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Mevalonate is a useful metabolite synthesized from three molecules of acetyl-CoA, consuming two molecules of NADPH. Escherichia coli ( E. coli) catabolizes glucose to acetyl-CoA via several routes, such as the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas (EMP) and the oxidative pentose phosphate (oxPP) pathways. Although the oxPP pathway supplies NADPH, it is disadvantageous in terms of acetyl-CoA supply, compared with the EMP pathway. In this study, the optimal flux ratio between the EMP and oxPP pathways on the mevalonate yield was investigated. Expression level of pgi was controlled by isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) inducible promoter in an engineered mevalonate-producing E. coli strain. The relationship between the flux ratio and mevalonate yield was evaluated by changing the flux ratio by varying IPTG concentration. At the stationary phase, the mevalonate yield was maximum at an EMP flux of 39.7%, and was increased by 25% compared with that with no flux control (EMP flux of 70.4%). The optimal flux ratio was consistent with the theoretical value based on the mass balance of NADPH. The flux ratio between EMP and oxPP pathways affects the synthesis fluxes of mevalonate and acetate from acetyl-CoA. Fine tuning of the flux ratio would be necessary to achieve an optimized production of metabolites that require NADPH.  相似文献   

莽草酸是大肠杆菌合成芳香族氨基酸的中间代谢物,也是抗流感药物"达菲"的重要合成前体。合成莽草酸需要截断莽草酸途径,导致芳香族氨基酸无法合成,因此面临细胞生长受到抑制的问题。使用动态调控策略通过将细胞生长和莽草酸的合成相互分离,可以提高菌株的生产性能。通过使用生长偶联型启动子和降解决定子(Degrons),组建动态分子开关。利用该动态分子开关实现细胞生长与莽草酸合成分离,在5L发酵罐中经过72h发酵得到了14.33g/L的莽草酸。结果表明,这种动态分子开关可以通过调控靶蛋白丰度来改变碳流量平衡,使菌株获得更优秀的生产性能。  相似文献   

The impact of temperature-induced synthesis of human basic fibroblast growth factor (hFGF-2) in high-cell-density cultures of recombinant Escherichia coli was studied by estimating metabolic flux variations. Metabolic flux distributions in E. coli were calculated by means of a stoichiometric network and linear programming. After the temperature upshift, a substantially elevated energy demand for synthesis of hFGF-2 and heat shock proteins resulted in a redirection of metabolic fluxes. Catabolic pathways like the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle showed significantly enhanced activities, leading to reduced flux to growth-associated pathways like the pentose phosphate pathway and other anabolic pathways. Upon temperature upshift, an excess of NADPH was produced in the TCA cycle by isocitrate dehydrogenase. The metabolic model predicted the involvement of a transhydrogenase generating additional NADH from NADPH, thereby increasing ATP regeneration in the respiratory chain. The influence of the temperature upshift on the host's metabolism was investigated by means of a control strain harboring the "empty" parental expression vector. The metabolic fluxes after the temperature upshift were redirected similarly to the production strain; the effects, however, were observed to a lesser extent and with different time profiles.  相似文献   

对实验室构建的产琥珀酸大肠杆菌工程菌株(E.coliQZ1111)进行发酵工艺条件研究。以AM1低盐培养基为基础,研究不同C、N源及其质量浓度,培养基初始pH和发酵温度等因素对琥珀酸的影响,并在5L发酵罐中进行了补料-分批发酵实验。优化后的发酵条件为葡萄糖20g/L,玉米浆10g/L,pH6.4,发酵温度37℃。在5L发酵罐中培养,琥珀酸产量达到47.9g/L。  相似文献   

A pfl ldhA double mutant Escherichia coli strain NZN111 was used to produce succinic acid by overexpressing the E. coli malic enzyme. Escherichia coli strain NZN111 harboring pTrcML produced 6 and 8 g/L of succinic acid from 20 g/L of glucose in flask culture at 37 degrees C and 30 degrees C, respectively. When NZN111(pTrcML) was cultured at 30 degrees C with intermittent glucose feeding the final succinic acid concentration obtained was 9.5 g/L and the ratio of succinic acid to acetic acid was 13:1. This system could not be analyzed by conventional metabolic flux analysis techniques, since some pyruvate and succinic acid were accumulated intracellularly. Therefore, a new flux analysis method was proposed by introducing intracellular pyruvate and succinic acid pools. By this new method the concentrations of intracellular metabolites were successfully predicted and the differences between the measured and calculated reaction rates could be considerably reduced.  相似文献   

