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本文主要介绍对采自湘西、辽东和鲁西的寒武纪牙形石进行组织学和比较组织学研究成果中尚未发表的内容。以前认为是原牙形石的属Huyuanodontus的组织学构造与原牙形石、副牙形石以及真牙形石均不相同,而且与任何已知化石类群的组织学构造亦不相同。副牙形石Prooneotodus rotendatus和Prooneotodus gallatini中的一些分子具有厚薄不同的齿冠,应属于真牙形石。在已采集到的副牙形石属Laiwugnathus的所有标本中,既未发现副牙形石生长层构造,也未发现牙本质。在具有典型的副牙形石生长层构造的标本中发现了令人信服的牙本质。在最早的真牙形石Proconodontus muelleri中发现了较复杂的管状牙本质。组织学研究证实Coelocerodontus bicostatus为真牙形石。上述成果以及我国寒武纪牙形石组织学和比较组织学已经发表的成果(如:Dong,2004;Dongetal.,2005等)说明研究寒武纪牙形石必需研究牙形石组织学。目前,正在进行的寒武纪牙形石研究的两项主要工作《厘定寒武纪牙形石的分类》以及《副牙形石和早期真牙形石的谱系分析》,均是以组织学的研究为基础的。  相似文献   

分析鼻咽癌常规 H.E染色细胞涂片分别作 Feulgen染色检测 DNA含量和原位杂交检测 EB病毒编码 RNAs(EBERs)的效果 ;将常规 HE染色的 9例正常鼻咽细胞涂片和 38例鼻咽癌细胞涂片用 1%酸性酒精褪色 ,然后作 Feulgen染色 ,应用图象分析仪测定涂片细胞 DNA含量 ,并将 38例鼻咽癌细胞病例的阳性涂片进行 EBERs原位杂交检测 ;结果显示正常鼻咽细胞均为 DNA二倍体核型 ,38例癌阳性涂片中呈 DNA二倍体者 6例 ,DNA非二倍体者 32例 (84.2 % ) ,癌细胞核 EBERs阳性者 35例 (92 .1% ) ;结果表明 HE染色的鼻咽癌细胞学涂片经褪色后作 Feulgen染色和原位杂交检测 ,能较满意进行 DNA和 EBERs分析 ,表明常规 H.E染色和褪色处理均不影响 Feulgen染色和 EB病毒原位杂交的质量效果。本检测方法可靠、可行 ,适用于常规染色细胞学样本的回顾性研究和随访研究 ,并可用于鼻咽癌可疑病人的诊断和鉴别诊断  相似文献   

鲫鱼、黑斑蛙和家兔视网膜结构的比较组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
佘秋生  谢朝晖  陈恩祥  田勋  陈兰英 《四川动物》2011,30(5):800-801,804,前插1
为探讨鲫鱼Carassius auratus、黑斑蛙Rana nigromaculata和家兔Oryclagus cuniculus domestica视网膜组织结构与其生活环境的适应关系,测量了3种动物视网膜各层厚度、3个核层的胞核层数及胞核直径,并对数据进行了统计分析.结果表明:鲫鱼、黑斑蛙和家兔视网膜均由4层细胞...  相似文献   

中国和印度猕猴(Macaca mulatta)两个种群颅骨的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国云南中南部和印度的猕猴(Macaca mulatta)两个种群的颅骨形态以及等位基因的比较研究结果表明:两者的面宽、颅的形态大小和等位基因频率均存在较大差异。这些差异也分别存在于印度种群(M.m.mulatta)与西藏亚种(M.m.vestita),川西亚种(M.m.lasiotis),泰国种群和越南种群之间。在20个血蛋白等位基因中,仅约8个是各亚种或种群共有的,代表共同的离征或祖征。因此,云南中南部标本既不是印度指名亚种,也不是泰国的siamica亚种,其亚种名应重新厘定。大陆型分布的猕猴区域性种群之间的遗传异质性大于同质性。上述差异可能是随机遗传漂变的产物。  相似文献   

