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A pulsed time-of-flight refractometer was developed and tested to determine the mean plasma density in the T-11M tokamak by measuring the propagation time of nanosecond microwave pulses in plasma. Later, it was also proposed to use such an instrument to measure and control the mean plasma density in the ITER tokamak by probing the plasma with an extraordinary wave, the electric field of which is perpendicular to the magnetic field in plasma, in the transparency window at frequencies of 50–100 GHz. To avoid the effect of the density profile shape on the measurement results in the nonlinear mode of refractometer operation (near the cutoff), a system operating at two different probing frequencies was developed and tested. Such a system provides two values of the time delay, which can be used to estimate the peaking factor of the density distribution α and correctly determine the linear density 〈Nl〉, regardless of the density profile (assuming a smooth density profile of the form of N(ρ) = N(0)(1 − ρ2)α, where N(0) is the central plasma density and ρ = r/a is the normalized plasma radius). The first experiments on density measurements in the FTU tokamak performed with this refractometer are described, and results from these experiments are presented. The formation of a thin dense plasma layer in the zone of a strong magnetic field (the so-called MARFE layer) at a relatively low (for FTU) plasma density of ∼6 × 1019 m−3 was detected. The thickness of this layer, determined from the refractometry data, agrees well with the data obtained using a digital camera.  相似文献   

A new method for measuring the plasma density in magnetic confinement systems—pulsed time-of-flight refractometry—is developed and tested experimentally in the T-11M tokamak. The method is based on the measurements of the time delay of short (with a duration of several nanoseconds) microwave pulses propagating through the plasma. When the probing frequency is much higher than the plasma frequency, the measured delay in the propagation time is proportional to the line-averaged electron density regardless of the density profile. A key problem in such measurements is the short time delay of the pulse in the plasma (~1 ns or less for small devices) and, consequently, low accuracy of the measurements of the average density. Various methods for improving the accuracy of such measurements are proposed and implemented in the T-11M experiments. The measurements of the line-averaged density in the T-11M tokamak in the low-density plasma regime are performed. The results obtained agree satisfactorily with interferometric data. The measurement errors are analyzed, and the possibility of using this technique to measure the electron density profile and the position of the plasma column is discussed.  相似文献   

Analysis of the experimental profiles of the plasma density and pressure in the T-10 tokamak shows that in the plasma core they are close to the corresponding canonical profiles. This allows one to construct an expression for the particle flux in terms of the canonical profile model. T-10 experiments performed with ohmic discharges have revealed transitions from improved to low particle confinement, similar to the effect of the density pump-out from the central part of the plasma upon switching-on of the electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH). It is shown that such a change in the particle confinement is associated with the deviation of the radial pressure profile from the canonical one. A nonlinear model of particle transport in discharges with density variations that allows for the transition effects is proposed. The plasma density evolution is numerically simulated for a number of ohmic and ECRH T-10 discharges.  相似文献   

The average plasma density in the T-11M tokamak is determined by means of an O-mode time-of-flight refractometer measuring the propagation time τ of microwave pulses through the plasma. Since the front duration τfr of these pulses is shorter than 2 ns, filtering the measured signal cannot reduce the signal-to-noise ratio below a certain level. This circumstance impedes the use of this diagnostics in larger devices, where the signals may be substantially attenuated because of the larger chamber size and larger waveguide losses. There are several ways to overcome these difficulties: to raise the microwave power, to increase the sensitivity of the receivers, etc. In this paper, a technique is described that is based on the differential method for determining the propagation time of a microwave signal through the plasma. In this method, the plasma is probed by two continuous microwaves with close frequencies and the phase difference between them Δφ12 is measured. As long as the condition Δφ12 < 2π is satisfied, the measurements are unambiguous, because there are no phase jumps by a value multiple of 2π, as is usually the case in conventional interferometers at an increased level of MHD activity, in regimes with a rapid density growth, etc. This method allows the signal to be filtered, thereby ensuring an appreciable improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio in comparison with the pulsed methods. The first measurements of the average density along the +3-cm chord were performed with the help of this new differential time-of-flight refractometer in the T-11M tokamak. The refractometry data agree well with the interferometric data and are used to recover the plasma-density profile.  相似文献   

The wavenumber-resolved radar backscattering diagnostics in the upper hybrid resonance (UHR) region was used to study low-frequency short-scale turbulence in the FT-1 tokamak. The scattered spectra were measured for different delay times of the scattered signals. It is shown that the width of the spectrum of enhanced scattering by spontaneous fluctuations is proportional to the delay time. Possible mechanisms for the formation of the scattered spectra are proposed and discussed. The results of simulations and additional experiments were used to determine the dominant mechanisms governing the formation of the scattered spectra in the FT-1 tokamak. These mechanisms are related to the effect of multiple small-angle scattering of both the probing wave and the waves backscattered in the UHR region by long-scale density fluctuations and to the Doppler effect caused by the entrainment of short-scale fluctuations by the long-scale turbulent flow.  相似文献   

