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Powdery mildew is one of the most devastating wheat fungal diseases. A diploid wheat relative, Haynaldia villosa L., is highly resistant to powdery mildew, and its genetic resource of resistances, such as the Pm21 locus, is now widely used in wheat breeding. Here we report the cloning of a resistance gene from H. villosa, designated CMPG1–V, that encodes a U–box E3 ubiquitin ligase. Expression of the CMPG1–V gene was induced in the leaf and stem of H. villosa upon inoculation with Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) fungus, and the presence of Pm21 is essential for its rapid induction of expression. CMPG1–V has conserved key residues for E3 ligase, and possesses E3 ligase activity in vitro and in vivo. CMPG1–V is localized in the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane and partially in trans‐Golgi network/early endosome vesicles. Transgenic wheat over‐expressing CMPG1–V showed improved broad‐spectrum powdery mildew resistance at seedling and adult stages, associated with an increase in expression of salicylic acid‐responsive genes, H2O2 accumulation, and cell‐wall protein cross‐linking at the Bgt infection sites, and the expression of CMPG1–V in H. villosa was increased when treated with salicylic acid, abscisic acid and H2O2. These results indicate the involvement of E3 ligase in defense responses to Bgt fungus in wheat, particularly in broad‐spectrum disease resistance, and suggest association of reactive oxidative species and the phytohormone pathway with CMPG1V‐mediated powdery mildew resistance.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Minaret was grown in open-top chambers (OTCs) in 1995 and 1996 under three carbon dioxide (CO2) and two ozone (O3) levels. Plants were harvested regularly between anthesis and maturity to examine the rate of grain growth (dG/dt; mg d–1) and the rate of increase in harvest index (dHI/dt;% d–1). The duration of grain filling was not affected by elevated CO2 or O3, but was 12 days shorter in 1995, when the daily mean temperature was over 3 °C higher than in 1996. Season-long exposure to elevated CO2 (680 μmol mol–1) significantly increased the rate of grain growth in both years and mean grain weight at maturity (MGW) was up to 11% higher than in the chambered ambient air control (chAA; 383 μmol mol–1). However, the increase in final yield obtained under elevated CO2 relative to the chAA control in 1996 resulted primarily from a 27% increase in grain number per unit ground area. dG/dt was significantly reduced by elevated O3 under ambient CO2 conditions in 1995, but final grain yield was not affected because of a concurrent increase in grain number. Neither dG/dt nor dHI/dt were affected by the higher mean O3 concentrations applied in 1996 (77 vs. 66 nmol mol–1); the differing effects of O3 on grain growth in 1995 and 1996 observed in both the ambient and elevated CO2 treatments may reflect the contrasting temperature environments experienced. Grain yield was nevetheless reduced under elevated O3 in 1996, primarily because of a substantial decrease in grain number. The data obtained show that, although exposure to elevated CO2 and O3 individually or in combination may affect both dG/dt and dHI/dt, the presence of elevated CO2 does not protect against substantial O3-induced yield losses resulting from its direct deleterious impact on reproductive processes. The implications of these results for food production under future climatic conditions are considered.  相似文献   

SAG (Sensitive to Apoptosis Gene), also known as RBX2 (RING box protein 2), ROC2 (Regulator of Cullins 2), or RNF7 (RING Finger Protein 7), was originally cloned in our laboratory as a redox inducible antioxidant protein and later characterized as the second member of the RBX/ROC RING component of the SCF (SKP1-CUL-F-box Proteins) E3 ubiquitin ligase. When acting alone, SAG scavenges oxygen radicals by forming inter- and intra- molecular disulfide bonds, whereas by forming a complex with other components of the SCF E3 ligase, SAG promotes ubiquitination and degradation of a number of protein substrates, including c-JUN, DEPTOR, HIF-1α, IκBα, NF1, NOXA, p27, and procaspase-3, thus regulating various signaling pathways and biological processes. Specifically, SAG protects cells from apoptosis, confers radioresistance, and plays an essential and non-redundant role in mouse embryogenesis and vasculogenesis. Furthermore, stress-inducible SAG is overexpressed in a number of human cancers and SAG overexpression correlates with poor patient prognosis. Finally, SAG transgenic expression in epidermis causes an early stage inhibition, but later stage promotion, of skin tumorigenesis triggered by DMBA/TPA. Given its major role in promoting targeted degradation of tumor suppressive proteins, leading to apoptosis suppression and accelerated tumorigenesis, SAG E3 ligase appears to be an attractive anticancer target.  相似文献   