目的研究Zmu-1:DHP和DHP豚鼠组胺激发试验气道反应性的差异,为哮喘研究提供具有较好反应性的动物模型。方法通过活体气管插管及雾化组胺气体吸入,测定豚鼠气道阻力和肺动态顺应性;采用离体气管片组胺滴定法,通过气管片收缩测定气管平滑肌对组胺的敏感性;采用同位素标记药物配位法,测定豚鼠气道组织组胺H1受体的密度及平衡解离常数。结果当豚鼠吸人大于0.5mg/mL雾化组胺时,Zmu-1:DHP豚鼠气道阻力上升率和肺动态顺应性下降率与DHP豚鼠相比,其速度有增大趋势,但未达到显著水平(P〉0.05);两个品系豚鼠雄性个体比雌性的敏感性显著增加(P〈0.01)。当组胺浓度为10-5mol/L和10μmol/L时,Zmu-1:DHP豚鼠气管片平滑肌的收缩率显著大于DHP豚鼠(P〈0.01~0.05)。两个品系豚鼠气道组胺Hl受体的密度及其平衡解离常数无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论在一定的组胺浓度范围内,Zmu-1:DHP豚鼠气道平滑肌对组胺的敏感性大于DHP豚鼠,雄性豚鼠的敏感性大于雌性豚鼠。两个品系豚鼠气道组胺H1受体数量无差异,提示气道反应可能还受到平滑肌膜上其它受体和化学介质的作用。  相似文献   

"武育粳3号"和"KT95-418"为两个遗传背景基本一致而对水稻条纹叶枯病表现为明显抗性差异的粳稻(Oryza sativa L.ssp. japonica)品种(系).利用SMART技术合成双链cDNA后,通过SfiⅠ酶切位点将cDNA片段定向插入到改造的载体NpGADT7中,构建了两品种(系)水稻的酵母双杂交cDNA文库.检测结果表明:所构建的两个文库库容量均大于1.0×106 cfu;初始文库滴度分别为1.0×1010 cfu/mL和5.0×1010 cfu/mL,扩增文库滴度均为1.0×1011 cfu/mL;两文库重组率均大于95 %;"武育粳3号"文库cDNA插入片段长度集中分布在700 bp~800 bp之间,"KT95-418"集中分布在750 bp~1 000 bp之间;小规模测序结果表明两文库中全长基因的比例均超过60 %.两品种(系)水稻酵母双杂交cDNA文库的构建为筛选分离抗病相关的变异基因及开展寄主与水稻条纹病毒(Rice stripe virus, RSV)互作的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

多子芋3个品种群在水旱生态环境中的栽培比较试验表明(1)多子芋在旱生环境中的单株母芋质量、单株子芋质量、单株孙芋质量、单株子芋孙芋总质量、单个子芋平均质量、单个孙芋平均质量、单个子芋孙芋平均质量都显著地高于在水生环境中的相应值,而单株子芋数量、单株孙芋数量、单株子芋孙芋总数量、单个曾孙芋平均质量差异不显著,仅单株曾孙芋质量和单株曾孙芋数量表现为水生环境极显著地高于旱生环境.因此,多子芋以旱栽为宜.(2)在品种群间,单株球茎质量和单株球茎数量在旱生环境中的差异较小,而在水生环境中的差异较大.红紫柄品种群对水生环境的适应性最强,绿柄品种群的适应性最弱.无论是在水生环境还是在旱生环境,品种群间同级别单个球茎质量的差异都不显著.(3)品种群间单株球茎质量、单株球茎数量、品种群内单个球茎质量的变异系数在水旱生态环境中,一般都表现为曾孙芋>孙芋>子芋,水生环境>旱生环境,单株球茎质量>单株球茎数量.  相似文献   

家蚕品种间对浓核病毒(镇江株)具有不同的感染性,为了进一步探明家蚕对浓核病毒(镇江株)感性差异的分子机制,本文运用蛋白质电泳和质谱技术比较分析了两个对家蚕浓核病毒(镇江株)感性和抗性的近等基因系家蚕品种JS和NIL的血液和围食膜组织蛋白.结果表明:这两个家蚕品种的血液和围食膜组织蛋白组成差异很小.在血液组织蛋白中发现5个差异蛋白点,其中家蚕品种JS血液中有两个差异蛋白,可能分别为酪蛋白激酶和新型组织蛋白;在NIL血液组织中发现3个差异蛋白点,其中两个可能分别为线粒体延伸因子和类丝氨酸蛋白酶,另外1个的含量极显著高于JS,为血淋巴蛋白.在围食膜蛋白中共发现4个差异蛋白点,其中JS围食膜中有1个差异蛋白可能为新型组织蛋白;其余3个蛋白点在含量上相互间存在显著差异.本研究根据组织差异蛋白的功能初步推测家蚕对浓核病毒(镇江株)感性差异与血液蛋白差异无显著相关,与围食膜蛋白差异可能有关.  相似文献   

