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中国穿山甲和马来穿山甲头骨量度的测定及比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴诗宝   《兽类学报》2004,24(3):211-214
全球共有7种穿山甲。本文报道的是中国穿山甲和马来穿山甲的头骨形态学资料,涉及头骨特征描述和一些形态学指标测定。被测定的指标主要有颅全长、基底长、腭长、眶间宽、后头宽、鼻骨长、鼻骨宽、脑颅高、听泡长和下颌长,并且在这两个物种之间进行了比较。结果表明,(1)这两个物种头骨形态十分相似,但马来穿山甲头骨细长,听泡长小于10mm(n=12),鼻骨狭长,前后部宽窄相似,两鼻骨外侧缘内凹或平行,鼻骨宽长之比值小于0 3000(0 2025~0 2811,n=12);而中国穿山甲头骨较粗短,听泡长大于11mm(n=46),鼻骨宽短,后部较前端宽,外侧缘外凸,鼻骨宽长之比值大于0 3000(0 3154~0 5325,n=33)。这些异同之处,可以作为区分这两个物种的依据。(2)中国穿山甲华南亚种与海南亚种头骨各变量之间的差异不显著(P>0 05),用颅全长是否大于83mm来区分这两个亚种不能成立,但海南亚种头骨上颌骨的颧突和鳞骨的颧突通常越过眶颞窝完全相接触,如果不是这样,则在它们之间有一个小的骨质棒状结构将它们连接起来。  相似文献   

马来穿山甲(Manis javanica)为极度濒危物种,已报导该物种的怀孕期长度差异较大,需要更多的直接观察案例来确定其怀孕期长短。广西林业科学研究院穿山甲人工救护与繁育基地通过室内圈养方式驯养穿山甲,记录了14例马来穿山甲产仔情况:其中圈养前野外受孕、场内产仔9例;野外受孕、圈养死亡的母体1例;不确定受孕情况母兽产仔1例;圈养条件下交配怀孕并产仔3例,其中2例是母兽进场后第2次产仔。根据初步观察结果,估计马来穿山甲孕期为5~6个月。  相似文献   

田野小家鼠种群特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年,关于种群特征的研究,当首推夏武平等(1982)对长爪沙鼠的种群动态及其调节的研究,国内对种群特征间关系的进一步探研尚不多见,而该工作对动物种群动态的预测是至关重要的。 小家鼠(Mus musculus L.)的种群特征包括诸多方面,如性比、年龄结构、胎仔数、怀孕率和身体大小等,它们的变化均与一定的种群数量相联系,今在过去工作的基础上作一些新的探求。  相似文献   

通过齿式及牙齿磨损情况判断年龄及称量体重的方法,对2004 年至2010 年间从云南景东县、镇沅县、宁蒗县三个地区捕获的23 群共670 只野生猕猴进行了种群年龄组成、性别比例及体重差异的调查。结果表明:(1)景东县、镇沅县、宁蒗县三地猕猴种群雄雌性别比分别为1∶ 1. 21、1∶ 1. 55、1∶ 1. 52; (2) 三个地区猕猴种群年龄结构稳定,幼年组、青年组和中壮年组的个体数量占整个种群数量的80% 以上,处于发展阶段;(3)三个地区猕猴种群体重到了中壮年后均出现雄性明显高于雌性(P < 0. 01)的性二型现象,同时,发现宁蒗县猕猴种群体重明显高于其他两个地区(P < 0. 01)。以上三个地区野生猕猴种群均处于较高生育高峰,呈现出发展壮大的趋势。本文为云南省猕猴资源的保护与合理开发利用提供一定的依据,同时也为了解云南省野生猕猴群体结构及生长发育规律,建立人工繁育的不同地域(种、亚种)猕猴种质特性数据库和进一步研究提供相应的基础数据支持。  相似文献   

