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Impaired apoptosis in immune effector cells such as macrophages has been implicated in the development of autoimmune disease by promoting the breakdown of self-tolerance and the sustained production of cytotoxic molecules. Macrophages from nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse, an animal model of human autoimmune diabetes, exhibit several defects that are causally linked to the onset and progression of the disease. In this context, we investigated whether NOD macrophages have a defect in a cell death pathway, and if that is the case, the mechanism underlying such dysregulation of cell death. We found that NOD macrophages were resistant to treatment with a broad spectrum of cell death stimuli, triggering both apoptotic and non-apoptotic death. Through analysis of intracellular signaling pathways along with the expression of apoptosis-related proteins, we found that atypical resistance to cell death was associated with an elevated expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-X(L) but not the NF-κB signaling pathway in NOD macrophages. Further, ABT-737, which can inhibit Bcl-X(L) function, sensitized NOD macrophages to apoptosis induced by diverse apoptotic stimuli, thus restoring sensitivity to cell death. Taken together, our results suggest a macrophage-intrinsic defect in cell death as a potential mechanism that promotes an immune attack towards pancreatic β-cells and the development of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed that sequence variation of the CD101 gene between NOD and C57BL/6 mice accounts for the protection from type 1 diabetes (T1D) provided by the insulin-dependent diabetes susceptibility region 10 (Idd10), a <1 Mb region on mouse chromosome 3. In this study, we provide further support for the hypothesis that Cd101 is Idd10 using haplotype and expression analyses of novel Idd10 congenic strains coupled to the development of a CD101 knockout mouse. Susceptibility to T1D was correlated with genotype-dependent CD101 expression on multiple cell subsets, including Foxp3(+) regulatory CD4(+) T cells, CD11c(+) dendritic cells, and Gr1(+) myeloid cells. The correlation of CD101 expression on immune cells from four independent Idd10 haplotypes with the development of T1D supports the identity of Cd101 as Idd10. Because CD101 has been associated with regulatory T and Ag presentation cell functions, our results provide a further link between immune regulation and susceptibility to T1D.  相似文献   

Fas (CD95) is a potential mechanism of pancreatic beta cell death in type 1 diabetes. beta cells do not constitutively express Fas but it is induced by cytokines. The hypothesis of this study is that Fas expression should be measurable on beta cells for them to be killed by this mechanism. We have previously reported that up to 5% of beta cells isolated from nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice are positive for Fas expression by flow cytometry using autofluorescence to identify beta cells. We have now found that these are not beta cells but contaminating dendritic cells, macrophages, and B lymphocytes. In contrast beta cells isolated from NODscid mice that are recipients of T lymphocytes from diabetic NOD mice express Fas 18-25 days after adoptive transfer but before development of diabetes. Fas expression on beta cells was also observed in BDC2.5, 8.3, and 4.1 TCR-transgenic models of diabetes in which diabetes occurs more rapidly than in unmodified NOD mice. In conclusion, Fas is observed on beta cells in models of diabetes in which rapid beta cell destruction occurs. Its expression is likely to reflect differences in the intraislet cytokine environment compared with the spontaneous model and may indicate a role for this pathway in beta cell destruction in rapidly progressive models.  相似文献   

Backcross nonobese diabetic (NOD) ((NOD x SWr)F1 x NOD) mice (108 females and 105 males) were typed for MHC, TCR V beta, and monitored for 350 days for the onset of diabetes. The presence of "antipolar" antibodies in the sera and the occurrence of insulitis was examined in a proportion of these backcross mice. There was no difference in the incidence of diabetes in mice heterozygous for TCR V beta b/a vs those homozygous for TCR V beta b/b. Among the 17 diabetics (all female) detected in this backcross, 14/17 were H-2nod/nod but 3/17 were H-2nod/q. This supports a previous observation suggesting that the MHC-linked diabetogenic gene originally thought to be recessive may rather be dominant but have a low penetrance in the heterozygous state. Antipolar autoantibodies were found in both female and male backcross mice, and were similarly distributed in diabetic and nondiabetic mice. There appeared to be no correlation between the level of these auto-antibodies and development of diabetes. The incidence and severity of insulitis was linked to MHC but no influence of TCR genes on insulitis nor an association between insulitis and antipolar antibodies could be demonstrated in this study. Further analyses of H-2nod/nod intercross mice homozygous for TCR V beta a or TCR V beta b are currently underway.  相似文献   

