lake. However, anammox bacteria have yet to be identified in Lake Fryxell. We examine our results in the context of BHPs as biomarkers in modern and ancient environments.  相似文献   

A large number of fresh water and saline ponds are located in the Labyrinth (77° 33 S, 160° 50 E) of the upper Wright Valley in the Dry Valleys region of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. It is situated near the terminus of the Wright Upper Glacier between 800–1000 m above sea level. From a limnological point of view, the most interesting problems concerning these saline ponds are the origin of their salts and their evolutional history.Chloride ion contents vary remarkably among the ponds ranging from 0.0049 to 52.4 g kg–1. Surprisingly, more than a half of the ponds are saline with the highest chloride ion content being 2.7 times greater than that of seawater. The D and 18O values of the pond waters indicate a snow and/or glacial meltwaters origin, and that the ponds underwent subsequent alteration due to evaporation or freezing. The composition of chemical components reveal no evidence of trapped seawater. Thus the salt concentrations in the Labyrinth pond waters must be explained principally by the accumulation of atmospheric salts and subsequent repeated cycles of evaporation and freezing of the pond waters over considerable time periods.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Lake Fryxell, 10 streams flowing into the lake, and the moat surrounding the lake was studied to determine the influence of sources and biogeochemical processes on its distribution and chemical nature. Lake Fryxell is an amictic, permanently ice-covered lake in the McMurdo Dry Valleys which contains benthic and planktonic microbial populations, but receives essentially no input of organic material from the ahumic soils of the watershed. Biological activity in the water column does not appear to influence the DOC depth profile, which is similar to the profiles for conservative inorganic constituents. DOC values for the streams varied with biomass in the stream channel, and ranged from 0.2 to 9.7 mg C/L. Fulvic acids in the streams were a lower percentage of the total DOC than in the lake. These samples contain recent carbon and appear to be simpler mixtures of compounds than the lake samples, indicating that they have undergone less humification. The fulvic acids from just above the sediments of the lake have a high sulfur content and are highly aliphatic. The main transformations occurring as these fractions diffuse upward in the water column are 1) loss of sulfur groups through the oxycline and 2) decrease in aliphatic carbon and increase in the heterogeneity of aliphatic moieties. The fraction of modem14C content of the lake fulvic acids range from a minimum of 0.68 (approximately 3000 years old) at 15m depth to 0.997 (recent material) just under the ice. The major processes controlling the DOC in the lake appear to be: 1) The transport of organic matter by the inflow streams resulting in the addition of recent organic material to the moat and upper waters of the lake; 2) The diffusion of organic matter composed of relict organic material and organic carbon resulting from the degradation of algae and bacteria from the bottom waters or sediments of the lake into overlying glacial melt water, 3) The addition of recent organic matter to the bottom waters of the lake from the moat.  相似文献   

The invertebrate faunal composition of moss-dominated flushes near the Canada Glacier was, as in similar habitats in continental Antarctic regions, numerically dominated by protozoa, rotifers, nematodes and tardigrades. Mites were of lesser abundance. Although collembola occur in the Taylor Valley, none were found at the study site. The finding of a catenulid flatworm is significant as microturbellarians have only rarely been recorded from Antarctica. Nematode, tardigrade and rotifer densities recorded were comparable to those in other Antarctic regions. These groups were found at a mean depth ranging from 5 to 10.83 mm in the moss. A greater percentage of all groups were in the upper 5 mm of moss cores in post-melt samples than in pre-melt samples.  相似文献   

Summary The plankton of twelve freshwater and slightly saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica was sampled in February 1991. All of the lakes are oligotrophic. The chlorophyll a concentrations in the lakes ranged from 0.10–2.69 g · 1–1. The majority of the phytoplankton were flagellates or picoplanktonic cyanobacteria with the species composition varying between the lakes. Cyanobacteria were found in five of the lakes. Five to 6 species of ciliated protozoa occurred, among them oligotrichs, including the mixotrophic species Strombidium viride. The concentrations of protists and bacteria were an order to several orders of magnitude lower than reported from lower latitude oligotrophic lakes. Low species diversity and low numbers in the plankton characterise these eastern Antarctica lakes which reflects their low nutrient status and isolation.  相似文献   

Archaea were detected in molecular diversity studies of the permanently frozen Lake Fryxell, Antarctica. Two clusters of methanogens were detected in the sediments, and another cluster of possibly methanotrophic Euryarchaeota was detected in the anoxic water column just above the sediments. One crenarchaeote was detected in water just below the oxycline. The Archaea present in Lake Fryxell are likely involved in the major biogeochemical cycles that occur there.  相似文献   