CHIP proteins are E3 ubiquitin ligases that promote degradation of Hsp70 and Hsp90 substrate proteins through the 26S proteasome in animal systems. A CHIP-like protein in Arabidopsis, AtCHIP, also has E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and has important roles to play under conditions of abiotic stress. In an effort to study the mode of action of AtCHIP in plant cells, proteins that physically interact with it were identified. Like its animal orthologs, AtCHIP interacts with a unique class of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (UBC or E2) that belongs to the stress-inducible UBC4/5 class in yeast. AtCHIP also interacts with other proteins, including an A subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). This PP2A subunit appears to be a substrate of AtCHIP, because it can be ubiquitylated by AtCHIP in vitro and because the activity of PP2A is increased in AtCHIP-overexpressing plants in the dark or under low-temperature conditions. Unlike the rcn1 mutant, that has reduced PP2A activity due to a mutation in one of the A subunit genes of PP2A, AtCHIP-overexpressing plants are more sensitive to ABA treatment. Since PP2A was previously shown to be involved in low-temperature responses in plants, the low-temperature-sensitive phenotype observed in AtCHIP-overexpressing plants might be partly due to the change in PP2A activity. These data suggest that the E3 ubiquitin ligase AtCHIP may function upstream of PP2A in stress-responsive signal transduction pathways under conditions of low temperature or in the dark.  相似文献   

Natural flavonoids are associated with anti-proliferation of cancer growth. However, the antioxidant and anti-proliferation effects of AE (aloe-emodin) have not been well studied. We have investigated how AE affects the proliferation of hepatic hepatocellular carcinoma cells and exerts an anti-cancer effect. The cytotoxic effect of AE was demonstrated using an MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide] assay and Huh-7 cells were inhibited by AE treatment in both dose- and time-dependent manners. The IC(50) level of AE was ~75 μM. AE also has anti-proliferative effects via induction of DNA damage and apoptosis. 2-DE (two-dimensional electrophoresis) revealed that several proteins were related to the anti-cancer effects of AE. CAPN2 (calpain-2) and UBE3A (ubiquitin-protein ligase E3A), which are associated with the apoptosis signalling pathway, were verified by Western blotting. AE exhibited potent anti-proliferative effects on Huh-7 cells via down-regulation of CAPN2 and UBE3A. The findings support the possibility of AE being a chemopreventative agent.  相似文献   

Pollen formation is a complex developmental process that has been extensively investigated to unravel underlying fundamental developmental mechanisms and for genetic manipulation of the male‐sterility trait for hybrid crop production. Here we describe identification of AtPUB4, a U–box/ARM repeat‐containing E3 ubiquitin ligase, as a novel player in male fertility in Arabidopsis. Loss of AtPUB4 function causes hypertrophic growth of the tapetum layer. The Atpub4 mutation also leads to incomplete degeneration of the tapetal cells and strikingly abnormal exine structures of pollen grains. As a result, although the Atpub4 mutant produces viable pollen, the pollen grains adhere to each other and to the remnants of incompletely degenerated tapetal cells, and do not properly disperse from dehisced anthers for successful pollination. We found that the male‐sterility phenotype caused by the Atpub4 mutation is temperature‐dependent: the mutant plants are sterile when grown at 22°C but are partially fertile at 16°C. Our study also indicates that the AtPUB4‐mediated pathway acts in parallel with the brassinosteroid pathway in controlling developmental fates of the tapetal cells to ensure male fertility.  相似文献   

Hormone‐ and stress‐induced shuttling of signaling or regulatory proteins is an important cellular mechanism to modulate hormone signaling and cope with abiotic stress. Hormone‐induced ubiquitination plays a crucial role to determine the half‐life of key negative regulators of hormone signaling. For ABA signaling, the degradation of clade‐A PP 2Cs, such as PP 2 CA or ABI 1, is a complementary mechanism to PYR / PYL / RCAR ‐mediated inhibition of PP 2C activity. ABA promotes the degradation of PP 2 CA through the RGLG 1 E3 ligase, although it is not known how ABA enhances the interaction of RGLG 1 with PP 2 CA given that they are predominantly found in the plasma membrane and the nucleus, respectively. We demonstrate that ABA modifies the subcellular localization of RGLG 1 and promotes nuclear interaction with PP 2 CA . We found RGLG 1 is myristoylated in vivo , which facilitates its attachment to the plasma membrane. ABA inhibits the myristoylation of RGLG 1 through the downregulation of N‐myristoyltransferase 1 ( NMT 1 ) and promotes nuclear translocation of RGLG 1 in a cycloheximide‐insensitive manner. Enhanced nuclear recruitment of the E3 ligase was also promoted by increasing PP 2 CA protein levels and the formation of RGLG 1–receptor–phosphatase complexes. We show that RGLG 1 Gly2Ala mutated at the N‐terminal myristoylation site shows constitutive nuclear localization and causes an enhanced response to ABA and salt or osmotic stress. RGLG 1/5 can interact with certain monomeric ABA receptors, which facilitates the formation of nuclear complexes such as RGLG 1– PP 2 CA – PYL 8. In summary, we provide evidence that an E3 ligase can dynamically relocalize in response to both ABA and increased levels of its target, which reveals a mechanism to explain how ABA enhances RGLG 1– PP 2 CA interaction and hence PP 2 CA degradation.  相似文献   

