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Summary The conformation of chymotryptic fragment C2 of bacteriorhodopsin (residues 1–71) was studied by 2D1H NMR. The fragment was solubilized in a mixture of chloroform/methanol (11), 0.1 M LiClO4. Most of the resonances in1H NMR spectra of fragment C2 were assigned using phase-sensitive DQF-COSY, TOCSY, and NOESY techniques. To simplify the assignment procedure for overlapping regions of NMR spectra, an analog of fragment C2 with leucines deuterated in -positions was used. Deuterium exchange rates for amide protons were measured in a series of TOCSY spectra. Two right-handed -helical regions Pro8-Lys30 and Lys41-Leu62 were identified on the basis of NOE connectivities and deuterium exchange rates. The N-terminal part of the fragment (Ala.2-Gly6) adopts the helical conformation stabilized by 3 hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

We compared simple mathematical pollen dispersal–deposition models with Gaussian plume models. The simple mathematical models proved equal or better approximations of real world pollen dispersal–deposition. We concluded that for most standard applications, such as estimating pollen productivity or quantitative vegetation reconstructions, simple mathematical models would perform satisfactory. Such easy-to-use models may lower the threshold to employ quantitative tools to palaeoecological questions.  相似文献   

We report the 98% assignment of the apo-form of an orange protein, containing a novel Mo–Cu cluster isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas. This protein presents a region where backbone amide protons exchange fast with bulk solvent becoming undetectable. These residues were assigned using 13C-detection experiments.  相似文献   

Choroideremia: further evidence for assignment of the locus to Xq13–Xq21   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
Summary Choroideremia is an X-linked hereditary retinal dystrophy leading to blindness in early adulthood. RFLP analyses in three Danish families were consistent with close linkage between choroideremia and the locus DXYS1, located at Xq13–Xq21. Measurable linkage was found between choroideremia and DXS17, at Xq22. Furthermore, choroideremia was diagnosed in a boy with an interstitial deletion at Xq13–Xq21, strongly suggesting the assignment of the locus for choroideremia to this region of the X chromosome. The deletion also covered DXYS1, but did not include DXS17.  相似文献   

The calculation of protein–ligand binding free energy (ΔG) is of great importance for virtual screening and drug design. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has been an attractive tool to investigate this scientific problem. However, the reliability of such approach is affected by many factors including electrostatic interaction calculation. Here, we present a practical protocol using quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations to generate polarizable QM protein charge (QMPC). The calculated QMPC of some atoms in binding pockets was obviously different from that calculated by AMBER ff03, which might significantly affect the calculated ΔG. To evaluate the effect, the MD simulations and MM/GBSA calculation with QMPC for 10 protein–ligand complexes, and the simulation results were then compared to those with the AMBER ff03 force field and experimental results. The correlation coefficient between the calculated ΔΔG using MM/GBSA under QMPC and the experimental data is .92, while that with AMBER ff03 force field is .47 for the complexes formed by streptavidin or its mutants and biotin. Moreover, the calculated ΔΔG with QMPC for the complexes formed by ERβ and five ligands is positively related to experimental result with correlation coefficient of .61, while that with AMBER ff03 charge is negatively related to experimental data with correlation coefficient of .42. The detailed analysis shows that the electrostatic polarization introduced by QMPC affects the electrostatic contribution to the binding affinity and thus, leads to better correlation with experimental data. Therefore, this approach should be useful to virtual screening and drug design.  相似文献   

In this work, six series of new energetic metal complexes were designed. Each complex contained a large, high-energy, high-nitrogen, anionic chelating ligand (either the 5,5′-bistetrazolate anion, the 5,5′-azobistetrazolate anion, or the 5,5′-(hydrazine-1,2-diyl)bis-[1H-tetrazol-1-ide] anion—each of which has a different bridging group), Cu or Ni as the metal atom, and two small complexing agent ligands (NH3 and/or NH2NO2). The molecular and electronic structures, heats of formation, densities, detonation properties, and impact sensitivities of the novel complexes were studied using density functional theory. Furthermore, the effects of varying the large chelating ligand (and thus the bridging group), the small complexing agents, and the metal atom on the structure and properties of the complex were investigated and analyzed in depth. The results show that the particular metal, bridging group, and complexing agents included in the energetic complex influence its structure and properties, but the effects of varying the constituents of the complex are complicated or unclear, and these effects are sometimes intertwined. In addition, the detonation pressures, detonation velocities, and impact sensitivities of the novel complexes ranged from 25.9 to 38.6 GPa, from 7.21 to 8.80 km s?1, and from 17 to 48 cm, respectively. Five of the complexes (B3, C3, D3, E3, and F3) appear to possess comparable performance to the famous and widely used high explosive 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazinane, making these new complexes attractive to energetic materials experimentalists.  相似文献   

