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In a survey of mice from 40 inbred strains, largely previously untested, four alleles were distinguished at the Hba locus, determining structure of adult mouse hemoglobin chain. This finding supports and extends previous sequence studies by others. Methods are given by which each phenotype was characterized by its solubility profile at varying pH and by its chromatography pattern. Concordance was complete between histidine-positive T-4 (defining Hba c) and high-intermediate solubility profile. In three inbred strains, a distinct new low-solubility profile, not associated with his-positive T-4, was recognized, and mice with this phenotype were classified as Hba d. Implications of observed widely distributed four-allele polymorphism of mouse hemoglobin -chain structure are discussed.This investigation was supported in part by NIH research grant CA-01074 from the National Cancer Institute and in part by the Virginia and D. K. Ludwig Foundation. The Jackson Laboratory is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.  相似文献   

With the purpose of establishing whether, as a general rule, regions of a protein chain that are helical in the native structure maintain, at least partially, the same helical structure when isolated in solution, we have prepared the 1–23 fragment of human hemoglobin α-chain, and studied its conformational properties in aqueous solution by CD and1H-NMR. From the analysis of CD and NMR spectral changes with temperature, salt and addition of trifluoroethanol (TFE) it can be concluded that the 1–23 peptide forms a measurable population (18% at 22°C (pH 5.6) TFE/H2O, 30:70 (v/v)) of an α-helix structure that spans the same residues that are helical in the native protein (namely, 6 to 17). These results, taken together with similar ones obtained previously in the 1–19, 21–42 and 50–61 RNAase fragments, support the idea that no helices other than the native ones are actually formed in solution by protein fragments. This implies that the final helical structure of a protein is present from the very beginning of the folding process, and also that such elements of secondary structure can act as primary nucleation centers.  相似文献   

The structure of the hernoglobin α-chain of Rose-ringed Parakeet was determined by sequence degradations of the intact subunit, the CNBr fragments, and peptides obtained by digestion with staphylococcal Glu-specific protease and trypsin. Using this analysis, the complete α-chain structure of 21 avian species is known, permitting comparisons of the protein structure and of avian relationships. The structure exhibits differences from previously established avian α-chains at a total of 61 positions, five of which have residues unique to those of the parakeet (Ser-12, Gly-65, Ser-67, Ala-121, and Leu-134). The analysis defines hemoglobin variation within an additional avian order (Psittaciformes), demonstrates distant patterns for evaluation of relationships within other avian orders, and lends support to taxonomic conclusions from molecular data.  相似文献   

Summary Collagen from an inferior invertebrate, namely from the sea anemoneActinia equina L., appears to consist of three identical subunits (-chains). New evidence for this situation is reported on the basis of preparative-scale experiments.No fractionation of sea anemone collagen was obtained by CM-cellulose chromatography which is the method of choice for the isolation of vertebrate collagen subunits. On the other hand, the-component (mol. wt., 95.000) could be isolated by gel chromatography. It was homogenous when investigated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate) and by ion exchange chromatography on CM-cellulose. The amino acid composition of the-component was identical with that of unfractionated collagen.Divergent evolution of the collagen molecule appears likely since vertebrate collagen molecules are made up of different-chain types.  相似文献   

Previous studies from this laboratory employing a comprehensive synthetic overlapping peptide strategy showed that the -chain of human hemoglobin (Hb) contains a single haptoglobin (HP) binding region residing within residues 121–135. The present study describes a precise delineation of this Hp-binding site on the -chain. Two overlapping peptides (111–125 and 121–135) spanning this region and a panel of five peptides decreasing at the C-terminal from residue 135 by decrements of two residues (119–135, 119–133, 119–131, 119–129, and 119–127) were synthesized, purified, and characterized. Quantitative radiometric titration of125I-labeled human HP (type 2-1) with adsorbents of each of these synthetic peptides showed that the peptide 119–127 retained a Hp-binding activity equivalent to that of peptide 121–135. This finding indicated that Lys-127 marked the C-terminal boundary of the binding site. Another panel of eight peptides was then synthesized, which had their C-terminus fixed at Lys-127 and increased at the N-terminus by one-residue increments from residue 122 up to residue 115 (122–127, 121–127, 120–127, 119–127, 118–127, 117–127, 116–127, and 115–127). The binding of125I-Hp to adsorbents of these peptides demonstrated that the N-terminal boundary of the site did not extend beyond Valine 121. It is, therefore, concluded that the Hp-binding site on the -chain of human Hb comprises residues 121–127.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoretic and ultracentrifuge methods failed to demonstrate any differences between the hemoglobins of mice of the Shanghai and HBBP/Cag strains and crosses among these strains. The apparent identity of these hemoglobins is thought to stem from the contribution of Asian mice to the British mouse fancy from which the laboratory strains having Hbb-p in part descerd. Maleate buffer of pH 7 or above can be used to prevent the formation of disulfide-bridged dimers of mouse hemoglobins. However, the minor electrophoretic bands of Hbb-p and Hbb-d react with approximately twice as much maleate as the major bands of each of these hemoglobins, although the minor bands like the major contain only one free cysteine group per chain. This can be explained by the alkylation of the -amino of lysine residue 76, but some evidence for the alkylation of histidine in the minor band of Hbb-p is also presented.  相似文献   