In female rats, apoptotic cell death in the corpus luteum is induced by the prolactin (PRL) surge occurring in the proestrous afternoon during the estrous cycle. We have previously shown that this luteolytic action of PRL is mediated by the Fas/Fas ligand (FasL) system. During pregnancy or pseudopregnancy, apoptosis does not occur in the corpus luteum. Progesterone (P4), a steroid hormone secreted from luteal steroidogenic cells, attenuated PRL-induced apoptosis in cultured luteal cells in a dose-dependent manner. P4 significantly decreased the expression of mRNA of Fas, but not FasL, in cultured luteal cells prepared from both proestrous and mid-pseudopregnant rats. These data indicate that P4 suppresses PRL-induced luteal cell apoptosis via reduction of the expression level of Fas mRNA in the corpus luteum, suggesting that P4 acts as an important factor that can change the sensitivity of corpus luteum to PRL.  相似文献   

In type 1 diabetes, many effector mechanisms damage the beta cell, a key one being perforin/granzyme B production by CD8(+) T cells. The death receptor pathway has also been implicated in beta cell death, and we have therefore generated NOD mice that express a dominant-negative form of the Fas-associated death domain protein (FADD) adaptor to block death receptor signaling in beta cells. Islets developed normally in these animals, indicating that FADD is not necessary for beta cell development as it is for vasculogenesis. beta cells from the transgenic mice were resistant to killing via the Fas pathway in vitro. In vivo, a reduced incidence of diabetes was found in mice with higher levels of dominant-negative FADD expression. This molecule also blocked signals from the IL-1R in culture, protecting isolated islets from the toxic effects of cytokines and also marginally reducing the levels of Fas up-regulation. These data support a role for death receptors in beta cell destruction in NOD mice, but blocking the perforin/granzyme pathway would also be necessary for dominant-negative FADD to have a beneficial clinical effect.  相似文献   

The adoptive transfer of type I diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice requires the contribution of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. To further elucidate the cellular pathway(s) of beta-cell destruction and the responsibility of each subset, high doses of committed T cells from diabetic mice purified to single subsets, were injected into syngeneic nonobese diabetic neonates. The recipients of single or mixed subsets were followed for clinical manifestations of diabetes and examined at 30 days of age for in situ lesions. None of the animals injected with either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells became overtly diabetic during the 30 days of observation whereas 8 of 23 mice inoculated with a mixture of the two subsets developed glycosuria and hyperglycemia. However, insulitis was found in 6 of the 13 mice injected with CD4+ T cells whereas only 1 of the 9 mice injected with CD8+ T cells showed marginal infiltration of the pancreas. The lesions initiated by CD4+ T cells alone were considerably less severe than those induced by the mixture of both subsets, corroborating the fact that overt disease did not occur in the former group. Together, these results suggest a distinct function for each diabetogenic T cell subset. CD4+ T cells, which have the capacity to home to the pancreas, promote in turn the influx of CD8+ effector T cells that do not by themselves accumulate in this organ. These results illustrate a novel form of T-T cell interactions leading to organ specific autoimmune lesions.  相似文献   

Immunization against insulin, insulin B chain, or B chain peptide B(9-23) (preproinsulin peptide II(33-47)) prevents diabetes in the nonobese diabetic (NOD) mouse. Whether or not peptide II(33-47) is the only proinsulin determinant recognized by CD4 T cells remains unclear. Using two peptide libraries spanning the entire sequence of preproinsulin I and preproinsulin II, respectively, we identified T cells specific for four proinsulin epitopes within the islet cell infiltrate of prediabetic female NOD mice. These epitopes were among immunogenic epitopes to which a T cell response was detected after immunization of NOD mice with individual peptides in CFA. Immunogenic epitopes were found on both isoforms of insulin, especially proinsulin II, which is the isoform expressed in the thymus. The autoimmune response to proinsulin represented only part of the immune response to islet cells within the islet cell infiltrate in 15-wk-old NOD mice. This is the first systematic study of preproinsulin T cell epitopes in the NOD mouse model.  相似文献   

Localization of the death receptor Fas to specialized membrane microdomains is crucial to Fas-mediated cell death signaling. Here, we report that the post-translational modification of Fas by palmitoylation at the membrane proximal cysteine residue in the cytoplasmic region is the targeting signal for Fas localization to lipid rafts, as demonstrated in both cell-free and living cell systems. Palmitoylation is required for the redistribution of Fas to actin cytoskeleton-linked rafts upon Fas stimulation and for the raft-dependent, ezrin-mediated cytoskeleton association, which is necessary for the efficient Fas receptor internalization, death-inducing signaling complex assembly and subsequent caspase cascade leading to cell death.  相似文献   

Analysis of TCR beta-chain V region (V beta) frequency among NOD lymphocytes reveals a profound depletion of V beta 3+ T cells, and a recent study has linked this phenomenon to the Mtv-3 insertion on chromosome 11. When the V beta 17a gene segment is introduced into mice with an nonobese diabetic mouse background, T cells bearing the TCR encoded by this gene segment are also dramatically reduced in frequency. Deletion of V beta 17a+ T cells segregates with deletion of T cells bearing V beta 3 and occurs in the absence of I-E, which had been shown in previous studies to be a major deleting element for V beta 17a+ thymocytes.  相似文献   

