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A method of bilateral perfusion of the isolated human placenta was used to study the urea transport from the fetal placental stream into the maternal one, and of amino acid transport in the opposite direction. Experiments demonstrated that the method provided a sufficiently full perfusion of the intervillous space and offered possibilities for studying the placental transport. With equal amino nitrogen concentration in both circulations, its content in the fetal stream increased during the experiment. This elevation was more expressed when amino acid was added to the maternal circulation. The idea of amino acid "secretion" by the trophoblast cell elements into the fetal circulation was confirmed by the above experiments.  相似文献   

The effect of ATP on placental amino acid transport was studied by measuring the uptake of alpha-(methylamino)-isobutyrate in brush border microvillous plasma membrane vesicles prepared from human full-term placental syncytiotrophoblasts which were incubated with or without ATP. The presence of a Na+ gradient from the outside to the inside of the vesicles prepared after incubation with ATP resulted in a higher initial rate and an increased transport of alpha-(methylamino)-isobutyrate, while Na+ gradient-independent alpha-(methylamino)-isobutyrate uptake was not different in either type of membrane vesicle. The increase in transport activity was not inhibited by cycloheximide. Kinetic analysis showed that ATP enhanced transport activity by increasing the maximal velocity (Vmax) of transport, without significant changes in the affinity (Km) of the carrier for the substrate, suggesting an increase in carrier number in placental syncytiotrophoblasts incubated with ATP.  相似文献   

Sialin, the protein coded by SLC17A5, is responsible for membrane potential (Δψ)-driven aspartate and glutamate transport into synaptic vesicles in addition to H+/sialic acid co-transport in lysosomes. Rodent sialin mutants harboring the mutations associated with Salla disease in humans did not transport aspartate and glutamate whereas H+/sialic acid co-transport activity was about one-third of the wild-type protein. In this study, we investigate the effects of various mutations on the transport activities of human sialin. Proteoliposomes containing purified heterologously expressed human sialin exhibited both Δψ-driven aspartate and glutamate transport activity and H+/sialic acid co-transport activity. Aspartate and glutamate transport was not detected in the R39C and K136E mutant forms of SLC17A5 protein associated with Salla disease, whereas H+/sialic acid co-transport activity corresponded to 30-50% of the recombinant wild-type protein. In contrast, SLC17A5 protein harboring the mutations associated with infantile sialic acid storage disease, H183R and Δ268SSLRN272 still showed normal levels of Δψ-driven aspartate and glutamate transport even though H+/sialic acid co-transport activity was absent. Human sialin carrying the G328E mutation that causes both phenotypes, and P334R and G378V mutations that cause infantile sialic acid storage disease showed no transport activity. These results support the idea that people suffering from Salla disease have been defective in aspartergic and glutamatergic neurotransmissions.  相似文献   

The activities of several selected Na(+)-dependent amino acid transporters were identified in human liver plasma membrane vesicles by testing for Na(+)-dependent uptake of several naturally occurring neutral amino acids or their analogs. Alanine, 2-(methylamino)isobutyric acid, and 2-aminoisobutyric acid were shown to be almost exclusively transported by the same carrier, system A. Kinetic analysis of 2-(methylamino)isobutyric acid uptake by the human hepatic system A transporter revealed an apparent Km of 0.15 mM and a Vmax of 540 pmol.mg-1 protein.min-1. Human hepatic system A accepts a broad range of neutral amino acids including cysteine, glutamine, and histidine, which have been shown in other species to be transported mainly by disparate carriers. Inhibition analysis of Na(+)-dependent cysteine transport revealed that the portion of uptake not mediated by system A included at least two saturable carriers, system ASC and one other that has yet to be characterized. Most of the glutamine and histidine uptake was Na(+)-dependent, and the component not mediated by system A constituted system N. The largest portion of glycine transport was mediated through system A and the remainder by system ASC with no evidence for system Gly activity. Our examination of Na(+)-dependent amino acid transport documents the presence of several transport systems analogous to those described previously but with some notable differences in their functional activity. Most importantly, the results demonstrate that liver plasma membrane vesicles are a valuable resource for transport analysis of human tissue.  相似文献   