Primary structure of hemoglobin of α-chain ofColumba livia is presented. The separation of α-chain was obtained from globin by ion-exchange chromatography (CMC-52) and reversed-phase HPLC (RP-2 column). Amino acid sequence of intact as well as tryptic digested chain was determined on gas-phase sequencer. Structure is aligned homologously with 21 other species. Among different exchanges, positions α24 (Tyr→Leu), α26 (Ala→Gly), α32 (Met→Leu), α64 (Asp→Glu), α113 (Leu→Phe), and α129 (Leu→Val) are unique to pigeon hemoglobin. The various exchanges in α-chain are discussed with reference to evolution and phylogeny. The results show that the order Columbiformes is evolutionarily closer to the order Anseriformes. Since the pigeon is homogeneous, having HbA (αA-chain) and lacks αD-chain, its phylogenetic placement could be established among birds having single hemoglobin components.  相似文献   

cDNA sequences obtained from polymerase chain reaction products of reverse-transcribed RNA from sheep thymus showed the presence of a large number of members of the TRDV1 gene family. Some are TRDV1 genes also found in peripheral blood lymphocytes, while four genes had not been described so far. The cDNA sequences also showed extensive junctional diversity and a preferential usage of the three TRDJ elements. We characterized the genomic organization of the sheep TRDJ locus and detected a correlation between the nonrandom usage of TRDJ elements during development and their chromosomal order.  相似文献   

Genetic background plays an important role in the development of Dupuytren’s disease. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) showed that nine loci are associated with the disease, six of which contain genes that are involved in Wnt signaling (WNT2, WNT4, WNT7B, RSPO2, SFRP4, SULF1). To obtain insight in the role of these genes, we performed expression studies on affected and unaffected patient’s tissues. Surgically obtained nodules and cords from eight Dupuytren’s patients were compared to patient-matched control tissue (unaffected transverse palmar fascia). The Wnt-related genes found in the GWAS, the classical Wnt-downstream protein β-catenin, as well as (myo)fibroblast markers were analyzed using real-time qPCR and immunohistochemical stainings for mRNA levels and protein levels, respectively. The collagen-coding genes COL1A1 and COL3A1 were highly upregulated on mRNA level, both in cords and nodules. Three Wnt-related genes were found to be differently regulated compared to control tissue: WNT2 was downregulated in nodules, WNT7B was upregulated in nodules, and SFRP4 was upregulated in nodules and cords. Immunohistochemistry revealed significantly less staining of Wnt2 in cords, but significantly more staining for Wnt7b in nodules. There was significantly more staining of α-SMA in nodules and cord and β-catenin in nodules than in control tissue. We found differences in expression, both at mRNA and protein level, in several Wnt-related genes found earlier to be associated with Dupuytren’s disease. Of these, Wnt7b was upregulated and found in close association with both α-SMA and β-catenin expressing cells, making it a candidate pro-fibrotic mediator in Dupuytren’s disease.  相似文献   

We have extended the genetic analysis of four mutants carrying defective MATα alleles in order to determine how the mating type locus controls yeast cell types: a, a, and aα. First, we have mapped the defect in the mutant VC73 to the mating type locus by diploid and tetraploid segregation analysis. Second, we have determined that the mutations in these strains define two complementation groups, MATα1 and MATα2. The MATα1 gene is proposed to be a positive regulator of α mating functions. The MATα2 gene product is proposed to have two roles, as a negative regulator of a-specific mating functions and as a regulator of aα cell functions (required for sporulation, for inhibition of mating and other processes). This view of MATα leads to the prediction that matα1?matα2? mutants should have the mating ability of an a cell and that matα1?matα2?/MATα strains should mate as α and be unable to sporulate. Such double mutants have been constructed and behave as predicted. We therefore propose that a-specific mating functions in MATa cells are constitutively expressed due to the absence of the MATα2 gene product and that α-specific mating functions are not expressed due to the absence of the MATα1 gene product.  相似文献   

