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Cytosolic fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) have been described in rat and bovine whole brain. In the present study we investigated the distribution of FABP among white matter and gray matter as well as its changes during development. Fatty acid binding activity was similar in white and gray matter up to 40 days of age. In white matter it showed an age dependent increase thereafter, while in gray matter it remained constant throughout. Gel filtration (Sephadex G-75) of white matter cytosol of adult female rats resolved the fatty acid-binding activity in two peaks: A (Vo) and B (12-14 KDa; FABP). The specific binding activity in the FABP fraction was 10.4 pmol/micrograms of protein. The activity in peak A showed an age-dependent increase which paralleled myelin deposition. In contrast, the activity in the FABP fraction (peak B) remained undetectable up to 40 days of age, increasing thereafter. The differential distribution of cellular brain proteins with the capacity to bind fatty acids in gray matter and white matter suggests that this activity could be related to glial cells or to cell related structures such as myelin.  相似文献   

Synopsis Disaggregated foetal mouse brain tissue cultures were examined for glycosaminoglycans using Alcian Blue and periodic acid-Schiff staining techniques. It was found that spongioblasts (neuron and glial cell precursors) were rich in sulphated glycosaminoglycans, while astrocytes contained little or no sulphated polymers. The chief acid glycosaminoglycans of the brain reportedin vivo, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulphate and sialic acid-bearing polymers, were not demonstrated in the mouse brain cultures. There was a decline in glycosaminoglycan content over two weeks in culture, but during the corresponding periodin vivo an increase has been reported. These deficiencies are possibly correlated with the failure of the cultures to myelinate.  相似文献   

The concentration, composition and sulfate labeling of glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins have been studied in purified nuclei isolated in bulk from rat brain. The concentration of total glycosaminoglycans is 0.142 μmol hexosamine/100 mg protein, comprising 57% chrondroitin 4-sulfate, 7% chondroitin 6-sulfate, 29% hyaluronic acid and 7% heparan sulfate. Control experiments demonstrated that less than 5% of the sulfated glycosaminoglycans associated with nuclei could be accounted for by the nonspecific adsorption of soluble acidic proteoglycans to basic nuclear proteins. Glycoprotein carbohydrate is present at a level of 206 μg/100 mg protein, and has an average composition of 30% N-acetylglucosamine, 29% mannose, 19% N-acetylneuraminic acid, 15% galactose, 4% N-acetylgalactosamine, and 3% fucose. Labeling studies also indicated the presence of ester sulfate residues on the glycoprotein oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

The synthesis and methylation in vivo of myelin basic protein (MBP) during the mouse brain development has been investigated. When mice ranging in age from 13 to 60 days were injected intracerebrally with L-[methyl-3H]methionine, the incorporation of radioactivity into MBP isolated from youngest brain was found to be the highest and declined progressively in mature brains. This pattern of radioactivity incorporation was inversely correlated with the total amount of MBP in the brains, suggesting a higher ratio of MBP methylation to synthesis in younger brain. To differentiate the relative rate of protein synthesis and methylation, animals were given intracerebral injections of a L-[methyl-3H]methionine and L-[35S]methionine mixture and the ratio of 3H/35S (methylation index) was determined. The ratios in the isolated MBP fractions were higher than those of 'acid extracts' and 'breakthrough' fractions, with a maximal ratio in the youngest brain. This high ratio was well correlated with the higher protein methylase I (PMI) activity in younger brains. The MBP fractions were further separated on SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis into several species with apparent Mr ranging from 32,400 to 14,500. The results indicated that each protein species accumulated at a characteristic rate as a function of age. The high-Mr (32,400) species was predominant in younger brain, whereas the smaller MBP was the major species in older brain tissue. The importance of this developmental pattern of MBP synthesis and methylation is discussed in relation to PMI activity.  相似文献   

Bidirectional communication between astrocytes and neurons is essential for proper brain development. Astrocytes, a major glial cell type, are morphologically complex cells that directly interact with neuronal synapses to regulate synapse formation, maturation, and function. Astrocyte-secreted factors bind neuronal receptors to induce synaptogenesis with regional and circuit-level precision. Cell adhesion molecules mediate the direct contact between astrocytes and neurons, which is required for both synaptogenesis and astrocyte morphogenesis. Neuron-derived signals also shape astrocyte development, function, and molecular identity. This review highlights recent findings on the topic of astrocyte-synapse interactions, and discusses the importance of these interactions for synapse and astrocyte development.  相似文献   

Regulation of three beta-tubulin mRNAs during rat brain development.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
The nucleotide sequence of a complete rat brain beta-tubulin T beta 15 has been determined from three overlapping cDNA clones. The overall length of the T beta 15 sequence is 1589 bp and shows between 84.5% and 88.6% homology within the coding region as compared with chick and human beta-tubulin sequences. On the other hand, the 3'-non-coding region is highly divergent. Comparison of the derived amino acid sequences from different species demonstrates that the amino acid changes are not randomly distributed, but rather there are several conserved and two highly variable regions common to beta-tubulin polypeptides from various sources. The T beta 15 sequence encodes a dominant neuronal 1.8-kb beta-tubulin mRNA species. Two other minor beta-tubulin mRNA species of 2.6 and 2.9 kb are present in rat brain. By using two synthetic oligonucleotide probes complementary to the carboxyl-terminal divergent region and to the amino-terminal conserved region, we have shown that the three mRNAs are distinct species, which are developmentally regulated. The level of the 1.8-kb mRNA species increases till the age of 12 days thereafter its level decreases. The 2.9-kb mRNA is an early neuronal mRNA species, while the 2.6-kb mRNA is a late neuronal species which is detected at 30 days of rat brain development. The data illustrate that there is a differential expression of the beta-tubulin multigene family during rat brain development which may suggest different functions for the various beta-tubulin isotopes.  相似文献   