日本三角涡虫生殖系统组织结构的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
涡虫在动物系统演化史上占有十分重要的地位,雌雄同体,具有很强的再生能力,因此,对其生殖系统组织结构进行深入研究具有重要的意义.本文用3种染色方法(H.E染色、Masson染色、Van Gieson染色)显示了日本三角涡虫(Dugesiajaponica)生殖系统的组织结构并对其进行了光镜观察.结果表明.该类涡虫生殖系统为雌雄同体.雌、雄性生殖系均由生殖腺和生殖管道构成,雌性生殖腺包括卵巢、卵黄腺和交配囊,生殖管道包括输卵管、交配囊柄;雄性生殖腺主要是精巢,生殖管道包括输精囊、输精管、球腔、射精管4部分.交配囊由单层柱状上皮构成,胞质强嗜碱性,胞核位于上皮基底面,游离面胞质呈现很多泡状结构;卵黄腺为单细胞腺,灯泡状,其核较小,位于柄部.因此,可以确定交配囊具有外分泌的功能;卵黄腺的数目存在周期性.  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态DNA技术检测了两个不同地区的野生鲫鱼(Carassius a uratus L.)和4个金鱼(Carassius auratus Var.)代表品种的基因组DNA的多态性。用26个随机引物对各品种实验鱼的基因组DNA进行扩增,平均每个品种观察到约134个标记,单个引物获得的标记在1-16个之间。实验结果经统计学分析表明,金鱼和鲫鱼的随机扩增多态DNA共亨度高,进一步证实了金鱼由野生鲫鱼演化而来,聚类结果表明,草金鱼形成后,首先演化为文种鱼,然后由文种再形成龙种和蛋种两个品系。 Abstract:Genomic DNA polymorphisms in the wild crucian from rwo different areas and in four representative varieties of goldfish were detected by using random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)technique.The genomic DNA of each variety of fish was amplified with 26 primers.On average,about 134 RAPD markers were observed by each variety.The markers obtained by a single primer varied from 1 to 16.The statistical analysis of the experimental results indicated that random amplified polymorphic DNA of the goldfish and wild crucian have a high proportion of random amplified polymorphic DNA fragment shared.This further verified that goldfish is evolved from wild crucian.The cluster analysis suggested that after emerging,grass goldfish is evolved to wen goldfish,then through wen goldfish evolved to dragoneye goldfish and oval goldfish.  相似文献   

王茜  邓洪平  丁博  周光林 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3921-3930
据有关资料记载,柃属(Eurya Thunb.)植物属于雌雄异株植物,目前仅在柃木(Eurya japonica Thunb.)中有过两性花的报道。近年的调查发现,钝叶柃(Eurya obtusifolia H.T.Chang)也有性别变异,存在两性花。在对其性别特征及功能研究的基础上,进一步跟踪了钝叶柃的开花和传粉过程,对不同性别花的花部形态和传粉特征进行了比较分析。在重庆市北碚区选取了4个样地,测定了花部形态、花朵朝向、花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉对水的耐受性、单花花粉量和单花泌蜜体积等形态和传粉相关指标,并对其开花动态、传粉昆虫种类和昆虫传粉行为进行了仔细观察,还进行了套袋试验。结果发现钝叶柃不同性别花的花部形态和传粉特征既有一些共同点,又存在着明显差异,性别变异株则呈现出雌雄植株间的过渡特征。钝叶柃是一种花期短,花小而多,开花同步性高的植物,雌花和雄花色味相同。该植物的主要传粉方式为虫媒,主要传粉者为两种蜜蜂科昆虫,但风媒也在其传粉中起着一定作用。该植物不同性别花的主要差异有:1)雄花呈灯笼状,花瓣不反卷,雌花辐射状,花瓣反卷;2)雄花较雌花大;3)雄花倾向于垂直朝下,雌花倾向于斜向下朝向枝条末端;4)雌花寿命较雄花长。钝叶柃在开花和传粉上的许多特征都在一定程度上体现了其对雌雄异株性系统的适应。相应地,传粉者在不同性别植株上的行为也存在一定差异。钝叶柃不同性别花在形态上的差异是其周围各种生物因素及非生物因素共同作用的结果,其中传粉昆虫和雨水的选择可能在这些差异的塑造中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