Amyloid plaques are a hallmark of the aging and senile dementia brains, yet their mechanism of origins has remained elusive. A central issue is the regulatory mechanism and identity of α-secretase, a protease responsible for α-processing of amyloid-β precursor protein (APP). A remarkable feature of this enzyme is its high sensitivity to a wide range of cellular stimulators, many of which are agonists for Ca(2+) signaling. This feature, together with previous work in our laboratory, has suggested that calpain, a Ca(2+)-dependent protease, plays a key role in APP α-processing. In this study we report that overexpression of the μ-calpain gene in HEK293 cells resulted in a 2.7-fold increase of the protein levels. Measurements of intracellular calpain enzymatic activity revealed that the calpain overexpressing cells displayed a prominent elevation of the activity compared to wild-type cells. When the cells were stimulated by nicotine, glutamate or phorbol 12,13-dibutylester, the activity increase was even more remarkable and sensitive to calpeptin, a calpain inhibitor. Meanwhile, APP secretion from the calpain overexpressing cells was robustly increased under both resting and stimulated conditions over wild-type cells. Furthermore, cell surface biotinylation experiments showed that μ-calpain was clearly detected among the cell surface proteins. These data together support our view that calpain should be a reasonable candidate for α-secretase for further study. This model is discussed with an interesting fact that three other deposited proteins (tau, spectrin and crystalline) are also the known substrates of calpain. Finally we discuss some current misconceptions in senile dementia research.  相似文献   

 We analyzed nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence heterogeneity of sheep T-cell receptor β-chain cDNAs isolated from an anchored-polymerase chain reaction library. Evaluation of 34 individual rearrangements has defined 18 new β-chain variable region sequences which have been clustered into 13 families. Presumptive allelic polymorphisms of four of these variable regions have been defined, as well as ten distinct β-chain joining region sequences. The present analysis indicates that sheep T-cell receptor β-chains are composed of characteristic leader, variable, joining, and constant region sequences, and that imprecise joining and N-region addition contribute significantly to diversity in the third hypervariable region. Thus, it appears that sheep, like all other mammals studied to date, employ somatic rearrangement of multiple germline genes to create β-chain heterogeneity. These findings have allowed us to estimate the diversity of the sheep T-cell receptor β-chain variable region repertoire, and they provide information that will permit the evaluation of the role that specific T-cell populations play in naturally occurring and experimental diseases of sheep. Received: 20 October 1997 / Revised: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of the αA-chain of major hemoglobin component from Cuckoo (Eudynamys scolopaceae) is presented. Separation of the polypeptide subunits was achieved by ion exchange chromatography in the presence of 8 M urea. The sequence was studied by automatic Edman degradation of the native chain and its tryptic fragments in a gas-phase sequencer. Comparison with other avian hemoglobins shows residues α21, α30, α96, α110, and α114 as being specific to Cuckoo. The functional significance of these is discussed.  相似文献   

Three sets of experiments have been conducted in order to evaluate the role of natural selection at the -Gpdh locus in Drosophila melanogaster. (1) The evolution of the F-allele frequency has been followed for many generations in 13 experimental populations having different genetic backgrounds. (2) Egg-to-adult viability has been measured in synthetic populations derived from one locality (Brouilly) and the results have been compared with those of a previous experiment involving a different local population (Tostes). (3) The effects of sodium octanoate on egg-to-adult viability have been measured on the genotypes FF, FS, SF, and SS. The results demonstrate that selection operates on a small block of genes which includes the -Gpdh locus.ERA 406 CNRS: Analyse et mécanismes de maintien du polymorphisme.  相似文献   

