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During a random survey of entomopathogenic nematodes in the provinces of Sichuan and Gansu (eastern Tibet) in 2004, soil samples from several sites were collected and tested for the incidence of entomopathogenic nematodes. A new species was collected in this survey and it is described herein as Steinernema cholashanense n. sp. Steinernema cholashanense n. sp. is characterized by morphology and morphometry of the IJ and male. For the IJ, the new species can be recognized by the average body length 843 microm, esophagus length 125 microm, H%=39% and E%=81%. The lateral field pattern is 2, 5, 7, 4, 2. The male of the first generation is characterized by spicule shape and length and especially with prominent velum and the presence of a mucron on both generations. The average body length of the IJ of S. cholashanense n. sp. (843 microm) is shorter than that of S. oregonense (980 microm), S. kraussei (951 microm) and S. litorale (909 microm), similar to that of S. feltiae (849 microm), but longer than that of S. weiseri (740 microm), S. jollietti (711 microm) and S. hebeiense (658 microm). Esophagus length of the new species (125 microm) is closer to that of S. jollieti (123 microm) but longer than that of S. weiseri (113 microm) and shorter than that of S. oregonense (132 microm), S. kraussei (134 microm) and S. feltiae (136 microm). E% of the new species (81) is similar to that of S. kraussei (80), but smaller than that of S. jollieti (88), S. weiseri (95), S. oregonense (100) and S. feltiae (119). Spicule head length of the new species is almost the same as its width, this character is similar to that of S. kraussei but it is different from this species by its prominent velum. The new species can be recognized further by characteristics of sequences of ITS and D2D3 regions and cross hybridization with closely related species, S. feltiae, S. kraussei and S. oregonense.  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科思劳竹属一新种——万石山思劳竹(Schizostachyum wanshishanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo)。该种与思劳竹(S.pseudolima McClure)近缘,但本种箨片较平直,且短,长不及箨鞘之1/2,叶表无毛,叶背具柔毛,易于区别;本种也与沙罗单竹(S.funghomii McClure)近缘,但本种秆梢端细长下垂,叶鞘具有白色短刺毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

A new species of Urticaceae, Parietaria taiwania C. L. Yeh & C. S. Leou is described and illustrated. The new species is related to P. micrantha Ledebour, but can be distinguished from it by being a perennial herb with climbing or pendulous stems, leaves that are sparsely pubescent on the adaxial side, unisexual flowers, male flowers without bracts and female flowers with a bract. This is the first record of a species of Parietaria in Taiwan.  相似文献   

报道斑痣盘菌科的两个寄生种,即生于茶树Camelliasinensis(L.)Kuntze枝梢上的硬湿皮盘菌新种HypoheliondurumY.R.Lin,C.L.Hou&S.J.Wangsp.nov.和生于青杄PiceawilsoniiMast.针叶上的线孢小沟盘菌新组合Lirulafiliformis(Darker)Y.R.Lin&S.J.Wangcomb.nov.。湿皮盘菌属HypohelionJohnston同时为中国新记录属。对此二种进行了汉文描述、图解和讨论,新种附有拉丁文特征简介。供研究标本保藏于安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。  相似文献   

A new species of Malvaceae, Firmiana calcarea C. F. Liang & S. L. Mo ex Y. S. Huang, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to F. hainanensis Kosterm., but differs from it by the following characteristics: shrubs, leaf cordate or ovate, entire or 3‐lobed, leaf thinly stellate‐puberulent adaxially, lateral veins 2–4 on each side of midrib, flowers pale‐rose, follicle glabrous, and seeds 2–4 in each follicle. It has been found only in Longgang National Nature Reserve, Longzhou County, southwestern Guangxi, China.  相似文献   

Sphagnum magellanicum has been viewed as being a predominantly circumpolar species in the northern hemisphere, but it occurs in the southern hemisphere and was originally described from the southern parts of Chile. It is an ecologically important species in mire ecosystems and has been extensively used as a model to study processes of growth, carbon sequestration and peat decomposition. Molecular and experimental studies have, however, revealed genetic structure within S. magellanicum, and morphological differences associated with these genetic groups. Here we describe Sphagnum divinum in Sphagnum subgenus Sphagnum (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) as a new species, based on molecular and morphological evidence. Sphagnum medium is reinstated as a distinct species and is epitypified. Consequently, a new species concept of S. magellanicum is presented including an epitypification. Important morphological characters to separate these three species in the field and under the microscope are presented. Ecology and distribution differ among the species; S. divinium has a wide habitat range including mire margin, forested peatlands and moist heaths, and a circumpolar distribution around the northern hemisphere. Sphagnum medium seems to be more restricted to ombrotrophic mire expanse habitats and shows an amphi-Atlantic distribution in the northern hemisphere. Sphagnum magellanicum has a very broad ecological niche in peatlands and is found in most mire habitats in Tierra del Fuego on the southern tip of South America.  相似文献   