An isocratic high-performance liquid chromatographic technique was developed to measure levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, and taurine in the brain and pituitary of goldfish. Accuracy of this procedure for quantification of these compounds was established by evaluating anesthetic and postmortem effects and by selectively manipulating GABA concentrations by intraperitoneal administration of the glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) inhibitor 3-mercaptopropionic acid or the GABA transaminase inhibitor gamma-vinyl GABA. The technique provided a simple, rapid, and reliable method for evaluating the concentrations of these amino acids without the use of complex gradient chromatographic systems. To investigate the relationship between neurotransmitter amino acids and the control of pituitary secretion of gonadotropin, the effects of injection of taurine, GABA, or monosodium glutamate on GABA, glutamate, taurine, and, in some instances, monoamine concentrations in the brain and pituitary were evaluated and related to serum gonadotropin levels. Injection of taurine caused an elevation in serum gonadotropin concentrations. In addition, injection of the taurine precursor hypotaurine but not the taurine catabolite isethionic acid elevated serum gonadotropin levels. Intracerebroventricular injection of either GABA or taurine also elevated serum gonadotropin concentrations. Pretreatment of recrudescent fish with alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine reduced pituitary dopamine concentrations and also potentiated the serum gonadotropin response to taurine. Injection of monosodium glutamate caused an increase of glutamate content in the pituitary at 24 h; this was followed by a decrease at 72 h after administration. Pituitary GABA, taurine, and dopamine concentrations underwent a transient depletion after monosodium glutamate administration, and this was associated with an elevation of serum gonadotropin content.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The predominant proteins (58K) of the intermediate filament complex in the goldfish visual pathway consist of a series of isoelectric variants. Previous biochemical studies have shown that proteins ON1 and ON2 are of neuronal origin, whereas ON3 and ON4 are of nonneuronal origin. Polyclonal antibodies, purified by affinity chromatography, that are specific for ON1 and ON2 or ON3 and ON4 have been used to localize histologically the ON proteins within the normal and crushed optic nerve. Anti-ON1/ON2 antiserum presented a pattern consistent with intraaxonal staining. A nonneuronal staining pattern was observed with anti-ON3/ON4 antiserum. The two patterns were distinct from and complementary to each other. The data suggest that ON3 and ON4 represent a novel glial fibrillary acidic protein. The results are discussed in terms of the function of these proteins in development, plasticity, and regeneration.  相似文献   

Four proteins with molecular weights of 58,000 can be separated as a linear array by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. They are highly concentrated in the goldfish optic nerve and are designated as ON1, ON2, ON3, and ON4. Proteins ON1 and ON2 are undetectable in the optic nerve after disconnection and their concentration is gradually restored during regeneration. In vitro incubations of retinas, optic nerves, or tecta in the presence of [35S]methionine indicate that proteins ON1 and ON2 are of retinal origin. The labeling rate of these proteins in the retina increases fourfold after optic nerve crush whereas the overall labeling rate in the retina remains largely constant. Their synthesis cannot be detected in tissues devoid of retinal ganglion cells. This is consistent with the view that ON1 and ON2 are synthesized by retinal ganglion cells and are consequently of neuronal origin in the optic nerve. In contrast, similar experiments indicate that ON3 and ON4 are of nonneuronal origin. They are synthesized in the optic nerve in the absence of retinal ganglion cells.  相似文献   

