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Proteins of whole mitochondria from mouse liver and brain and proteins of liver mitochondrial fractions (plasma and rough membrane fraction) were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Protein patterns of two inbred strains of mouse, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J, and of F1 mice of these two strains were studied. The protein patterns obtained from the different mitochondrial materials were analyzed with regard to their protein composition and the genetic variability of proteins (qualitative and quantitative protein variants). Included in this analysis are data previously obtained from the cytosols and plasma membranes of the same organs and mouse strains. The results showed the following. (1) Mitochondria and organelle-free cell components (cytosol and plasma membranes) have only a few percent of their proteins in common, while two organs, liver and brain, reveal up to approximately 50% organ-nonspecific proteins. The frequency of proteins common to solubilized and structure-bound proteins ranges below 20%. (2) Genetic variability in protein amount occurs much more frequently than genetic variability in protein structure. Liver proteins reveal more genetic variants than brain proteins. Proteins solubilized in the cell show more genetic variation than structure-bound proteins. Furthermore, the results show that with regard to the composition and the genetic variability of proteins, liver and brain differ more in their mitochondria than in their cytosol and plasma membranes.This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft awarded to Sonderforschungsbereich 29.  相似文献   

1. Antiserum was prepared in rabbits against a purified mouse liver plasma-membrane fraction. 2. The antiserum was made to react with an 125I-labelled alkaline-EDTA extract of the plasma membranes, and the immunoprecipitate analysed by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. Seven proteins were immunoprecipitated and a single glycoprotein present in the alkaline-EDTA-soluble fraction was found to be a major component. 3. The alkaline-EDTA-soluble fraction was analysed by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis and this procedure indicated the presence of six antigenic components. 4. The plasma membranes were also extracted with 1% deoxycholate–1% Triton X-100; 50% of the protein, 80% of the alkaline phosphodiesterase activity and 30% of the 5′-nucleotidase activity were solubilized. 5. Two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis of the deoxycholate–Triton X-100 extract indicated the presence of six antigens. 6. The relative distribution of the six antigens among the fractions obtained during the extraction procedure was examined immunoelectrophoretically to provide information on their disposition within the membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The soluble proteins of four organs (liver, kidney, brain and muscle) of mice from four inbred strains (C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, AKR/J and BALB/cHan) and offspring from cross-breedings therefrom are investigated for genetic variants. The female mice from each strain are divided into different groups according to age (12–14 and 24–26 weeks) and generation (P and F1). The proteins are separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) using two different techniques (2D GE and 2D SDS-GE), developed in our laboratory.  相似文献   

