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New molecular forms of human liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), collectively designated ADHIndianapolis (ADHInd), were recently discovered in 29% of liver specimens from Black Americans [Bosron, W. F., Li, T.-K., and Vallee, B. L. (1981). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77:5784]. Three different ADHInd phenotypes have now been identified by starch gel electrophoresis, and four ADHInd enzyme forms isolated by affinity and ion-exchange chromatography. The most cathodic ADHInd form has a single pH optimum at 7.0 for ethanol oxidation and is a homodimer of a newly discovered subunit, as evidenced by dissociation-recombination studies. The remaining three purified ADHInd forms have dual pH optima for ethanol oxidation at 7.0 and 10.0 and generate two new bands on starch gel electrophoresis after dissociation-recombination. They appear to be heterodimers of this new subunit with the known subunits, , 1, and 1. Based on the occurrence of these four ADHInd isozymes and isozymes containing 1 subunits in the homogenate supernatants of 135 livers, we conclude that ADHInd results from polymorphism at the ADH 2locus, with the variant ADH 2 Ind allele coding for the Ind subunit. The frequency of ADH 2 Ind was 0.16 in Black Americans, and this allele was not observed in any of the 63 livers from White Americans. The frequency of the ADH 3 1 and ADH 3 2 alleles also differed in these two populations.This study was supported by U.S. Public Health Service, Grant AA 02342.  相似文献   

Summary Human alcohol dehydrogenase ADH2 and ADH3 were investigated in liver and stomach specimens of Chinese and Indians from West Malaysia. Eight-nine percent of the Chinese carry the atypical ADH2 type, a proportion very similar to that reported in Japanese. However, among 43 Indian specimens there was not a single case of atypical ADH2. In Indians, the gene frequency of ADH3 1 is 0.64 and of ADH3 2 0.36, similar to the frequencies in Caucasians, whereas in Chinese, the gene frequency for ADH3 1 and ADH3 2 is 0.91 and 0.09, respectively. We also report some unusual enzymatic characteristics in the course of our study.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) of classes V and VI, ADH5 and ADH6, have been defined in man and rodents, respectively. Sequence data have been obtained at cDNA and genomic levels, but limited data are available for functionality and substrate repertoire. The low positional identity (65%) between the two ADHs, place them into separate classes. We have shown that the ADH5 gene yields two differently processed mRNAs and harbors a gene organization identical to other mammalian ADHs. This is probably due to an alternative splicing in the eighth intron that results in a shorter message missing the ninth exon or a normal message with the expected number of codons. The isolated rat ADH6 cDNA was found to be fused to ADH2 at the 5′-end. The resulting main open reading frame translates into an N-terminally extended polypeptide. In vitro translation results in a polypeptide of about 42 kDa and further, protein was possible to express in COS cells as a fusion product with Green Fluorescent Protein. Both ADH5 and ADH6 show genes and gene products that are processed comparably to other mammalian ADHs and the deduced amino acid sequences indicate a lack of ethanol dehydrogenase activity that probably explains why no corresponding proteins have been isolated. The functionality of these ADHs is therefore still an enigma.  相似文献   

Frequencies of alleles and genotypes for alcohol dehydrogenase gene ADH1B (arg47his polymorphism), associated with alcohol tolerance/sensitivity, were determined. It was demonstrated that the frequency of allele ADH1B*47his, corresponding to atypical alcohol dehydrogenase variant in Russians, Ukrainians, Iranians, and mountain-dwellers of the Pamirs constituted 3, 7, 24, and 22%, respectively. The frequencies established were consistent with the allele frequency distribution pattern among the populations of Eurasia. Russians and Ukrainians were indistinguishable from other European populations relative to the frequency of allele ADH1B*47his, and consequently, relative to specific features of ethanol metabolic pathways. The data obtained provide refinement of the geographic pattern of ADH1B*47his frequency distribution in Eurasia.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) of classes V and VI, ADH5 and ADH6, have been defined in man and rodents, respectively. Sequence data have been obtained at cDNA and genomic levels, but limited data are available for functionality and substrate repertoire. The low positional identity (65%) between the two ADHs, place them into separate classes. We have shown that the ADH5 gene yields two differently processed mRNAs and harbors a gene organization identical to other mammalian ADHs. This is probably due to an alternative splicing in the eighth intron that results in a shorter message missing the ninth exon or a normal message with the expected number of codons. The isolated rat ADH6 cDNA was found to be fused to ADH2 at the 5'-end. The resulting main open reading frame translates into an N-terminally extended polypeptide. In vitro translation results in a polypeptide of about 42 kDa and further, protein was possible to express in COS cells as a fusion product with Green Fluorescent Protein. Both ADH5 and ADH6 show genes and gene products that are processed comparably to other mammalian ADHs and the deduced amino acid sequences indicate a lack of ethanol dehydrogenase activity that probably explains why no corresponding proteins have been isolated. The functionality of these ADHs is therefore still an enigma.  相似文献   

The effects of homo- and heterologous alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) administration into albino rats were investigated. It was found that homologous ADH increases and heterologous ADH decreases the craving for ethanol. The latter effect was accompanied by the appearance of anti-ADH-3 antibodies and by a decrease in ADH-3 activity in the liver. Craving for alcohol decreased after both active and passive immunization against ADH.  相似文献   