When immunological tolerance breaks down, autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas can cause insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. We previously showed that transgenic nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice expressing IL-4 in the pancreas (NOD-IL-4 mice) were protected from insulitis and diabetes. Here we have characterized the avoidance of pathological autoimmunity in these mice. The absence of disease did not result from a lack of T cell priming, because T cells responding to dominant islet Ags were present. These islet Ag-specific T cells displayed a Th2 phenotype, indicating that Th2 responses could account for the observed tolerance. Interestingly, islet Ag-specific Th1 T cells were present and found to be functional, because neutralization of the Th2 effector cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 resulted in diabetes. Histological examination revealed that NOD-IL-4 splenocytes inhibited diabetogenic T cells in cotransfer experiments by limiting insulitis and delaying diabetes. Neutralization of IL-4 in this system abrogated the ability of NOD-IL-4 splenocytes to delay the onset of diabetes. These results indicate that IL-4 expressed in the islets does not prevent the generation of pathogenic islet responses but induces islet Ag-specific Th2 T cells that block the action of diabetogenic T cells in the pancreas.  相似文献   

Developing B cells undergo selection at multiple checkpoints to eliminate autoreactive clones. We analyzed B cell kinetics in the NOD mouse to establish whether these checkpoints are intact. Our results show that although bone marrow production is normal in NOD mice, transitional (TR) B cell production collapses at 3 wk of age, reflecting a lack of successful immature B cell migration to the periphery. This yields delayed establishment of the follicular pool and a lack of selection at the TR checkpoint, such that virtually all immature B cells that exit the bone marrow mature without further selection. These findings suggest that compromised TR B cell generation in NOD mice yields relaxed TR selection, affording autoreactive specificities access to mature pools.  相似文献   

The intracarotid injection method has been utilized to examine blood-brain barrier (BBB) glucose transport in hyperglycemic (4–6 days) mice. In anesthetized mice, Brain Uptake Indices were measured over a range of glucose concentrations from 0.010–50 mmol/l; glucose uptake was found to be saturable and kinetically characterized. The maximal velocity (Vmax) for glucose transport was 989±214 nmol·min–1·g–1· and the half-saturation constant estimated to be 5.80±1.38 mmol/l. The unsaturated Permeability Surface are product (PS) is=171+8 l·min.–1·g–1. A rabbit polyclonal antiserum to a synthetic peptide encoding the 13 C-terminal amino acids of the human erythrocyte glucose transporter immunocytochemically confirmed the presence of the GLUT1 isoform in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse brain capillary endothelia. These studies indicate that a down-regulation of BBB glucose transport occurs in these spontaneously hyperglycemic mice; both BBB glucose permeability (as indicated by PS product) and transporter maximal velocity are reduced (in comparison to normoglycemic CD-1 mice), but the half-saturation constant remains unchanged.  相似文献   

In nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, T cells play a major role in mediating autoimmunity against pancreatic islet beta-cells. We and others previously reported that age-related alterations in the thymic and peripheral T cell repertoire and function occur in prediabetic NOD mice. To study the mechanism responsible for these T cell alterations, we examined whether a defect exists in the thymus of NOD mice at the level of TCR-mediated signaling after activation by Con A and anti-CD3. We found that thymocytes from NOD mice respond weakly to Con A- and anti-CD3-induced proliferation, compared with thymocytes from control BALB/c, BALB.B, (BALB.B x BALB.K)F1, C57BL/6, and nonobese non-diabetic mice. This defect correlates with the onset of insulitis, because it can be detected at 7 to 8 weeks of age, whereas younger mice displayed a normal T cell responsiveness. Thymic T cells from (NOD x BALB/c)F1 mice, which are insulitis- and diabetes-free, exhibit an intermediate stage of unresponsiveness. This T cell defect is not due to a difference in the level of CD3 and IL-2R expression by NOD and BALB/c thymocytes, and both NOD CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ mature thymic T cells respond poorly to Con A. BALB/c but not NOD thymic T cells respond to Con A in the presence of either BALB/c or NOD thymic APC, suggesting that the thymic T cell defect in NOD mice is intrinsic to NOD thymic T cells and is not due to an inability of NOD APC to provide a costimulatory signal. The defect can be partially reversed by the addition of rIL-2 to NOD thymocytes. To determine whether a defect in signal transduction mediates this NOD thymic T cell unresponsiveness, we tested whether these cells elevate their intracellular free Ca2+ ion concentration in response to Con A. An equivalent Con A-induced increase in Ca2+ ion concentration in both NOD and BALB/c thymocytes was observed, suggesting a normal coupling between the CD3 complex and phospholipase C in NOD thymocytes. In contrast to their low proliferative response to Con A or anti-CD3, NOD thymocytes respond normally (i.e., as do BALB/c thymocytes) to the combinations of PMA plus the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin and PMA plus Con A but weakly to Con A plus ionomycin. Our data suggest that the age-related NOD thymocyte unresponsiveness to Con A and anti-CD3 results from a defect in the signaling pathway of T cell activation that occurs upstream of protein kinase C activation.  相似文献   

