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In searching for differentially expressed genes in human uterine leiomyomas (ULs), suppression sub-tractive hybridization was used to construct an UL up-regulated library, which turned out to represent 88genes. After two rounds of screening by reverse Northern analysis, twenty genes were proved to be up-regulated, including seventeen known genes and three genes with unknown function. All these genes werefirstly associated with UL. Three genes with notable difference were selected for Northern confirmationOur results proved the authenticity of the twenty genes. One gene named Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) showedup-regulation in 4/6 of the patients and investigation of tissue distribution indicated that it had obviousexpression in prostate, testis, liver, heart and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

To identify novel virulence-associated genes in uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains, a suppression subtractive hybridization strategy was applied to genomic DNA of four clinical UPEC isolates from patients suffering from cystitis or pyelonephritis. The genomic DNA of four isolates (tester strains) was subtracted from the DNA of two different driver strains, the well characterized UPEC strain CFT073 and the non-pathogenic E. coli K-12 strain MG1655. We determined the sequence of 172 tester strain-specific DNA fragments, 86 of which revealed only low or no homology to nucleotide sequences of public databases. We further determined the virulence association of the 86 novel DNA fragments using each DNA fragment as a probe in Southern hybridizations of a reference strain collection consisting of 60 extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli isolates, and 40 non-virulent E. coli strains from stool samples. From this, 19 novel DNA fragments were demonstrated to be significantly associated with virulent strains and thus may represent new virulence traits. Our results support the idea of a considerable genetic variability among UPEC strains and suggest that novel genomic determinants might contribute to virulence of UPEC.  相似文献   

To identify differentially expressed genes between obese individuals and normal control, we have undertaken suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Omental adipose tissues were obtained via abdominal surgery for appendicitis in both 13 obese subjects [BMI (body mass index) >30 kg/m2] and 13 normal subjects (BMI >18 and <25 kg/m2). Following SSH, about one thousand clones were sequenced and found to derive from 426 different genes. These predominately expressed genes included genes involved in lipid metabolism, cytokines, signal transduction, GLUT4 translocation, cell cycle and growth, cytoskeleton, and others. Although more detailed analyses are necessary, it is anticipated that further study of genes identified will provide insights into their specific roles in the etiology of obesity.  相似文献   

分离不同性别的鸡胚性分化早期差异表达基因,可为禽类性别决定和性分化机制研究提供基本信息。本研究分别以孵化3.5-6d的雌、雄鸡胚性腺为材料,利用抑制性消减杂交技术成功构建了雌-雄鸡胚间正、反向消减cDNA文库,并利用斑点印迹杂交从中筛选出了39个性别差异表达的阳性cDNA克隆。以持家基因GAPDH为参照指标检测消减文库的消减效率,结果发现两个文库的消减效率均高达25倍。插入片段PCR鉴定结果显示,消减文库中cDNA插入片段的长度主要分布于250-750bp之间。分别对雌、雄鸡胚消减文库中的252和168个cDNA克隆进行斑点杂交筛选,再随机从两个消减文库中共抽取39个阳性差异表达克隆进行序列测定及序列比对分析。结果表明:这39个cDNA克隆分别代表了定位于鸡不同染色体上的18个已知功能的基因和11个假定基因;参照哺乳动物同源基因的功能,所得的18个已知差异基因可能参与多种生物反应过程。用半定量RT-PCR方法对雌、雄鸡胚消减文库中各5个基因的表达情况进行进一步验证,发现除雌性库中的一个基因外其它9个基因均有较明显的性别差异表达。这些性别差异表达基因的获得为进一步研究鸡胚性腺发育中的基因表达调控奠定了基础  相似文献   