Ar–CF4 intermolecular interaction potential is studied by ab initio calculations at the MP2 and CCSD(T) levels of theory containing the so-called bond functions ({3s3p2d1f} basis set was chosen) both with and without a correction for the basis-set superposition error. The calculations were performed with Dunning's correlation consistent basis sets (aug-cc-pVXZ, X = D, T, Q, 5) to extrapolate the Ar–CF4 potential energy minimum and intermolecular distance to their complete basis set (CBS) limits. It is shown that the addition of bond functions results in a dramatic improvement in the convergence of the calculated interaction energies at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level. The MP2/{3s3p2d1f}-aug-cc-pVTZ potential energy surface even approaches the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVQZ potential energy surface. The potential energy minima and the intermolecular distances are both significantly closer to the CBS limit when using the bond functions, and it implies that adding bond functions in the calculation has a great effect on the interaction energies. We also find that with bond functions included in the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ model chemistry, the potential energy minima are extremely close to the CBS limit and are better than the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVQZ values. Several levels of theory described in the text were used to determine pairwise analytic potential energy surfaces for Ar+CF4. The analytic potential energy surfaces are in very good agreement with the ab initio values.  相似文献   

The 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignment of nsp7α, a non-structural protein of unknown function from the equine arteritis virus, is reported.  相似文献   

Folding of aggregation prone recombinant proteins through co-expression of chaperonin GroEL and GroES has been a popular practice in the effort to optimize preparation of functional protein in Escherichia coli. Considering the demand for functional recombinant protein products, it is desirable to apply the chaperone assisted protein folding strategy for enhancing the yield of properly folded protein. Toward the same direction, it is also worth attempting folding of multiple recombinant proteins simultaneously over-expressed in E. coli through the assistance of co-expressed GroEL–ES. The genesis of this thinking was originated from the fact that cellular GroEL and GroES assist in the folding of several endogenous proteins expressed in the bacterial cell. Here we present the experimental findings from our study on co-expressed GroEL–GroES assisted folding of simultaneously over-expressed proteins maltodextrin glucosidase (MalZ) and yeast mitochondrial aconitase (mAco). Both proteins mentioned here are relatively larger and aggregation prone, mostly form inclusion bodies, and undergo GroEL–ES assisted folding in E. coli cells during over-expression. It has been reported that the relative yield of properly folded functional forms of MalZ and mAco with the exogenous GroEL–ES assistance were comparable with the results when these proteins were overexpressed alone. This observation is quite promising and highlights the fact that GroEL and GroES can assist in the folding of multiple substrate proteins simultaneously when over-expressed in E. coli. This method might be a potential tool for enhanced production of multiple functional recombinant proteins simultaneously in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary In situ hybridisation using a biotinylated 1.8kb human cDNA clone in both normal and structurally abnormal chromosomes supports regional localisation of the gene for human C1-inhibitor to chromosome 11q11-q13.11.  相似文献   

The role of fatty acid binding proteins as intracellular fatty acid transporters may require their direct interaction with membranes. In this way different mechanisms have been previously characterized through experimental studies suggesting different models for FABPs–membrane association, although the process in which the molecule adsorbs to the membrane remains to be elucidated. To estimate the importance of the electrostatic energy in the FABP–membrane interaction, we computationally modeled the interaction of different FABPs with both anionic and neutral membranes. Free Electrostatic Energy of Binding (dE), was computed using Finite Difference Poisson Boltzmann Equation (FDPB) method as implemented in APBS (Adaptive Poisson Boltzmann Solver). Based on the computational analysis, it is found that recruitment to membranes is facilitated by non-specific electrostatic interactions. Also energetic analysis can quantitatively differentiate among the mechanisms of membrane association proposed and determinate the most energetically favorable configuration for the membrane-associated states of different FABPs. This type of calculations could provide a starting point for further computational or experimental analysis.  相似文献   

Fast magic-angle spinning and partial sample deuteration allows direct detection of 1H in solid-state NMR, yielding significant gains in mass sensitivity. In order to further analyze the spectra, 1H detection requires assignment of the 1H resonances. In this work, resonance assignments of backbone HN and Hα are presented for HET-s(218–289) fibrils, based on the existing assignment of Cα, Cβ, C’, and N resonances. The samples used are partially deuterated for higher spectral resolution, and the shifts in resonance frequencies of Cα and Cβ due to the deuterium isotope effect are investigated. It is shown that the deuterium isotope effect can be estimated and used for assigning resonances of deuterated samples in solid-state NMR, based on known resonances of the protonated protein.  相似文献   

We present the demonstration of a rapid “middle-up” liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MS)-based workflow for use in the characterization of thiol-conjugated maleimidocaproyl-monomethyl auristatin F (mcMMAF) and valine-citrulline-monomethyl auristatin E (vcMMAE) antibody–drug conjugates. Deconvoluted spectra were generated following a combination of deglycosylation, IdeS (immunoglobulin-degrading enzyme from Streptococcus pyogenes) digestion, and reduction steps that provide a visual representation of the product for rapid lot-to-lot comparison—a means to quickly assess the integrity of the antibody structure and the applied conjugation chemistry by mass. The relative abundance of the detected ions also offer information regarding differences in drug conjugation levels between samples, and the average drug–antibody ratio can be calculated. The approach requires little material (<100 μg) and, thus, is amenable to small-scale process development testing or as an early component of a complete characterization project facilitating informed decision making regarding which aspects of a molecule might need to be examined in more detail by orthogonal methodologies.  相似文献   

