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An angle diagram of light scattering of myofibril suspensions was extremely asymmetric in the range of 0.05 to 10 degrees. The extent of asymmetry increased at relaxation and sharply decreased at contraction of myofibrils. Angle diagrams for myofibril light scattering calculated according to the approximate formulae of Mie theory, were close to those obtained in the experiment. It was shown that a high extent of asymmetry of calculated diagrams is determined by a low refractive index of myofibrils rather than by great dimensions of myofibrils. It is supposed that changes in the shape of scattering diagram and in other optical characteristics of myofibril and actomyosin suspensions associated with changes in their functional states depend mostly upon changes in the inner arrangement of particles rather than in their dimensions.  相似文献   

It is impossible to measure the diffusion coefficient of macromolecules directly and accurately by quasi—elastic light scattering, when aggregates cannot be eliminated from the solutions to be investigated. Nevertheless, a simple method can be applied to overcome this problem in many cases. Aggregates are separated from the monomeric macromolecules by rate-zonal sedimentation in a CsCl density gradient in a transparent centrifugation tube; the monomers are then located by laser light scattering intensity measurements; photon correlation spectroscopy of the scattered light finally yields their diffusion coefficient. The viscosity of aqueous CsCl solutions at different temperatures and concentrations allows a good separation by centrifugation and a low uncertainty in the reduction of the measured diffusion coefficient to standard conditions.The application of the method to eukaryotic large ribosomal subunits is described as an example.  相似文献   

Quasi-elastic light scattering has been used to examine solutions and gels of deoxyhemoglobin S. The autocorrelation function is found to decay with a characteristic exponential relaxation which can be ascribed to the diffusion of monomer (64,000 molecular weight) hemoglobin S molecules. In the absence of polymers, the relaxation time is in good agreement with previous measurements of the diffusion coefficient for solutions of normal human hemoglobin. In the presence of the polymer phase, a large (greater than 200-fold) increase in the scattered intensity is observed but no contribution to the decay of the autocorrelation function from the motion of the aligned polymer phase can be detected. Heterodyning between the time-independent scattering amplitude from the polymers and the time-dependent scattering of the diffusing monomers results in a twofold increase in the relaxation time arising from monomer diffusion.  相似文献   

Studies of red blood cells (RBCs) and RBC ghosts, using a quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS) microscope spectrometer, have identified the membrane as the primary source of the light scattering signal. This is the first report in which motion of the cell membrane has been demonstrated to be the primary source of the QELS signal from a cell. Cytoplasmic changes induced in the RBC by varying the osmotic strength of the medium were also detected using this technique. Comparison of the data from white blood cells (WBCs) with the RBC data demonstrated significant differences between different types of cells.  相似文献   

Previous results on Limulus ventral photoreceptors have suggested that besides inositol trisphosphate, another unknown transmitter may also work in the transduction cascade. This assumption has been supported by the finding of two light-activated channel types. The present report furnishes further evidence of the dual transmitter mechanism in phototransduction by analyzing the kinetic properties and voltage dependency of these cation channels with conductances of 12 pS and 30 pS. Single-channel currents were recorded in Limulus ventral nerve photoreceptors in cell-attached configuration at 14°C. At V m + 80 mV the open-time histograms of both channels were fit best by the sum of two exponentials; time constants (and weights) were: 0.81 ms (0.62) and 6.20 ms (0.38) for the 12 pS channels and 2.38 ms (0.43) and 19.4 ms (0.57) for the 30 pS channels. At this potential the mean open times were 2.7 ms for the 12 pS and 13.3 ms for the 30 pS channels, about two-times larger than at hyperpolarizing potentials. The deactivation kinetics were also different for the two channels. The time constants of the decay of the channel activity, after switching off the light, were 2.5 s for the 12 pS and 12.9 s for the 30 pS channels. The 12 pS channel exhibits bursting and subconductance states at positive potentials. The subconductances are about 20%, 46% and 72% of the fully open state. Results show that the two types of light-activated channels have different kinetic parameters, voltage dependence and gating mechanisms. The two channels are suggested to be gated by different transmitters or processes. It is proposed that for the 30 pS channel the transmitter could be calcium ion or a calcium-dependent transmitter.  相似文献   

We describe a photometer for time-resolved measurements of small changes in light scattering suited for suspensions of biological material. The time resolution is 35 μs, the amplitude resolution for bovine rot outer segments is typically ΔI/I = 5 · 10?4 at a scattering angle of ? = 20°. The use of the apparatus is demonstrated by recording the near infrared scattering of bovine rod outer segments after excitation with flashes of green light.Semiconductor detector arrays are arranged centrosymmetrically around a hemispherical cuvette. The optical characteristics of a hemispherical cuvette and the resulting geometry of cuvette and detection are discussed.Calculations of optimal signal transfer and noise of the detectors led to the following arrangement for each scattering angle: pairs of parallel connected photodiodes are fed into several current-to-voltage converters, whose output voltages are summed up by a summing amplifier.For the test of the device so-called N signals of fresh and liquid N2-frozen and thawed ROS samples were measured at four scattering angles simultaneously. A strong angular dependence (difference scattering curve) of the relative light scattering change is seen for fresh ROS which is transformed into a flat curve by freezing and thawing. It is concluded that the competence of the fresh sample to extend the light-induced local events — presumably rhodopsin conformational changes — into the gross-structural range is terminated by freezing.  相似文献   