Cellular senescence marks the end of the proliferative life span of normal cells in tissue culture and occurs after cells have undergone a certain number of population doublings (PDLs). It is accompanied by alterations in the pattern of gene expression. A specific human embryonic lung diploid fibroblast cell line, 2BS, has been studied as a model of senescence in our laboratory. Here, we report a set of cellular senescence-associated genes identified from suppression subtractive cDNA libraries from senescent and young 2BS cells. They include three novel genes and six previously identified genes of unknown function. The genes whose functions are known belong to various functional pathways that have been reported to change with the onset of senescence. These include three pre-mRNA splicing factors with reduced expression in senescent cells, indicating that the regulation of mRNA splicing is altered during cell senescence. In addition, the expression of the gene TOM1 (target of Myb 1), which has not previously been associated with cellular senescence, is shown to increase in senescent cells, and we demonstrate that the expression of antisense TOM1 gene in 2BS cells can delay the progress of senescence.  相似文献   

In searching for differentially expressed genes in human uterine leiomyomas (ULs), suppression sub-tractive hybridization was used to construct an UL up-regulated library, which turned out to represent 88 genes. After two rounds of screening by reverse Northern analysis, twenty genes were proved to be up-regulated, including seventeen known genes and three genes with unknown function. All these genes were firstly associated with UL. Three genes with notable difference were selected for Northern confirmation. Our results proved the authenticity of the twenty genes. One gene named Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) showed up-regulation in 4/6 of the patients and investigation of tissue distribution indicated that it had obvious expression in prostate, testis, liver, heart and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Ventricular septal defect (VSD) accounts for the largest number of birth congenital heart defects in human, but the genetic programs that control ventricular septation are poorly understood. To identify differentially expressed genes between ventricular septal defect and normal ventricular septum myocardium, we have undertaken suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) and generated reciprocal cDNA collections of representative mRNAs specific to human heart with ventricular septal defect versus normal control. Following SSH, 1378 clones were sequenced and found to derive from 551 different genes. These predominately expressed genes included genes involved in energy metabolism, cell cycle and growth, cytoskeleton and cell adhesion, LIM protein, zinc finger protein, and development. It is anticipated that further study of genes identified will provide insights into their specific roles in the etiology of VSD, even in cardiac development, aging, and disease.  相似文献   

Arginine vasopressin (AVP) plays a major role in the modulation of water reabsorption in mammalian kidney. In addition to short-term regulation of aquaporin 2 (AQP2) trafficking, AVP also has long-term effects to regulate the expression of AQP2 in renal collecting duct. However, the detailed mechanism of the long-term effects of AVP in kidney remains to be elucidated. We have searched for genes induced by AVP using the polymerase chain reaction-based suppression subtractive hybridization technique in AVP-responsive AQP2-transfected MDCK cells. We found that the expression of the genes such as VIP17/MAL, annexin II, stimulatory GTP binding protein, tubulin, and mitochondrial ATP synthase was induced by AVP treatment for 4h. These results suggest that AVP might induce the expression of several genes related to the apical targeting of newly synthesized AQP2 as well as that of AQP2 for the long-term modification of water permeability in renal collecting duct.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, leptospirosis is caused mainly by Leptospira santarosai serovar shermani. Suppression subtractive hybridization was employed to isolate DNA fragments present in pathogenic L. santarosai serovar shermani but absent in non-pathogenic L. biflexa serovar patoc. Analysis of 23 subtracted DNA clones revealed 25 gene fragments by BLASTX program. Eight clones showed similarity to transposase genes and three clones displayed homology with either translation or metabolism related genes. Four clones were similar to outer membrane protein, penicillin-binding protein, CreD-like protein and the protein of two-component signal transduction system, respectively. One clone had TPR repeat domain and five clones had significant similarity with hypothetical proteins of unknown functions. The remaining four clones exhibited no homology with any known genes. These results indicate that subtractive hybridization can successfully identify genes that are absent from the non-pathogenic Leptospira and provide a starting point for clarifying the differential genes expression between pathogenic and non-pathogenic Leptospira species.  相似文献   