We sequenced the mitochondrial (mt) DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene to examine comparative phylogeographic patterns for the springtail Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni and the mite Stereotydeus mollis throughout their ranges in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Our aim was to extend previous genetic work to encompass a large ice-free area in the Dry Valleys. In particular, we sought to determine if this new region harboured high levels of genetic diversity and if patterns of genetic structure were congruent across taxa. Phylogenetic and nested clade analyses for G. hodgsoni and S. mollis showed similar patterns of population sub-structuring among locations and highlighted several potential refugia that may have existed during glacial maxima. We identified greater levels of genetic divergence in S. mollis and suggest that there is a nucleotide substitution (mutation) rate difference between S. mollis and G. hodgsoni, and/or that S. mollis has had a longer association with the Antarctic landscape.  相似文献   

The moss Hennediella heimii constitutes a significant proportion of the terrestrial flora of East Antarctica, especially in the McMurdo Dry Valleys region of southern Victoria Land. This is the first investigation of the extent of genetic variation within a population of H. heimii. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA has been used to study both genetic diversity and dispersal of this moss in Miers Valley, southern Victoria Land. The results showed that genetic variation does occur in H. heimii (possibly due to increased exposure to UV-B irradiation), even between shoots within single colonies, and that colonies collected from three transects along meltstreams within the valley constitute a single large population. However, comparison with samples of the same species from nearby valleys and sites up to 500 km distant showed that the Miers Valley population is distinct from these other populations. The results also indicate that wind plays a major role in dispersal of H. heimii in this region of Antarctica. Accepted: 2 September 1998  相似文献   

Archaea were detected in molecular diversity studies of the permanently frozen Lake Fryxell, Antarctica. Two clusters of methanogens were detected in the sediments, and another cluster of possibly methanotrophic Euryarchaeota was detected in the anoxic water column just above the sediments. One crenarchaeote was detected in water just below the oxycline. The Archaea present in Lake Fryxell are likely involved in the major biogeochemical cycles that occur there.  相似文献   

RibR is a minor cryptic flavokinase (EC of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis with an unknown cellular function. The flavokinase activity appears to be localized to the N-terminal domain of the protein. Using the yeast three-hybrid system, it was shown that RibR specifically interacts in vivo with the nontranslated wild-type leader of the mRNA of the riboflavin biosynthetic operon. This interaction is lost partially when a leader containing known cis-acting deregulatory mutations in the so-called RFN element is tested. The RFN element is a sequence within the rib-leader mRNA reported to serve as a receptor for an FMN-dependent 'riboswitch'. In RibR itself, interaction was localized to the carboxy-terminate part of the protein, a segment of unknown function that does not show similarity to other proteins in the public databases. Analysis of a ribR-defective strain revealed a mild deregulation with respect to flavin (riboflavin, FMN and FAD) biosynthesis. The results indicate that the RNA-binding protein RibR may be involved in the regulation of the rib genes.  相似文献   

Benthic algal mats and phytoplankton of Lake Gondwana (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) were investigated. Biomass, chlorophyll content and floristic analyses were carried out on algal mats. The mats are composed of two layers different in colour, floristic composition and chlorophyll content. The algal flora of the mats amount to 34 taxa (19 Cyanophyta, 7 Bacillariophyta, 8 Chlorophyta). The phytoplankton community is species-poor (only 5 taxa). Crytophyta account for about 98% of total algal density.  相似文献   

Lake Vida, in the Victoria Valley of East Antarctica, is frozen, yet harbors liquid brine (~20% salt, >6 times seawater) intercalated in the ice below 16 m. The brine has been isolated from the surface for several thousand years. The brine conditions (permanently dark, ?13.4 °C, lack of O2, and pH of 6.2) and geochemistry are highly unusual. For example, nitrous oxide (N2O) is present at a concentration among the highest reported for an aquatic environment. Only a minor 17O anomaly was observed in N2O, indicating that this gas was predominantly formed in the lake. In contrast, the 17O anomaly in nitrate () in Lake Vida brine indicates that approximately half or more of the present is derived from atmospheric deposition. Lake Vida brine was incubated in the presence of 15N‐enriched substrates for 40 days. We did not detect microbial nitrification, dissimilatory reduction of to ammonium (), anaerobic ammonium oxidation, or denitrification of N2O under the conditions tested. In the presence of 15N‐enriched nitrite (), both N2 and N2O exhibited substantial 15N enrichments; however, isotopic enrichment declined with time, which is unexpected. Additions of 15N– alone and in the presence of HgCl2 and ZnCl2 to aged brine at ?13 °C resulted in linear increases in the δ15N of N2O with time. As HgCl2 and ZnCl2 are effective biocides, we interpret N2O production in the aged brine to be the result of chemodenitrification. With this understanding, we interpret our results from the field incubations as the result of chemodenitrification stimulated by the addition of 15N‐enriched and ZnCl2 and determined rates of N2O and N2 production of 4.11–41.18 and 0.55–1.75 nmol L?1 day?1, respectively. If these rates are representative of natural production, the current concentration of N2O in Lake Vida could have been reached between 6 and 465 years. Thus, chemodenitrification alone is sufficient to explain the high levels of N2O present in Lake Vida.  相似文献   

