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We present here a simple approach to identify domain boundaries in proteins of an unknown three-dimensional structure. Our method is based on the hypothesis that a high-side chain entropy of a region in a protein chain must be compensated by a high-residue interaction energy within the region, which could correlate with a well-structured part of the globule, that is, with a domain unit. For protein domains, this means that the domain boundary is conditioned by amino acid residues with a small value of side chain entropy, which correlates with the side chain size. On the one hand, relatively high Ala and Gly content on the domain boundary results in high conformational entropy of the backbone chain between the domains. On the other hand, the presence of Pro residues leads to the formation of hinges for a relative orientation of domains. The method was applied to 646 proteins with two contiguous domains extracted from the SCOP database with a success rate of 63%. We also report the prediction of domain boundaries for CASP5 targets obtained with the same method.  相似文献   

A new topological method to measure protein structure similarity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A method for the quantitative evaluation of structural similarity between protein pairs is developed that makes use of a Delaunay-based topological mapping. The result of the mapping is a three-dimensional array which is representative of the global structural topology and whose elements can be used to construe an integral scoring scheme. This scoring scheme was tested for its dependence on the protein length difference in a pairwise comparison, its ability to provide a reasonable means for structural similarity comparison within a family of structural neighbors of similar length, and its sensitivity to the differences in protein conformation. It is shown that such a topological evaluation of similarity is capable of providing insight into these points of interest. Protein structure comparison using the method is computationally efficient and the topological scores, although providing different information about protein similarity, correlate well with the distance root-mean-square deviation values calculated by rigid-body structural alignment.  相似文献   

Protein kinases phosphorylating Ser/Thr/Tyr residues in several cellular proteins exert tight control over their biological functions. They constitute the largest protein family in most eukaryotic species. Protein kinases classified based on sequence similarity in their catalytic domains, cluster into subfamilies, which share gross functional properties. Many protein kinases are associated or tethered covalently to domains that serve as adapter or regulatory modules, aiding substrate recruitment, specificity, and also serve as scaffolds. Hence the modular organisation of the protein kinases serves as guidelines to their functional and molecular properties. Analysis of genomic repertoires of protein kinases in eukaryotes have revealed wide spectrum of domain organisation across various subfamilies of kinases. Occurrence of organism-specific novel domain combinations suggests functional diversity achieved by protein kinases in order to regulate variety of biological processes. In addition, domain architecture of protein kinases revealed existence of hybrid protein kinase subfamilies and their emerging roles in the signaling of eukaryotic organisms. In this review we discuss the repertoire of non-kinase domains tethered to multi-domain kinases in the metazoans. Similarities and differences in the domain architectures of protein kinases in these organisms indicate conserved and unique features that are critical to functional specialization.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are fatal transmissible neurodegenerative diseases affecting many mammalian species. The normal prion protein (PrP) converts into a pathological aggregated form, PrPSc, which is enriched in the β-sheet structure. Although the high resolution structure of the normal PrP was determined, the structure of the converted form of PrP remains inaccessible to high resolution techniques. To map the PrP conversion process we introduced disulfide bridges into different positions within the globular domain of PrP, tethering selected secondary structure elements. The majority of tethered PrP mutants exhibited increased thermodynamic stability, nevertheless, they converted efficiently. Only the disulfides that tether subdomain B1-H1-B2 to subdomain H2-H3 prevented PrP conversion in vitro and in prion-infected cell cultures. Reduction of disulfides recovered the ability of these mutants to convert, demonstrating that the separation of subdomains is an essential step in conversion. Formation of disulfide-linked proteinase K-resistant dimers in fibrils composed of a pair of single cysteine mutants supports the model based on domain-swapped dimers as the building blocks of prion fibrils. In contrast to previously proposed structural models of PrPSc suggesting conversion of large secondary structural segments, we provide evidence for the conservation of secondary structural elements of the globular domain upon PrP conversion. Previous studies already showed that dimerization is the rate-limiting step in PrP conversion. We show that separation and swapping of subdomains of the globular domain is necessary for conversion. Therefore, we propose that the domain-swapped dimer of PrP precedes amyloid formation and represents a potential target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The use of protein fusion tag technology simplifies and facilitates purification of recombinant proteins. In this article, we have found that the starch-binding domain derived from Rhizopus oryzae glucoamylase (RoSBD), a member of carbohydrate-binding module family 21 (CBM21) with raw starch-binding activity, is favorable to be applied as an affinity tag for fusion protein engineering and purification in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris systems. To determine suitable spatial arrangement of RoSBD as a fusion handle, enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) was fused to either the N- or C-terminus of the SBD, expressed by E. coli, and purified for yield assessment and functional analysis. Binding assays showed that the ligand-binding capacity was fully retained when the RoSBD was engineered at either the N-terminal or the C-terminal end. Similar results have been obtained with the RoSBD-conjugated phytase secreted by P. pastoris. The effective adsorption onto raw starch and low cost of starch make RoSBD practically applicable in terms of development of a new affinity fusion tag for recombinant protein engineering in an economic manner.  相似文献   