The global market of butanol is increasing due to its growing applications as solvent, flavoring agent, and chemical precursor of several other compounds. Recently, the superior properties of n-butanol as a biofuel over ethanol have stimulated even more interest. (Bio)butanol is natively produced together with ethanol and acetone by Clostridium species through acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation, at noncompetitive, low titers compared to petrochemical production. Different butanol production pathways have been expressed in Escherichia coli, a more accessible host compared to Clostridium species, to improve butanol titers and rates. The bioproduction of butanol is here reviewed from a historical and theoretical perspective. All tested rational metabolic engineering strategies in E. coli to increase butanol titers are reviewed: manipulation of central carbon metabolism, elimination of competing pathways, cofactor balancing, development of new pathways, expression of homologous enzymes, consumption of different substrates, and molecular biology strategies. The progress in the field of metabolic modeling and pathway generation algorithms and their potential application to butanol production are also summarized here. The main goals are to gather all the strategies, evaluate the respective progress obtained, identify, and exploit the outstanding challenges.  相似文献   

Fumaric acid is a naturally occurring organic acid that is an intermediate of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Fungal species belonging to Rhizopus have traditionally been employed for the production of fumaric acid. In this study, Escherichia coli was metabolically engineered for the production of fumaric acid under aerobic condition. For the aerobic production of fumaric acid, the iclR gene was deleted to redirect the carbon flux through the glyoxylate shunt. In addition, the fumA, fumB, and fumC genes were also deleted to enhance fumaric acid formation. The resulting strain was able to produce 1.45 g/L of fumaric acid from 15 g/L of glucose in flask culture. Based on in silico flux response analysis, this base strain was further engineered by plasmid‐based overexpression of the native ppc gene, encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PPC), from the strong tac promoter, which resulted in the production of 4.09 g/L of fumaric acid. Additionally, the arcA and ptsG genes were deleted to reinforce the oxidative TCA cycle flux, and the aspA gene was deleted to block the conversion of fumaric acid into L ‐aspartic acid. Since it is desirable to avoid the use of inducer, the lacI gene was also deleted. To increase glucose uptake rate and fumaric acid productivity, the native promoter of the galP gene was replaced with the strong trc promoter. Fed‐batch culture of the final strain CWF812 allowed production of 28.2 g/L fumaric acid in 63 h with the overall yield and productivity of 0.389 g fumaric acid/g glucose and 0.448 g/L/h, respectively. This study demonstrates the possibility for the efficient production of fumaric acid by metabolically engineered E. coli. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 2025–2034. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

基因的表达受不同的转录调节因子调节。大肠杆菌中的异柠檬酸裂解酶调节因子(IclR)能够抑制编码乙醛酸支路酶的aceBAK操纵子的表达。本研究基于代谢物的13C同位体物质分布来定量解析代谢反应,主要研究了iclR基因在大肠杆菌生理和代谢中的作用。大肠杆菌iclR基因缺失突变株的生长速率、糖耗速率和乙酸的产量相对于原始菌株都有所降低,但菌体得率略有增加。通过代谢途径的流量比率分析发现基因缺失株的乙醛酸支路得到了激活,33%的异柠檬酸流经了乙醛酸支路;戊糖磷酸途径的流量变小,使得CO2的生成量减少。同时,乙醛酸支路激活,但草酰乙酸形成磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸的流量基本不变,说明磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸-乙醛酸循环没有激活,没有过多的碳原子在磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化激酶反应中以CO2形式排出,从而确保了菌体得率。葡萄糖利用速率的降低、乙酰辅酶A的代谢效率提高等使得iclR基因敲除菌的乙酸分泌较原始菌株有所降低。  相似文献   

Cells of Escherichia coli induced for l-tryptophan synthase [l-serine hydro-lyase (adding indole-glycerol-phosphate), EC] have been assayed in DMF and DMSO aqueous solvents as reaction medium. Up to 20% DMF/water, cells retained 90% of their tryptophan synthase activity. Concentrations of 20 mM indole, which did not inhibit this reactivity, could be reached with 5% DMF/water. Four matrices were compared for cell immobilization: polyacrylamide, foam particles of bovine seum albumin, alginate and κ-carrageenan. The best activity was retained with the latter matrix, and the preparations thus obtained allowed high productivity of l-tryptophan. Various systems of production of l-tryptophan with κ-carrageenan and DMF/water were studied.  相似文献   