G J Wang  L Cai 《Mutation research》1999,427(2):125-133
Cyclophosphamide (CPA) is widely used as an efficiently antineoplastic drug, but also causes immunosuppression as its adverse-side effect. To understand the effect of low- or relative low-dose CPA on the immune system, apoptotic cell death in rat thymus, either exposed to different doses of CPA (0, 2, 7, 20 and 70 mg/kg) for 12 h or exposed to 70 mg/kg for different times (4-48 h), was investigated by DNA fragmentation (DNA ladder) detection and in situ morphological examination using hematoxylin and eosin (H and E) staining. Immunohistochemical staining for Fas protein expression in the thymus of rats exposed to CPA was performed. Results showed that exposure of rats to CPA 0-70 mg/kg for 12 h did not cause significant decrease in the ratio of thymus weight to body weight. However, the ratio of thymus weight to body weight was decreased significantly at 48 h after exposure to 70 mg/kg CPA. Exposure to 20 and 70 mg/kg CPA for 12 h caused a visible DNA ladder in gel electrophoresis. DNA ladder formation was increased progressively in the groups from 8 h to optimal magnitude at 12-24 h and then disappeared at 48 h after 70 mg/kg CPA. This pattern was confirmed by a quantitative evaluation of the apoptotic cells using H and E staining. Expression of Fas protein was enhanced in the thymus of rats exposed to 70 mg/kg CPA for 4-8 h as compared to control rats. These results are different from previous studies on high dose CPA and the induction of the apoptotic cell death in thymus by low or relative low doses of CPA might be a result of Fas/Fas-ligand interactions.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNFs) have been shown to be synthesized by ovarian carcinomas, and may therefore affect tumor cells in an autocrine manner. Therefore, we investigated the effects of recombinant TNFs on ovarian carcinoma cells N.1 and examined expression of the proto-oncogenes c-myc and cdc25A which are known to play a prominent role in apoptosis. TNFalpha elicited apoptosis in N.1 cells within 72 h which was shown by typical morphological changes, DNA fragmentation and signature type cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase into a 89 kDa proteolytic peptide. TNFalpha-induced apoptosis was accompanied by constitutive c-Myc expression, although the mRNA level of phosphatase cdc25A was suppressed within 24 h of TNFalpha treatment and the protein level decreased after 48 h. Cdc25A tyrosine phosphatase is an activator of the cdk2-cyclin E complex which allows for cell cycle progression. As expected, we found TNFalpha-mediated Cdc25A down-regulation to inhibit Cdk2 activity. Cdc25A suppression was related to TNFalpha-induced apoptosis but not to a TNFalpha-induced G0 arrest because cyclin D1 expression was unaffected and the gene gas6 (growth arrest specific 6) was not induced. Arresting cells by treatment with genistein prevented TNFalpha-triggered apoptosis and inhibited c-myc expression. TNFalpha-induced apoptosis is not accompanied by cell cycle arrest which may be due to constitutive c-Myc expression, although Cdc25A and Cdk2 activity is also down-regulated. High c-Myc and low Cdc25A activity might present conflicting signals to the cell cycle machinery which are incompatible with cell survival.  相似文献   

Prior to entry into meiosis, XX germ cells in the fetal ovary undergo X chromosome reactivation. The signal for reactivation is thought to emanate from the genital ridge, but it is unclear whether it is specific to the developing ovary. To determine whether the signals are present in the developing testis as well as the ovary, we examined the expression of X-linked genes in germ cells from XXY male mice. To facilitate this analysis, we generated XXY and XX fetuses carrying X chromosomes that were differentially marked and subject to nonrandom inactivation. This pattern of nonrandom inactivation was maintained in somatic cells but, in XX as well as XXY fetuses, both parental alleles were expressed in germ cell-enriched cell populations. Because testis differentiation is temporally and morphologically normal in the XXY testis and because all germ cells embark upon a male pathway of development, these results provide compelling evidence that X chromosome reactivation in fetal germ cells is independent of the somatic events of sexual differentiation. Proper X chromosome dosage is essential for the normal fertility of male mammals, and abnormalities in germ cell development are apparent in the XXY testis within several days of X reactivation. Studies of exceptional germ cells that survive in the postnatal XXY testis demonstrated that surviving germ cells are exclusively XY and result from rare nondisjunctional events that give rise to clones of XY cells.  相似文献   

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