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Most pathogens in intestine are opportunist, called “opportunistic pathogens” that usually do not cause disease in a healthy host. Only when the host’s resistance is lowered or the intestinal microecological balance is destroyed, the opportunistic pathogens are capable of causing disease. Here, two opportunistic pathogens, Salmonella enteritidis and Vibrio parahaemolyticus were chosen to test the possible antagonistic effect of the probiotic agent Clostridium butyricum on these pathogens infections in vitro using fish intestinal epithelial cells (FIECs). The C. butyricum and its spent culture supernatants exhibited significant inhibitory activity on S. enteritidis and V. parahaemolyticus growth and adherence to FIECs. The C. butyricum also showed significant inhibitory effects on S. enteritidis and V. parahaemolyticus induced apoptosis, which may due to its growth and adhesion inhibitory effects. These results indicated that the probiotic bacterium C. butyricum has preventive and therapeutic effects on S. enteritidis and V. parahaemolyticus infections in fish.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermobutyricum produces butyrate as the main fermentation product from glucose, and from yeast extract, which is required for substantial growth. After sequential transfer in the presence of increasing butyrate concentrations, strain JW 171 K grew in the presence of up to 350 mM butyrate either at pH 5.5 or at pH 8.0 and at 40 degrees C as well as at 60 degrees C. This result indicated that butyrate-dependent growth inhibition was independent from the concentration of undissociated butyric acid. Increased butyrate concentration decreased the level of tolerated glucose from above 15% to below 10%. At 0.05 and 2.0% (wt/vol) yeast extract, the Y(Glucose) was 30 and 55 g dry weight cells per mole glucose, respectively. Y(ATP) values between 18 and 21 g weight cells per mole ATP, obtained after growth in the presence of 2% yeast extract, indicate that the butyrate fermentation under thermophilic growth conditions is as energy efficient as it is under mesophilic conditions. Externally added acetate stimulated the production of butyrate. Supplemented 14C-acetate was converted to butyrate, resulting in the formation of 44% labeled butyrate (i.e. formed from 14C-acetate) and 56% unlabeled butyrate (formed from glucose and yeast extract). Continuous removal of H2 in batch cultures led to a shift in the fermentation products from more butyrate to the more oxidized and more energy yielding acetate.  相似文献   

To study the roles of intracellular factors in neuronal morphogenesis, we used the mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker (MARCM) technique to visualize identifiable single multiple dendritic (MD) neurons in living Drosophila larvae. We found that individual neurons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) developed clear morphological polarity and diverse dendritic branching patterns in larval stages. Each MD neuron in the same dorsal cluster developed a unique dendritic field, suggesting that they have specific physiological functions. Single-neuron analysis revealed that Flamingo did not affect the general dendritic branching patterns in postmitotic neurons. Instead, Flamingo limited the extension of one or more dorsal dendrites without grossly affecting lateral branches. The dendritic overextension phenotype was partially conferred by the precocious initiation of dorsal dendrites in flamingo mutant embryos. In addition, Flamingo is required cell autonomously to promote axonal growth and to prevent premature axonal branching of PNS neurons. Our molecular analysis also indicated that the amino acid sequence near the first EGF motif is important for the proper localization and function of Flamingo. These results demonstrate that Flamingo plays a role in early neuronal differentiation and exerts specific effects on dendrites and axons.  相似文献   

The impact of anaerobiosis strategy on 1,3-propanediol production during cultivation of Clostridium butyricum VPI 1718 in different size bioreactors was studied. In batch trials with N2 gas infusion, the fermentation was successfully accomplished, regardless of initial glycerol concentration imposed and bioreactor geometry. However, in the absence of N2 continual sparging, significant variations concerning the biochemical response of the strain were observed. Specifically, at 1-L bioreactor, the absence of N2 infusion at high initial glycerol concentration induced lactate dehydrogenase activity and thus lactic acid synthesis, probably due to partial blockage of phosphoroclastic reaction caused by insufficient self-generated anaerobiosis environment. During fed-batch cultivation with continual N2 sparging, the strain produced ~71 g L(-1) of 1,3-propanediol, whereas under self-generated anaerobiosis, 1,3-propanediol pathway was evidently restricted, as only 30.5 g L(-1) of 1,3-propanediol were finally produced. Apparently, N2 infusion strategy paired with bioreactor geometry can alter the biochemical behavior of the particular strain.  相似文献   

