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The biological basis underlying the increased risk of nondisjunction in offspring of women of advanced maternal age is not understood. We sought to test the hypothesis that maternal reproductive age (distance in time from approaching menopause) rather than chronological age is pivotal in the etiology of nondisjunction. Our results found no difference in age of menopause between women 30 years old at delivery of a child with trisomy 21 (i.e., age-related nondisjunction) compared to controls. Among women <30 years of age at delivery of a child with trisomy 21, none underwent premature menopause. Therefore, our findings fail to support the theory that reproductive age plays a major role in the etiology of nondisjunction.  相似文献   

As larvae of marine invertebrates age, their response to settlement cues can change. This change can have significant consequences to both the ecology of these organisms, and to their response to antifouling coatings. This study examines how larval age affects the settlement response of larvae to two naturally derived settlement inhibitors, non-polar extracts from the algae Delisea pulchra and Dilophus marginatus, the former of which contains compounds that are in commercial development as antifoulants. Two species of marine invertebrates with non-feeding larvae were investigated: the bryozoans Watersipora subtorquata and Bugula neritina. Larval age strongly affected larval settlement, with older larvae settling at much higher rates than younger larvae. Despite having strong, inhibitory effects on young larvae, the non-polar extracts did not inhibit the settlement of older larvae to the same degree for both species studied. The results show that the effects of ecologically realistic settlement inhibitors are highly dependent on larval age. Given that the age of settling larvae is likely to be variable in the field, such age specific variation in settlement response of larvae may have important consequences for host-epibiont interactions in natural communities.  相似文献   

Biopesticides based on living microbes and their bioactive compounds have been researched and promoted as replacements for synthetic pesticides for many years. However, lack of efficacy, inconsistent field performance and high cost have generally relegated them to niche products. Recently, technological advances and major changes in the external environment have positively altered the outlook for biopesticides. Significant increases in market penetration have been made, but biopesticides still only make up a small percentage of pest control products. Progress in the areas of activity spectra, delivery options, persistence of effect and implementation have contributed to the increasing use of biopesticides, but technologies that are truly transformational and result in significant uptake are still lacking.  相似文献   

To test the reliability of the radiocarbon method for determining root age, we analyzed fine roots (originating from the years 1985?C1993) from ingrowth cores with known maximum root age (1?C6?years old). For this purpose, three Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands were selected from boreal forests in Finland. We analyzed root 14C age by the radiocarbon method and compared it with the above-mentioned known maximum fine root age. In general, ages determined by the two methods (root 14C age and ingrowth core root maximum age) were in agreement with each other for roots of small diameter (<0.5?mm). By contrast, in most of the samples of fine roots of larger diameter (1.5?C2?mm), the 14C age of root samples of 1987?C1989 exceeded the ingrowth core root maximum age by 1?C10?years. This shows that these roots had received a large amount of older stored carbon from unknown sources in addition to atmospheric CO2 directly from photosynthesis. We conclude that the 14C signature of fine roots, especially those of larger diameter, may not always be indicative of root age, and that further studies are needed concerning the extent of possible root uptake of older carbon and its residence time in roots.  相似文献   

Definitions of so-called older age often are based on a chronological age of 65 years and over, although by some authors aging is the process that starts after the 30th year of life. At the beginning occur changes in the organ functions, followed by anatomical changes as well. Some organs age faster, some slower. For example, kidneys decrease for one third, lungs do not change, liver shrinks a little, prostate increases twice. In some cross-sectional studies, muscle mass in men aged 65 is on average 12 kg less than in the so-called middle age, and in women it is approximately 5 kg less. In the heart the amount of connective tissue increases, lipofuscin is deposited in cardiac muscle, the strength of which is decreasing. In the respiratory tract the number of pathways cilia decreases, along with the alveolar surface, muscles involved in breathing change, lung elasticity is also diminished. But, in regard with the previous body capacity, "physiological aging" can be divided into three types of elderly: the "older" elderly have the highest functional capacity of 2-3 MET (MET--metabolic unit, i.e. the oxygen consumption of 3.5 ml/kg body mass in a minute), the "younger" elderly are the persons of older age having maximal functional capacity of 5-7 MET, while the "sport" elderly have the functional capacity of 9-10 MET, disregarding chronological age. The brain weight diminishes for approximately 7% compared to younger age. In temporal gyrus and area striata even 20-40% of cells are being lost, vacuolar and neuroaxonal degeneration occurs, lipofuscin is being accumulated. The brain blood flow, which is in normal conditions 50-60 ml/min/100 g of tissue, with the increase of biological age decreases to about 40 ml/min/100 g of tissue. However, this usually is not the consequence of biological age but of disease. A chronological age of 65 for the beginning of "elder hood" is a sociopolitical construct developed by social security systems and government organizations to decide an arbitrary age at which benefits should be paid. Thus, it neither a border nor do changes designating old age occurs exactly with that "age border". The changes in the organism during the so-called aging are individual. So, the functional capacity of an organism, both physical and intellectual, must be evaluated individually, having in mind biological age.  相似文献   

