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利用光镜技术,对粗糙沼虾精巢发育进行了研究,根据精子发生过程中每种生殖细胞所占的比例和发生的次序,并结合精巢的形态特征,把精巢发育过程分为五个时期,即精原细胞期,精母细胞期,精细胞期,成熟精子期及退化期,精原细胞期,精巢小,透明乳白色,生精小管内的生殖细胞以精原细胞为主;精母细胞期;精巢体积增大,半透明乳白色,主要由处于初级精母细胞的次级精母细胞阶段的生殖细胞组成;精细胞期,精巢体积继续增大,颜色加深,生精小管内的生殖细胞以精细胞为主;成熟精子期,精巢体积可达最大,紫红色,生精小管内充满着成熟的精子,退化期;精巢体积减小,半透明乳白色,生精小管内的成熟精子几乎排空。  相似文献   

长吻wei精巢发育的分期及精子的发生和形成   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
长吻wei精巢的发育分为精原细胞增殖期、精母细胞生长期、精母细胞成熟期、精子细胞出现期、精子完全成熟期和精子退化吸收期。精巢的后1/3不产生也不贮存精子,精子的发生和形成经过精原细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞到精子的一系列过程。精原细胞有两种类型。精子无顶体,有中心粒帽,中片长,核凹窝和线粒体发达,鞭毛具侧鳍。  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹精巢发育的组织学观察   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
组织学观察表明,锯缘青蟹(Scylla serrata)精巢发育周期可以分为精原细胞期,精母细胞期,精子细胞期,精子期和休止期5个时期。在划分精巢发育期的基础上,结合生精小管直径的成熟节段比例这2个指标,可以较准确地反映锯缘青解精巢的发育状况。而成熟节段比例可以作为锯缘青蟹精巢发育的表征指标。  相似文献   

在吉林省四平地区对6种优势蝗虫进行野外罩养,从成虫出现到死亡期间,对蝗虫精巢发育动态变化进行解剖学测量、统计分析和组织学观察。结果表明,蝗虫成虫刚出现时精巢发育水平较高,精巢长度显著增长但宽度增长差异不显著,随着虫体发育精巢体积达到峰值后出现下降趋势。不同种蝗虫精巢发育具有明显的种间差异,成虫出现时其精巢发育水平依次为长翅素木蝗>黄胫小车蝗>绿牧草蝗>素色异爪蝗>条纹异爪蝗>异翅负蝗,并且各蝗虫类群精巢发育的体积动态变化各不相同,体现出各蝗虫类群精巢生理功能的强弱。组织学观察显示,蝗虫发育不同时期精巢内以不同类型的精母细胞为主,精巢体积增长是精母细胞增长和成熟精子积累的结果,精巢体积下降为交配活动导致的大量精子外排以及其生理机能减退所至。  相似文献   

长江江豚精巢发育和组织学特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
性成熟的江豚精巢明显增大,其重量约为成熟前的14倍,结合有关江豚捕捞和野外生态学资料,初步认为长江江豚属多雌性群体,而成熟的雄性个体具有较大的精巢,可能对保证群体的成功繁殖非常重要。根据精巢的组织学特征,可将江豚精巢发育分为胚胎早期、胚胎晚期、成熟前期和成熟期(包括活动期和不活动期),通过对精巢生精小管管径大小和白膜厚度进行分析,认为成熟江豚精巢活动呈季节性变化。    相似文献   

【目的】柑橘大实蝇是一种严重为害柑橘类果实的经济害虫。研究其精巢、精泵以及精泵内骨骼生长发育状况,有助于提高柑橘大实蝇人工繁殖效率以及其田间防治效果,为柑橘大实蝇的预测预报及防治提供理论基础。【方法】基于光学显微镜测量恒温和室温条件下柑橘大实蝇雄虫的精巢、精泵以及精泵内骨骼的长度和宽度,并建立其长度、宽度和指数的函数模型,比较恒温和室温2种饲养条件下其雄虫器官发育状况差异。【结果】无论是在恒温还是室温条件下饲养,随着柑橘大实蝇雄成虫日龄的增加,其精巢、精泵以及精泵内骨骼的长度、宽度和指数变化趋势均符合幂函数增长模型。在恒温和室温条件下,其雄虫的精巢宽度、精泵的长度和宽度以及指数、精泵内骨骼宽度均无明显差异。在室温条件下饲养的雄虫的精巢长度[(4.00±0.14) mm]及指数(3.40±0.14)、精泵内骨骼长度[(1.65±0.03) mm]及指数(1.84±0.08)均分别显著高于在恒温条件下饲养的雄虫的精巢长度[(3.75±0.13) mm]及指数(3.19±0.14)、精泵内骨骼长度[(1.61±0.03) mm]及指数(1.77±0.08)。【结论】变温(室温)比恒温更有利于柑橘大实蝇雄虫的精巢和精泵内骨骼的发育,并推荐使用精泵长度推断其雄虫日龄的方法。  相似文献   