Suspensions of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae display free-running light scattering oscillations at the onset of development. We describe a device to monitor these oscillations in several samples in parallel. The apparatus consists of a thermostated cuvette holder where up to eight cuvettes containing cell suspension are inserted. Cells are aerated and kept in suspension via an airlift. Infrared light emitted from a five-diode array passes through the suspension and is detected by an array of five light detecting diodes. The resulting signal is digitized and recorded with a sampling rate of two measuring points/second. The parallel analysis approach allows determination of the effects of adding of agents or of variations in the external conditions in the same batch of amoebae at the same developmental time point. This represents an advantage over the conventional single cuvette approach, as oscillation characteristics themselves are developmentally regulated. Moreover, as the new experimental setup enables simultaneous analyses of up to eight samples, the behavior of wild-type and several mutant strains can be compared under identical experimental conditions.  相似文献   

For particulate suspensions and for solutions that scatter light measurably the total absorbance A generally contains contributions due to specific absorption (Aa) and scattering of light (As). The quantity As is closely related to the turbidity tau. In general, spectrophotometry of such systems requires proper modification of the spectrophotometer used in order to permit accurate determination of the absorbance A and of the derived quantities Aa and As. Apparent deviation from Beer's law in such systems is often due to inappropriate experimental technique. After a discussion of the parameters that determine the intensity of light scattered by solutes, an account is given of the experimental precautions to be taken for determination of the absorbance of light scattering suspensions and solutions and of techniques for correcting absorbance spectra for scattering of light. Measurement of the turbidity is briefly confronted with determination of the scattering ratio i90 degrees/Io and the impact of erroneous turbidity measurements on derived molecular parameters is discussed.  相似文献   

The cicada, Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata, produces two distinct sizes of sperm, as determined by either nuclear volume of early spermatids or nuclear length of mature sperm. Between both sperm, there is no difference in location of the acrosome and flagellum during spermiogenesis. The acrosome is covered by an anteacrosomal bleb, which is inserted in a common mass, spermatodesm, derived from cyst cells. Both kinds of sperm linked to the spermatodesm form sperm bundles, respectively. During copulation, the sperm bundles are transported from the vesicula seminalis of the male to the bursa copulatrix of the female. Morphometric analyses of the nuclear length revealed that the two kinds of sperm reach the bursa copulatrix in the same condition as that found in the vesicula seminalis. Once transferred inside the latter, the sperm bundles disintegrated to individual sperm within a few hours, and the tail components, such as the axoneme and mitochondrial derivatives, become separated from each other over time. The tail completely splits from the sperm nucleus 24 h after copulation. Fertile sperm accumulate in the spermatheca, the final storage organ, where only long sperm survived for any length of time. Fertilized eggs examined by vital staining contain only sperm with long nuclei.  相似文献   

Near-infrared light scattering from suspensions of rod outer segment fragments is a useful probe of visible-light-activated changes in peripheral membrane proteins in photoreceptor cells. Limited sonication of suspensions has been shown to increase the amplitude of light induced turbidity changes in the presence of guanosine triphosphate by a factor of 2. Further sonication led to a decrease in the signal amplitude by an order of magnitude. This reduction has been puzzling, since the activity of the GTP-binding protein (as measured by GTP hydrolysis turnover number) was unaffected by the range of sonication used. This effect of sonication is investigated here using a novel, Reticon-based apparatus that measures the angular distribution of scattered light from samples as small as 1 microliter. The results show that even at high rhodopsin concentrations (125 microM) with millimeter path lengths, significant amounts of unscattered light are transmitted by the samples. A simple phenomenological theory that assumes a constant fractional change in scattering power (15%), independent of amount of sonication, explains the effect of sonication on the angle dependence data as well as the original turbidity data. The results have general relevance for optimization of light-scattering studies of membrane systems.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction patterns from live vertebrate striated muscles were analyzed to elucidate the detailed structural models of the myosin crown arrangement and the axial disposition of two-headed myosin crossbridges along the thick filaments in the relaxed and contracting states. The modeling studies were based upon the previous notion that individual myosin filaments had a mixed structure with two regions, a "regular" and a "perturbed". In the relaxed state the distributions and sizes of the regular and perturbed regions on myosin filaments, each having its own axial periodicity for the arrangement of crossbridge crowns within the basic period, were similar to those reported previously. A new finding was that in the contracting state, this mixed structure was maintained but the length of each region, the periodicities of the crowns and the axial disposition of two heads of a crossbridge were altered. The perturbed regions of the crossbridge repeat shifted towards the Z-bands in the sarcomere without changing the lengths found in the relaxed state, but in which the intervals between three successive crowns within the basic period became closer to the regular 14.5-nm repeat in the contracting state. In high resolution modeling for a myosin head, the two heads of a crossbridge were axially tilted in opposite directions along the three-fold helical tracks of myosin filaments and their axial orientations were different from each other in perturbed and regular regions in both states. Under relaxing conditions, one head of a double-headed crossbridge pair appeared to be in close proximity to another head in a pair at the adjacent crown level in the axial direction in the regular region. In the perturbed region this contact between heads occurred only on the narrower inter-crown levels. During contraction, one head of a crossbridge oriented more perpendicular to the fiber axis and the partner head flared axially. Several factors that significantly influence the intensities of the myosin based-meridional reflections and their relative contributions are discussed.  相似文献   

