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Mass growth of dark fungal biofilms on water taps and associated habitats was observed in various German drinking water distribution systems recently. Customers of affected drinking water systems are anxious about potential and unknown health risks. These environments are known to harbour a fungal flora also comprising a variety of fungal opportunists that are well known to cause superficial mycoses in humans (Exophiala equina, Exophiala lecanii-corni) but are not known to establish dark biofilms so far. To gain profound insight on composition of respective biofilms, a metagenomic approach using Tag-Encoded FLX Amplicon Pyrosequencing (TEFAP) of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 region in comparison with a classical cultivation approach using Sabouraud agar with chloramphenicol and erythritol-chloramphenicol-agar was performed. E. lecanii-corni was found to be the major component in 10 of 13 biofilms analysed independently of the method used. Alternaria sp., E. equina, Fusarium spp. and Ochroconis spp. were also relatively abundant. As expected, TEFAP usually revealed a higher diversity than the cultivation approaches. For example, opportunistic species like Candida albicans or Exophiala dermatitidis were detected in very low amounts. In conclusion, TEFAP turned out to be a promising and powerful tool for the semi-quantitative analysis of fungal biofilms. Referring to relevant literature, potential biological hazards caused by fungi of the dark biofilms can be regarded as low.  相似文献   

Nonami H  Wu Y  Boyer JS 《Plant physiology》1997,114(2):501-509
Cell enlargement depends on a growth-induced difference in water potential to move water into the cells. Water deficits decrease this potential difference and inhibit growth. To investigate whether the decrease causes the growth inhibition, pressure was applied to the roots of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) seedlings and the growth and potential difference were monitored in the stems. In water-limited plants, the inhibited stem growth increased when the roots were pressurized and it reverted to the previous rate when the pressure was released. The pressure around the roots was perceived as an increased turgor in the stem in small cells next to the xylem, but not in outlying cortical cells. This local effect implied that water transport was impeded by the small cells. The diffusivity for water was much less in the small cells than in the outlying cells. The small cells thus were a barrier that caused the growth-induced potential difference to be large during rapid growth, but to reverse locally during the early part of a water deficit. Such a barrier may be a frequent property of meristems. Because stem growth responded to the pressure-induced recovery of the potential difference across this barrier, we conclude that a decrease in the growth-induced potential difference was a primary cause of the inhibition.  相似文献   

FUNGAL laccase is a copper oxidase which catalyses the electron transfer from p-diphenols and related reductants to molecular oxygen1. It contains four copper ions per molecule of protein which are bound to three distinctly different sites1–4. Redox titrations show the involvement of four electron accepting sites in the reduction phase of the oxidase5. Kinetic studies by stopped flow and relaxation methods have suggested that the Cu(II) ion designated type 1, with an intense absorption band at 610 nm and very small hyperfine splitting in its electron spin resonance signal, is the first site to accept the incoming electrons (ref. 6 and I. P., results to be published). From type 1 Cu(II) the electron is probably transferred to the other sites by an intramolecular process.  相似文献   

In this paper are presented the features of copper (II) and zinc (II) heteronuclear complexes of the cyclic peptide—c(HKHGPG)2. The coordination properties of ligand were studied by potentiometric, UV–Vis and CD spectroscopic methods. These experiments were carried out in aqueous solutions at 298 K depending on pH. It turned out that in a physiological pH dominates Cu(II)/Zn(II) complex ([CuZnL]4+) which could mimic the active center of superoxide dismutase (Cu,ZnSOD). In next step we performed in vitro research on Cu,ZnSOD activity for [CuZnL]4+ complex existing in 7.4 pH by the method of reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT). Also mono- and di-nuclear copper (II) complexes of this ligand were examined. The ability of inhibition free radical reaction were compared for all complexes. The results of these studies show that Cu(II) mono-, di-nuclear and Cu(II)/Zn(II) complexes becoming to new promising synthetic superoxide dismutase mimetics, and should be considered for further biological assays.  相似文献   