The processes that are likely to accompany discharge disruptions and sawteeth in a tokamak are considered in a simple plasma current model. The redistribution of the current density in plasma is supposed to be primarily governed by the onset of the MHD-instability-driven turbulent plasma mixing in a finite region of the current column. For different disruption conditions, the variation in the total plasma current (the appearance of a characteristic spike) is also calculated. It is found that the numerical shape and amplitude of the total current spikes during disruptions approximately coincide with those measured in some tokamak experiments. Under the assumptions adopted in the model, the physical mechanism for the formation of the spikes is determined. The mechanism is attributed to the diffusion of the negative current density at the column edge into the zero-conductivity region. The numerical current density distributions in the plasma during the sawteeth differ from the literature data.  相似文献   

Bifurcation of solutions to the Grad–Shafranov-type equation for helically symmetric plasma near the threshold for tearing instability are analyzed. Quadratic and cubic nonlinearities were added to the linear dependence of the current density on the helical flux. Depending on the character of nonlinearity, two types of bifurcation can be observed, the “small” and the “large” ones. The small bifurcation is typical of cubic nonlinearity and reveals itself in the growth of the magnetic island from zero as the profile parameter increases above the instability threshold. The large bifurcation is typical of quadratic nonlinearity and causes jumplike formation of a large-scale magnetic island upon exceeding the instability threshold. As the profile parameter decreases below the instability threshold, the large-scale island continues to persist for some time (the hysteresis effect) and then suddenly disappears.  相似文献   

The plasma radiative loss profile in the T-11M tokamak operating with a lithium limiter was measured using a sixteen-channel absolute extreme-ultraviolet photodiode array. The field of view of the detector was set in a vertical plane tangential to the plasma column axis. The radiative loss profile was recovered by solving an inverse problem under the assumption of toroidal and poloidal symmetry of the plasma column. A stable algorithm is developed for solving the problem with this geometry, and the possible errors of the method are evaluated. The radiative loss profiles and their evolution in various tokamak regimes are derived.  相似文献   

Laser interferometry methods were used to measure the density of free electrons and degree of plasma ionization in a hydrogen target intended for experiments on determining energy losses of heavy ion beams in an ionized matter. It is shown that the linear electron density can be varied in the range from 3.3 × 1017 to 1.3 × 1018 cm?2 by varying the initial plasma parameters (the hydrogen pressure in the target and the discharge current). The error in measuring the linear electron density in the entire range of the varied plasma parameters was less than 1%. The maximum degree of plasma ionization achieved at the initial gas pressure of 1 mbar was 0.62 ± 0.05.  相似文献   

A weeping pulsed radar reflectometer designed for measuring the spatial electron density distribution in the Globus-M spherical tokamak with a minor plasma radius of a=24 cm, a major radius of R=36 cm, a toroidal field of B T=0.5 T, a plasma current of I p=200 kA, and an average density of n=(3–10)×1013 cm?3 is described. The reflectometer operation is based on the reflection of microwaves with a carrier frequency f from a plasma layer with the critical density n=(0.0111f)2, where n is the electron density in units of 1014 cm?3 and f is the microwave frequency in GHz. By simultaneously probing the plasma at different frequencies, it is possible to recover the electron density profile. Microwave pulses with different frequencies are obtained by frequency sweeping. To increase the range of measured densities, channels with fixed frequencies are also used; as a result, the instrument has eleven frequency channels: a 19.5-GHz channel, eight channels in the 26-to 40-GHz frequency range, a 51.5-GHz channel, and a 60-GHz channel, which corresponds to eleven points in the density profile: 0.47×1013 cm?3, eight points in the (0.8–1.95)×1013-cm?3 range, 3.27×1013 cm?3, and 4.5×1013 cm?3. The reflectometer allows detailed measurements of the density profile with a time resolution of several tens of microseconds, which can be useful, in particular, in studying the processes related to the formation of an internal transport barrier in plasma. The first results obtained using this reflectometer in the Globus-M tokamak under various operating conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

The time evolution of a laser-induced fluorescence signal from neutral helium He I in the edge and divertor plasmas in modern magnetic confinement devices is considered. Computations are performed on the basis of a nonstationary collisional-radiative model involving ten singlet and nine triplet states of helium that affect the time evolution of the fluorescence signal. A new method is proposed for determining the electron density from measurements of the time derivative of the profile of the fluorescence spectral line.  相似文献   