The L system of amino acid transport is markedly diminished in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) B-lymphocytes, with a maximal velocity less than 15% that of normal B-lymphocytes. Another membrane-associated function, the activity of the ectoenzyme, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), is diminished in CLL B-cells to 30% that of normal B-cells. In addition to its transpeptidase activity, a role for GGT has been postulated in the transport of amino acids. In the present report, the possible relationship of these two physiologic functions CLL B-cells was studied. The L system transport defect in CLL is restored by phorbol ester-induced cell maturation; following incubation with 0.15 microM tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA) for 17 hours, the L system initial velocity showed a 20-fold increase. In contrast, there was no significant effect on GGT activity with cell maturation. Furthermore, an antibody which diminished GGT activity by 50% in lymphoid cells did not inhibit L system transport. Thus, the impaired L system amino acid transport and GGT activity appear to be independent processes in CLL B-cells.  相似文献   

Amino acid starvation causes an adaptive increase in the initial rate of transport of selected neutral amino acids in an established line of rat hepatoma cells in tissue culture. After a lag of 30 min, the initial rate of transport of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) increases to a maximum after 4 to 6 h starvation of 2 to 3 times that seen in control cells. The increased rate of transport is accompanied by an increase in the Vmax and a modest decrease in the Km for this transport system, and is reversed by readdition of amino acids. The enhancement is specific for amino acids transported by the A or alanine-preferring system (AIB, glycine, proline); uptake of amino acids transported by the L or leucine-preferring system (threonine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, leucine) or the Ly+ system for dibasci amino acids (lysine) is decreased under these conditions. Amino acids which compete with AIB for transport also prevent the starvation-induced increase in AIB transport; amino acids which do not compete fail to prevent the enhancement. Paradoxically threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, which do not compete with AIB for transport, block the enhancement of transport upon amino acid starvation. The starvation-induced enhancement of amino acid transport does not appear to be the result of a release from transinhibition. After 30 min of amino acid starvation, AIB transport is either unchanged or slightly decreased even though amino acid pools are already depleted. Furthermore, loading cells with high concentrations of a single amino acid following a period of amino acid starvation fails to prevent the enhancement of AIB transport, whereas incubation of the cells with the single amino acid for the entire duration of amino acid starvation prevents the enhancement; intracellular amino acid pools are similar under both conditions. The enhancement of amino acid transport requires concomitant RNA and protein synthesis, consistent with the view that the adaptive increase reflects an increased amount of a rate-limiting protein involved in the transport process. Dexamethasone, which dramatically inhibits AIB transport in cells incubated in amino acid-containing medium, both blocks the starvation-induced increase in AIB transport, and causes a time-dependent decrease in transport velocity in cells whose transport has previously been enhanced by starvation.  相似文献   

Neutral amino acid transport at the human blood-brain barrier   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transport regulates nutrient availability in the brain, and many pathways of brain amino acid metabolism are influenced by precursor supply. Therefore, amino acid transport through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) plays an important rate-affecting role in brain metabolism. Information on the Km of BBB amino acid transport provides the quantitative basis for understanding the physiological importance of BBB transport competition effects. For example, the uniquely low Km values of BBB amino acid transport as compared to other organs in the rat provides the basis for the selective vulnerability of the rat brain to changes in amino acid supply caused by nutritional factors. The development of amino acid imbalances in the human brain in parallel with amino acid imbalances in blood is likely to occur if the Km of BBB neutral amino acid transport in humans is low, e.g., 25-100 microM, as is the case for the rat. A new model system of the human BBB, the isolated human brain capillary, has been developed. Recent studies with this system indicate that the Km of phenylalanine transport into human brain microvessels is approximately the same as that found during in vivo studies with laboratory rats. These results support the emerging hypothesis that the human brain, like the rat brain, is subject to acute regulation by dietary-related amino acid imbalances, and that the major site of this regulation is the amino acid transport system at the BBB.  相似文献   