Bramono SE  Lam YS  Ong SL  He J 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9558-9563
A unique mesophilic Clostridium species strain BOH3 is obtained in this study, which is capable of fermenting monosaccharides to produce butanol and hydrolyzing polysaccharides to produce hydrogen (H(2)) and volatile fatty acids (VFAs). From 30 g/L of glucose and xylose each, batch culture BOH3 was able to produce 4.67 and 4.63 g/L of butanol. Enhancement treatments by increasing the inoculated cells improved butanol production to 7.05 and 7.41 g/L, respectively. Hydrogen production (2.47 and 1.93 mmol) was observed when cellulose and xylan (10 g/L each) were used, suggesting that strain BOH3 possesses xylanolytic and cellulolytic capabilities. These unique features reveal the strain's novelty as most wild-type solventogenic strains have not been reported to have such properties. Therefore, culture BOH3 is promising in generating butanol and hydrogen from renewable feedstock.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate host-parasite interactions and infection strategies of helminths at the molecular level, the availability of suitable in vitro cultivation systems for this group of parasites is of vital importance. One of the few helminth systems for which in vitro cultivation has been relatively successfully carried out in the past is the larval stage of the fox-tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis. Respective ‘first generation’ cultivation systems relied on the co-incubation of larval tissue, isolated from laboratory rodents, with host feeder cells. Although these techniques have been very successful in producing metacestode material for drug screening assays or the establishment of cDNA libraries, the continuous presence of host cells prevented detailed studies on the influence of defined host factors on larval growth. To facilitate such investigations, we have recently introduced the first truly axenic system for long-term in vitro maintenance of metacestode vesicles and used it to establish a technique for parasite cell cultivation. The resulting culture system, which allows the complete in vitro regeneration of metacestode vesicles from germinal cells, is a highly useful tool to study the cellular and molecular basis of a variety of developmental processes that occur during the infection of the mammalian host. Furthermore, it provides a solid basis for establishing transgenic techniques in cestodes for the first time. We consider it an appropriate time point to discuss the characteristics of these ‘second generation’ cultivation systems in comparison with former techniques, to present our first successful attempts to introduce foreign DNA into Echinococcus cells, and to share our ideas on how a fully transgenic Echinococcus strain can be generated in the near future.  相似文献   

Ho KL  Lee DJ 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(18):8547-8549
Harvesting biohydrogen from inhibiting wastewaters is of practical interest since the toxicity of compounds in a wastewater stream commonly prevents the bioenergy content being recovered. The isolated Clostridium sp. R1 is utilized to degrade cellobiose in sulfide or nitrite-containing medium for biohydrogen production. The strain can effectively degrade cellobiose free of severe inhibitory effects at up to 200 mg l−1 sulfide or to 5 mg l−1 nitrite, yielding hydrogen at >2.0 mol H2 mol−1 cellobiose. Principal metabolites of cellobiose fermentation are acetate and butyrate, with the concentration of the former increases with increasing sulfide and nitrite concentrations. The isolated strain can yield hydrogen from cellobiose in sulfide-laden wastewaters. However, the present of nitrite significantly limit the efficiency of the biohydrogen harvesting process.  相似文献   

