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Citrus psorosis is a serious viral disease affecting citrus trees in many countries. Its causal agent is Citrus psorosis virus (CPsV), the type member of genus Ophiovirus. CPsV infects most important citrus varieties, including oranges, mandarins and grapefruits, as well as hybrids and citrus relatives used as rootstocks. Certification programs have not been sufficient to control the disease and no sources of natural resistance have been found. Pathogen-derived resistance (PDR) can provide an efficient alternative to control viral diseases in their hosts. For this purpose, we have produced 21 independent lines of sweet orange expressing the coat protein gene of CPsV and five of them were challenged with the homologous CPV 4 isolate. Two different viral loads were evaluated to challenge the transgenic plants, but so far, no resistance or tolerance has been found in any line after 1 year of observations. In contrast, after inoculation all lines showed characteristic symptoms of psorosis in the greenhouse. The transgenic lines expressed low and variable amounts of the cp gene and no correlation was found between copy number and transgene expression. One line contained three copies of the cp gene, expressed low amounts of the mRNA and no coat protein. The ORF was cytosine methylated suggesting a PTGS mechanism, although the transformant failed to protect against the viral load used. Possible causes for the failed protection against the CPsV are discussed.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum) plants were stably transformed with the coat protein (CP) gene of wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) by the biolistic method. Eleven independently transformed plant lines were obtained and five were analyzed for gene expression and resistance to WSMV. One line showed high resistance to inoculations of two WSMV strains. This line had milder symptoms and lower virus titer than control plants after inoculation. After infection, new growth did not show symptoms. The observed resistance was similar to the recovery type resistance described previously using WSMV NIb transgene and in other systems. This line looked morphologically normal but had an unusually high transgene copy number (approximately 90 copies per 2C homozygous genome). Northern hybridization analysis indicated a high level of degraded CP mRNA expression. However, no coat protein expression was detected.  相似文献   

In this study we applied RNA silencing to engineer potato plants that are resistant to potato virus Y (PVY). We expressed double-stranded (ds) RNA derived from the 3 terminal part of the coat protein gene of PVY, which is highly conserved in sequence amongst different PVY isolates, in transgenic potatoes of the commercial variety Spunta. Transgenic plants were analyzed for generation of transgene-derived short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) prior to virus inoculation. Twelve of fifteen transgenic lines produced siRNAs and were highly resistant to three strains of PVY, each belonging to three different subtypes of the virus (PVYN, PVYO and PVYNTN). Infection of transgenic plants with Potato virus X (PVX) simultaneously or prior to the challenge with PVY did not interfere with PVY-resistance.Anastasia Missiou: M.A. and K.K. have contributed equally to this workKriton Kalantidis: M.A. and K.K. have contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

The p25 coat protein (CP) gene of Citrustristezavirus (CTV) was incorporated to Mexican lime plants and forty-twotransgeniclines were produced, 25 containing the p25 CP gene of thesevere CTV strain T-305 and 17 with that of the mild strain T-317. When plantspropagated from each transgenic line were graft-inoculated with CTV T-305 oraphidinoculated with T-300, two types of response to viral challenge wereobserved: some lines developed CTV symptoms similar to those of non-transgeniccontrols, whereas others exhibited protection against the virus. Thisprotectionconsisted of a proportion of plants, ranging from 10 to 33%, that wereresistantto CTV, and the rest of them that showed a significant delay in virusaccumulation and symptom onset. Protection was efficient against non-homologousCTV strains and was generally accompanied by high accumulation of p25 CP in theprotected lines, which suggest a CP-mediated protection mechanism in mostcases.This is the first report demonstrating pathogen-derived resistance intransgenicplants against a Closterovirus member in its natural host.  相似文献   