Epithelial Ca(2+) channel (ECaC1 and 2 = CAT1) molecules are characterized by properties including inward rectification and Ca(2+)-dependent fast and slow inactivation. To elucidate the electrophysiological differences based on the amino acid residues, we compared human and rodent ECaC1, and ECaC2 alignments, made mutants, and investigated their function in Xenopus and mammalian cells. Expression of the ECaC1 mutant Q579H and a H587Q mutation in ECaC2 in Xenopus oocytes resulted in a possible change in the rate of fast decay. Currents of H587C and H587N were not detected, and the H587R diminished the rate of rapid decay. Treatment of the oocytes with BAPTA magnified the amplitude of the current and abolished the decay. The expressions of mutants, therefore, implied that H587 in ECaC2 is a position related to the mechanism of the rapid decay rather than the magnitude of the current or the slow decay. Decay measurements were carefully performed in mammalian cells by tight-seal patch clamping. The rapid decay was exaggerated in H587C and H587N mutants but was undetectable in the H587R mutant. The results indicate that the amino acid 579Q of ECaC1, corresponding to 587H of ECaC2, is of primary importance in the structure for the fast inactivation by intracellular Ca(2+).  相似文献   

BackgroundAutophagy consists on the delivery of cytoplasmic material and organelles to lysosomes for degradation. Research on autophagy is a growing field because deciphering the basic mechanisms of autophagy is key to understanding its role in health and disease, and to paving the way to discovering novel therapeutic strategies. Studies with chemotherapeutic drugs and pharmacological tools support a role for dihydroceramides as mediators of autophagy. However, their effect on the autophagy outcome (cell survival or death) is more controversial.MethodsWe have examined the capacity of structurally varied Des1 inhibitors to stimulate autophagy (LC3-II analysis), to increase dihydroceramides (mass spectrometry) and to reduce cell viability (SRB) in T98G and U87MG glioblastoma cells under different experimental conditions.ResultsThe compounds activity on autophagy induction took place concomitantly with accumulation of dihydroceramides, which occurred by both stimulation of ceramide synthesis de novo and reduction of Des1 activity. However, autophagy was also induced by the test compounds after preincubation with myriocin and in cells with a reduced capacity to produce dihydroceramides (U87DND). Autophagy inhibition with 3-methyladenine in the de novo dihydroceramide synthesis competent U87MG cells increased cytotoxicity, while genetic inhibition of autophagy in U87DND cells, poorly efficient at synthesizing dihydroceramides, augmented resistance to the test compounds.ConclusionDihydroceramide desaturase 1 inhibitors activate autophagy via both dihydroceramide-dependent and independent pathways and the balance between the two pathways influences the final cell fate.General significanceThe cells capacity to biosynthesize dihydroceramides must be taken into account in proautophagic Des1 inhibitors-including therapies.  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybridization techniques have allowed the preparation of interspecies hybrids that express the features of both parental cell lines. We have studied hybrids made with human myeloma cells fused to a continuous mouse myeloma cell line. In the present study we analyzed the kinetics of leucine influx and efflux in Ig producer and nonproducer hybrids. We found no statistical difference in amino acid influx; however, the rates of efflux were markedly increased in nonproducer hybrids as compared to the producers. The producer cells were tested further in puromycin known to inhibit protein synthesis. Under these conditions amino acid influx was not altered, but efflux was markedly increased resembling the findings in nonproducers. We conclude that hybrids that synthesize human immunoglobulins show decreased efflux of labeled leucine and this effect can be abolished by inhibition of protein synthesis. This difference in the efflux rate appears to be a consequence of immunoglobulin synthesis, rather than a component of a control mechanism of Ig synthesis.  相似文献   

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