该研究利用前期获得的向日葵耐盐相关基因E3泛素连接酶基因序列(HERC2),构建瞬时表达载体Cam-35S-HERC2-GFP,采用基因枪法转化洋葱表皮细胞进行亚细胞定位;采用RT-PCR技术,分析盐胁迫下HERC2在耐盐品种P50和盐敏感品种P29根、下胚轴和叶中的表达差异;构建HERC2植物表达载体pPZP221-HERC2,采用农杆菌介导法将HERC2导入烟草,进行耐盐功能验证。结果表明:(1)HERC2蛋白定位在细胞膜、细胞质和细胞核中。(2)受到NaCl胁迫后,HERC2基因在耐盐品种P50和盐敏感品种P29中均上调表达,但耐盐品种中的表达量较高。(3)HERC2基因的表达,能够提高转基因烟草的耐盐性。该研究结果为进一步解析向日葵对盐胁迫的响应机制,以及耐盐新品种的选育奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed the possible influence of the c.419‐43delT BMPR2 variant in patients with Graves’ disease (GD), in a molecular basis, focusing our efforts on possible alterations in the mRNA processing and synthesis. The molecular assessment of this variant in patients with GD would shed light on the association between the BMPR2 gene and the disease. The variant was detected in 18%, 55% and 10% of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, GD and in general population, respectively. Patients with GD fold change showed increased BMPR2 expression when matched against the controls, with a mean of 4.21 ± 1.73 (P = 0.001); BMPR2 was overexpressed in the analysed cell cycle stages. Fold change analysis of variant carriers and non‐carriers showed slight overexpression and differences between phases, but none of them were statistically significant. BMPR2 expression was confirmed in the lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) with a molecular weight of 115 kD, and no differences between variant carriers and non‐carriers were detected. To conclude, the BMPR2 variant c.419‐19delT appears in high frequency in patients with GD, and independently of its presence, BMPR2 is overexpressed in the LCLs from the GD patients tested. This increase could be paired with the described decreased expression of transforming growth factor‐β1 in thyroid tissue from patients with GD.  相似文献   

(E)-β-Famesene(EβF) synthase catalyses the production of EβF,which for many aphids is the main or only component of the alarm pheromone causing the repellence of aphids and also functions as a kairomone for aphids' natural enemies.Many plants possess EβF synthase genes and can release EβF to repel aphids.In order to effectively recruit the plant-derived EβF synthase genes for aphid control,by using chloroplast transit peptide(CTP) of the small subunit of Rubisco(rbcS) from wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),we targeted AαβFS1,an EβF synthase gene from sweet wormwood(Artemisia annua L),to the chloroplast of tobacco to generate CTP + AαβFS1 transgenic lines.The CTP +AαβFS1 transgenic tobacco plants could emit EβF at a level up to 19.25 ng/day per g fresh tissues,4-12 fold higher than the AαβFS1 transgenic lines without chloroplast targeting.Furthermore,aphid/parasitoid behavioral bioassays demonstrated that the CTP + AαβFS1 transgenic tobacco showed enhanced repellence to green peach aphid(Myzus persicae) and attracted response of its parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae,thus affecting aphid infestation at two trophic levels.These data suggest that the chloroplast is an ideal subcellular compartment for metabolic engineering of plant-derived EβF synthase genes to generate a novel type of transgenic plant emitting an alarm pheromone for aphid control.  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize a β‐xylosidase from the thermophilic fungus Thermomyces lanuginosus and to investigate its potential in saccharification of hemicellulosic xylans. Methods and Results: A gene (designated TlXyl43) encoding β‐xylosidase was cloned from T. lanuginosus CAU44 and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene consists of a 1017‐bp open reading frame without introns. It encodes a mature protein of 338 residues with no predicted signal peptide, belonging to glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 43. Over 60% of the recombinant β‐xylosidase (TlXyl43) was secreted into the culture medium. TlXyl43 was purified 2·6‐fold to homogeneity with an estimated mass of 51·6 kDa by SDS‐PAGE. The purified enzyme exhibited optimal activity at pH 6·5 and 55°C and was stable at 50°C. It was competitively inhibited by xylose with a Ki value of 63 mmol l?1. Conclusions: In this study, a GH family 43 β‐xylosidase gene (TlXyl43) from T. lanuginosus CAU44 was cloned and functionally expressed in E. coli, and over 60% of recombinant protein was secreted into the culture. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first report of the cloning and functional expression of a β‐xylosidase gene from Thermomyces species. TlXyl43 holds great potential for variety of industries.  相似文献   

Endo‐β‐1,4‐d ‐mannanase from the Antarctic springtail, Cryptopygus antarcticus (CaMan), is a cold‐adapted β‐mannanase that has the lowest optimum temperature (30°C) of all known β‐mannanases. Here, we report the apo‐ and mannopentaose (M5) complex structures of CaMan. Structural comparison of CaMan with other β‐mannanases from the multicellular animals reveals that CaMan has an extended loop that alters topography of the active site. Structural and mutational analyses suggest that this extended loop is linked to the cold‐adapted enzymatic activity. From the CaMan‐M5 complex structure, we defined the mannose‐recognition subsites and observed unreported M5 binding site on the surface of CaMan. Proteins 2014; 82:3217–3223. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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