A new species of Capparaceae, Capparis longgangensis X. L. Mo & X. S. Lee ex Y. S. Huang is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. micracantha DC., but differs from it by the following characteristics: twigs, gynophore, outer surface of sepals and persistent style densely yellow–brown pannose, leaves densely yellow–brown pannose on both surfaces when young, abaxial surface thinly yellow–brown pannose when mature, petal thinly yellow–brown pannose, fruit 5–7 mm long, ca 6 mm in diameter, apical persistent style 3–4 mm long.  相似文献   

中国匍柄霉研究Ⅱ一新种及四个中国新记录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛峰  张修国  王勇  王汉忠 《菌物学报》2005,24(3):322-329
报道匍柄霉属的一新种亚小球匍柄霉Stemphyliums subglobuliferum和四个中国新记录,小球匍柄霉、蔷薇匍柄霉、名张匍柄霉和番茄匍柄霉。新种除形态学研究外,分析了其与本属和其它相关属种的ITS和gpd(三磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶)基因序列的系统学关系,为新种的确立提供了分子证据。新种的模式标本(HSAUPⅢ0140)保存于山东农业大学植物病理系标本馆。  相似文献   

A new species, Sphacelotheca polygoni-persicariae, parasitizing the ovaries of Polygonum persicaria L. is described. This smut, collected several times in Madeira, Portugal, differs from other species of that genus, by its host plant and the reticulated teliospore ornamentation. On the basis of the morphological and ultrastructural characters of S. polygoni-persicariae, in connection with some recently published data on siderophore formation and 5S ribosomal RNA sequences it can be assumed that 1) members of the genus Sphacelotheca are separated from typical Ustilago species of Poaceae, 2) Sphacelotheca is restricted to species parasitizing Polygonaceae, and 3) species of Sphacelotheca and Microhotryum as well as those Ustilago species which parasitize in the flowers of Polygonaceae are closely related.  相似文献   

Rodentolepis gnoskei n. sp. is described based on specimens obtained from a lesser dwarf shrew Suncus varilla minor collected in the Nyika National Park, Malawi. The new species is one of the smallest hymenolepidids known from African shrews and is morphologically closest to two other miniature hymenolepidids from African shrews, Staphylocystis loossi and S. khalili. The new species differs from both of them by a much smaller strobila size and fewer proglottids. The rostellar hooks in the new species are more numerous and smaller in size than in S. loossi. The rostellar hooks in R. gnoskei n. sp. are almost three times shorter than hooks in S. khalili. The hook shape in both S. loossi and S. khalili is substantially different from that in the new species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that the new species is close to Rodentolepis fraterna, a parasite of rodents. The new species clearly differs from R. fraterna by the much shorter strobila, larger hooks, relatively longer cirrus sac, rate of proglottid development, the number of eggs per proglottid and parasitism in shrews. Although the new species fits the current diagnosis of Rodentolepis, its generic allocation is provisional and will likely be revised in the future because the type species of Rodentolepis, R. straminea, belongs to a different well supported clade. Thus, a new genus needs to be established for the lineage that includes R. fraterna and R. gnoskei n. sp. However, this systematic rearrangement is not recommended until Staphylocystis pistillum, the type species of Staphylocystis, is included in future phylogenetic analyses. Rodentolepis gnoskei n. sp. is the first tapeworm species reported from shrews in Malawi and the first species of cestode reported from S. varilla minor and any member of Suncus in Africa.  相似文献   

对兰科新种深圳香荚兰Vanilla shenzhenicaZ.J.Liu&S.C.Chen作了描述与绘图。此新种为深圳发现的第一个兰科新种,与台湾香荚兰V。somai Hayata有亲缘关系。但是,本新种花序具4花,花较大,不完全开放;唇瓣不裂,紫红色,基部与蕊柱合生长度达3/4,刷状附属物位于唇盘的上部,甚易区别于台湾香荚兰。  相似文献   