The solubilized proteins of liver and brain from mice of two inbred strains (C57BL/6J and DBA/2J) and their hybrids were subfractionated by heparin Sepharose (H-S) CL-6B affinity chromatography. The H-S binding and nonbinding proteins were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The protein patterns obtained were analyzed with regard to their protein composition and their genetic variability (qualitative and quantitative variants). Eighty to ninety percent of the H-S binding proteins were unique to this class of proteins. This class was rich in organ-specific proteins. Compared to the nonbinding proteins the portion of basic proteins was only slightly increased, suggesting that most of the H-S binding proteins interact specifically with heparin. The frequency of qualitative protein variants revealed that H-S binding proteins are more conservative than H-S nonbinding proteins. The quantitative genetic variability was higher in liver than in brain. Quantitative protein variants occurred more frequently than qualitative variants.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy is a comparatively novel modality of tumours treatment that includes simultaneous action of photosensitizers, light and oxygen. Photosensitizer redistribution between plasma proteins and biomembranes define photosensitizers interaction with cells, their intracellular localization and kinetics of sensitizers accumulation in the tumour. Present study investigates the kinetics of Foscan release from plasma proteins to model membranes using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) from label, covalently bound to protein, to sensitizer. We have demonstrated very slow kinetics of Foscan release from protein complexes with rate constants of (1.7 +/- 0.1) x 10(-3) s(-1) for albumin and (1.6 +/- 0.3) x 10(-4) s(-1) for high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Foscan redistributes by both collision and diffusion-mediated transfer from complexes with HDL, with bimolecular rate constant k(out) = (8.8 +/- 1.4) x 10(-2) M(-1) s(-1). Thermodynamic considerations proposed that sensitizer release from HDL into the aqueous medium is unfavourable and collision mechanism appeared to be a preferred mode of transfer in biological environment. Slow rates of Foscan redistribution from plasma proteins should be considered while planning dosimetry protocol of Foscan-PDT.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-binding proteins in chromaffin granule membrane and chromaffin cell plasma membranes have been investigated and compared. Chromaffin granules were purified by centrifugation over a 1.7 M sucrose layer. Plasma membranes were obtained in a highly purified form by differential and isopycnic centrifugation. Enzymatic determinations of 5'-nucleotidase, a generally accepted plasma membrane marker, showed a 40-50-fold enrichment as compared to the cell homogenate. Marker enzyme studies demonstrated only minimal contamination by other subcellular organelles. After solubilization with Triton X-100, calmodulin-binding proteins were isolated from chromaffin granule membranes and plasma membranes by affinity chromatography on a calmodulin/Sepharose 4B column. On two-dimensional polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis a prominent protein (Mr = 65,000, pI ranging from 5.1 to 6) consisting of multiple spots, was present in the calmodulin-binding fraction from chromaffin granule membranes as well as from plasma membranes. Besides this 65 kDa protein both fractions had at least four groups of proteins in common. Also, proteins typical for either preparation were observed. In the calmodulin-binding protein preparations from chromaffin granule membranes a prominent spot with Mr = 80,000 and a pH ranging from 5.0 to 5.7 was present. This protein was enzymatically and immunologically identified as dopamine-beta-monooxygenase.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of ganglioside expression in mouse organs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In previous studies it was demonstrated that there are three variations as to the expression of liver gangliosides in inbred strains of mice; the first group expresses GM3(NeuGc) as a major component, the second group, GM2(NeuGc), and the third group, GM2(NeuGc), GM1 (NeuGc), and GD1a(NeuGc). In the present study, we attempted to determine which organs, if any, exhibit the same polymorphic variations as those observed in the liver. Thus, the gangliosides in spleen, thymus, heart, lung, kidney, testis, and erythrocytes, as well as those in liver, were examined using a TLC-mapping technique or by one-dimensional TLC. WHT/Ht, BALB/c, and ICR mice, which are typical strains as to the polymorphic expression of liver gangliosides, were used for the analysis. The presence of GM1 was confirmed by not only chemical detection on TLC plates but also with a TLC-immunostaining procedure using choleragenoid. These comparative studies indicated that only erythrocytes exhibited the same polymorphic variations of ganglioside expression as those in the liver, but the other six organs showed specific patterns which were not polymorphic. In addition to this, there were the following two interesting findings. Firstly, WHT/Ht mice, in which GM2(NeuGc) and GM1(NeuGc) are not expressed in the liver and erythrocytes, did not express a detectable amount of GM2(NeuGc) but expressed GM1(NeuGc) in all the other organs. Secondly, marked polymorphic variation was found in the expression of GM4(NeuAc) in the erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatozoa lose plasma membrane cholesterol during maturation in the epididymis and during capacitation in the female reproductive tract. While cholesterol acceptors such as high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and apolipoproteins A-I (apoA-I) and J (Apo J) have been found in male and female reproductive tracts, transporters that mediate cholesterol efflux from plasma membranes of spermatozoa to acceptors are not well defined. Candidates include members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily including ABCA1, ABCA7, ABCA17, and ABCG1. In this study, we utilize immunocytochemistry on sections of adult mouse testis and epididymis and RT-PCR on isolated germ cells. The data reveal that ABCA17 is expressed by steps 12-16 elongated spermatids in the mouse in testis and by spermatozoa in the lumen of the epididymis where ABCA17 localizes to the sperm head and tail midpiece. It also localizes on these areas of mouse sperm isolated from the epididymis. Moreover, ABCA17 antibody interferes with cholesterol efflux from spermatozoa to lipid acceptors apoA-I. Taken together, these results suggest that ABCA17 plays an important role in the process of sterol efflux which renders spermatozoa capable of fertilizing an oocyte.  相似文献   