Reliable orthology prediction is central to comparative genomics. Although orthology is defined by phylogenetic criteria, most automated prediction methods are based on pairwise sequence comparisons. Recently, automated phylogeny-based orthology prediction has emerged as a feasible alternative for genome-wide studies.  相似文献   

Selenium has been increasingly recognized as an important element in biological systems, which participates in numerous biochemical processes in organisms, notably in enzyme reactions. Selenium can substitute sulfur of cysteine and methionine to form their selenium analogues, selenocysteine (Sec) and selenomethionine (SeM). The nature of amino acid pockets in proteins is dependent on their composition and thus different non-covalent forces determine the interactions between selenium of Sec or SeM and other functional groups, resulting in specific biophysical behavior. The discrimination of selenium toward sulfur has been reported. In order to elucidate the difference between the nature of S-π and Se-π interactions, we performed extensive DFT calculations of dispersive and electrostatic contributions of Se-π interactions in substituted benzenes/hydrogen selenide (H2Se) complexes. The results are compared with our earlier reported S-π calculations, as well as with available experimental data. Our results show a larger contribution of dispersive interactions in Se-π systems than in S-π ones, which mainly originate from the attraction between Se and substituent groups. We found that selenium exhibits a strong interaction with aromatic systems and may thus play a significant role in stabilizing protein folds and protein–inhibitor complexes. Our findings can also provide molecular insights for understanding enzymatic specificity discrimination between single selenium versus a sulfur atom, notwithstanding their very similar chemical properties.  相似文献   


The prediction of domain/linker residues in protein sequences is a crucial task in the functional classification of proteins, homology-based protein structure prediction, and high-throughput structural genomics. In this work, a novel consensus-based machine-learning technique was applied for residue-level prediction of the domain/linker annotations in protein sequences using ordered/disordered regions along protein chains and a set of physicochemical properties. Six different classifiers—decision tree, Gaussian naïve Bayes, linear discriminant analysis, support vector machine, random forest, and multilayer perceptron—were exhaustively explored for the residue-level prediction of domain/linker regions. The protein sequences from the curated CATH database were used for training and cross-validation experiments. Test results obtained by applying the developed PDP-CON tool to the mutually exclusive, independent proteins of the CASP-8, CASP-9, and CASP-10 databases are reported. An n-star quality consensus approach was used to combine the results yielded by different classifiers. The average PDP-CON accuracy and F-measure values for the CASP targets were found to be 0.86 and 0.91, respectively. The dataset, source code, and all supplementary materials for this work are available at https://cmaterju.org/cmaterbioinfo/ for noncommercial use.


Two novel 3D 13C-detected experiments, hNcocaNCO and hnCOcaNCO, are proposed to facilitate the resonance assignment of intrinsically disordered proteins. The experiments correlate the 15N and 13C′ chemical shifts of two consecutive amide moieties without involving other nuclei, thus taking advantage of the good dispersion shown by the 15N–13C′ correlations, even for proteins that lack a well defined tertiary structure. The new pulse sequences were successfully tested using Nupr1, an intrinsically disordered protein of 93 residues.  相似文献   

The reaction pathways of several Friedel–Crafts acylations involving phenyl aromatic compounds were studied using density functional theory. The reactions were related to the Friedel–Crafts polycondensation of polyaryletherketones. In particular, the acylation of benzene with benzoyl chloride to form benzophenone and variations on this reaction were investigated. The acylation of benzene by one molecule of terephthaloyl chloride or isophthaloyl chloride as well as acylations at the m-, o-, and p-positions of diphenyl ether with one molecule of benzoyl chloride were studied. Adding an additional acyl chloride group to the electrophile appeared to have little influence on the reaction pathway, although the activation energy for the C–C bond-forming steps that occurred when isophthaloyl choride was used was different to the activation energy observed when terephthaloyl chloride was used. Upon changing the nucleophile to diphenyl ether, the reactivity changed according to the trend predicted on based on the o-, p-directing effects of the ether group. The deprotonation step that restored aromaticity varied widely according to the reaction. The rate-determining step in all of the studied reactions was the formation of the acylium ion, followed in importance by either the formation of the Wheland intermediate or the abstraction of hydrogen, depending on the reactivity of the nucleophile.  相似文献   

1. A logarithmic method is described for the calculation of the transport parameters, K(m) and V(max.)' of a biological system obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics. 2. This logarithmic method leads to a way of estimating the transport parameters that has not apparently been used previously. It allows the separation of variance due to V(max.) from other variance, and so reduces the fiducial limits that can be placed on an estimation of K(m). 3. The results of studies on the transport of l-histidine and l-monoiodohistidine by rat intestinal sacs in vitro have been used to illustrate the application of the new method. Estimates of the transport parameters have also been made by two alternative procedures. The relative merits of the three methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal - Emergency departments (EDs) are continuously exploring opportunities to improve their efficiency. A new opportunity lies in revising the...  相似文献   

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