The signal transduction pathways involved in regulating developmental arrest in the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, are fairly well characterised. However, much less is known about how these processes may influence the developmental timing and maturation in helminth parasites. Here, we provide an overview of two signalling pathways implicated in the regulation of dauer larva formation in C. elegans, the insulin-like signalling pathway and the transforming growth factor-beta pathway, and explore what is known about these signalling pathways in a variety of parasitic helminths. Understanding the differences about how these pathways are affected by environmental cues in free-living versus parasitic species of helminths may provide insights into novel mechanisms for the control or prevention of helminth-induced disease.  相似文献   

In the present study, a Taqman allelic discrimination assay based on three SNPs of the TPI gene is described. It was used as a differential diagnostic tool to detect blackleg and malignant edema. Sudden deaths of grazing ruminants, such as cattle, sheep and goats, which show clinical signs related to hyperacute infective processes, encouraged the development of a rapid and precise diagnostic molecular method. Specific primers and probes for Clostridium septicum and Clostridium chauvoei were designed on the basis of the TPI gene sequence. The multiplex PCR was tested on the DNA of a total of 57 strains, including 24 Clostridium chauvoei, 20 Clostridium septicum, 1 Bacillus anthracis and 12 other Clostridium spp. The DNA samples from Clostridium chauvoei and Clostridium septicum strains were amplified. Amplification of other DNA samples was not observed, with the exception of Clostridium tertium, which showed a weak positive signal. To avoid misdiagnosis, a confirmatory assay based on a Sybr green real time PCR was proposed. The authors confirmed the efficacy and the specificity of the test used in this study, which proved to be a useful tool for the diagnosis of clostridiosis that are often diagnosed using only traditional tools.  相似文献   

He Q  Hemme CL  Jiang H  He Z  Zhou J 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9586-9592
Engineering microbial consortia capable of efficient ethanolic fermentation of cellulose is a strategy for the development of consolidated bioprocessing for bioethanol production. Co-cultures of cellulolytic Clostridium thermocellum with non-cellulolytic Thermoanaerobacter strains (X514 and 39E) significantly improved ethanol production by 194-440%. Strain X514 enhanced ethanolic fermentation much more effectively than strain 39E in co-cultivation, with ethanol production in X514 co-cultures at least 62% higher than that of 39E co-cultures. Comparative genome sequence analysis revealed that the higher ethanolic fermentation efficiency in strain X514 was associated with the presence of a complete vitamin B(12) biosynthesis pathway, which is incomplete in strain 39E. The significance of the vitamin B(12)de novo biosynthesis capacity was further supported by the observation of improved ethanol production in strain 39E by 203% following the addition of exogenous vitamin B(12). The vitamin B(12) biosynthesis pathway provides a valuable biomarker for selecting metabolically robust strains for bioethanol production.  相似文献   

In the past, it has been difficult to discriminate between hydrogen synthesis and uptake for the three active hydrogenases in Escherichia coli (hydrogenase 1, 2, and 3); however, by combining isogenic deletion mutations from the Keio collection, we were able to see the role of hydrogenase 3. In a cell that lacks hydrogen uptake via hydrogenase 1 (hyaB) and via hydrogenase 2 (hybC), inactivation of hydrogenase 3 (hycE) decreased hydrogen uptake. Similarly, inactivation of the formate hydrogen lyase complex, which produces hydrogen from formate (fhlA) in the hyaB hybC background, also decreased hydrogen uptake; hence, hydrogenase 3 has significant hydrogen uptake activity. Moreover, hydrogen uptake could be restored in the hyaB hybC hycE and hyaB hybC fhlA mutants by expressing hycE and fhlA, respectively, from a plasmid. The hydrogen uptake results were corroborated using two independent methods (both filter plate assays and a gas-chromatography-based hydrogen uptake assay). A 30-fold increase in the forward reaction, hydrogen formation by hydrogenase 3, was also detected for the strain containing active hydrogenase 3 activity but no hydrogenase 1 or 2 activity relative to the strain lacking all three hydrogenases. These results indicate clearly that hydrogenase 3 is a reversible hydrogenase.  相似文献   