A new type of plasma source with titanium hydride granules used as a hydrogen accumulator was employed to inject a dense, highly ionized plasma jet into the Globus-M spherical tokamak. The experiments have shown that the jet penetrates through the tokamak magnetic field and increases the plasma density, without disturbing the stability of the plasma column. It is found that, when the plasma jet is injected before a discharge, more favorable conditions (as compared to those during gas puffing) are created for the current ramp-up at a lower MHD activity in the plasma column. Plasma injection at the instant of maximum current results in a more rapid growth in the plasma density in comparison to gas puffing.  相似文献   

The behavior of turbulent fluxes in the vicinity of a resonant point m/n=q(x res) in a plane wall plasma layer in a tokamak is studied by numerically analyzing the nonlinear MHD equations in a four-field electromagnetic model. Simulations show that, as the electron temperature at the plasma edge increases, the intensity of turbulent particle flux decreases, reaching its minimum value, and then increases. Such behavior is found to be due to the stabilizing effect of the electron drift velocity (V y0dT e0/dx) in the equation for the longitudinal component of the magnetic potential. It is shown that, at a strong toroidal magnetic field, turbulent transport processes conform to the gyro-Bohm scaling, which gradually passes over to the Bohm scaling as the field decreases. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2004, pp. 387–397. Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2004 by Shurygin.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the internal transport barrier in a tokamak plasma is interpreted as a bifurcation of the plasma equilibrium. An expression describing the change in the plasma pressure due to the buildup of the barrier is derived as a functional dependent on the parameters of the original plasma equilibrium and the plasma rotation velocity within the barrier. This expression is applied to a circular cross section tokamak, specifically, the T-10 device.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional evolution equation for the angle-averaged poloidal momentum of the tokamak plasma is derived in the framework of reduced magnetohydrodynamics with allowance for density inhomogeneity and diamagnetic drift of ions. In addition to fluctuations of the E × B drift velocity, the resulting turbulent Reynolds stress tensor includes fluctuations of the ion density and ion pressure, as well as turbulent radial fluxes of particles and heat. It is demonstrated numerically by using a particular example that the poloidal velocity calculated using the refined one-dimensional evolution equation differs substantially from that provided by the simplified model. When passing to the new model, both the turbulent Reynolds force and the Stringer-Winsor force increase, which leads to an increase in the amplitude of the ion poloidal velocity. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in turbulent fluxes of particles and heat due to the effect of shear decorrelation.  相似文献   

The effect of plasma density variations along ion drift trajectories on the ion velocity distribution function at a given point on a tokamak magnetic surface is studied. The observed distortion of the distribution function can be interpreted as a poloidal (or toroidal) plasma rotation that is additional to the neoclassical rotation. Due to this additional rotation, the velocity of the toroidal plasma rotation is different on the low-and high-field sides of the same magnetic surface. In the case of large ion density gradients, the poloidal rotation velocity on the same magnetic surface can have different signs at different poloidal angles.  相似文献   

The propagation of lower hybrid (LH) waves in a tokamak plasma in the presence of an LH resonance surface is studied experimentally with the use of a specially elaborated technique based on the backscattering of the probing microwave radiation in the upper hybrid resonance region. The technique provides resolution in the wave vectors of the scattering density fluctuations. The conditions are determined under which the LH wave propagates in accordance with the predictions of linear theory and is converted into the short-wave-length ion Bernstein mode. The parameter range is found in which the predictions of linear theory fail to hold and the nonlinear effects come into play during LH wave conversion. The radial wavelengths of the LH and ion Bernstein waves are determined.  相似文献   

The sudden appearance of bright and dark spots against the background lithium emission from the central regions of the plasma column was observed during major plasma disruptions in the T-11M tokamak with a lithium limiter. The measurements were performed with the help of an AXUV photodiode array operating in the energy range 1–5000 eV. Such spots in the plasma core arise in the fast transient stage of a major disruption (during the onset of the positive pulse of the plasma current) and are rather narrowly localized over r (in particular, over the vertical axis). It is supposed that the observed dark spots are related to the development of magnetic islands induced in the plasma core by an outer MHD perturbation. This effect can be used as a tool for studying specific forms of MHD resonance.  相似文献   

It is shown that plasma rotation near the tokamak the wall can result in a shift of the isobaric separatrix with respect to the magnetic one. This shift is calculated analytically, and this effect is exemplified by simple plasma equilibrium states. The plasma rotation that causes the shift of the separatrices can be driven either by a nonzero radial electric field at the plasma edge or by the Hall effect, which may take place even in the absence of the electric field.  相似文献   

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