Calmodulin binding proteins in bovine thyroid plasma membranes were investigated using the 125I-labeled calmodulin gel overlay technique. The purified thyroid plasma membranes contained two calmodulin binding proteins with molecular weights of approx. 220 000 and 150 000 respectively. The binding of 125I-labeled calmodulin to the calmodulin binding proteins was inhibited by excess unlabeled calmodulin, 100 μM trifluoperazine or 1 mM EGTA, indicating that the binding was calmodulin-specific and calcium-dependent. The calmodulin binding proteins appear to be components of the cytoskeleton since they remained in the pellet after treatment of the thyroid plasma membranes with 1% Triton X-100. Similar calmodulin binding proteins were present in rat liver plasma membranes, but not in human red blood cell plasma membranes. These two calmodulin binding proteins may interact with other components of the cytoskeleton and regulate endocytosis, exocytosis and hormone secretion in thyroid cells.  相似文献   

Extraction of mouse liver plasma membranes with 4% (w/v) N-laurylsarcosinate-tris buffer, pH7.8, solubilized 80-90% of the protein and 60% of the 5'-nucleotidase activity. The membrane residue remaining after extraction was resolved on sucrose gradients into two fractions: a vesicular membrane fraction and a fraction characterized by the presence of large numbers of nexuses in an amorphous background. The vesicular fraction had a phospholipid/protein weight ratio of 7:1, it contained most of the plasma-membrane glycolipids, and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis indicated the presence of only five to eight proteins, including two or three glycoproteins. The 5'-nucleotidase and leucine naphthylamidase specific activities were 23- and 6-fold higher respectively than in the plasma membranes. Electron microscopy of thin sections and negatively stained preparations indicated that the nexuses present in the second fraction closely resembled gap junctions present in tissue sections and isolated plasma membranes. The nexus fraction contained a distinctive protein pattern, and of the 20 proteins present about four were identified as glycoproteins by Schiff-periodate staining. Examination of the lipid composition of the fractions by t.l.c. showed that in the nexus fraction, phospholipids and glycolipids were present in small amounts compared with triglycerides and cholesterol. Amino sugar analyses confirmed the t.l.c. results and amino acid analysis showed the fractions to have characteristic protein compositions. A ;reconstituted' membranous fraction prepared by dialysis against MgCl(2) of membrane components soluble in N-laurylsarcosinate-tris buffers, pH7.8, lacked the trilaminar image characteristic of the two other membrane fractions isolated and was devoid of enzyme activities. The results indicate that proteins and glycoproteins play an important role in the structural maintenance of the nexuses isolated from the liver by the present procedure.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma membranes were isolated under hypotonic conditions from rat and mouse livers and five hepatomas, i.e. one rather anaplastic rat hepatoma (and its subline) and three well-differentiated mouse hepatomas. All these membranes contained some 25% protein soluble in 0.15m NaCl. Evidence is presented that this protein is mainly, if not exclusively of nonmembranous origin. Protein/phospholipid P (P=phosphorus) ratios did not differ significantly for the various plasma membrane species except the rat-hepatoma subline, which showed a markedly lower ratio and was thus identified. Hepatoma membranes contained more P of a nonphospholipid nature than did liver membranes and to this increase contributed in all instances an increased RNA content and in some cases also an increased DNA content. The presence of DNA in these plasma membranes is artefactual, but that of RNA is more complicated. Artefactually, Ca2+-associated RNA of low mol wt and soluble in 0.15m NaCl, and residual RNA (genuine?, in liver membranes less than 1% in respect of protein) have been demonstrated. The increase in hepatoma-membrane RNA is attributed to the ribosomal RNA of the few microsomal vesicles which are structurally connected with these plasma membranes. The sialic acid content and the percentage of neuraminidase-resistant sialic acid of hepatoma as compared with liver membranes was either similar or changed, depending on the hepatoma strain. Gelfiltration of trypsin-released peptides of liver plasma membranes showed hexosamine and hexose to be confined to the sialic acidcontaining fractions. In spite of quantitative differences among fractions, the relative contents of the three carbohydrates in the combined fractions were (about) similar to those in intact liver membranes. Similar experiments with the rat-hepatoma membranes showed a changed carbohydrate expression.  相似文献   