Caspase recruitment domain (CARD)-only proteins (COPs), regulate apoptosis, inflammation, and innate immunity. They inhibit the assembly of NOD-like receptor complexes such as the inflammasome and NODosome, which are molecular complexes critical for caspase-1 activation. COPs are known to interact with either caspase-1 CARD or RIP2 CARD via a CARD-CARD interaction, and inhibit caspase-1 activation or further downstream signaling. In addition to the human COPs, Pseudo-ICE, INCA, and ICEBERG, several viruses also contain viral COPs that help them escape the host immune system. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of host immunity inhibition by viral COPs, we solved the structure of a viral COP for the first time. Our structure showed that viral COP forms a structural transformation-mediated dimer, which is unique and has not been reported in any structural study of a CARD domain. Based on the current structure, and the previously solved structures of other death domain superfamily members, we propose that structural transformation-mediated dimerization might be a new strategy for dimer assembly in the death domain superfamily.  相似文献   

蛋白质折叠识别算法是蛋白质三维结构预测的重要方法之一,该方法在生物科学的许多方面得到卓有成效的应用。在过去的十年中,我们见证了一系列基于不同计算方式的蛋白质折叠识别方法。在这些计算方法中,机器学习和序列谱-序列谱比对是两种在蛋白质折叠中应用较为广泛和有效的方法。除了计算方法的进展外,不断增大的蛋白质结构数据库也是蛋白质折叠识别的预测精度不断提高的一个重要因素。在这篇文章中,我们将简要地回顾蛋白质折叠中的先进算法。另外,我们也将讨论一些可能可以应用于改进蛋白质折叠算法的策略。  相似文献   

Taylor WR  Jonassen I 《Proteins》2004,56(2):222-234
A method (SPREK) was developed to evaluate the register of a sequence on a structure based on the matching of structural patterns against a library derived from the protein structure databank. The scores obtained were normalized against random background distributions derived from sequence shuffling and permutation methods. 'Random' structures were also used to evaluate the effectiveness of the method. These were generated by a simple random-walk and a more sophisticated structure prediction method that produced protein-like folds. For comparison with other methods, the performance of the method was assessed using collections of models including decoys and models from the CASP-5 exercise. The performance of SPREK on the decoy models was equivalent to (and sometimes better than) those obtained with more complex approaches. An exception was the two smallest proteins, for which SPREK did not perform well due to a lack of patterns. Using the best parameter combination from trials on decoy models, the CASP models of intermediate difficulty were evaluated by SPREK and the quality of the top scoring model was evaluated by its CASP ranking. Of the 14 targets in this class, half lie in the top 10% (out of around 140 models for each target). The two worst rankings resulted from the selection by our method of a well-packed model that was based on the wrong fold. Of the other poor rankings, one was the smallest protein and the others were the four largest (all over 250 residues).  相似文献   