王永奇  盛岩  刘文华  李斐然  唐婕  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2015,35(15):4986-4992
林麝是濒危资源动物,林麝驯养是保育濒危林麝资源及可持续利用麝香的有效方式。基于对2001至2012年间的陕西凤县林麝驯养的监测和调查,分析了其种群动态、性比和年龄结构。结果表明,陕西凤县的林麝驯养在近10余年获得了快速发展,全县共有150余个麝场,麝场数呈指数式增长,增长率达27.33%,但其平均驯养规模无明显增长,平均存栏种群仅为16.38头。凤县的驯养麝种群总体增长近似指数式增长,增长率达27.22%,目前存栏种群已达3712头。区分性别和年龄,各亚群的增长均呈指数式增长,幼年麝的增长率(30.30%)高于成年麝(27.16%),雄麝的增长率(28.30%)高于雌麝(27.78%)。在2001至2012年间,幼麝种群的雌雄性比((102.64±3.15)%,n=12)和成年麝种群的雌雄性比((100.85±2.585)%,n=10)均显著偏雌(P0.01),但幼麝、成年麝种群间的性比差异不显著(P0.05)。在2005年及2010—2012年间,幼麝(0.5岁龄)占种群的比例为31.91%,亚成体麝(1.5岁龄)占种群的比例为21.11%,成麝(2.5—12.5岁龄)比例为42.72%,老年麝(13.5岁龄及以上)仅占种群的4.26%。合并年龄分析,育龄前个体(幼麝和亚成体麝)的平均比例为53.02%,表明凤县驯养林麝属快速增长种群,其增长潜力较大。在林麝驯养实践中,管理部门可制定准入制度或适当重组现有麝场,促进较大的驯养种群构建,并建立通畅的麝香交易渠道,控制林麝种源的过热交易,以利于林麝驯养种群的性比平衡及可持续的繁育、增长。  相似文献   

掌握重点保护濒危野生动物的种群状况是开展有效保护的前提和基础。中华穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla)作为国家一级重点保护野生动物,其野外分布范围、种群数量和动态变化等资料匮乏,严重制约该物种的保护管理工作。本研究通过系统收集2005—2021年间浙江省各地市有关中华穿山甲的新闻报道、文献资料和红外相机拍摄记录等信息,分析中华穿山甲记录的空间和时间规律。结果表明,浙江省各地市有关穿山甲的发现记录有85条,其中可以确定为中华穿山甲的有67条记录。中华穿山甲在浙江各地均有分布,但温州市、丽水市、杭州市等地区分布较为集中。除2008、2009和2011等3个年份没有记录之外,其余年份均有中华穿山甲的发现记录。中华穿山甲表现出明显的月记录规律,发现时间集中在6—8月,这3个月合计记录为35条,占中华穿山甲记录总数的52.24%。随着人们保护意识的提高和各个自然保护地红外相机的使用,中华穿山甲的记录数呈现明显增加的趋势。本研究初步明确了中华穿山甲在浙江省的分布状况,为下一步开展全省中华穿山甲专项调查提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

中国是中华穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla)历史分布区面积和野生种群数量最大的国家.中华穿山甲曾广泛见于我国长江以南各省,但20世纪中期以来,由于其甲片被作为贵重的中药材原料,加之地下野味市场的需求,大量非法捕猎使得我国野生穿山甲经历了剧烈的分布区缩减和种群下降.目前,中华穿山甲已被列为我国一级重点保护野生...  相似文献   

 根据5个不同斑块的野外调查数据,分析了残存分布在西双版纳的国家一级保护稀有树种望天树(Parashorea chinensis)的种群密度与数量、 年龄结构与生物量动态, 组建了不同生长发育阶段的望天树个体生长与年龄的回归模型、个体生物量模型及种群年龄结构模型, 编制了不同 斑块的望天树种群及整个种群的静态生命表、存活曲线和年龄结构图。结果表明,不同斑块的望天树种群因种群年龄及所受到的干扰方式的不 同,其种群密度和年龄结构差异很大,不同年龄阶段的死亡率也不同。面积最小的斑块缺乏成熟个体,并出现龄级结构缺省的现象。不同斑块 局部种群的生物量随林龄的变化近似于Logistic增长,但各斑块局部种群的最大生物量以及生物量随时间的动态变化有所不同。整个种群的年 龄结构为稳定增长型种群,1~60龄的种群个体的死亡率随林龄的增加而下降,60~150龄的个体死亡率随林龄的增加而上升,180 龄后种群呈 现生理衰退,个体出现死亡高峰。种群的生物量在180 龄前呈Logistic 增长,此后,生物量下降。部分斑块受到严重的人为干扰,已严重威胁 其局部种群的生存。  相似文献   