A new method for obtaining transgenic sweet orange plants was developed in which positive selection (Positech) based on the Escherichia coli phosphomannose-isomerase (PMI) gene as the selectable marker gene and mannose as the selective agent was used. Epicotyl segments from in vitro-germinated plants of Valencia, Hamlin, Natal and Pera sweet oranges were inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA101-pNOV2116 and subsequently selected on medium supplemented with different concentrations of mannose or with a combination of mannose and sucrose as a carbon source. Genetic transformation was confirmed by PCR and Southern blot. The transgene expression was evaluated using a chlorophenol red assay and isoenzymes. The transformation efficiency rate ranged from 3% to 23.8%, depending on cultivar. This system provides an efficient manner for selecting transgenic sweet orange plants without using antibiotics or herbicides.Abbreviations BAP Benzylaminopurine - CPR Chlorophenol red - EGTA Ethylene glycol-0-0- bis (2, aminoethyl) N, N, N, N tetraacetic acid - MTT [3-(4,5-Dimethyl thiazol-2-YL)-2,5-diphenyl] tetrazolium bromide - PMI Phosphomannose isomerase (EC - PMS Phenazine methosulphate Communicated by L. Peña  相似文献   

RNA silencing is one of the main defence mechanisms employed by plants to fight pathogens. p19 protein encoded by the tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSVp19) is known as a suppressor of RNA silencing via siRNA sequestration to prevent the assembly of RISC. To better understand the impact of TBSVp19 on silencing and its roles in Phytophthora pathogens, we used the transient expression assay in Nicotiana benthamiana and found that the leaves expressing TBSVp19 were more susceptible to Phytophthora parasitica. Furthermore, we demonstrated that TBSVp19‐mediated plant susceptibility in N. benthamiana is dependent on RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6). We also tested the role of RNA silencing in resistance of soybean hairy roots to Phytophthora. The lesion size induced by P. sojae on TBSVp19‐expressing soybean hairy roots was slightly, but significantly larger than GFP‐expressing soybean hairy roots. Finally, the Arabidopsis gene silencing mutants ago1‐27, zip‐1, sgs3‐11 and rdr6‐11 were also examined for their resistance to P. parasitica. The results clearly showed that resistance levels of the mutants were visibly reduced compared with the wild type. Taken together, these results suggest that the gene silencing system in plants is essential for resistance to Phytophthora pathogens.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the graft transmission of target specificity for RNA silencing using transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing the coat protein gene (CP, including the 3′ non-translated region) of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus. Transgenic plants carrying the 5′ 200 and 400 bp regions of CP were newly produced. From these plants, two silenced and two non-silenced lines were selected to investigate the manifestation of transitive RNA silencing by graft experiments. Non-silenced scions carrying the entire transgene were grafted onto either 5′ or 3′ silencing inducer rootstocks. When non-silenced scions were grafted onto 5′ silencing inducer rootstocks, RNA silencing was induced in the non-silenced scions and spread toward the 3′ region of the transgene mRNA. Similarly, when non-silenced scions were grafted onto 3′ silencing inducer rootstocks, RNA silencing was induced in the non-silenced scions, but was restricted to the 3′ region of the transgene and did not spread to the 5′ region. In addition, results from crossing experiments, involving non-silenced and 3′ silencing inducer plants, confirmed the above finding. This indicates that RNA silencing spreads in the 5′–3′ direction, not in the 3′–5′ direction, along the transgene mRNA.  相似文献   