We have analysed the domain structure of vacuolin, a Dictyostelium protein binding to the cytoplasmic surface of late endosomes. Localisation studies using GFP fusions together with a yeast two-hybrid analysis and co-immunoprecipitation experiments reveal that a region close to the C-terminus mediates oligomer formation of the protein through a coiled-coil mechanism which in turn is a prerequisite for the efficient binding to endosomal membranes via a prohibitin (PHB) domain in the middle of the molecule. Overexpression of the coiled-coil domain strongly competes with endogenous vacuolin in the oligomers and reduces the efficiency of membrane targeting. The domain arrangement of vacuolin is most similar to flotillin/reggie, a protein found on late endosomes of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase was found to be resistant to proteolysis by trypsin, chymotrypsin, and protease V8 but was cleaved into an N-terminal 60-kDa fragment and a C-terminal 33-kDa fragment by proteinase K. The two proteinase K fragments remain associated and retained enzymatic activity. Attempts to express the 60-kDa N-terminal fragment in Escherichia coli produced inclusion bodies. A hexa-histidine fusion protein of the 60-kDa N-terminal fragment was solubilized from inclusion bodies with urea and refolded by removal of the urea through dialysis. The refolded protein was devoid of aminopeptidase activity as assayed with arginine-beta-naphthylamide. However, the refolded protein bound the substrate dynorphin A(1-9) with a stoichiometry of 0.5 mol/mol and a K(0.5) value of 50 microM. Dynorphin A(1-9) binding was competitively inhibited by the substrate dynorphin B(1-9), but not by des-Tyr(1)-leucine-enkephalin, a poor substrate for the enzyme.  相似文献   

MHYT, a new conserved protein domain with a likely signaling function, is described. This domain consists of six transmembrane segments, three of which contain conserved methionine, histidine, and tyrosine residues that are projected to lie near the outer face of the cytoplasmic membrane. In Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, this domain forms the N-terminus of the sensor histidine kinase Slr2098. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa and several other organisms, the MHYT domain forms the N-terminal part of a three-domain protein together with previously described GGDEF and EAL domains, both of which have been associated with signal transduction due to their presence in likely signaling proteins. In Bacillus subtilis YkoW protein, an additional PAS domain is found between the MHYT and GGDEF domains. A ykoW null mutant of B. subtilis did not exhibit any growth alterations, consistent with a non-essential, signaling role of this protein. A model of the membrane topology of the MHYT domain indicates that its conserved residues could coordinate one or two copper ions, suggesting a role in sensing oxygen, CO, or NO.  相似文献   

Actin-related proteins (Arps) are a highly conserved family of proteins that have extensive sequence and structural similarity to actin. All characterized Arps are components of large multimeric complexes associated with chromatin or the cytoskeleton. In addition, the human genome encodes five conserved but largely uncharacterized "orphan" Arps, which appear to be mostly testis-specific. Here we show that Arp7A, which has 43% sequence identity with β-actin, forms a complex with the cytoskeletal proteins Tes and Mena in the subacrosomal layer of round spermatids. The N-terminal 65-residue extension to the actin-like fold of Arp7A interacts directly with Tes. The crystal structure of the 1-65(Arp7A)·LIM2-3(Tes)·EVH1(Mena) complex reveals that residues 28-49 of Arp7A contact the LIM2-3 domains of Tes. Two alanine residues from Arp7A that occupy equivalent apolar pockets in both LIM domains as well as an intervening GPAK linker that binds the LIM2-3 junction are critical for the Arp7A-Tes interaction. Equivalent occupied apolar pockets are also seen in the tandem LIM domain structures of LMO4 and Lhx3 bound to unrelated ligands. Our results indicate that apolar pocket interactions are a common feature of tandem LIM domain interactions, but ligand specificity is principally determined by the linker sequence.  相似文献   