Summary Albumins, globulins, gliadins and glutenins presumably comprising 100 percent of the wheat seed proteins were sequentially extracted and electrophoresed on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The SDS-electrophoretic patterns within each of the four fractions from T. boeotiaum, T. urartu, T. turgidum, T. timopheevii, T. aestivum, Ae. speltoides and Ae. squawosa were similar. They differed from one species to another only in a few minor components or density of certain components. Similarity in MW's of components, as indicated by the SDS-electrophoretic patterns, suggests that the wheats and Aegilops exhibit no variability for structural genes coding seed proteins. A minimum of 60 to 70 and a maximum of 360 to 420 structural genes with major or minor effects control the total seed protein in T. aestivum. Presumably, only one or the other homoeoallele was expressed in the polyploids. Different components of albumins and globulins presumably had distinct MW's and amino acid composition, while the components of gliadins and glutenins could be classified into a few groups each containing one or more components with the same MW and nearly identical amino acid composition. The genes for components with similar MW's and amino acid composition arose through multiplication of a single original gene and perhaps share the same regulatory mechanism. Seed protein content and quality in wheat might be improved through the incorporation of structural genes, coding for polypeptides with distinct MW's, from distantly related species, rather than by manipulation of the structural genes within the Triticum-Aegilops group. Regulatory mutants similar to opaque-2 of corn could be used to alter the proportion of gliadins in relation to albumins and globulins, to improve amino acid composition of wheat proteins.  相似文献   

A 23 kDa GTP-binding protein was purified from pig heart sarcolemma. This protein was not ADP-ribosylated by cholera, pertussis and botulinum C3 toxins. In pig heart sarcolemma pertussis toxin ADP-ribosylated 40 kDa subunit of Gi-protein, cholera toxin--45 kDa subunit of Gs-protein, botulinum C3 toxin ADP-ribosylated a group of proteins with Mr 22, 26 and 29 kDa. Antiserum generated against the peptide common for all alpha-subunits of G-proteins did not react with purified 23 kDa protein. Trypsin cleaved the 23 kDa protein in the presence of guanyl nucleotides into a 22 kDa fragment. Proteolysis of the 39 kDa alpha 0-subunit from bovine brain plasma membranes and ADP-ribosylated 40 kDa alpha i-subunit from pig heart sarcolemma in the presence of GTP gamma S yielded the 37 and 38 kDa fragments, respectively. In the presence of GTP and GDP the proteolysis of alpha 0 yielded the 24 and 15 kDa fragments, while the proteolysis of ADP-ribosylated alpha i-subunit yielded a labelled 16 kDa peptide. Irrespective of nucleotides trypsin cleaved the ADP-ribosylated 26 kDa substrate of botulinum C3 toxin into two labelled peptides with Mr 24 and 17 kDa. The data obtained indicate the existence in pig heart sarcolemma of a new 23 kDa GTP-binding protein with partial homology to the alpha-subunits of "classical" G-proteins.  相似文献   

Summary When a fluorescent stilbene was added to epithelial plasma membrane suspension the emission spectrum showed a broad peak containing overlapping emissions resulting from different adducts. By focusing on a specific emission wavelength a common site having a dissociation constant of 5m was calculated in the rat kidney, small intestine, pancreatic islets and shark rectal gland. This binding could be displaced by loop diuretics, (e.g., furosemide with an IC50 of 40 m), DIDS (k i 1 m) and thiocyanate. These results pose certain questions such as: (i) whether the evidence for multiple peaks are due to specific interactions representing multiple binding affinities and (ii) whether the binding of stilbene and the observed displacement can be identified on a specific protein. Separating the proteins present in the purified basolateral and brush-border membranes by SDS-PAGE, transfer of these proteins onto introcellulose paper and labeling of the nitrocellulose strips by radioactive BADS (4-benzamido-4 aminostilbene-2-2 disulphonic acid) and bumetanide could identify labeled proteins. These experiments showed that whereas some proteins bound either BADS or bumetanide, one protein with a molecular weight of 100 or 130,000 D appeared to bind both. This protein was found on the basolateral membrane in the rat kidney cortex and medulla and the shark rectal gland and in the basolateral and brush-border membranes of the small intestine. Displacement of the protein-bound stilbene by loop diuretics could not be quantitated on the nitrocellulose transfer strips for this protein. Antibodies raised against the cytoplasmic fragment of band 3 reacted with the stilbene-labeled 100–130,000 D proteins indicating sufficient immuno-cross-reactivity between the separate species. These experiments involving binding of BADS and bumetanide and cross-reactivity with the human band 3 antibody suggest that these kilodalton proteins could structurally resemble human band 3.  相似文献   

