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In male Wistar rats with chronically implanted electrodes, multiple-unit activity (MUA) was recorded from the lateral hypothalamus (LH) and ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). Blinded rats with bilateral suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) lesions showed no circadian rhythm in MUA or motor activity when food was available ad libitum. However, under a restricted-feeding schedule (food was available from 1400 to 1600 hr; water was always available) lasting for 10 days, a gradual increase of MUA of the LH developed, starting 3-4 hr prior to the feeding time. The elevated MUA lasted up to 6-7 hr after feeding and subsequently returned to the baseline level. This circadian rhythm of MUA of the LH persisted up to 4 days under total food deprivation, with quickly decreasing amplitude after termination of the schedule. MUA rhythm in VMH was less obvious than that in LH. Also, general motor activity showed a rhythm comparable to that of MUA, but it was less prominent. The elevated MUA in the LH prior to the feeding time may have been neural substrate of anticipatory activity appearing under the restricted-feeding schedule. These findings may suggest the existence of a quickly damping oscillator mechanism in the brain, presumably in the LH, which can be induced by daily feeding cues in the absence of the SCN.  相似文献   

The ability of rats with suprachiasmatic lesions to entrain anticipatory wheel running to two food access times per day was investigated. In the presence of meal schedules with periods of 23.75 hr and 24 hr, two of seven rats entrained activity to both for many consecutive days, while other rats repeatedly shifted activity from one schedule to the other. A second group of rats was maintained on 25-hr and 26-hr meal schedules. One of nine rats showed prolonged entrainment to both schedules (i.e., forced dissociation). In the other rats, anticipatory activity (AA) waxed and waned repeatedly on each schedule. In both experiments, AA to the leading schedule increased when the interval between meals was about 5 hr or less, and AA to the trailing schedule diminished or ceased. Changes in AA were also common when the interval between meals was between 11 and 16 hr. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that entrainment of AA to periodic food access is mediated by at least two mutually coupled circadian pacemakers. Interactions between these putative pacemakers appear to be strongest when the pacemakers are nearly in phase or in antiphase.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) regulates the circadian rhythms of body temperature (T(b)) and vigilance states in mammals. We studied rats in which circadian rhythmicity was abolished after SCN lesions (SCNx rats) to investigate the association between the ultradian rhythms of sleep-wake states and brain temperature (T(br)), which are exposed after lesions. Ultradian rhythms of T(br) (mean period: 3.6 h) and sleep were closely associated in SCNx rats. Within each ultradian cycle, nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep was initiated 5 +/- 1 min after T(br) peaks, after which temperature continued a slow decline (0.02 +/- 0.006 degrees C/min) until it reached a minimum. Sleep and slow wave activity (SWA), an index of sleep intensity, were associated with declining temperature. Cross-correlation analysis revealed that the rhythm of T(br) preceded that of SWA by 2-10 min. We also investigated the thermoregulatory and sleep-wake responses of SCNx rats and controls to mild ambient cooling (18 degrees C) and warming (30 degrees C) over 24-h periods. SCNx rats and controls responded similarly to changes in ambient temperature. Cooling decreased REM sleep and increased wake. Warming increased T(br), blunted the amplitude of ultradian T(br) rhythms, and increased the number of transitions into NREM sleep. SCNx rats and controls had similar percentages of NREM sleep, REM sleep, and wake, as well as the same average T(b) within each 24-h period. Our results suggest that, in rats, the SCN modulates the timing but not the amount of sleep or the homeostatic control of sleep-wake states or T(b) during deviations in ambient temperature.  相似文献   