The terrestrial ecosystems of Victoria Land, Antarctica are characteristically simple in terms of biological diversity and ecological functioning. Nematodes are the most commonly encountered and abundant metazoans of Victoria Land soils, yet little is known of their diversity and distribution. Herein we present a summary of the geographic distribution, habitats and ecology of the terrestrial nematodes of Victoria Land from published and unpublished sources. All Victoria Land nematodes are endemic to Antarctica, and many are common and widely distributed at landscape scales. However, at smaller spatial scales, populations can have patchy distributions, with the presence or absence of each species strongly influenced by specific habitat requirements. As the frequency of nematode introductions to Antarctica increases, and soil habitats are altered in response to climate change, our current understanding of the environmental parameters associated with the biogeography of Antarctic nematofauna will be crucial to monitoring and possibly mitigating changes to these unique soil ecosystems.  相似文献   

We report on an accumulation of mummified southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) from Inexpressible Island on the Victoria Land Coast (VLC), western Ross Sea, Antarctica. This accumulation is unusual, as elephant seals typically breed and molt on sub‐Antarctic islands further north and do not currently occupy the VLC. Prior ancient DNA analyses revealed that these seals were part of a large, Antarctic breeding population that crashed ~1,000 yr ago. Radiocarbon dates for Inexpressible Island mummies range from 380 to 3,270 yr before present, too old to have been created by Scott's Northern Party in 1912 and varying too widely in age to represent a catastrophic death assemblage. Skeletal measurements reveal that most Inexpressible Island mummies are adult or subadult males. The presence of male elephant seals on Inexpressible Island until several hundred years ago suggests that, at a minimum, it served as a haul‐out site for the large Antarctic population and may have hosted a breeding colony. The conditions that allowed this Antarctic population to use the Ross Sea, the factors spurring its decline, and the implications for the adaptability and sensitivity of the species to environmental change all merit further study.  相似文献   

The permanently frozen freshwater Lake Fryxell, located in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, exhibits an ideal geochemistry for microbial sulfate reduction. To investigate the population of sulfate-reducing bacteria in Lake Fryxell, both 16S rRNA gene and metabolic primer sets targeting the dsrA gene for the dissimilatory sulfite reductase alpha subunit were employed to analyze environmental DNA obtained from the water column and sediments of Lake Fryxell. In addition, enrichment cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria established at 4 degrees C from Lake Fryxell water were also screened using the dsrA primer set. The sequence information obtained showed that a diverse group of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes of the domain Bacteria inhabit Lake Fryxell. With one exception, the enrichment culture sequences were not represented within the environmental sequences. Sequence data were compared with the geochemical profile of Lake Fryxell to identify possible connections between the diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria and limnological conditions. Several clone groups were highly localized with respect to lake depth and, therefore, experienced specific physiochemical conditions. However, all sulfate-reducing bacteria inhabiting Lake Fryxell must function under the constantly cold conditions characteristic of this extreme environment.  相似文献   

Sixty-two samples of Antarctic soils, mosses, penguin guano, algae and lichens were examined for the presence of aerobic endospore-forming bacteria; 36 samples (58%) yielded such organisms, and two samples from Edmonson Point (74 degrees 21'S 165 degrees 08'E) and one sample from Apostrophe Island (73 degrees 32'S 167 degrees 24'E), northern Victoria Land, yielded strains of Bacillus thuringiensis. Further isolations from two of the samples, appreciable variation in biotypes among the strains, failure of the strains to grow on routine B. thuringiensis media, and the fact that one of the sampling sites is very rarely visited by humans, suggest that the organisms were living in these soils rather than being chance contaminants. A representative strain, from Apostrophe Island, was identified as serovar pirenaica (H57).  相似文献   

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