We gathered sequence information from the nuclear 5.8S rDNA gene and associated internal transcribed spacers, ITS-1 and ITS-2 (5.8S rDNA/ITS), and the chloroplast maturase K (matK) gene, from Zostera samples collected from subtidal habitats in Monterey and Santa Barbara (Isla Vista) bays, California, to test the hypothesis that these plants are conspecific with Z. asiatica Miki of Asia. Sequences from approximately 520 base pairs of the nuclear 5.8S rDNA/ITS obtained from the subtidal Monterey and Isla Vista Zostera samples were identical to homologous sequences obtained from Z. marina collected from intertidal habitats in Japan, Alaska, Oregon and California. Similarly, sequences from the matK gene from the subtidal Zostera samples were identical to matK sequences obtained from Z. marina collected from intertidal habitats in Japan, Alaska, Oregon and California, but differed from Z. asiatica sequences accessioned into GenBank. This suggests the subtidal plants are conspecific with Z. marina, not Z. asiatica. However, we found that herbarium samples accessioned into the Kyoto University Herbarium, determined to be Z. asiatica, yielded 5.8S rDNA/ITS sequences consistent with either Z. japonica, in two cases, or Z. marina, in one case. Similar results were observed for the chloroplast matK gene; we found haplotypes that were inconsistent with published matK sequences from Z. asiatica collected from Japan. These results underscore the need for closer examination of the relationship between Z. marina along the Pacific Coast of North America, and Z. asiatica of Asia, for the retention and verification of specimens examined in scientific studies, and for assessment of the usefulness of morphological characters in the determination of taxonomic relationships within Zosteraceae.  相似文献   

Eye development is a complex process that involves the formation of the retina and the lens, collectively called the eyeball, as well as the formation of auxiliary eye structures such as the eyelid, lacrimal gland, cornea and conjunctiva. The developmental requirements for the formation of each individual structure are only partially understood. We have shown previously that the homeobox-containing gene Rx is a key component in eye formation, as retinal structures do not develop and retina-specific gene expression is not observed in Rx-deficient mice. In addition, Rx−/− embryos do not develop any lens structure, despite the fact that Rx is not expressed in the lens. This demonstrates that during normal mammalian development, retina-specific gene expression is necessary for lens formation. In this paper we show that lens formation can be restored in Rx-deficient embryos experimentally, by the elimination of β-catenin expression in the head surface ectoderm. This suggests that β-catenin is involved in lens specification either through Wnt signaling or through its function in cell adhesion. In contrast to lens formation, we demonstrate that the development of auxiliary eye structures does not depend on retina-specific gene expression or retinal morphogenesis. These results point to the existence of two separate developmental processes involved in the formation of the eye and its associated structures. One involved in the formation of the eyeball and the second involved in the formation of the auxiliary eye structures.  相似文献   

Rac GTPases act as molecular switch in various morphogenic events. However, the regulation of their activities during the development of multicellular organisms is not well understood. Caenorhabditis elegans rac genes ced-10 and mig-2 have been shown to act redundantly to control P cell migration and the axon outgrowth of D type motoneurons. We showed that ced-10 and mig-2 also control amphid axon outgrowth and amphid dendrite fasciculation in a redundant fashion. Our biochemical and genetic data indicate that unc-73, which encodes a protein related to Trio-like guanine nucleotide exchange factor, acts as a direct activator of ced-10 and mig-2 during P cell migration and axon outgrowth of D type motoneurons and amphid sensory neurons. Furthermore, rac regulators ced-2/crkII and ced-5/dock180 function genetically upstream of ced-10 and mig-2 during axon outgrowth of D type motoneurons and act upstream of mig-2 but not ced-10 during P cell migration. However, neither ced-2/crkII nor ced-5/dock180 is involved in amphid axon outgrowth. Therefore, distinct rac regulators control ced-10 and mig-2 differentially in various cellular processes.  相似文献   

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