Mitochondria fulfill many tissue‐specific functions in cell metabolism. We set out to identify differences in the protein composition of mitochondria from five tissues frequently affected by mitochondrial disorders. The proteome of highly purified mitochondria from five mouse organs was separated by high‐resolution 2DE. Tissue‐specific spots were identified through nano‐LC/ESI‐MS/MS and quantified by densitometry in ten biological replicates. We identified 87 consistently deviating spots representing 48 proteins. The percentage of variant spots ranged between 4.2% and 6.0%; 21 proteins having tissue‐specific isospots. Consistent tissue‐specific processing/regulation was seen for carbamoyl‐phosphate‐synthase, aldehyde‐dehydrogenase 2, ATP‐synthase α‐chain, and isocitrate‐dehydrogenase α‐subunit. Thirty tissue‐specific proteins were associated with mitochondrial disorders in humans. We further identified alcohol‐dehydrogenase, catalase, quinone‐oxidoreductase, cyclophilin‐A, and Upf0317, a potential biotin‐carboxyl‐carrier protein, which had not been annotated as “mitochondrial” in Gene Ontology or MitoCarta databases. Their targeting to the mitochondria was verified by transfection of full‐length GFP‐tagged plasmids. Given the high evolutionary conservation of mitochondrial metabolic pathways, these data further annotate the mitochondrial proteome and advance our understanding of the pathophysiology and tissue‐specificity of symptoms seen in patients with mitochondrial disorders. The generation of 2D electrophoretic maps of the mitochondrial proteome using tissue specimens in the milligram range facilitates this technique for clinical applications and biomarker research.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic variation in the C1R subcomponent of the first complement component C1 was investigated in U.S. whites by isoelectric focusing and immunoblotting. In addition to the previously described two alleles, the products of a new and rare third allele designated C1R *3 were detected. The expression of the new allele is consistent with autosomal codominant inheritance, which is confirmed by family data. The frequencies of the C1R *1, C1R *2 and C1R *3 alleles in 201 randomly selected U.S. whites are: 0.908, 0.090, and 0.002, respectively.  相似文献   

Secretory vesicles are neutrophil intracellular storage granules formed by endocytosis. Understanding the functional consequences of secretory vesicle exocytosis requires knowledge of their membrane proteins. The current study was designed to use proteomic technologies to develop a more complete catalog of secretory vesicle membrane proteins and to compare the proteomes of secretory vesicle and plasma membranes. A total of 1118 proteins were identified, 573 (51%) were present only in plasma membrane-enriched fractions, 418 (37%) only in secretory vesicle-enriched membrane fractions, and 127 (11%) in both fractions. Gene Ontology categorized 373 of these proteins as integral membrane proteins. Proteins typically associated with other intracellular organelles, including nuclei, mitochondria, and ribosomes, were identified in both membrane fractions. Ingenuity Pathway Knowledge Base analysis determined that the majority of canonical and functional pathways were significantly associated with proteins from both plasma membrane-enriched and secretory vesicle-enriched fractions. There were, however, some canonical signaling pathways that involved proteins only from plasma membranes or secretory vesicles. In conclusion, a number of proteins were identified that may elucidate mechanisms and functional consequences of secretory vesicle exocytosis. The small number of common proteins suggests that the hypothesis that secretory vesicles are formed from plasma membranes by endocytosis requires more critical evaluation.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation and gene geographic variation of house mouse from the territory of Russia and neighboring countries was examined based on the allozyme analysis of samples from natural, semisynanthropic, and obligate synanthropic populations. The results of analysis of genetic differentiation, performed using 22 interpreted loci, as well as the data on gene geographic variation of four allozyme markers (Idh-1, Sod-1, Aat-1, and hemoglobin) validated the hypothesis on rapid mice expansion from the south of Eastern Europe to the Pacific coast of Asia. It was demonstrated that moving eastwards led to the formation currently expanding zones of hybridization between the “northern” M. musculus group and the “Central Asian” M. wagneri group in Siberia, and with the M. m. castaneus group in the south of the Russian Far East. The allozyme data were compared with the data of molecular genetic and karyological analyses performed using the same experimental material. The phenomenon of hybrid zones of the house mouse from Eurasia is discussed.  相似文献   

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