The effect of various organic solvents on the catalytic activity, stability and substrate specificity of alchohol dehydrogenase from Haloferax volcanii (HvADH2) was evaluated. The HvADH2 showed remarkable stability and catalysed the reaction in aqueous?Corganic medium containing dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methanol (MeOH). Tetrahydrofuran and acetonitrile were also investigated and adversely affected the stability of the enzyme. High concentration of salt, essential to maintain the enzymatic activity and structural integrity of the halophilic enzyme under standard conditions may be partially replaced by DMSO and MeOH. The presence of organic solvents did not induce gross changes in substrate specificity. DMSO offered a protective effect for the stability of the enzyme at nonoptimal pHs such as 6 and 10. Salt and solvent effects on the HvADH2 conformation and folding were examined through fluorescence spectroscopy. The fluorescence findings were consistent with the activity and stability results and corroborated the denaturing properties of some solvents. The intrinsic tolerance of this enzyme to organic solvent makes it highly attractive to industry.  相似文献   

Liver homogenate-supernatants from most Japanese exhibit an atypical pH optimum for ethanol oxidation at pH 8.8 instead of 10.5, the typical pH-activity optimum. It has been proposed that atypical livers contain alcohol dehydrogenase isozymes with 2 subunits while typical livers contain isozymes with 1 subunits, both produced by the ADH 2 gene. Because it is difficult to differentiate the atypical ADH2 2-2 phenotype from the ADH2 2-1 phenotype by starch gel electrophoresis, an agarose isoelectric focusing procedure was developed that clearly separated the atypical Japanese livers into two groups, A1 and A2. The isozymes in A1 and A2 livers were purified. Type A1 livers contained a single isozyme with an atypical pH-rate profile; it was designated 22. Three isozymes were isolated from A2 livers, two of which corresponded to 11 and 22. A third, absent from the typical and the atypical A1 livers, had an intermediate mobility; it was designated 21. Type A1 livers are, therefore, the homozygous ADH2 2-2 phenotype, and type A2 livers, the heterozygous ADH2 2-1 phenotype. The ADH2 2-2 phenotype was found in 53% of 194 Japanese livers, and the ADH2 2-1 phenotype, in 31%. Accordingly, the frequency of ADH 2 2 was 0.68.This study was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant AA 02342.  相似文献   

Mammalian alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) catalyzes the oxidation of retinol to retinaldehyde, the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of retinoic acid. There exists a family of ADH isozymes encoded by unique genes, and it is unclear which isozymes are most important for regulation of retinoic acid synthesis during differentiation or development. A region in the human ADH3 promoter from -328 to -272 base pairs was shown previously to function as a retinoic acid response element (RARE), prompting an hypothesis for a positive feedback mechanism controlling retinoic acid synthesis (Duester, G., Shean, M. L., McBride, M. S., and Stewart, M. J. (1991) Mol. Cell. Biol. 11, 1638-1646). The ADH3 RARE contains three direct AGGTCA repeats which constitute the critical nucleotides of RAREs present in other genes. We dissected the ADH3 RARE and determined that receptor binding as well as transactivation are dependent upon only the two downstream AGGTCA motifs separated by 5 base pairs, a structure noticed previously for a RARE in the promoter for the retinoic acid receptor beta (RAR beta) gene. ADH3 and RAR beta RAREs functioned similarly in transfection assays, suggesting that the feedback mechanisms controlling ADH3 and RAR beta utilize a common RARE. We also found that the normal functioning of the ADH3 RARE was abrogated by thyroid hormone receptor in the presence of thyroid hormone. A negative thyroid hormone response element in the human ADH3 promoter was found to colocalize with the RARE. Since ADH production in rat liver is known to be repressed by thyroid hormone, these findings suggest that human ADH production may also be subject to thyroid hormone repression and that the mechanism involves an interference with retinoic acid induction.  相似文献   

The alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH1) of Candida utilis ATCC9950 was cloned and expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli. C. utilis ADH1 was obtained by PCR amplification of C. utilis genomic DNA using two degenerate primers. Amino acid sequence analysis of C. utilis ADH1 indicated that it contained a zinc-binding consensus region and a NAD(P)+-binding site, and lacked a mitochondrial targeting peptide. It has a 98 and 73% identity with ADH1s of C. albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively. Amino acid sequence analysis and enzyme characterization with various aliphatic and branched alcohols suggested that C. utilis ADH1 might be a primary alcohol dehydrogenase existing in the cytoplasm and requiring zinc ion and NAD(P)+ for reaction.  相似文献   

Five non-allelic genes which encode five types of alcohol dehydrogenase subunits have been identified in humans. An additional gene (ADH6) and cDNA, whose coding sequences were not highly analogous to any of the known alcohol dehydrogenase subunits, were recently cloned (Yasunami et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 7610-7614, 1991). The full-length ADH6 cDNA was expressed in the E.coli expression system and in the in vitro translation system of rabbit reticulocytes. The protein produced had its isoelectric point at pH 8.6, optimum pH at pH 10, and a lower Km for benzylalcohol than for ethanol and propanol. These characteristics are compatible to the properties of mu- or sigma-alcohol dehydrogenase isozyme existing in human stomach, indicating that ADH6 gene encodes the mu- or sigma-alcohol dehydrogenase subunit.  相似文献   

The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the second subunit of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in Gluconobacter suboxydans, Acetobacter aceti and Acetobacter polyoxogenes are quite similar and they have a high degree of bias in codon usage. In the GC content of the second ADH subunit gene, G. suboxydans and A. polyoxogenes have high values (63%), especially ca. 80% in the third codon position, but A. aceti does not. According to the codon usage of the second ADH subunit gene, A. polyoxogenes seems more similar to G. suboxydans than A. aceti. On the other hand, the phylogenetic positions of the second ADH subunits deduced from their amino acid sequences agree with their species' positions in the classification of acetic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

The gene frequencies of ADH 2 2 and ALDH 2 2 were lower in Tibetan and Mongolian populations than in Vietnamese, Han Chinese, and three Chinese minority populations.  相似文献   

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