本文描述了1983年棉花蕾铃期棉蚜发生情况。从7月上旬到9月上旬发生量超过往年同期的10倍。绘出了蚜虫数量的对数值和生理时间关系图,描述了棉蚜种群下降过程中年龄结构变化及其与寄生率变化的关系。在棉蚜种群下降过程中Ⅰ龄若蚜占百分比下降表明成蚜生殖力下降。高密度组Ⅱ龄若蚜百分比下降,表明Ⅰ龄若蚜死亡率增大。高密度组成虫比例下降是因为有翅若蚜比例高。上述年龄结构变化和寄生率关系密切,表明蚜群下降到低水平时寄生率上升不完全由于寄生蜂增殖,而Ⅰ、Ⅱ龄若蚜比例下降、有翅若蚜增加和高龄若蚜比例上升中是重要原因。棉株不同位置棉蚜寄生率没有差异。寄生率和单位面积内的蚜虫密度有关。  相似文献   

为了深入了解西藏蟾蜍Bufo tibetanus的种群特征,积累更多的生物学资料,本研究利用骨龄学方法、辅以生殖腺形态及其组织学结构的观察,对地处高海拔西藏自治区林芝市的一个西藏蟾蜍(♀29只,♂34只)种群的年龄结构、体长、生殖腺的形态和性成熟年龄等进行了分析。结果表明:西藏蟾蜍第三指骨切片中均可清晰观察到生长抑制线;两性个体体长与年龄均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);各年龄组中两性个体体长无显著性差异,两性的平均年龄无显著差异(P>0.05);两性个体的性成熟年龄一致,均为4龄;雌性的最长寿命为9龄,雄性为8龄。由此可见,该西藏蟾蜍种群在被采集的2014—2015年的年龄结构属于增长型,具有健康发展的潜能。  相似文献   

Flowering activity and sex expression of Bischofia javanica Blume were investigated for 3 years. B. javanica is an invasive dioecious tree of subtropical forests on the Bonin Islands in the western Pacific of Japan. The sex ratio showed a significant male bias (1.25-2.33). Smaller trees were significantly male biased, whereas larger trees showed no significant difference in sex expression, suggesting that males tend to be more precocious in sexual reproduction. We found evidence for sex changes in B. javanica; these have not been reported previously. Most of the 1,653 census trees remained non-flowering (58.1 %); 3.7 % of them showed sex changes, and the percentage of trees repeatedly flowering as males and females was 10.5 and 3.4 %, respectively. Sex changes were observed in both directions but a larger percentage of male trees became female. Flowering frequency and sex expression were significantly related to tree size (i.e. diameter at breast height). Over the 3 years, trees that were consistent females were the largest; inconsistent trees (switching sex between years) were intermediate in size, whereas consistent males were the smallest. There were no significant differences in relative growth rate (RGR) among trees of different sex or flowering frequencies. These results suggest that the maintenance of female reproduction is not related to changes in RGR of diameter but to flowering frequency or the reversal to the male form, dependent upon the internal resource status of individual trees.  相似文献   

广东内伶仃岛猕猴种群年龄结构及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1997年1月至2000年12月的野外观察,对内伶仃岛猕猴种群年龄结构及发展趋势进行了研究,结果表明(1)内伶钉岛猕猴种群雄性比为1:98,各年龄组性比幼年组为1:1.07,青年组为1L0.93,中壮年组为1:0.6,中老年组为1:0.57,老年组为1:1.14;(2)列出了猕猴种群年龄结构图,确定了年增长率为6.9%,种群数量的动态公式是Nt=200e^0.069t;(3)预测了未来10a的猕猴种群的数量和发展,种群数量从2001年到2010年增长到1200头左右;(4)内伶仃岛猕猴种群发展的最适容纳量为900-1100头(平均1000头)。  相似文献   

两性具有不同出生率和死亡率的种群动态   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以往的种群动力学模型均隐含假设性比为1:1,而实际上并非总如此,不同性别的出生和死亡是不完全相同的。文中就考虑了两性具有不同出生率和死亡率的种群动态问题。可以知道种群动态只是受雌性控制,与雄性无关。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the size of the home range used by individual Cape pangolins ( Manis temminckii ). The study was conducted in 1991–95 at Sengwa Wildlife Research Institute, Gokwe, Zimbabwe. Radio‐telemetry was used to repeatedly locate study pangolins. Home range area was estimated from the location of the burrows used by each pangolin. It was established that pangolins must be tracked for 85+ days to generate a reliable estimate of home range. The size of home ranges, determined from 1141 tracking days of data for 10 pangolins (3·0–15·8 kg body mass) that were each tracked for at least 85 days, was from 0·17 to 11·07 km2. Larger (older) pangolins used more burrows and had larger home ranges than smaller (younger) pangolins. The data indicate that large adult males had larger home ranges than large adult females. Within each sex, the home ranges were adjacent to each other with only slight overlap at the boundaries. There was clear overlap of home ranges between males and females.  相似文献   

