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A number of studies have demonstrated that depth filtration can provide significant adsorptive removal of host cell proteins (HCP), but there is still considerable uncertainty regarding the underlying factors controlling HCP binding. This study compared the binding characteristics of two fine grade depth filters, the X0SP (polyacrylic fiber with a synthetic silica filter aid) and X0HC (cellulose fibers with diatomaceous earth (DE) as a filter aid), using a series of model proteins with well-defined physical characteristics. Protein binding to the X0SP filter was dominated by electrostatic interactions with greatest capacity for positively-charged proteins. In contrast, the X0HC filter showed greater binding of more hydrophobic proteins although electrostatic interactions also played a role. In addition, ovotransferrin showed unusually high binding capacity to the X0HC, likely due to interactions with metals in the DE. Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy was used to obtain additional understanding of the binding behavior. These results provide important insights into the physical phenomena governing HCP binding to both fully synthetic and natural (cellulose + DE) depth filters.  相似文献   

Protein A chromatography is a critical and ‘gold‐standard’ step in the purification of monoclonal antibody (mAb) products. Its ability to remove >98% of impurities in a single step alleviates the burden on subsequent process steps and facilitates the implementation of platform processes, with a minimal number of chromatographic steps. Here, we have evaluated four commercially available protein A chromatography matrices in terms of their ability to remove host cell proteins (HCPs), a complex group of process related impurities that must be removed to minimal levels. SELDI‐TOF MS was used as a screening tool to generate an impurity profile fingerprint for each resin and indicated a number of residual impurities present following protein A chromatography, agreeing with HCP ELISA. Although many of these were observed for all matrices there was a significantly elevated level of impurity binding associated with the resin based on controlled pore glass under standard conditions. Use of null cell line supernatant with and without spiked purified mAb demonstrated the interaction of HCPs to be not only with the resin back‐bone but also with the bound mAb. A null cell line column overload and sample enrichment method before 2D‐PAGE was then used to determine individual components associated with resin back‐bone adsorption. The methods shown allow for a critical analysis of HCP removal during protein A chromatography. Taken together they provide the necessary process understanding to allow process engineers to identify rational approaches for the removal of prominent HCPs. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 28: 1037–1044, 2012  相似文献   

The transition to continuous biomanufacturing has led to renewed interest in alternative approaches for downstream processing of monoclonal antibody (mAb) products. In this study, we examined the potential of using high-performance countercurrent membrane purification (HPCMP) for the removal of host cell proteins (HCPs) derived from Chinese Hamster Ovary cells in the purification of a mAb. Initial studies used several model proteins to identify appropriate operating conditions for the hollow fiber membrane modules. HPCMP was then used for mAb purification, with mAb yield >95% and more than 100-fold reduction in HCP. Stable operation was maintained for 48 h for feeds that were first prefiltered through the 3MTM Harvest RC chromatographic clarifier to remove DNA and other foulants. In addition, the Process Mass Intensity for HPCMP can be much less than that for alternative HCP separation processes. These results highlight the potential of using HPCMP as part of a fully continuous mAb production process.  相似文献   

The most significant factor contributing to the presence of host cell protein (HCP) impurities in Protein A chromatography eluates is their association with the product monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has been reported previously, and it has been suggested that more efficacious column washes may be developed by targeting the disruption of the mAbs-HCP interaction. However, characterization of this interaction is not straight forward as it is likely to involve multiple proteins and/or types of interaction. This work is an attempt to begin to understand the contribution of HCP subpopulations and/or mAb interaction propensity to the variability in HCP levels in the Protein A eluate. We performed a flowthrough (FT) recycling study with product respiking using two antibody molecules of apparently different HCP interaction propensities. In each case, the ELISA assay showed depletion of select subpopulations of HCP in Protein A eluates in subsequent column runs, while the feedstock HCP in the FTs remained unchanged from its native harvested cell culture fluid (HCCF) levels. In a separate study, the final FT from each molecule's recycling study was cross-spiked with various mAbs. In this case, Protein A eluate levels remained low for all but two molecules which were known as having high apparent HCP interaction propensity. The results of these studies suggest that mAbs may preferentially bind to select subsets of HCPs, and the degree of interaction and/or identity of the associated HCPs may vary depending on the mAb.  相似文献   