L Thibault  N Komenami 《Peptides》1999,20(5):601-609
The effects of injecting or infusing neuropeptide Y (NPY) into the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rats on patterns of individual macronutrient and water intake were examined during the following 2 h and also across 12 and 24 h light/dark cycles. Increased total energy intake (218 and 170%) and energy intake from the dextrin/sucrose diet (499 and 247%) were observed in the 2 h following injection of 100 pmol NPY at early light and early dark, respectively, and in the following 24 h (total energy: 67%, dextrin/sucrose: 73%). Nocturnal casein energy intake was also increased (258%) following NPY injection. Continuous infusion of 10 pmol/h of NPY suppressed nocturnal total energy (36%) and dextrin/sucrose intake (36%) as well as 24 h energy intake from casein (43%). These results demonstrate divergent effects of NPY subsequent to different mode of administration.  相似文献   

Renin activity, angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and aldosterone concentration were measured in the plasma of 8 experimental groups of rats: I--sham operated non-treated rats, II--suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) lesioned non-treated: III--sham operated + furosemide (4 mg/kg i.p.), IV--SCN lesioned + furosemide, V--shams + 24-hour water deprivation: VI--SCN + 24-hour water deprivation, VII--intact rats + saline: and VIII--intact rats + p-chlorophenylalanine (pCPA, 300 mg/kg, i.p.). No significant changes in basal levels of the three parameters were found after SCN, lesions in comparison with sham operated controls. Furosemide caused a similar increase in all three parameters of both sham and SCN lesioned rats. Similar changes were observed in SCN rats 24 hours after water deprivation and in intact rats 48 hours after serotonin depletion by pCPA: suppressed renin activity together with increased aldosterone concentration. It is concluded that the central serotonergic system and SCN play a similar role in control of the renin-aldosterone system in rats under conditions of negative water-salt balance.  相似文献   


To test the hypothesis that an oscillator located outside the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) controls the circadian rhythm of body temperature, we conducted a study with 14 blinded rats, 10 of which receiving a SCN lesion. Body temperature was automatically and continuously recorded for about one month by intraperitoneal radio transmitters. Food intake, drinking and locomotor activity were also recorded. Periodograms revealed that 3 rats with histologically verified total bilateral SCN lesions did not exhibit any circadian rhythmicity. The 7 other rats appeared to have partial lesions. They showed shortening of period and severe amplitude reduction in all functions. Thus, no support was found for the hypothesis of a separate circadian ‘temperature oscillator’ located outside the SCN. Nevertheless, after large partial lesions body temperature showed more persistency than some of the other behavioral rhythms.

Ultradian rhythms in temperature persisted after partial and total lesions. Other functions showed parallel ultradian rhythms. In intact rats the ultradian peaks were restricted predominantly to the subjective night. After total lesions these peaks became more or less homogeneously distributed in time but more heterogeneously after partial lesions. So the SCN plays a role in the temporal structure of ultradian rhythms but does not generate them. Non‐24‐hour actograms showed instabilities of period and phase of ultradian rhythms. Intact and lesioned rats were similar with respect to the mean (about 3.5 hrs) and standard deviation (about 1.5 hrs) of ultradian periods in temperature. These features indicate that a mechanism outside the SCN is underlying ultradian rhythmicity, capable of generating short‐term oscillations. Two approaches, homeostatic sleep‐wake relaxation oscillations and multiple circadian oscillators, are discussed.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in honeybees: entrainment by feeding cycles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT. Colonies of the South African honeybee race Apis mellifera capensis (Escholtz) were maintained under constant conditions of illumination (200 lux), temperature (25±lC) and relative humidity (65±3%). Activity was measured at the hive entrance. After ad libitum feeding for at least 5 days, food was presented for only 2 h/day either for 1 week (series 1) or for 2 weeks (series 2). In the last part of each experiment, food was again available all the time. Colonies which showed free-running circadian activity rhythms (with periods ranging from 22.6 to 24.8 h) during ad libitum feeding were submitted to feeding cycles with inter-feeding intervals (T) of 22, 23, 24 and 25 h. In most of these experiments the rhythms were synchronized by the feeding schedule, resulting in a stable phase-angle difference between onset of activity and onset of food availability. The duration of this anticipatory activity was positively correlated with T. When ad libitum feeding was resumed, the period of the rhythm induced by the feeding schedule persisted for a few days. Thereafter, the rhythm was free-running again with a period close to that observed in the first part of the experiment. The conclusion is drawn that, under the influence of periodic feeding, the activity of honeybee colonies has the characteristics of an entrained circadian system.  相似文献   