The increase observed in the amount of the disialoganglioside GDlof the rat cerebrum during development between 21 and 81 days of age accounted for nearly 40% of the overall increase in total ganglioside in the tissue during the same period. Subcellular fractionation showed the microsomal fraction to contribute by far the most towards this increase in Cerebral ganglioside GDla. It is suggested that microsomal ganglioside GDla may serve as a marker for dendritic arborization in the rat cerebrum.  相似文献   

The localization and activity of the enzyme UDP-galactose-hydroxy fatty acid-containing ceramide galactosyltransferase is described in rat brain myelin subfractions during development. Other lipid-synthesizing enzymes, such as cerebroside sulphotransferase, UDP-glucose-ceramide glucosyltransferase and CDP-choline-1,2-diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase, were also studied for comparison in myelin subfractions and microsomal membranes. The purified myelin was subfractionated by isopycnic sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation. Four myelin subfractions, three floating respectively on 0.55 M- (light-myelin fraction), 0.75 M- (heavy-myelin fraction) and 0.85 M-sucrose (membrane fraction), and a pellet, were isolated and purified. At all ages, 70--75% of the total myelin proteins was found in the heavy-myelin fraction, whereas 2--5% of the protein was recovered in the light-myelin fraction, and about 7--12% in the membrane fraction. Most of the galactosyltransferase was associated with the heavy-myelin and membrane fractions. Other lipid-synthesizing enzymes studied appeared not to associate with purified myelin or myelin subfractions, but were enriched in the microsomal-membrane fraction. During development, the specific activity of the microsomal galactosyltransferase reached a maximum when the animals were about 20 days old and then declined. By contrast the specific activity of the galactosyltransferase in the heavy-myelin and membrane fractions was 3--4 times higher than that of the microsomal membranes in 16-day-old animals. The specific activity of the enzyme in the heavy-myelin fraction sharply declined with age. Chemical and enzymic analyses of the heavy-myelin and membrane myelin subfractions at various ages showed that the membrane fraction contained more proteins in relation to lipids than the heavy-myelin fraction. The membrane fraction was also enriched in phospholipids compared with cholesterol and contrined equivalent amounts of 2':3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase compared with heavy- and light-myelin fractions. The membrane fraction was deficient in myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein and enriched in high-molecular-weight proteins. The specific localization of galactosyltransferase in heavy-myelin and membrane fractions at an early age when myelination is just beginning suggests that it may have some role in the myelination process.  相似文献   

S Berl 《Biochemistry》1966,5(3):916-922

Tubulin isolated from rat brain at various stages of postnatal development was subjected to isoelectric focusing on polyacrylamide gels. Multiple bands, indicative of the heterogeneity of the protein, were apparent at all developmental ages. When isoelectric focusing patterns of tubulin from brains of increasing developmental age were compared, changes in the distribution and relative intensities of the bands were observed. These changes were most pronounced between 8–12 days of age and were seen whether the tubulin was isolated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography or by successive cycles of assembly-disassembly. The isoelectric focusing pattern of tubulin isolated from the 22-day-old animal was indistinguishable from that of the protein obtained from 30-day-old rat brain. These developmental changes in tubulin heterogeneity may relate to changes in the assembly properties of the microtubule protein or may reflect age-dependent changes in the relative contributions of mitotic spindles, axons, dendrites, and glia to the total pool of tubulin in brain.  相似文献   

Effect of corticosterone on lipid contents of different brain regions and the effect of age on the sensitivity of these regions to corticosterone have been studied. Corticosterone administration (40 mg/kg body wt, sc) to 17-day-old rat for 3 days led to significant decrease in phospholipid content of cerebellum and increase in cholesterol contents of hippocampus and striatum. However, there was no effect on cerebral cortex and brain stem lipids. This alteration in lipids was associated with decrease in [U-14C] glucose incorporation into cholesterol and phospholipids, decrease in plasma beta-hydroxy butyrate levels and increase in beta-hydroxy butyrate dehydrogenase activity in hippocampus and striatum, thereby suggesting that suppression of glucose utilization by corticosterone was compensated by higher utilization of ketone bodies for lipid synthesis in these regions. The sensitivity to corticosterone appears to be age-specific as, at 20-day, cerebellum, hippocampus and striatum were susceptible, at 10-day only hippocampus and at 40- and 90-day none of these regions responded to the treatment.  相似文献   

Unique cytoplasmic loop regions of the alpha 1, alpha 2, alpha 3, and alpha 5 subunits of the GABAA receptor have been expressed in E. coli and used to generate polyclonal antisera specific for these subunits. The antibodies identify proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blotting of molecular size 51 kDa, 53 kDa, 59 kDa and 55 kDa, respectively, which show differential patterns of expression during development. Whereas the alpha 2 and alpha 3 subunits are present at early stages, the expression of alpha 1 and alpha 3 subunits is low at birth and increases with age. This differential expression could be correlated with previous studies examining the developmental expression of BZ1 and BZ2 benzodiazepine binding sites.  相似文献   

Chick brain proteins from 5- through 13-day embryos were labeled with l-[35S]methionine for 30 min in vitro and analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Autoradiographs of the gels were scanned with a computer-coupled densitometer to measure the relative rates of protein synthesis. The actins and the tubulins were the most abundant proteins and had the highest rates of synthesis. β and γ actin were synthesized at constant rates throughout this period of development, but the rate of tubulin synthesis increased fourfold. Six α tubulins and two β tubulins were distinguished, and they were all synthesized at all times. The relative rates of synthesis of these forms changed with development in a complex pattern, but the stoichiometry of α:β remained 1:1.  相似文献   

Histamine formation in rat brain during development   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:2  

Protein methylases during the development of rat brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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