During early stage bioprocess development, characterizing interactions between unit operations is a key challenge. Such interactions include the release of host cell enzymes early in the process causing losses in product quality downstream. Using a CHO-expressed IgG1 system, the impact of cell culture duration was investigated using a 50 L bioreactor and performing scale-down protein A purification. While antibody titer doubled during the last week of culture, the post-protein A host cell protein (HCP) levels increased from 243 to 740 ppm. Effects of pH and temperature were then explored using fed-batch ambr250 bioreactors, and parameters enabling higher titers were linked to a decrease in post-protein A product purity. These trade-offs between titer and product quality were visualized using a window of operation. The downstream space was explored further by exposing shake flask material to shear representative of disc stack centrifugation, prior to purification, and by adding polishing chromatography. While product quality decreased with progressing cultivation, cells became more shear resistant. Polishing chromatography resulted in product fragmentation which increased fourfold from Day 10 to 24, adding constraint to achieving both efficient HCP clearance as well as high monomer purities. These examples highlight the importance of adopting integrated approaches to upstream and downstream development strategies to enable whole process optimization.  相似文献   

Increasingly high cell density, high product titer cell cultures containing mammalian cells are being used for the production of recombinant proteins. These high productivity cultures are placing a larger burden on traditional downstream clarification and purification operations due to higher product and impurity levels. Controlled flocculation and precipitation of mammalian cell culture suspensions by acidification or using polymeric flocculants have been employed to enhance clarification throughput and downstream filtration operations. While flocculation is quite effective in agglomerating cell debris and process related impurities such as (host cell) proteins and DNA, the resulting suspension is generally not easily separable solely using conventional depth filtration techniques. As a result, centrifugation is often used for clarification of cells and cell debris before filtration, which can limit process configurations and flexibility due to the investment and fixed nature of a centrifuge. To address this challenge, novel depth filter designs were designed which results in improved primary and secondary direct depth filtration of flocculated high cell density mammalian cell cultures systems feeds, thereby providing single‐use clarification solution. A framework is presented here for optimizing the particle size distribution of the mammalian cell culture systems with the pore size distribution of the gradient depth filter using various pre‐treatment conditions resulting in increased depth filter media utilization and improved clarification capacity. Feed conditions were optimized either by acidification or by polymer flocculation which resulted in the increased average feed particle‐size and improvements in throughput with improved depth filters for several mammalian systems. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1964–1972. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Protein A chromatography is commonly used as the initial step for purifying monoclonal antibody biotherapeutics expressed in mammalian tissue culture cells. The purpose of this step, as well as later chromatography steps, is, in part, to remove host cell proteins (HCPs) and other related impurities. Understanding the retention mechanism for the subset of HCPs retained during this step is of great interest to monoclonal antibody (mAb) process developers because it allows formation of a guided HCP clearance strategy. However, only limited information is available about the specific HCPs that co‐purify with mAbs at this step. In this study, a comprehensive comparison of HCP subpopulations that associated with 15 different mAbs during protein A chromatography was conducted by a 2D‐LC‐HDMSE approach. We found that a majority of CHO HCPs binding to and eluting with the mAbs were common among the mAbs studied, with only a small percentage (~10% on average) of a mAb's total HCP content in the protein A (PrA) eluate specific for a particular antibody. The abundance of these HCPs in cell culture fluids and their ability to interact with mAbs were the two main factors determining their prevalence in protein A eluates. Potential binding segments for HCPs to associate with mAbs were also studied through their co‐purification with individual Fc and (Fab′)2 antibody fragments. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:708–717, 2016  相似文献   

The clearance of host cell proteins (HCPs) is of crucial importance in biomanufacturing, given their diversity in composition, structure, abundance, and occasional structural homology with the product. The current approach to HCP clearance in the manufacturing of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) relies on product capture with Protein A followed by removal of residual HCPs in flow-through mode using ion exchange or mixed-mode chromatography. Recent studies have highlighted the presence of “problematic HCP” species, which are either difficult to remove (Group I), can degrade the mAb product (Group II), or trigger immunogenic reactions (Group III). To improve the clearance of these species, we developed a family of synthetic peptides that target HCPs and exhibit low binding to IgG product. In this study, these peptides were conjugated onto chromatographic resins and evaluated in terms of HCP clearance and mAb yield, using an industrial mAb-producing CHO harvest as model supernatant. To gather detailed knowledge on the binding of individual HCPs, the unbound fractions were subjected to shotgun proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry. It was found that these peptide ligands exhibit superior HCP binding capability compared to those of the benchmark commercial resins commonly used in mAb purification. In addition, some peptide-based resins resulted in much lower losses of product yield compared to these commercial supports. The proteomic analysis showed effective capture of many “problematic HCPs” by the peptide ligands, especially some that are weakly bound by commercial media. Collectively, these results indicate that these peptides show great promise toward the development of next-generation adsorbents for safer and cost-effective manufacturing of biologics.  相似文献   