pea-MADS4 (PEAM4) regulates floral morphology in Pisum sativum L., however, its molecular mechanisms still remain unclear. Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is a recently developed reverse genetic approach that facilities an easier and more rapid study of gene functions. In this study, the PEAM4 gene was effectively silenced by VIGS using a pea early browning virus (PEBV) in wild type pea JI992. The infected plants showed abnormal phenotypes, as the floral organs, especially the sepals and petals changed in both size and shape, which made the corolla less closed. The petals changed in morphology and internal symmetry with, the stamens reduced and carpel dehisced. Larger sepals and longer tendrils with small cauline leaves appeared, with some sepals turning into bracts, and secondary inflorescences with fused floral organs were formed, indicating a flower-to-inflorescence change. The infected plants also displayed a delayed and prolonged flowering time. The PEAM4-VIGS plants with altered floral morphology were similar to the pim (proliferating inflorescence meristem) mutant and also mimicked the phenotypes of ap1 mutants in Arabidopsis. The expression pattern of the homologous genes PsSOC1a and PsSVP, which were involved in flowering time and florescence morphological control downstream of PEAM4, were analyzed by real-time RT-PCR and mRNA in situ hybridization. PsSOC1a and PsSVP were ectopically expressed and enhanced in the floral meristems from PEAM4-silenced plants. Our data suggests that PEAM4 may have a similar molecular mechanism as AtAP1, which inhibits the expression of PsSOC1a and PsSVP in the floral meristem from the early stages of flower development. As such, in this way PEAM4 plays a crucial role in maintaining floral organ identity and flower development in pea.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that two homologous, unlinked transgene loci can interact in plant nuclei, leading to non-reciprocal trans-inactivation and methylation of genes at one locus. Here, we report the structure and methylation of different transgene loci that contain the same construct but are variably able to inactivate and methylate a partially homologous, unlinked target locus. Silencing loci comprised multiple, methylated copies of the transgene construct, whereas a non-silencing locus contained a single, unmethylated copy. The correspondence between strength of silencing activity and copy number/degree of methylation was further demonstrated by producing novel alleles of a strong silencing locus: reducing the transgene copy number and methylation within this silencing locus decreased its ability to inactivate the target locus. The strong silencing locus, which was located close to a telomere, trans-inactivated various structural variants of the original target construct, regardless of their location in the genome. This suggests that the silencing locus can scan the entire genome for homologous regions, a process possibly aided by its telomeric location. Our data support the idea that epistatic trans-inactivation of unlinked, homologous transgenes in plants results from a pre-existing epigenetic difference between transgene loci, which is subsequently equalized by epigene conversion involving DNA-DNA pairing.  相似文献   

Solanum tuberosum plants were transformed with three genetic constructions expressing the Nicotiana tabacum AP24 osmotine, Phyllomedusa sauvagii dermaseptin and Gallus gallus lysozyme, and with a double-transgene construction expressing the AP24 and lysozyme sequences. Re-transformation of dermaseptin-transformed plants with the AP24/lysozyme construction allowed selection of plants simultaneously expressing the three transgenes. Potato lines expressing individual transgenes or double- and triple-transgene combinations were assayed for resistance to Erwinia carotovora using whole-plant and tuber infection assays. Resistance levels for both infection tests compared consistently for most potato lines and allowed selection of highly resistant phenotypes. Higher resistance levels were found in lines carrying the dermaseptin and lysozyme sequences, indicating that theses proteins are the major contributors to antibacterial activity. Similar results were obtained in tuber infection tests conducted with Streptomyces scabies. Plant lines showing the higher resistance to bacterial infections were challenged with Phytophthora infestans, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani. Considerable levels of resistance to each of these pathogens were evidenced employing semi-quantitative tests based in detached-leaf inoculation, fungal growth inhibition and in vitro plant inoculation. On the basis of these results, we propose that stacking of these transgenes is a promising approach to achieve resistance to both bacterial and fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

RNA silencing technology was used to confer resistance to cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV). Nicotiana benthamiana was transformed with a transgene designed to produce an inverted repeat RNA containing CGMMV-coat protein gene (CP) sequences, which were separated by an intron sequence, under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. We attempted to confirm the resistance of seven independent transgenic lines; five lines showed resistance to CGMMV infection. The systemic spread of virus was prevented after the inoculation of CGMMV, and the CP-specific short interfering RNA (siRNA) was detected in resistant lines. Thus, the resistance against CGMMV through RNA silencing is strong and efficient.  相似文献   

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