Objective: Area–age–period–cohort (AAPC) model has been widely used in studying the spatial and temporal pattern of disease incidence and mortality rates. However, lack of biological plausibility and ease of interpretability on temporal components especially for age effects are generally the weakness of AAPC models. We develop a Bayesian AAPC model where carcinogenesis age effect is incorporated to explain age effects from the underlying disease process. An autoregressive prior structure and an arbitrary linear constraint are used to solve the nonidentifiability issues. Methods: Two multistage carcinogenesis models are employed to derive the hazard functions to substitute the age effects in the AAPC models. The Iowa county-wide lung cancer mortality data are used for the model fitting and Deviance Information Criteria (DIC) is used for model comparison. Results: Our study shows that conventional AAPC model (DIC = 19,231.30), AAPC model with Armitage–Doll age effect (DIC = 19,233.00) and with two-stage clonal expansion (TSCE) age effect (DIC = 19,234.70) achieved the similar DIC values which indicated consistent model fitting among three models. The spatial pattern shows that the high spatial effects are clustered in the south of Iowa and also in largely populated areas. The lung cancer mortality rate is continuously declining by birth cohorts while increasing by the calendar period until 2000–2004. The age effects show an increasing pattern over time which can be easily explained by Armitage–Doll carcinogenesis model since we assume a log-linear relationship between age and hazard function. Conclusions: Our finding suggests that the proposed Bayesian AAPC model can be used to replace the conventional AAPC model without affecting model performance while providing a more biological sound approach from the underlining disease process.  相似文献   

Plant transformation has for many years relied on agrobacterium infection or biolistic particle delivery. However, these two methods are limited to model plant systems or a small number of crop species. This commentary highlights recent developments in the nanoparticle‐mediated transformation that have the potential to revolutionize how plants are transformed.  相似文献   

Tadin D  Blake R 《Neuron》2005,45(3):325-327
Older people can discriminate visual motion of large, high-contrast stimuli better than young adults. This surprising result, reported by Betts et al. in this issue of Neuron, suggests weaker center-surround antagonism in senescence, perhaps attributable to age-related reduction in GABA-mediated inhibition.  相似文献   

Microbes exert a major impact on human health and disease by either promoting or disrupting homeostasis, in the latter instance leading to the development of infectious diseases. Such disparate outcomes are driven by the ever-evolving genetic diversity of microbes and the countervailing host responses that minimize their pathogenic impact. Host defense strategies that limit microbial pathogenicity include resistance mechanisms that exert a negative impact on microbes, and disease tolerance mechanisms that sustain host homeostasis without interfering directly with microbes. While genetically distinct, these host defense strategies are functionally integrated, via mechanisms that remain incompletely defined. Here, we explore the general principles via which host adaptive responses regulating iron (Fe) metabolism impact on resistance and disease tolerance to infection.  相似文献   

Finding a positive association between paternal age and the incidence of aneuploidy is not difficult. A cursory analysis however reveals that any association is indirect, brought about by a close correlation between paternal age and maternal age. Approaches for dissecting out the confounding age effects of the mother has led to a lively exchange among epidemiologists, with perhaps a consensus for the absence of a paternal age effect, at least for trisomy 21. Molecular studies revealed the relatively minor contribution of paternal errors to trisomy, but even research on the paternally derived trisomies alone has been inconclusive; thus studies focussed directly on the sperm heads. Human-hamster fusion assays were superseded by FISH for establishing any possible link between age and the proportion of disomic sperm in an ejaculate. Despite innumerable microscope hours however, although convincing studies suggesting an age effect for disomies 1, 9, 18 and 21 and the sex chromosomes are in the literature, others failed to notice any association for these or other chromosomes. It is biologically plausible that chromosomal non-disjunction errors should increase with age. Male reproductive hormone production, testicular morphology and semen parameters all decline slowly with age and paternal age is implicated in congenital birth defects, such as achondroplasia and Apert syndromes and also linked to compromised DNA repair mechanisms. Despite several decades of epidemiological and molecular cytogenetic studies, however, we are still not close to a definitive answer of whether or not there is a paternal age effect for aneuploidy. In this review we conclude by questioning the efficacy of FISH because of difficulties in detecting nullisomy and because of evidence that the centromeres (from which most sperm-FISH probes are derived) cluster at the nuclear centre. Array-based approaches may well supersede FISH in addressing the question of a paternal age effect; for now, however, the jury is still out.  相似文献   

Wolstenholme J  Angell RR 《Chromosoma》2000,109(7):435-438
The mechanism of trisomy formation and its relationship to increased maternal age is not understood. Molecular analysis of the pattern of inheritance of DNA markers in trisomy families shows trisomies can be grouped according to whether the affected chromosomes inherited from their mothers are heterozygous or homozygous with respect to the centromeres. Furthermore, molecular analysis reveals that those that are heterozygous have fewer chiasmata, which are located more distally, while those that are homozygous have more chiasmata proximally located. Cytogenetic analysis of human oocytes shows that the kind of imbalance predicted by the classic hypothesis of nondisjunction, i.e. extra whole chromosomes at the second metaphase, is rarely found, whereas the common expression of imbalance is seen as single chromatids. We hypothesise that one mechanism links these data: the mechanism depends on the prediction from the cytogenetic data that cohesion within the bivalent complex is severely weakened during the extended dictyate stage in older women. Consequently, when meiosis resumes, at the time of ovulation, the bivalent emerges as four chromatids held together only by its chiasmata. In accordance with the rules of orientation on the spindle, the final balanced shape of the configuration achieved at metaphase I, in this case determined by the position of the chiasmata, will dictate whether the subsequent segregation of the chromatids will result in their heterozygosity or homozygosity. It follows that the concept of "first division" and "second division" errors, i.e. of nondisjunction originating at first or second meiotic division as defined by centromeric hetero- or homozygosity, may be erroneous.  相似文献   

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