With over 25 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) currently approved and many more in development, there is considerable interest in gaining improved productivity by increasing cell density and enhancing cell survival of production cell lines. In addition, high costs and growing safety concerns with use of animal products have made the availability of serum-free cell lines more appealing. We elected to transfect the myeloma cell line Sp2/0-Ag14 with Bcl2-EEE, the constitutively active phosphomimetic mutant of Bcl2, for extended cell survival. After adaptation of the initial transfectants to serum-independent growth, a clone with superior growth properties, referred to as SpESF, was isolated and further subjected to iterative rounds of stressful growth over a period of 4 months. The effort resulted in the selection of a promising clone, designated SpESFX-10, which was shown to exhibit robust growth and resist apoptosis induced by sodium butyrate or glutamine deprivation. The advantage of SpESFX-10 as a host for generating mAb-production cell lines was demonstrated by its increased transfection efficiency, culture longevity, and mAb productivity, as well as by the feasibility of accomplishing the entire cell line development process, including transfection, subcloning, and cryopreservation, in the complete absence of serum.  相似文献   

As significant improvements in volumetric antibody productivity have been achieved by advances in upstream processing over the last decade, and harvest material has become progressively more difficult to recover with these intensified upstream operations, the segregation of upstream and downstream processing has remained largely unchanged. By integrating upstream and downstream process development, product purification issues are given consideration during the optimization of upstream operating conditions, which mitigates the need for extensive and expensive clearance strategies downstream. To investigate the impact of cell culture duration on critical quality attributes, CHO-expressed IgG1 was cultivated in two 2 L bioreactors with samples taken on days 8, 10, 13, 15, and 17. The material was centrifuged, filtered and protein A purified on a 1 ml HiTrap column. Host cell protein (HCP) identification by mass spectrometry (MS) was applied to this system to provide insights into cellular behavior and HCP carryover during protein A purification. It was shown that as cultivation progressed from day 8 to 17 and antibody titer increased, product quality declined due to an increase in post-protein A HCPs (from 72 to 475 peptides detected by MS) and a decrease in product monomer percentage (from 98% to 95.5%). Additionally, the MS data revealed an increase in the abundance of several classes of post-protein A HCPs (e.g., stress response proteins and indicators of cell age), particularly on days 15 and 17 of culture, which were associated with significant increases in total overall HCP levels. This provides new insight into the specific types of HCPs that are retained during mAb purification and may be used to aid process development strategies.  相似文献   

In the 40‐year history of biopharmaceuticals, there have been a few cases where the final products contained residual host cell protein (HCP) impurities at levels high enough to be of concern. This article summarizes the industry experience in these cases where HCP impurities have been presented in public forums and/or published. Regulatory guidance on HCP impurities is limited to advising that products be as pure as practical, with no specified numerical limit because the risk associated with HCP exposure often depends on the clinical setting (route of administration, dose, indication, patient population) and the particular impurity. While the overall safety and purity track record of the industry is excellent, these examples illustrate several important lessons learned about the kinds of HCPs that co‐purify with products (e.g., product homologs, and HCPs that react with product), and the kinds of clinical consequences of HCP impurities (e.g., direct biological activity, immunogenicity, adjuvant). The literature on industry experience with HCP impurities is scattered, and this review draws in to one reference documented examples where the data have been presented in meetings, patents, product inserts, or press releases, in addition to peer‐reviewed journal articles. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:828–837, 2018  相似文献   