We have found certain conserved motifs and secondary structural patterns present in the vicinity of interior domain boundary points (dbps) by a data-driven approach without any a priori constraint on the type and number of such features, and without any requirement of sequence homology. We have used these motifs and patterns to rerank the solutions obtained by the well-known domain guess by size (DGS) algorithm. We predict, overall, five solutions. The average accuracy of overall (i.e., top five) predictions by our method [domain boundary prediction using conserved patterns (DPCP)] has improved the average accuracy of the top five solutions of DGS from 71.74 to 82.88 %, in the case of two-continuous-domain proteins, and from 21.38 to 80.56 %, for two-discontinuous-domain proteins. Considering only the top solution, the gains in accuracy are from 0 to 72.74 % for two-continuous-domain proteins with chain lengths up to 300 residues, and from 0 to 62.85 % for those with up to 400 residues. In the case of discontinuous domains, top_min solutions (the minimum number of solutions required for predicting all dbps of a protein) of DPCP improve the average accuracy of DGS prediction from 12.5 to 76.3 % in proteins with chain lengths up to 300 residues, and from 13.33 to 70.84 % for proteins with up to 400 residues. In our validation experiments, the performance of DPCP was also found to be superior to that of domain identification from secondary structure element alignment (DomSSEA), the best method reported so far for efficient prediction of domain boundaries using predicted secondary structure. The average accuracies of the topmost solution of DomSSEA are 61 and 52 % for proteins with up to 300 residues and 400, respectively, in the case of continuous domains; the corresponding accuracies for the discontinuous case are 28 and 21 %.  相似文献   

Profile search methods based on protein domain alignments have proven to be useful tools in comparative sequence analysis. Domain alignments used by currently available search methods have been computed by sequence comparison. With the growth of the protein structure database, however, alignments of many domain pairs have also been computed by structure comparison. Here, we examine the extent to which information from these two sources agrees. We measure agreement with respect to identification of homologous regions in each protein, that is, with respect to the location of domain boundaries. We also measure agreement with respect to identification of homologous residue sites by comparing alignments and assessing the accuracy of the molecular models they predict. We find that domain alignments in publicly available collections based on sequence and structure comparison are largely consistent. However, the homologous regions identified by sequence comparison are often shorter than those identified by 3D structure comparison. In addition, when overall sequence similarity is low alignments from sequence comparison produce less accurate molecular models, suggesting that they less accurately identify homologous sites. These observations suggest that structure comparison results might be used to improve the overall accuracy of domain alignment collections and the performance of profile search methods based on them.  相似文献   

Monoubiquitination is a general mechanism for downregulating the activity of cell surface receptors by consigning these proteins for lysosome-mediated degradation through the endocytic pathway. The yeast Ede1 protein functions at the internalization step of endocytosis and binds monoubiquitinated proteins through a ubiquitin associated (UBA) domain. UBA domains are found in a broad range of cellular proteins but previous studies have suggested that the mode of ubiquitin recognition might not be universally conserved. Here we present the solution structure of the Ede1 UBA domain in complex with monoubiquitin. The Ede1 UBA domain forms a three-helix bundle structure and binds ubiquitin through a largely hydrophobic surface in a manner reminiscent of the Dsk2 UBA and the remotely homologous Cue2 CUE domains, for which high-resolution structures have been described. However, the interaction is dissimilar to the molecular models proposed for the hHR23A UBA domains bound to either monoubiquitin or Lys48-linked diubiquitin. Our mutational analyses of the Ede1 UBA domain-ubiquitin interaction reveal several key affinity determinants and, unexpectedly, a negative affinity determinant in the wild-type Ede1 protein, implying that high-affinity interactions may not be the sole criterion for optimal function of monoubiquitin-binding endocytic proteins.  相似文献   

A fast method of comparing protein structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M R Murthy 《FEBS letters》1984,168(1):97-102
Comparative studies on protein structures form an integral part of protein crystallography. Here, a fast method of comparing protein structures is presented. Protein structures are represented as a set of secondary structural elements. The method also provides information regarding preferred packing arrangements and evolutionary dynamics of secondary structural elements. This information is not easily obtained from previous methods. In contrast to those methods, the present one can be used only for proteins with some secondary structure. The method is illustrated with globin folds, cytochromes and dehydrogenases as examples.  相似文献   