Summary Cycles of 12 h presence and 12 h absence of motherMus booduga entrain the circadian rhythm in the locomotor activity of her pups such that the pups rest in her presence and are active in her absence. We wanted to determine whether this maternal entrainment arises because activity is inhibited by the mother's presence and enhanced by her absence (masking). We performed experiments with the period of the presence/absence cycles ranging from 20 to 28 h and find that only periods of 23–25 h allow entrainment while periods below 23 h and above 25 h do not allow entrainment. Our results speak against the involvement of masking and in favour of the involvement of a genuine circadian organization.Abbreviations PA presence and absence of mother - LD light and darkness - DD continuous darkness - T period of Zeitgeber - period of activity rhythm - phase angle difference  相似文献   

Summary We studied the potential zeitgeber qualities of periodic food availability on the circadian rhythms of locomotor and feeding activity of house sparrows. The birds were initially held in a LD-cycle of 12:12 h, with food restricted to the light phase. After transfer to constant dim light, the birds remained entrained by the restricted feeding schedule. Following an exposure to food ad libitum conditions, the rhythms could be re-synchronized by the feeding cycle. Shortening of the zeitgeber period to 23.5 h resulted in the loss of entrainment in most birds, whereas a longer zeitgeber period of 25 h re-entrained the rhythms of most birds. Although these results prove that periodic food availability can act as a zeitgeber for the circadian rhythms of house sparrows, several features of our data indicate that restricted feeding is only a weak zeitgeber. The pattern of feeding activity prior to the daily time of food access shown under some experimental conditions suggests that anticipation is due to a positive phase-angle difference of the birds' normal circadian system rather than being caused by a separate pacemaker.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity, the capacity of a given genotype to produce differing morphologies in response to the environment, is widespread among marine organisms (1). For example, acorn barnacles feed by extending specialized appendages (the cirral legs) into flow, and the length of the cirri is plastic: the higher the velocity, the shorter the feeding legs (2,3). However, this effect has been explored only for flows less than 4.6 m/s, slow compared to typical flows measured at sites on wave-exposed shores. What happens at faster speeds? Leg lengths of Balanus glandula Darwin, 1854, an acorn barnacle, were measured at 15 sites in Monterey, California, across flows ranging from 0.5 to 14.0 m/s. Similar to previous findings, a plastic response in leg length was noted for the four sites with water velocities less than 3 m/s. However, no plastic response was present at the 11 sites exposed to faster velocities, despite a 4-fold variation in speed. We conclude that the velocity at which the plastic response occurs has an upper limit of 2-4 m/s, a velocity commonly exceeded within the typical habitat of this species.  相似文献   

Oscillatory entrainment of striatal neurons in freely moving rats   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Oscillations and synchrony in basal ganglia circuits may play a key role in the organization of voluntary actions and habits. We recorded single units and local field potentials from multiple striatal and cortical locations simultaneously, over a range of behavioral states. We observed opposite gradients of oscillatory entrainment, with dorsal/lateral striatal neurons entrained to high-voltage spindle oscillations ("spike wave discharges") and ventral/medial striatal neurons entrained to the hippocampal theta rhythm. While the majority of units were likely medium-spiny projection neurons, a second neuronal population showed characteristic features of fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons, including tonic activity, brief waveforms, and high-frequency bursts. These fired at an earlier spindle phase than the main neuronal population, and their density within striatum corresponded closely to the intensity of spindle oscillations. The orchestration of oscillatory activity by networks of striatal interneurons may be an important mechanism in the pathophysiology of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

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