When the genus Paravahlkampfia was distinguished from the genus Vahlkampfia on the basis of significant differences in small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences, Paravahlkampfia ustiana was the only described species of this new genus. More recently, a vahlkampfiid strain has been isolated (from soil from an upland farm in Scotland) which has trophozoite and cyst morphology more similar to P. ustiana than to other non-flagellating vahlkampfiid species. Also, it clusters with P. ustiana in phylogenetic trees derived from 5.8S ribosomal DNA sequences. However, it is significantly different from P. ustiana in both phenotype and internal transcribed spacer sequence. Consequently, a new species, Paravahlkampfia lenta, is proposed.  相似文献   

Geml J  Davis DD  Geiser DM 《Mycologia》2005,97(3):680-694
Despite mycologists' interest in its unique spore-dispersal mechanism, systematic studies of the genus Sphaerobolus have received little attention. In our previous work multiple gene genealogies indicated the existence of three divergent lineages in the genus Sphaerobolus, each representing a phylogenetic species. Macro- and micromorphological analyses of colony and fruit-body characters presented here confirmed that these three phylogenetic species correspond to two known species, S. iowensis and S. stellatus, and a newly discovered species. In addition, an expanded gene genealogical analysis is presented for the three species. The new species, named Sphaerobolus ingoldii Geml, Davis et Geiser, is described based on both molecular and morphological data. In addition, while S. iowensis previously had been reported in only two localities, we found that it is as common as or more common than S. stellatus in North America. Despite the considerable amount of DNA polymorhism found in all species, nested clade analyses of S. iowensis and S. stellatus indicated little phylogeographic structure in either species, perhaps due to heavy movement mediated by human activities.  相似文献   

Pinruan U  Sakayaroj J  Jones EB  Hyde KD 《Mycologia》2004,96(5):1163-1170
Phruensis brunneispora is a new genus and species occurring on decaying trunks of the palm Licuala longecalycata in Sirindhorn Peat Swamp Forest, Thailand. We compare the genus with other aquatic ascomycetes with falcate septate ascospores: Pseudohalonectria and Ophioceras. Ascospores differ from species in these genera in being brown with lighter end cells. Also, the ascus pore is subapical, with a channel leading to the apex. Lollipopaia minuta differs from Phruensis brunneispora in that the ascomata are borne in a stroma, asci have an apical pore and the ascospores are hyaline. No genus was found to accommodate the new species. Molecular analysis of rDNA ribosomal 18S confirmed the exclusion of the new species from Pseudohalonectria, and Ophioceras and Lollipopaia minuta formed a sister group with it. Phruensis brunneispora and Lollipopaia minuta grouped in the Diaporthales with 100% bootstrap support. Therefore, both morphological and molecular evidence supports erecting a new genus to accommodate this taxon. A hyaline Phialophora-like anamorph was formed when single ascospores were plated out on agar. The taxon is described and illustrated with light micrographs.  相似文献   

Steinernema weiseri n. sp. is described from a roadside with apple trees near Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic. The species is also widely distributed in Germany and Slovakia, from where it had previously been reported as Steinernema spec. F. The British Steinernema sp. D1 is considered conspecific with S. weiseri n. sp. Males of the new species are mainly characterised by light brown, slightly curved spicules with a long manubrium and the presence of a short tail mucron in the second generation. Third-stage infective juveniles are characterised by a `medium size' body and tail length, short hyaline tail portion (mostly around 1/3 of tail length), the excretory pore situated in the mid-pharynx region, lip region slightly offset, angular and flattened, and the lateral field having nine equally developed lines separated by eight distinct ridges. S. weiseri n. sp. is most similar to S. feltiae, with which it did not hybridise. RFLP analysis of the ITS region of the rDNA repeat shows S. weiseri n. sp. to be distinct from 50 other Steinernema species and isolates. The new species was found in a wide range of habitats and is readily maintained on Galleria mellonella larvae.  相似文献   

A new species of Stimpsonia (Primulaceae), S. nanlingensis G.H. Huang & G. Hao, from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated as the second species in the genus. In general morphology it resembles S. chamaedryoides but can be distinguished by its foliose bracts and a corolla with a shorter tube and shorter truncate or obtuse lobes.  相似文献   

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