抑制性消减杂交(SSH)是抑制PCR与消减杂交技术相结合,能对未知序列差异表达基因克隆的一种方法。该方法具有速度快、效率高、假阳性率低、目的序列富集程度高、实验结果复杂程度低等特点。本主要介绍其基本原理、操作过程、优缺点、在生物基因克隆中的应用,并对其应用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

Suppression subtractive hybridization was carried out by using cDNAs of peripheral white blood cells (PWBCs) of banded dogfish (Triakis scyllia) after phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulation. The Trsc-SCYA107, MIP31 and MIP32 clones contained an open reading frame encoding 97, 99 and 97 amino acids, respectively. Comparison of the deduced amino acids showed that the banded dogfish MIP31 and MIP32 sequences shared 42.3% and 40.0% identity with human SCYA20, respectively, while the Trsc-SCYA107 sequence shared 50.6, 44.2 and 42.0% identity with the catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) Scca-SCYA107, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) CK4A and CK4B, respectively. The genomic sequences of banded dogfish Trsc-SCYA107, MIP31 and MIP32 contain four exons and three introns, and MIP31 and MIP32 shared the same intron/exon organization with that of human. The MIP31 and MIP32 genes of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-unstimulated banded dogfish were expressed in gill, kidney and liver, while Trsc-SCYA107 mRNA was detected in various tissues except for brain. However, the constitutive expression of MIP32 gene was much lower than the Trsc-SCYA107 and MIP31 genes. RT-PCR analysis of the Trsc-SCYA107 expression in tissues of LPS-stimulated fish showed enhanced expression at 24 h poststimulation in the gill, heart, leydig, spleen and testes, while the expression of MIP31 and MIP32 was not influenced by LPS-stimulation in vivo. Furthermore, a relative increase in the expression of the Trsc-SCYA107 and MIP32 genes in PWBCs was observed at 1–12 h poststimulation with PMA and LPS, with maximal expression observed at 3 h, while MIP31 expression was observed at 3–12 h poststimulation only with PMA.  相似文献   

刘斯璐  毛芸  乔传令  崔峰 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1670-1676
抑制性差减杂交技术(suppression subtractive hybridization)是在差减杂交和抑制性PCR技术的基础上发展起来的鉴别差异表达基因的实验方法,用于分离2种具有相同或者相似遗传背景,但是表型上有差异的生物样品中差异表达的基因。这项技术在蚊虫许多研究领域,如抗药性、病原体感染、生理特性等得到广泛的应用。本文对抑制性差减杂交技术在蚊虫各研究领域的应用情况进行了综述。  相似文献   

To isolate the over-expressed genes in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and analyze its molecular basis of carcinogenesis, we used the mRNA from human RCC tissues as tester and that from the matched normal kidney tissues as driver to construct the suppression subtractive hybridization library. 379 of the subtracted clones were arrayed onto a nylon membrane and the over-expressed genes were then screened by hybridizing the filter with radioactively labeled cDNA from RCC and matched normal kidney tissues. 67 clones over-expressed in RCC by a factor of 6 or more were sequenced and its identities were analyzed in GenBank database. 4 clones were previously unknown fragments and 2 clones represent KIAA genes. The rest clones were the known genes and some of them were RCC-related, including vascular endothelial growth factor, vimentin and tissue factor. Most of the known genes were the RCC-related genes previously unknown, including zinc ribbon domain-containing 1 protein (ZNRD1), pituitary tumor transforming gene1 (PTTG1). Northern blot and semi-quantitative RT-PCR confirmed that the mRNA levels of the 3 novel fragments and 1 KIAA and 3 known genes were significantly higher in RCC than in the matched normal kidney tissues. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analysis for PTTG1 and ZNRD1 revealed increased protein level in RCC. The over-expressed genes in RCC are the potential molecular targets for diagnosis and therapy and it is very important to understand the molecular mechanism of RCC through the profile of over-expressed genes.  相似文献   

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