Biochemical production capabilities of Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Microbial metabolism provides at mechanism for the conversion of substrates into useful biochemicals. Utilization of microbes in industrial processes requires a modification of their natural metabolism in order to increase the efficiency of the desired conversion. Redirection of metabolic fluxes forms the basis of the newly defined field of metabolic engineering. In this study we use a flux balance based approach to study the biosynthesis of the 20 amino acids and 4 nucleotides as biochemical products. These amino acids and nucleotides are primary products of biosynthesis as well as important industrial products and precursors for the production of other biochemicals. The biosynthetic reactions of the bacterium Escherichia coli have been formulated into a metabolic network, and growth has been defined as a balanced drain on the metabolite pools corresponding to the cellular composition. Theoretical limits on the conversion of glucose, glycerol, and acetate substrates to biomass as well as the biochemical products have been computed. The substrate that results in the maximal carbon conversion to a particular product is identified. Criteria have been developed to identify metabolic constraints in the optimal solutions. The constraints of stoichiometry, energy, and redox have been determined in the conversions of glucose, glycerol, and acetate substrates into the biochemicals. Flux distributions corresponding to the maximal production of the biochemicals are presented. The goals of metabolic engineering are the optimal redirection of fluxes from generating biomass toward producing the desired biochemical. Optimal biomass generation is shown to decrease in a piecewise linear manner with increasing product formation. In some cases, synergy is observed between biochemical production and growth, leading to an increased overall carbon conversion. Balanced growth and product formation are important in a bioprocess, particularly for nonsecreted products. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

多巴胺是多种天然抗氧化药物生物合成的前体物质,在人体内作为神经递质调控中枢神经系统的多种生理功能,常用于多种类型休克的临床治疗.目前,通过微生物合成技术已经实现了多巴胺的从头合成,但是合成效率很低.针对该问题,在左旋多巴(L-DOPA)大肠杆菌工程菌基础上,利用不同拷贝数质粒表达野猪Sus scrofa来源的多巴脱羧酶...  相似文献   

Phage infection is common during the production of L-threonine by E. coli, and low L-threonine production and glucose conversion percentage are bottlenecks for the efficient commercial production of L-threonine. In this study, 20 antiphage mutants producing high concentration of L-threonine were obtained by atmospheric and room temperature plasma (ARTP) mutagenesis, and an antiphage E. coli variant was characterized that exhibited the highest production of L-threonine Escherichia coli ([E. coli] TRFC-AP). The elimination of fhuA expression in E. coli TRFC-AP was responsible for phage resistance. The biomass and cell growth of E. coli TRFC-AP showed no significant differences from those of the parent strain (E. coli TRFC), and the production of L-threonine (159.3 g L−1) and glucose conversion percentage (51.4%) were increased by 10.9% and 9.1%, respectively, compared with those of E. coli TRFC. During threonine production (culture time of 20 h), E. coli TRFC-AP exhibited higher activities of key enzymes for glucose utilization (hexokinase, glucose phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, and PYK) and threonine synthesis (glutamate synthase, aspartokinase, homoserine dehydrogenase, homoserine kinase and threonine synthase) compared to those of E. coli TRFC. The analysis of metabolic flux distribution indicated that the flux of threonine with E. coli TRFC-AP reached 69.8%, an increase of 16.0% compared with that of E. coli TRFC. Overall, higher L-threonine production and glucose conversion percentage were obtained with E. coli TRFC-AP due to increased activities of key enzymes and improved carbon flux for threonine synthesis.  相似文献   

The worldwide surplus of glycerol generated as inevitable byproduct of biodiesel fuel and oleochemical production is resulting in the shutdown of traditional glycerol-producing/refining plants and new applications are needed for this now abundant carbon source. In this article we report our finding that Escherichia coli can ferment glycerol in a pH-dependent manner. We hypothesize that glycerol fermentation is linked to the availability of CO(2), which under acidic conditions is produced by the oxidation of formate by the enzyme formate hydrogen lyase (FHL). In agreement with this hypothesis, glycerol fermentation was severely impaired by blocking the activity of FHL. We demonstrated that, unlike CO(2), hydrogen (the other product of FHL-mediated formate oxidation) had a negative impact on cell growth and glycerol fermentation. In addition, supplementation of the medium with CO(2) partially restored the ability of an FHL-deficient strain to ferment glycerol. High pH resulted in low CO(2) generation (low activity of FHL) and availability (most CO(2) is converted to bicarbonate), and consequently very inefficient fermentation of glycerol. Most of the fermented glycerol was recovered in the reduced compounds ethanol and succinate (93% of the product mixture), which reflects the highly reduced state of glycerol and confirms the fermentative nature of this process. Since glycerol is a cheap, abundant, and highly reduced carbon source, our findings should enable the development of an E. coli-based platform for the anaerobic production of reduced chemicals from glycerol at yields higher than those obtained from common sugars, such as glucose.  相似文献   