长吻Wei精巢及精子结构的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Fox家族蛋白广泛存在于植物以外的物种中,是一类与发育相关的重要转录因子.但是不同Fox基因在鳞翅目昆虫家蚕Bombyx mori精巢中的表达特征,以及BmFoxL2亚家族蛋白在精巢发育中的功能未知.本文检测了家蚕12个BmFox基因在家蚕精巢中的表达量,发现BmFoxL2-2的表达量最高,BmFoxL2-1次之.Bm...  相似文献   

长吻鮠精巢发育的分期及精子的发生和形成   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
长吻鮠精巢的发育分为精原细胞增殖期、精母细胞生长期、精母细胞成熟期、精子细胞出现期,精子完全成熟期和精子退化吸收期。精巢的后1/3不产生也不贮存精子,精子的发生和形成经过精原细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞到精子的一系列过程。精原细胞有两种类型。精子无顶体,有中心粒帽,中片长,核凹窝和线粒体发达,鞭毛具侧鳍。  相似文献   

两种发育型鱼类卵母细胞成熟过程中促精核发育...   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文对烟台海域海月水母水母体阶段伞径、腕长及体重的生长规律进行了研究,并首次对其生长过程中水管系统的发育进行了观察。结果表明,在人工培养条件下,海月水母体重(W)与伞径(D:15~150㎜)呈幂函数增长;腕长(L)与伞径(D)呈线性关系;伞径生长曲线方程为:Dt = 4×10-6t4-0.0014t3 0.1087t2 0.5079t 9.428 (R2=0.9993)。。海月水母初生碟状体出现主辐管与间辐管,3日龄时碟状体出现从辐管,11日龄时出现环管、分离点。随着水母的生长,伞径增大,水管系统的分离点数与聚合点数逐渐增多,成熟时1/4伞部分离点数最多为66个,聚合点数最多为32个。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess testicular morphology and spermatozoal structure spatially within the reproductive tract and temporally among seasons in the sauger (Sander canadensis). The testis exists as two separate lobes joined at the urogenital pore and were characterised as unrestricted lobular with seminiferous tubules terminating at the ventral periphery and coalescing dorsally on the main sperm duct. Differences were observed between the pre-breeding season (November) and breeding season (March), with every stage of spermatogenesis occurring in spermatocysts in pre-breeding season in contrast to only spermatozoa being present in the tubules and main duct during the breeding season. Longitudinal folds in the main duct epithelium increased in number with increasing proximity to the urogenital pore, greatly increasing epithelial height regardless of season. Sauger spermatozoa consisted of an ovoid head, a midpiece containing 2 – 4 mitochondria incorporated into the head and a single flagellum containing an asymmetrical lateral ribbon. Motile spermatozoa were found throughout the testis during the breeding season. A decrease in sperm concentration was quantified moving proximally, suggesting a hydration effect by the main duct epithelium during the breeding season. These observations fill an important knowledge gap regarding reproductive biology of this impactful recreational fish species.  相似文献   

Summary The intratesticular excurrent duct system of the bull is composed of rete testis, tubuli recti, and the terminal segment of the seminiferous tubules. Each terminal segment is surrounded by a vascular plexus and may be subdivided into a transitional region, middle portion, and terminal plug. The modified supporting cells of the middle portion and the terminal plug no longer display the typical Sertoli-Sertoli junctions seen in the transitional region and the seminiferous tubule proper. In the region of the terminal plug a distinct central lumen is generally not observed: spermatozoa and tubular fluid must pass through an intricate system of communicating clefts between the apices of the closely attached modified supporting cells. Vacuoles in the supranuclear region of the cells in the middle portion indicate strong transepithelial fluid transport. In analogy to the epithelium of rete testis and tubuli recti, the supporting cells of the terminal segment are capable of phagocytosing spermatozoa. The vascular plexus investing the terminal segment serves a dual purpose: it is a regulatory device for fluid and sperm transport, as well as an area of increased diapedesis for white blood cells.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

细鳞鱼精巢超微结构和精子发生   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:32  
张旭晨  王所安 《动物学报》1992,38(4):355-358
细鳞鱼Brachymystax lenok(Pallas)精巢为叶型;支持细胞(Sertoli cell)和Leydig细胞具有典型内分泌细胞的一些结构特征;A型精原细胞的细胞器是区域性分布,精原细胞线粒体的发育与拟染色质 (chromatoid bodies)有关;生精细胞(spermatogenic cell)核膜孔由均匀排布最终演变为区域性聚集。重复注射绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)可促进雄鱼性成熟;精子质量受到多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the subcellular compartmentalization of arylsulfatase-A (AS-A) in the testis and epididymis as well as the surface distribution in rat epididymal sperm. Testicular AS-A was compartmentalized specifically to the area underneath the outer acrosomal membrane of the acrosomal granule and to the dorsal aspect of the sperm acrosome. Epididymal AS-A was synthesized in the endoplasmic reticular (ER) network of principal cells and secreted into epididymal lumen as evident by its reactivity in the apical cytoplasm and vesicles therein underneath stereocilia. In clear cells, AS-A reactivity was found throughout the cytoplasmic machineries involved in endocytosis. Surface distribution of AS-A was initially detectable at the concave ridge as early as in sperm of the initial segment (IS). AS-A was additionally localized to the post-acrosomal region in caput (CP), corpus (CO) and cauda (CD) epididymal sperm. The expression levels of surface AS-A gradually increased during sperm transit from IS to CD epididymidis. These results favored the adsorption of AS-A from epididymal fluid onto the sperm surface, rather than shunting from the acrosome as a consequence of capacitation-associated membrane priming.This work was supported by Research Initiate Grant funded by Faculty of Science, Mahidol University to W.W.  相似文献   

Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri is a model parasitic hookworm used to study animal and human helminth diseases. During infection, the parasite releases excretory/secretory products that modulate the immune system of the host. The most abundant protein family in excretory/secretory products comprises the venom allergen-like proteins (VALs), which are members of the SCP/TAPS (sperm-coating protein/Tpx/antigen 5/pathogenesis related-1/Sc7) superfamily. There are >30 secreted Heligmosomoides polygyrus VAL proteins (HpVALs) and these proteins are characterised by having either one or two 15?kDa CAP (cysteine-rich secretory protein (CRISP)/antigen 5/pathogenesis related-1) domains. The first known HpVAL structure, HpVAL-4, refined to 1.9?Å is reported. HpVAL-4 was produced as a homogeneously glycosylated protein in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana infiltrated with recombinant plasmids, making this plant expression platform amenable for the production of biological products. The overall topology of HpVAL-4 is a three layered αβα sandwich between a short N-terminal loop and a C-terminal cysteine rich extension. The C-terminal cysteine rich extension has two strands stabilized by two disulfide bonds and superposes well with the previously reported extension from the human hookworm Necator americanus Ancylostoma secreted protein-2 (Na-ASP-2). The N-terminal loop is connected to alpha helix 2 via a disulfide bond previously observed in Na-ASP-2. HpVAL-4 has a central cavity that is more similar to the N-terminal CAP domain of the two CAP Na-ASP-1 from Necator americanus. Unlike Na-ASP-2, mammalian CRISP, and the C-terminal CAP domain of Na-ASP-1, the large central cavity of HpVAL-4 lacks the two histidines required to coordinate divalent cations. HpVAL-4 has both palmitate-binding and sterol-binding cavities and is able to complement the in vivo sterol export phenotype of yeast mutants lacking their endogenous CAP proteins. More studies are required to determine endogenous binding partners of HpVAL-4 and unravel the possible impact of sterol binding on immune-modulatory functions.  相似文献   

蘑菇培养料堆制过程中微生物的演替及作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蘑菇培养料堆制的完成依赖于微生物群落共同作用来实现。综述了堆制阶段培养料中细菌、放线菌、真菌三大类型菌群出现、发展的规律 ,各自作用特点以及它们之间的相关性、拮抗性 ,同时从呼吸途径、酶学角度阐述了嗜热真菌对料选择性的形成和蘑菇菌丝生长的积极意义。  相似文献   

Summary Histology and ultrastructure of the connexion of seminiferous and straight testicular tubules were studied in 58 bovine testes of 29 animals ranging from 4 to 52 weeks of postnatal development. In the 4th and 8th week seminiferous tubules are solid. Their non-germinal supporting cells possess spherical nuclei in a basal location and a great amount of granular endoplasmic reticulum. The straight tubules have a narrow lumen and a stratified epithelium rich in intercellular canaliculi. Between 20 and 25 weeks the seminiferous tubules acquire a lumen and develop a terminal segment, the tip of which (terminal plug) protrudes into the cup-shaped modification of the adjacent straight tubule. At 30 weeks the structural differentiation between seminiferous tubule proper and its terminal segment has proceeded: in the former spermatocytes and spermatids make their first appearance, and the supporting cells have transformed to Sertoli cells. In the latter the morphology of the supporting cell preserves a more primitive state. Starting from the 16th week and proceeding through the 30th week and further, the epithelium of the tubulus rectus close to the connexion with the seminiferous tubule becomes monolayered by rearrangement of its cells and advances along the basal lamina into the area of the seminiferous tubule. Those cells of the seminiferous tubule that are cut off from the basal lamina by invading rectus cells degenerate. Between 40 and 52 weeks the adult situation is principally achieved. The terminal segment of the seminiferous tubule is tripartite consisting of transitional region, intermediate portion, and terminal plug. The terminal segment is surrounded by a vascular plexus. The straight testicular tubule adjacent to the terminal segment is modified into a cup region encompassing the terminal plug, followed by a narrow stalk region, which is lined by simple columnar epithelium. Mononuclear free cells are a constant feature of the tubulus rectus epithelium in all stages of postnatal development.Supported by grant Wr 7/6-6 from the Deutsche Forschungsge-meinschaft  相似文献   

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