A feasibility study to couple high throughput screening of packed bed chromatography with mass spectrometric detection by SELDI-TOF MS is presented. As model system monoclonal antibodies (mAb) versus host cell protein (HCP) from an industrial cultivation was chosen. Packed bed chromatography was screened on a TECAN Evo Freedom 200 station using miniaturized chromatographic columns placed on a specially designed array carrier linked to a commercially available T-Stack module. Gradient elution of the bound proteins was performed by applying a multiple step strategy. When analyzing selected HCP peaks as well as the detected antibody peaks throughout the chromatographic runs a direct correlation between applied and detected components was established. The sensitivity of conventional protein A chromatography was found to be lower than SELDI-TOF MS analysis. During initial screening a shift in the elution pattern for one of the monoclonal antibodies detected with all four resins was identified to be a heterogeneity in the mAb glycosylation pattern. In addition, a detailed differentiation between various HCP fractions through out the chromatographic process using SELDI-TOF analysis let to the detection of HCP components possibly adhering to the mAbs during chromatographic separations.  相似文献   

The bioreactor volume delineating the selection of primary clarification technology is not always easily defined. Development of a commercial scale process for the manufacture of therapeutic proteins requires scale‐up from a few liters to thousands of liters. While the separation techniques used for protein purification are largely conserved across scales, the separation techniques for primary cell culture clarification vary with scale. Process models were developed to compare monoclonal antibody production costs using two cell culture clarification technologies. One process model was created for cell culture clarification by disc stack centrifugation with depth filtration. A second process model was created for clarification by multi‐stage depth filtration. Analyses were performed to examine the influence of bioreactor volume, product titer, depth filter capacity, and facility utilization on overall operating costs. At bioreactor volumes <1,000 L, clarification using multi‐stage depth filtration offers cost savings compared to clarification using centrifugation. For bioreactor volumes >5,000 L, clarification using centrifugation followed by depth filtration offers significant cost savings. For bioreactor volumes of ~2,000 L, clarification costs are similar between depth filtration and centrifugation. At this scale, factors including facility utilization, available capital, ease of process development, implementation timelines, and process performance characterization play an important role in clarification technology selection. In the case study presented, a multi‐product facility selected multi‐stage depth filtration for cell culture clarification at the 500 and 2,000 L scales of operation. Facility implementation timelines, process development activities, equipment commissioning and validation, scale‐up effects, and process robustness are examined. © 2013 The Authors. American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:1239–1245, 2013  相似文献   

A depth filter perfusion system (DFPS) for animal cell culture was developed and its use in continuous highdensity cultures of hybridoma cells was investigated. In the DFPS, based on cell immobilization in a cylindrical depth filter matrix, cells were easily immobilized and cultivated by simple medium recirculation. The cell density in the 20-mum pore size filter matrix reached up to 3 x 10(7) cells/mLin less than 10 days. This resulted in a high monoclonal antibody productivity of 744 mg/L/day, which was 25-35 times higher than that of continuous-suspension cultures using the same cell line. The 20-mum pore filter retained more cells than the 30-mum filterin a shorter period. The DFPS provides advantages of low-cost set-up, easy operation, and scale-up in the cultures of anchorage-independent cells. It also has a high potential for anchorage-dependent cell cultures because of its unusually high surface-to-volume ratio of 450-600 cm(2)/cm(3). (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Choi SK  Chang HN  Lee GM  Kim IH  Oh DJ 《Cytotechnology》1995,17(3):173-183
A depth filter perfusion system (DFPS) with polypropylene fibers had been demonstrated to support high density cultures of anchorage-independent hybridoma cells. The DFPS provides advantages of high surface-to-volume ratio of 450–600 cm2/cm3, low cost set-up, easy operation and scale-up. To test the feasibility of using DFPS for high density cultures of anchorage-dependent cells, Vero cells were cultivated in the DFPS. Gelatin coating on polypropylene fibers in the DFPS was necessary to promote cell attachment and growth. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations could be controlled by sparging air into the reservoir vessel through a filter sparger. When DO concentration was controlled above 40% of air saturation in the DFPS with 40 m pore size, the maximum cell concentration as estimated on specific lactate production rate, was 3.81×107 cells/ml of the total reactor volume. This viable cell concentration is approximately 18 times higher than that obtained in a T-flask batch culture. Taken together, the results obtained here showed the potential of DFPS for high-density cultures of anchorage-dependent cells.  相似文献   