Based on the recently constructed Escherichia coli itaconic acid production strain ita23, we aimed to improve the productivity by applying a two‐stage process strategy with decoupled production of biomass and itaconic acid. We constructed a strain ita32 (MG1655 ΔaceA Δpta ΔpykF ΔpykA pCadCs), which, in contrast to ita23, has an active tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and a fast growth rate of 0.52 hr?1 at 37°C, thus representing an ideal phenotype for the first stage, the growth phase. Subsequently we implemented a synthetic genetic control allowing the downregulation of the TCA cycle and thus the switch from growth to itaconic acid production in the second stage. The promoter of the isocitrate dehydrogenase was replaced by the Lambda promoter (pR) and its expression was controlled by the temperature‐sensitive repressor CI857 which is active at lower temperatures (30°C). With glucose as substrate, the respective strain ita36A grew with a fast growth rate at 37°C and switched to production of itaconic acid at 28°C. To study the impact of the process strategy on productivity, we performed one‐stage and two‐stage bioreactor cultivations. The two‐stage process enabled fast formation of biomass resulting in improved peak productivity of 0.86 g/L/hr (+48%) and volumetric productivity of 0.39 g/L/hr (+22%) in comparison to the one‐stage process. With our dynamic production strain, we also resolved the glutamate auxotrophy of ita23 and increased the itaconic acid titer to 47 g/L. The temperature‐dependent activation of gene expression by the Lambda promoters (pR/pL) has been frequently used to improve protein or, in a few cases, metabolite production in two‐stage processes. Here we demonstrate that the system can be as well used in the opposite direction to selectively knock‐down an essential gene (icd) in E. coli to design a two‐stage process for improved volumetric productivity. The control by temperature avoids expensive inducers and has the potential to be generally used to improve cell factory performance.

The use of glucose starvation to uncouple the production of recombinant beta-galactosidase from cell growth in Escherichia coli was investigated. A lacZ operon fusion to the carbon starvation-inducible cst-1 locus was used to control beta-galactosidase synthesis. beta-Galactosidase induction was observed only under aerobic starvation conditions, and its expression continued for 6 h following the onset of glucose starvation. The cessation of beta-galactosidase expression closely correlated with the exhaustion of acetate, an overflow metabolite of glucose, from the culture medium. Our results suggest the primary role of acetate in cst-1-controlled protein expression is that of an energy source. Using this information, we metered acetate to a glucose-starved culture and produced a metabolically sluggish state, where growth was limited to a low linear rate and production of recombiant beta-galactosidase occurred continuously throughout the experiment. The cst-1 controlled beta-galactosidase synthesis was also induced at low dilution rates in a glucose-limited chemostat, suggesting possible applications to high-density cell systems such as glucose-limited recycle reactors. This work demonstrates that by using an appropriate promoter system and nutrient limitation, growth can be restrained while recombinant protein production is induced and maintained.  相似文献   

Selenium metabolism in Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Escherichia coli will reduce selenite (SeO 3 2- ) andselenate (SeO 4 2- ) to elemental selenium Se 0 . Seleniumwill also become incorporated intoproteins as part of the amino acids selenocysteine or selenomethionine.The reaction of selenitewith glutathione produces selenodiglutathione (GS-Se-GS). Selenodiglutathioneand itssubsequent reduction to glutathioselenol (GS-SeH) are likely the key intermediatesin the possiblemetabolic fates of selenium. This review presents the possible pathwaysinvolving selenium in E. coli. Identification of intermediates and potentialprocesses from uptake of the toxic oxyanions through to theirdetoxification will assist us inunderstanding the complexities of metalloid oxyanion metabolism in thesebacteria.  相似文献   

张艳军  张晓云  李志敏  叶勤 《微生物学报》2011,51(10):1358-1363
【目的】本文通过分析在基本培养基中添加腺嘌呤对大肠杆菌DH5α和其耐乙酸突变株DA19代谢流分布的影响,从而进一步了解二者在代谢调控方面的差异。【方法】对2个菌株分别在氮源限制基本培养基及添加腺嘌呤的氮源限制基本培养基中进行连续培养,分析两者代谢流变化差异,并与酶活测定结果进行比较。【结果】添加腺嘌呤降低了DH5α的葡萄糖比消耗速率和乙酸的比生成速率,提高了菌体关于葡萄糖的得率,而丙酮酸比生成速率变化不明显。与MN培养基相比,添加腺嘌呤后DH5α降低了乙酸分流比,提高了分泌丙酮酸和三羧酸循环分流比,同时明显改变了磷酸果糖激酶、6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶和乙酸激酶酶活。与DH5α不同,添加腺嘌呤使得DA19的丙酮酸比生成速率增加了近57%,而其它参数无明显改变。与MN培养基相比,DA19在添加腺嘌呤后降低了三羧酸循环分流比,大大提高了分泌丙酮酸分流比,而关键酶活未发生明显改变。酶活变化与代谢流结果基本一致。【结论】由于大肠杆菌DH5α和DA19嘌呤核苷酸从头合成途径能力存在差异,因此添加腺嘌呤对两个菌株的代谢流分布产生了完全不同的影响。  相似文献   

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