TURNER  L. B. 《Annals of botany》1990,65(3):285-290
Water potential, osmotic potential, pressure potential and relativewater content were measured in stolons and leaves of white cloverplants grown under a range of conditions of water supply andevaporative demand. The importance of adventitious roots fromthe nodes was examined. Gradients along stolons were alwaysextremely small, of the order of only 01 MPa. Stolon up waterpotential was representative of plant water status regardlessof stolon length, presence/absence of nodal roots, degree ofwater stress and evaporative demand. It is concluded that waterconduction along stolons was very good. Gradients were foundto exist along petioles; they may have a greater resistanceto water flow than stolons. The relationship between water fluxand stem anatomy, and the importance of differential flow ratesthrough stolons and petioles to plant behaviour during waterstress, are discussed. Trifolium repens L., white clover, water relations  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether the nitrate flux to the leaves or the nitrate content of the leaves regulated the nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in leaves of intact maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings having low water potentials (ψw) when other environmental and endogenous factors were constant. In seedlings that were desiccated slowly, the nitrate flux, leaf nitrate content, and NRA decreased as ψw decreased. The decrease in nitrate flux was caused by a decrease in both the rate of transpiration and the rate of nitrate delivery to the transpiration stream. Upon rewatering, the recovery in NRA was correlated with the nitrate flux but not the leaf nitrate content.  相似文献   

The reactions of the alkylsulfonated phosphines LM=Ph2P(CH2)nSO3Na/K (n=2, 3, 4) with K2PtCl4 and K2PdCl4 have been studied in homogeneous aqueous solution as a function of pH. In homogeneous acidic solution the protonated phosphines react to give cis- and trans-PtCl2(LH)2. The biphasic reaction between 1,5-cyclooctadiene platinum(II) chloride in dichloromethane and acidified aqueous LNa/K gives a higher proportion of the cis isomer. In neutral solution the initial reaction to give [PtCl(LNa/K)3]+Cl is followed by slow formation of cis-PtCl2(LNa/K)2. K2PdCl4 reacts more rapidly to give PdCl2(LNa/K)2. In homogeneous alkaline solution rapid oxidation of the phosphine occurs with only small amounts of platinum complex being observable. The biphasic reaction yields phosphine oxide in the aqueous layer and a small amount of the chelate complexes PtL2 in the organic. Representative complexes have been isolated and characterised and the mechanisms for the reactions discussed. The electrospray mass spectra of solutions of the isolated complexes have been recorded in both positive and negative ionisation modes. The positive ionisation spectra are complicated, but platinum and palladium containing ions derived from loss of chloride, H+ and HCl are observed in the negative ionisation spectra.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to elucidate the temporary after-effectof a period of water stress on the opening potential of stomataof tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum) and beans (Vicia faba). Stomatalaperture was measured on floating leaf discs or epidermal stripsafter a period of time in light under controlled conditions;direct effects of leaf-water deficit were thus avoided. Theresponses of the two species were not qualitatively different. Only a minor part of the post-stress damage was located in themesophyll in beans, the major part (approximately two-thirds)being located in the guard cells themselves. The CO1 compensationpoint for tobacco leaves showed no after-effect of stress. However,the response of stomata to normal and CO1-free air in both speciessuggested that a minor part of the after-effect on stomatalopening, presumably that part arising in the mesophyll, maybe explained by elevated CO1 concentrations in the stomatalcavity. The nature of that part of the after-effect arising within theguard cells themselves was not clarified. Guard-cell starchcontent was apparently unaffected by stress in both species;in tobacco, epidermal-cell starch content was reduced in thestress and post-stress condition. Stomatal responses to theshort-term addition of energy-supplying metabolites (ATP, glycolate,and glucose-1-phosphate) showed no interaction with the post-stresscondition. Similarly responses to the addition of stomatal inhibitors(sodium azide, dodecenylsuccinic acid, atrazine, and phenylmercuricacetate) did not indicate the exact nature of the after-effect,although there was a marked increase in the sensitivity to atrazinein post-stress leaf discs. In tobacco leaf discs an examination of the process of eliminationof this after-effect, as distinct from studies directly on itsnature, suggested that complete recovery involved at least twosteps, together lasting 2 to 3 days. One step required timeand was independent of light; the other required light of atleast 1 klx for a day or more and did not occur in CO2-freeair. Stomata recovered almost completely in 2 days without lightwhen discs were floated on 005 M glucose-1-phosphate.  相似文献   

Intrinsic fluorescence and SDS-PAGE analysis were employed to study the seasonal qualitative and quantitative changes of phytoplankton composition at Varna Bay (Black Sea). Variation in the maximum emission wavelength (lambda(max)) of the phytoplankton proteins (398 nm in the summer and 340 nm in the spring) was observed. In addition, a decrease in fluorescence intensity, and a shift in lambda(max) as a result of changes in phytoplankton protein stability, according to the season, was noted. Similarly, SDS-PAGE analysis showed different protein patterns for each season, for example in summertime the major protein constituents were of 14, 37, 48 and 70 kDa, while in the springtime the sizes ranged between 38 and 48 kDa. In general, higher carbohydrate and protein contents correlated with larger phytoplankton biomass found during the summer. The dominant species, the Bacillariophyceae and Dinophyceae, were found to be present in the water body in an alternate pattern. All of these changes could be accounted for by the adaptation of the organism to seasonal variations that modify the sea environment at Varna Bay.  相似文献   