A kappa-light chain from a Fab expression system was truncated by the insertion of a stop codon in the gene sequence to produce a variable light (VL) single domain antibody (dAb). Here, we describe the expression of dAb in the periplasm of Escherichia coli through fermentation in a defined media. Immunoglobulin binding domains from peptostreptococcal protein L (PpL) have been shown to bind specifically to kappa-light chains. We have produced recombinant PpL, at high yield, and this was used to custom-produce PpL-Sepharose affinity columns. Here, we show that the affinity purification of VL dAb by this method is simple and efficient with no apparent loss in protein at any stage. The truncated dAb protein product was confirmed by electrospray mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing. When analyzed by SDS-PAGE it was shown to be over 95% pure and produced at yields of 35-65 mg/L of culture medium. The dAb protein produced was shown by NMR and CD to be a folded beta-sheet domain. This domain is bound by PpL with a Kd of approximately 50 nM as determined by stopped-flow fluorimetry.  相似文献   

Babnigg G  Giometti CS 《Proteomics》2006,6(16):4514-4522
In proteome studies, identification of proteins requires searching protein sequence databases. The public protein sequence databases (e.g., NCBInr, UniProt) each contain millions of entries, and private databases add thousands more. Although much of the sequence information in these databases is redundant, each database uses distinct identifiers for the identical protein sequence and often contains unique annotation information. Users of one database obtain a database-specific sequence identifier that is often difficult to reconcile with the identifiers from a different database. When multiple databases are used for searches or the databases being searched are updated frequently, interpreting the protein identifications and associated annotations can be problematic. We have developed a database of unique protein sequence identifiers called Sequence Globally Unique Identifiers (SEGUID) derived from primary protein sequences. These identifiers serve as a common link between multiple sequence databases and are resilient to annotation changes in either public or private databases throughout the lifetime of a given protein sequence. The SEGUID Database can be downloaded (http://bioinformatics.anl.gov/SEGUID/) or easily generated at any site with access to primary protein sequence databases. Since SEGUIDs are stable, predictions based on the primary sequence information (e.g., pI, Mr) can be calculated just once; we have generated approximately 500 different calculations for more than 2.5 million sequences. SEGUIDs are used to integrate MS and 2-DE data with bioinformatics information and provide the opportunity to search multiple protein sequence databases, thereby providing a higher probability of finding the most valid protein identifications.  相似文献   

A method for determining methylation density of target CpG islands has been established. In the method, DNA microarray was prepared by spotting a set of PCR products amplified from bisulfite-converted sample DNAs. The PCR products on the microarray were treated by SssI methyltransferase and labeled with TAMRA fluorescence. A recombinant, antibody-like methyl-CpG-binding protein labeled with Cy5 fluorescence was used to identify symmetrical methyl-CpG dinucleotide of the PCR products on the microarray. By use of a standard curve with control mixtures, the ratio of two fluorescence signals can be converted into percentage values to assess methylation density of targeted fragments. We obtained the methylation density of six CpG islands on the two tumor suppressor genes of CDK2A and CDK2B from seven cancer cell line samples and two normal blood samples. The validity of this method was tested by bisulfite sequencing. This method not only allows the quantitative analysis of regional methylation density of a set of given genes but also could provide information of methylation density for a large amount of clinical samples.  相似文献   

With the aim of elucidating the evolutionary processes of the kringle and protease domains in serine proteases which are involved with the system of blood coagulation and fibrinolysis, we constructed phylogenetic trees for the kringle and protease domains, separately, by use of amino acid sequence data. The phylogenetic trees constructed clearly showed that the topologies were different between the kringle and protease domains. Because both domains are coded by single peptides of serine proteases, this strongly suggests that the kringle and protease domains must have undergone different evolutionary processes. Thus, these observations imply that serine proteases evolve in a way such that each domain is a unit of evolution, exemplifying a typical mode of domain evolution. A possible relationship between the domain evolution and the exon shuffling theory is also discussed from the viewpoint of gene evolution.  相似文献   

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