This article presents an application of artificial neural network (ANN) modelling towards prediction of depth filter loading capacity for clarification of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) product during commercial manufacturing. The effect of operating parameters on filter loading capacity was evaluated based on the analysis of change in the differential pressure (DP) as a function of time. The proposed ANN model uses inlet stream properties (feed turbidity, feed cell count, feed cell viability), flux, and time to predict the corresponding DP. The ANN contained a single output layer with ten neurons in hidden layer and employed a sigmoidal activation function. This network was trained with 174 training points, 37 validation points, and 37 test points. Further, a pressure cut‐off of 1.1 bar was used for sizing the filter area required under each operating condition. The modelling results showed that there was excellent agreement between the predicted and experimental data with a regression coefficient (R2) of 0.98. The developed ANN model was used for performing variable depth filter sizing for different clarification lots. Monte‐Carlo simulation was performed to estimate the cost savings by using different filter areas for different clarification lots rather than using the same filter area. A 10% saving in cost of goods was obtained for this operation. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1436–1443, 2016  相似文献   

An advanced two-dimensional liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry platform was used to quantify individual host cell proteins (HCPs) present at various purification steps for several therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The methodology produced reproducible identifications and quantifications among replicate analyses consistent with a previously documented individual limit of quantification of ~13 ppm. We were able to track individual HCPs from cell culture fluid to protein A eluate pool to subsequent viral inactivation pool and, in some cases, further downstream. Approximately 500 HCPs were confidently identified in cell culture fluid and this number declined progressively through the purification scheme until no HCPs could be confidently identified in polishing step cation-exchange eluate pools. The protein A eluate pool of nine different mAbs contained widely differing numbers, and total levels, of HCPs, yet the bulk of the total HCP content in each case consisted of a small subset of normally intracellular HCPs highly abundant in cell culture fluid. These observations hint that minimizing cell lysis during cell culture/harvest may be useful in minimizing downstream HCP content. Clusterin and actin are abundant in the protein A eluate pools of most mAbs studied. HCP profiling by this methodology can provide useful information to process developers and lead to the refinement of existing purification platforms.  相似文献   

An advanced two-dimensional liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry platform was used to quantify individual host cell proteins (HCPs) present at various purification steps for several therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The methodology produced reproducible identifications and quantifications among replicate analyses consistent with a previously documented individual limit of quantification of ~13 ppm. We were able to track individual HCPs from cell culture fluid to protein A eluate pool to subsequent viral inactivation pool and, in some cases, further downstream. Approximately 500 HCPs were confidently identified in cell culture fluid and this number declined progressively through the purification scheme until no HCPs could be confidently identified in polishing step cation-exchange eluate pools. The protein A eluate pool of nine different mAbs contained widely differing numbers, and total levels, of HCPs, yet the bulk of the total HCP content in each case consisted of a small subset of normally intracellular HCPs highly abundant in cell culture fluid. These observations hint that minimizing cell lysis during cell culture/harvest may be useful in minimizing downstream HCP content. Clusterin and actin are abundant in the protein A eluate pools of most mAbs studied. HCP profiling by this methodology can provide useful information to process developers and lead to the refinement of existing purification platforms.  相似文献   

Depth filtration-based harvesting is widely used in mAb manufacturing to remove cell and process-related impurities. However, it has not been studied on control of product-related impurities, which are very critical for product quality. In this article, we studied the interactions of depth filter with high and low molecular weight species (HMWs and LMWs) for their direct removal from cell culture. The process parameters (filter, loading, temperature, and flux) were evaluated for adsorption of HMWs and LMWs by depth filters. The adsorption is significantly dependent on filter media and loading capacity and is mainly on the basis of hydrophobic interaction during harvesting. The HMW and LMW species were characterized as HMW1, HMW2, LMW1, and LMW2. The increasing binding from LMW2 to LMW1, HMW1, and HMW2 is correlated with their increasing hydrophobicity score. Adsorption using enriched HMW sample demonstrated similar total protein binding capacity (36–40 g/m2) between depth filters D0HC and X0HC. However, X0HC has stronger HMW binding than D0HC (71% vs 43% of bound protein), indicating more hydrophobic interaction in X0HC. HMW2 DBC on X0HC reached 12 g/m2, similar to protein binding on hydrophobic interaction membrane adsorbers. Further study showed LMW can induce HMW formation. This study provides a critical understanding of HMW and LMW interaction with depth filters. The strategy of HMW and LMW control by depth filtration-based harvesting was implemented successfully in mAb manufacturing.  相似文献   

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