Intensive total direct counts of Walia ibex (Capra walie) population were performed at Simien Mountains National Park (SMNP) in 2009. Historical data were collected from SMNP and literature reviews. Different models were suited to determine population growth rates and intrinsic rate of increase. The population size estimated was 745 animals. The correlation between the two repeated counts was significant (r = 0.99 and P < 0.01). Mean instantaneous growth rate (r), growth rate per capita (λ) and population annual growth rate (Λ) were 2.6 ± 2.6, 0.03 ± 0.18 and 19.5 ± 50.4, respectively. Instantaneous growth rate and growth rate per capita were positively correlated (r = 0.958, P < 0.01). Average growth rate (rΛ) and intrinsic rate of increase (rr) under ideal (r = 0.950, P < 0.01) and random environments (r = 0.810, P < 0.01) were positively correlated. The population grows by 2.5% under ideal environments with an intrinsic increase of 0.04 (0.006%) and by 0.13% under random environments with intrinsic rate of decrease of ?0.184 or ?0.025% per year, respectively. The mean rank of the flock structure of whole population was 3.13, 3.88, 2.00 and 1.00 for males, females, juveniles and unidentified, respectively.  相似文献   

We examined the age structure and sex ratio of a viperid snake,Trimeresurus flavoviridis, based on samples collected by hand by local inhabitants, habu hunters and by baited traps in the middle and south of Okinawa Island, Japan. Small individuals had a low possibility of capture in all the collecting methods. The age structure was estimated through summing up the age frequency in each snout-vent length (SVL) class in samples with a similar SVL structure. From the age structures, annual survival rates of adult females and males were estimated to be 0.7 and 0.8, respectively. In most samples the sex ratio was biased towards males, especially in March and August and in large individuals. However, the female proportion increased in June.  相似文献   

By 15 June, 82% of the catch of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar kelts had been taken from the middle part of River Teno, northern Scandinavia. The median date of capture was 4 June for males and 8 June for females. Salmon of 1–4 sea–winters (SW) of both sexes survived spawning to return to sea as kelts. Among males, 1 SW kelts were caught earliest in the spring and 3 SW latest, but among females 4 SW were earliest, then 3 SW and finally 1 and 2 SW. There were 17 river and sea–age combinations among the kelts compared with 23 among the ascending salmon. The smolt age distribution and the mean smolt age differed significantly only between female 2 SW ascending salmon (3·97 years) and kelts (4·14 years). The proportion of 1 SW females was higher and that of 3 SW males lower among kelts than among ascending salmon. The proportion of males among 1 SW ascending salmon was 80% but among kelts only 57%. Similarly, the proportion of males among 3 SW fish was 21% for ascending salmon but only 7% for kelts. Hence overwinter mortality was higher among males. Male and female kelts of 1 and female kelts of 2 SWhad a greater mean length than ascending salmon in corresponding groups indicating a better survival of larger fish within an age group. Grilse ascend rivers after most kelts have left, but the main catch of ascending 2–3 SW salmon takes place concurrently with kelts leaving the river, inadvertently targeting kelts in the fishery.  相似文献   

A population of a viperid snake,Trimeresurus flavoviridis, was studied over 10 years by removal trapping on a small subtropical island in Japan. The sex ratio of trapped individuals changed seasonally, but was not biased to either sex in the whole sample of 258 individuals. The age of each individual was estimated through the size structure and the age-size relationship. The minimum number of individuals at the beginning of the study was estimated through accumulating older individuals trapped in the subsequent years. By assuming an annual natural survival rate in the course of this accumulation, an age structure was simulated which led to calculate a resulted natural survival rate. The assumed rate of 0.62 fitted best to the resulted one. The annual trapped proportion estimated on the simulated absolute number of individuals was higher in older individuals than in younger ones with the overall mean of 16%.  相似文献   

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