Cavanagh and Mather (1989) reviewed literature concerning the possible distinction between short- and long-range processes in motion perception and concluded that the distinction cannot be supported. Instead, they proposed that motion perception be considered on the basis of detectors for first-order (luminance, color) and second-order (first-order motion, texture, stereo) stimulus attributes. They supported their position with studies of motion based on second-order stimuli. The present paper contends that when experiments permitting the investigation of both processes in the same display are included and when criteria are examined in their totality rather than one-by-one, the original short-range/long-range distinction can be retained. Furthermore, it is argued that the first-order/second-order distinction does not represent a theoretical advancement and that studies of second-order motion can be interpreted in terms of the older distinction. It is concluded that the short-range/long-range distinction is useful and should not be abandoned.  相似文献   

An experimental analysis is presented concerning the effect on relative light absorption by the two photosystems caused by (a) a highly light scattering environment (the detour effect) and (b) light filtration across successive chloroplast layers (the light attenuation effect). Both suspensions of isolated chloroplasts and leaves were employed.It is concluded that within a single spinach leaf these phenomena are likely to lead to only rather small increases in relative photosystem I absorption and activity with respect to photosystem II and will thus not exert a significant effect on non cyclic electron transport. On the contrary when light is filtrated across successive vegetation layers (shade light) significant increases in the relative PSI absorption and activity may be encountered.It is determined that the detour effect in mature leaves from a variety of plants increases overall photosynthetically useful light absorption by 35–40%.Abbreviations FM maximal fluorescence - LHCP2 light-harvesting chlorophyl a/b protein complex II - QA-primary quinone acceptor of photosystem II  相似文献   

A solution X-ray scattering study has been performed on Limulus polyphemus (horseshoe crab) hemocyanin and its dissociated fragments at various pH values in the presence and absence of Ca2+. The scattering patterns of native hemocyanin (48-mer), the half molecule (24-mer), quarter molecule (12-mer) and monomer fraction were measured. The radii of gyration for the four molecular species were calculated from the Guinier plots to be 110.7, 91.3, 77.3, and 36.5 A, respectively. Models which yield good fits to the experimental data are presented. The models were constructed using eight, four and two spheres with a radius of 58 A, assuming the sphere to be the submultiple composed of six subunits. The radii of gyration were calculated on the basis of the model and the values found to be 106, 94 and 73 A, respectively, in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

The myosin crossbridge array, positions of non-crossbridge densities on the backbone, and the A-band "end filaments" have been compared in chemically skinned, unfixed, uncryoprotected relaxed, and rigor plaice fin muscles using the freeze-fracture, deep-etch, rotary-shadowing technique. The images provide a direct demonstration of the helical packing of the myosin heads in situ in relaxed muscle and show rearrangements of the myosin heads, and possibly of other myosin filament proteins, when the heads lose ATP on going into rigor. In the H-zone these changes are consistent with crossbridge changes previously shown by others using freeze-substitution. In addition, new evidence is presented of protein rearrangements in the M-region (bare zone), associated with the transition from the relaxed to the rigor state, including a 27-nm increase in the apparent width of the M-region. This is interpreted as being mostly due to loss or rearrangement of a nonmyosin (M9) protein component at the M-region edge. The structure and titin periodicity of the end-filaments are described, as are suggestions of titin structure on the myosin filament backbone.  相似文献   

The transformation of the long slender to the short stumpy stages of the African trypanosomes is an essential part of the trypanosome life cycle. Four possible mechanisms which could control this event have been investigated. It has been shown that (a) the dividing long slender to non-dividing short stumpy transition is not a programmed event in the trypanosome life cycle; nor (b) would it appear to be initiated by some form of cell to cell contact inhibition of growth. In addition, evidence is presented which would suggest that (c) the transition is not started by the depletion of a critical growth nutrient from the environment during the growth of the trypanosomes. The last possibility (d) considered is that during trypanosome growth, a growth inhibitor-short stumpy inducer accumulates in the trypanosomes' environment. Evidence is presented which shows that plasma from infected animals can inhibit the incorporation of thymidine by the trypanosomes. These data are consistent with the suggestion of an exogenous growth inhibitor accumulating during the infection.  相似文献   

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