Since the 19th century to date, the fungal pathogens have been involved in causing devastating diseases in plants. All types of fungal pathogens have been observed in important agricultural crops that lead to significant pre and postharvest losses. The application of synthetic fungicide against the fungal plant pathogens (FPP) is a traditional management practice but at the same time these fungicides kill other beneficial microbes, insects, animal, and humans and are harmful to environment. The antagonistic microorganism such as bacteria are being used as an alternate strategy to control the FPP. These antagonistic species are cost-effective and eco-friendly in nature. These biocontrol bacteria have a broad mechanism against fungal pathogens present in the phyllosphere and rhizosphere of the plant. The antagonistic bacteria have different strategies against the FPP, by producing siderophore, biofilm, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), through parasitism, antibiosis, competition for limited resources and induce systemic resistance (ISR) in the host plant by activating the immune systems. The commercial bio-products synthesized by the major bacterial species Pseudomonas syringae, Burkholderia cepacia, Streptomyces griseoviridis, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis are used to control Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Penicillium, Alternaria, and Geotrichum. The commercial bio-formulations of bacteria act as both antifungal and plant growth regulators. The Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) played a significant role in improving plant health by nitrogen-fixing, phosphorus solubilization, phytohormones production, minimizing soil metal contamination, and by ACC deaminase antifungal activities. Different articles are available on the specific antifungal activity of bacteria in plant diseases. Therefore, this review article has summarized the information on biocontrol activity of bacteria against the FPP and the role of PGPR in plant growth promotion. This review also provided a complete picture of scattered information regarding antifungal activities of bacteria and the role of PGPR.


Mycopathologia - Cryptococcosis is an infection caused by encapsulated basidiomycetous yeasts belonging to the Cryptococcus neoformans/Cryptococcus gattii species complexes. It is acquired through...  相似文献   

CANTER  HILDA M.   《Annals of botany》1951,15(2):129-156
This paper brings together the species of Chytrid fungi recordedfrom large bodies of water in the British Isles. Four new speciesare described.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that in glia and astrocytes Mn(II) is distributed with ca. 30–40% in the cytoplasm, 60–70% in mitochondria. Ca(II) ions were observed to alter both the flux rates and distribution of Mn(II) ions in primary cultues of chick glia and rat astrocytes. External (influxing) Ca(II) ions had the greatest effect on Mn(II) uptake and efflux, compared to internal (effluxing) or internal-external equilibrated Ca(II) ions. External (influxing) Ca(II) ions inhibited the net rate and extent of Mn(II) uptake but enhanced Mn(II) efflux from mitochondria. These observations differ from Ca(II)–Mn(II) effects previously reported with brain (neuronal) mitochondria. Overall, increased cytoplasmic Ca(II) acts to block Mn(II) uptake and enhance Mn(II) release by mitochondria, which serve to increase the cytoplasmic concentration of free Mn(II). A hypothesis is presented involving external L-glutamate acting through membrane receptors to mobilize cell Ca(II), which in turn causes mitochondrial Mn(II) to be released. Because the concentration of free cytoplasmic Mn(II) is poised near the Kd for Mn(II) with glutamine synthetase, a slight increase in cytoplasmic Mn(II) will directly enhance the activity of glutamine synthetase, which catalyzes removal of neurotoxic glutamate and ammonia.  相似文献   

Electron transport in chloroplasts isolated from desiccated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Russian Mammoth) leaves was compared with electron transport in sunflower chloroplasts in sorbitol-containing media having various osmotic potentials. In media having low osmotic potentials and dichloroindophenol as electron acceptor, the activity for electron transport was inhibited, but the inhibition was much less than that due to comparable desiccation in vivo. The inhibition at low osmotic potentials was rapidly reversed by returning the chloroplasts to media having high osmotic potentials, but the activity of chloroplasts from desiccated tissue showed no reversal when the chloroplasts were placed in media having high osmotic potentials. Nevertheless, the inhibition of chloroplast activity due to desiccation in vivo was basically reversible, because chloroplasts recovered quickly when they were rehydrated in vivo. The large differences between desiccation in vivo and exposure to low osmotic potential in vivo indicate that osmotic solutions did not reproduce the effects of tissue desiccation. It is concluded that decreases in the Gibbs free energy of water due to decreased osmotic potentials probably have only a small effect on electron transport in chloroplasts from desiccated tissue and do not account for the major effects of leaf desiccation on electron transport.  相似文献   