In birds and mammals the metabolic response to fasting has been studied and can be characterized by three consecutive phases reflecting metabolic and physiological adjustments. An effective way to minimize energy expenditure during food scarcity is to decrease the mass of the organs. As the digestive system is metabolically expensive to maintain, the small intestine and the liver are the most affected organs. We evaluated the effects of phase III starvation on the mass of the different organs and histological parameters on house sparrows, a small non-migrant bird. In a short period of time (34 h) we observed a larger reduction in the digestive organ mass when compared to the mass of the body and non-alimentary tissues. Furthermore, the intestinal mass was proportionally more reduced than its length and nominal surface area. A reduction on the intestinal mucosal layer also resulted in a shortening of villus (length and thickness) and crypt depth. Moreover, the morphology of the enterocytes changed from cylindrical to cubical, suggesting that the surface exposed to the lumen was conserved. This may indicate an adaptive response to the moment of refeeding. The nominal surface area/body mass remained constant in both groups and several histological parameters were reduced, suggesting that starving induces the atrophy of the small intestine. However, the goblet cells were conserved after fasting indicating a protective tendency.  相似文献   

两种还田模式下玉米秸秆分解速率的比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
秸秆直接还田具有培肥地力 ,改善土壤理化性状 ,增加作物产量等优点。目前 ,各地玉米秸秆多采用粉碎方式直接还田 ,但投资大 ,费用高。中国农业大学曲周试验站在总结前人基础上 ,结合当地农村实际经济水平和耕作制度 ,提出了玉米秸秆整株还田方法。实践证明 ,整株还田省时省力 ,具有明显经济效益。本文主要探讨玉米秸秆在整株方式和粉碎方式下进行还田时其分解情况 ,从而为玉米秸秆整株还田的可行性提供理论依据。1 研究地区与方法1 1 自然概况曲周县位于河北省南部、太行山山前平原南端、漳河冲积扇下缘。属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候区…  相似文献   

结球白菜离体子叶不定芽再生过程中的组织学及生理变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以日本引进品种爱知结球白菜(Brassica rapa ssp.pekinensis CV.AiehiHakusai,C1)为试材,对离体子叶不定芽再生过程中的组织学和生理变化进行了研究。结果表明,子叶在离体培养过程中,不定芽发生方式为器官直接发生。在不定芽形成前,可溶性蛋白质含量、POD和SOD的活性均呈上升趋势。随着细胞的脱分化,代谢活动逐渐旺盛,酶活性增强,可溶性蛋白质含量增加,表明不定芽形成过程中形态变化与生理变化紧密相联。培养基中添加AgNO3对酶活性有促进作用,并促进不定芽的分化。  相似文献   

In this study 3H-noradrenaline (NA) release from rat neocortex slices evoked by electrical field-stimulation (1 Hz, 12 mA, 2 msec) was compared with that induced by K+-depolarization (13–30 mM K+) under similar experimental conditions, with a particular emphasis on the role of external Ca2+ and the releasable transmitter pool(s). Not only 3H-NA release evoked by electrical stimulation but also that induced by 13 mM K+ was almost completely blocked by 0.3 μM tetrodotoxin (TTX). Release induced by 20 mM K+ appeared to be less sensitive to TTX. Thus, under relatively mild stimulation conditions, the activation of sodium channels appears to be involved in 3H-NA release elicited by both stimuli.The electrically evoked 3H-NA release increased sigmoidally with the external Ca2+-concentration up to 1.2 mM. In contrast, 3H-NA release induced by 13–20 mM K+ reached a maximal value at 0.6–0.9 mM Ca2+ and gradually decreased at higher Ca2+-concentrations. The Ca2+-antagonist D-600 (1–30 μM) did not inhibit electrically evoked release, while K+-induced 3H-NA release was dose-dependently reduced. Upon repetitive K+-depolarization a strong depression of 3H-NA release could be demonstrated, while this phenomenon did not occur with repeated electrical stimulation. Moreover, a previous K+-induced (partial) depletion of 3H-NA stores did not affect the release evoked by electrical pulses and vice versa. Taken together these data are compatible with a much stronger activation of Ca2+-channels and a larger vesicle mobilizing capacity in case of electrical stimulation at physiological frequencies compared to sustained depolarization with moderate K+-concentrations.  相似文献   

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