Further studies on the sub-units of α-crystallin   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. A new procedure is described for the purification of alpha-crystallin, including: preparative zone electrophoresis, density-gradient centrifugation and gel filtration. The total amino acid composition of highly purified samples prepared according to this procedure has been determined. 2. Evidence is presented for the presence of intermediates in the urea-induced splitting of alpha-crystallin into sub-units. A possible mechanism for this splitting is proposed. 3. The recombination of sub-units has been studied by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and ultracentrifugal analysis. As judged from these criteria, only a partial recovery of starting material was obtained. 4. The origin of the minor bands in the electrophoretic pattern of alpha-crystallin on 7m-urea-polyacrylamide gel has been investigated. No evidence was found that their presence is due to carbamoylation or sulphide-disulphide interchange. They probably arise from isomerization. 5. The mean molecular weight of the sub-units was calculated to be 24000 (Archibald's method). Determination of the sedimentation-diffusion equilibrium revealed a value of 21000 at the meniscus. Assuming that all sub-units contain one cysteine residue/molecule, 23000 can be derived for the mean molecular weight.  相似文献   

Primary structure of hemoglobin of -chain ofColumba livia is presented. The separation of -chain was obtained from globin by ion-exchange chromatography (CMC-52) and reversed-phase HPLC (RP-2 column). Amino acid sequence of intact as well as tryptic digested chain was determined on gas-phase sequencer. Structure is aligned homologously with 21 other species. Among different exchanges, positions 24 (TyrLeu), 26 (AlaGly), 32 (MetLeu), 64 (AspGlu), 113 (LeuPhe), and 129 (LeuVal) are unique to pigeon hemoglobin. The various exchanges in -chain are discussed with reference to evolution and phylogeny. The results show that the order Columbiformes is evolutionarily closer to the order Anseriformes. Since the pigeon is homogeneous, having HbA (A-chain) and lacks D-chain, its phylogenetic placement could be established among birds having single hemoglobin components.  相似文献   

We have recently described the production of large amounts (< or = 65 grams per litre) of enzymatically active human alpha 1 antitrypsin in the milk of transgenic sheep (Wright et al., 1991). Here, we describe in more detail the expression of the human protein in the milk of these animals throughout the lactation period. Human alpha 1 antitrypsin is also found at much lower levels in the plasma of transgenic ewes before, during and after lactation. It is also detected in male plasma at very low levels. We have previously shown human alpha 1 antitrypsin purified from transgenic sheep milk to be indistinguishable from commercially available human plasma derived alpha 1 antitrypsin in terms of gross sugar content and in vitro activity. Here we extend this comparison to more detailed analyses of glycosylation state, amino-terminal sequence, pI value, and molecular weight determination by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Further purification and characterization of the acid α-glucosidase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Centrifugation of rat liver acid glucosidase, which had been purified by adsorption on dextran gel, on a density gradient of sucrose showed the enzyme to be impure. 2. Preliminary purification of the enzyme before the gel filtration improved the final degree of purity of this preparation. Disc gel electrophoresis of this preparation showed a single band of protein. 3. The sedimentation co-efficient and the molecular weight determined on a sucrose gradient were 4.9-5.1s and 76000-83000 respectively for the rat liver enzyme, and 5.6s and 97000 for the acid alpha-glucosidase purified by means of the same procedure from the human kidney. 4. The Michaelis constants of rat liver and human kidney enzyme were 4.7x10(-3)m and 13.6x10(-3)m respectively with maltose as substrate. 5. The enzyme from both tissues was inhibited by tris and by erythritol. The inhibition of the rat liver acid glucosidase by erythritol was competitive.  相似文献   

Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system mediated by T cells bearing TCR of restricted heterogeneity. Thus, in the murine PL strain, V beta-8.2 is used by 80% of the encephalitogenic T cells. This observation has led to the successful prevention and reversal of EAE by the in vivo use of mAb directed to these restricted gene products. In SJL mice, the V beta-17a gene product has been shown to be used by approximately 50% of encephalitogenic T cells subsequent to immunization with a myelin basic protein (MBP)-derived peptide. However, the other V beta genes used by encephalitogenic T cells in SJL EAE have remained uncharacterized. We now report, for the first time, the beta-chain-encoding DNA sequence of two encephalitogenic, MBP-reactive, SJL-derived T cell clones. These clones which are specific for H-2s and the carboxyl-terminus (amino acid 92-103) of MBP, use TCR encoded by V beta-4. In addition, we demonstrate that the transfer of EAE by a heterogenous SJL-derived encephalitogenic T cell line can be prevented using an anti-V beta-4 antibody in vivo. V beta-4 usage has been previously described in a H-2u/MBP amino-terminus-reactive encephalitogenic T cell. The present findings may thus further support the "V region-disease" hypothesis.  相似文献   

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