Bh (black at hatch) is a mutation of Japanese quails which causes darkening or lightening of the plumage in heterozygotes or homozygotes, respectively. We chemically analyzed melanin pigments in feather germs of Bh mutant embryos and in feathers of adult animals. Dark brown dorsal feathers of wild-type adult animals had white barrings, but heterozygous ones lacked clear barrings. The feathers of wild-type and heterozygote animals contained both eumelanins and pheomelanins, the latter being more pheomelanic. On the dorsal skin of 10-day old wild-type embryos, longitudinal stripes from black and yellow rows of feather germs developed; two or three longitudinal rows of black feather germs and then two or three rows of yellow feather germs next to the short central feather germs. Heterozygous embryos appeared black in plumage pigmentation, due to the presence of‘gray’feather germs in rows of dorsal feather germs that corresponded to yellow rows in wild-type embryos. Homozygous dorsal feather germs did not develop the black and yellow longitudinal stripes, but were brown. Chemical analysis showed that embryos of each genotype contained both eumelanins and pheomelanins in the feather germs; however, the eumelanin content in ho-mozygous feather germs was very low. These results suggest that the Bh mutation causes pheomelanic changes in feathers of quails.  相似文献   

Improved ways to cleave peptide chains at engineered sites easily and specifically would form useful tools for biochemical research. Uses of such methods include the activation or inactivation of enzymes or the removal of tags for enhancement of recombinant protein expression or tags used for purification of recombinant proteins. In this work we show by gel electrophoresis and mass spectroscopy that salts of Co(II) and Cu(II) can be used to cleave fusion proteins specifically at sites where sequences of His residues have been introduced by protein engineering. The His residues could be either consecutive or spaced with other amino acids in between. The cleavage reaction required the presence of low concentrations of ascorbate and in the case of Cu(II) also hydrogen peroxide. The amount of metal ions required for cleavage was very low; in the case of Cu(II) only one to two molar equivalents of Cu(II) to protein was required. In the case of Co(II), 10 molar equivalents gave optimal cleavage. The reaction occurred within minutes, at a wide pH range, and efficiently at temperatures ranging from 0 degrees C to 70 degrees C. The work described here can also have implications for understanding protein stability in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The selective uptake of nickel ions by certain plant species is described. The observed selectivity relative to metal ions such as cobalt and iron cannot be explained on the known binding constants to oxygen-donor ligands, e.g., citrate. Nitrogen donors are shown to have adequate selective interaction.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2007,10(4):375-378
Six species of aulacaspis scales, Aulacaspis crawii (Cockerell), Aulacaspis madiunensis (Zehntner), Aulacaspis neospinosa Tang, Aulacaspis spinosa (Maskell), Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead and Aulacaspis yasumatsui Takagi, have been taken in quarantine at the republic of Korea ports of entry between 1996 and 2005. We have also found the specimens of A. yasumatsui Takagi on Cycas plants from Malaysia and Taiwan and provide a key with illustrative photographs to identify intercepted specimens of Aulacaspis.  相似文献   

An important feature of microbial biofilms is the development of four-dimensional physical and chemical gradients in space and time. There is need for novel approaches to probe these so-called microenvironments to determine their effect on biofilm-specific processes. In this study, we describe the use of seminaphthorhodafluor-4F 5-(and-6) carboxylic acid (C-SNARF-4) for pH microenvironment analysis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. C-SNARF-4 is a fluorescent ratiometric probe that allows pH quantification independent of probe concentration and/or laser intensity. By confocal scanning laser microscopy, C-SNARF-4 revealed pH heterogeneity throughout the biofilm in both the x,y and x,z planes, with values ranging from pH 5.6 (within the biofilm) to pH 7.0 (bulk fluid). pH values were typically remarkably different than those just a few micrometers away. Although this probe has been successfully used in a number of eukaryotic systems, problems have been reported which describe spectral emission changes as a result of macromolecular interactions with the fluorophore. To assess how the biofilm environment may influence fluorescent properties of the dye, fluorescence of C-SNARF-4 was quantified via spectrofluorometry while the probe was suspended in various concentrations of representative biofilm matrix components (i.e., proteins, polysaccharides, and bacterial cells) and growth medium. Surprisingly, our data demonstrate that few changes in emission spectra occur as a result of matrix interactions below pH 7. These studies suggest that C-SNARF-4 can be used as a reliable indicator of pH microenvironments, which may help elucidate their influence on the medical and geobiological roles of natural biofilms.  相似文献   

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