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Using realistic three-dimensional female body models, we found evidence for a categorical perception of female physical attractiveness and health in male and female Caucasian observers. In a rating task, we showed that these bodies were rated for attractiveness or health in the same way as real bodies. In a two-alternative forced-choice task, we showed that these bodies were categorized into attractive vs. unattractive or healthy vs. unhealthy nonlinearly, which allowed us to estimate the position of a categorical boundary between attractive and unattractive or healthy and unhealthy bodies. In a delayed match-to-sample task, we measured the sensitivity of discrimination between pairs of bodies. We found significantly better discrimination for pairs that crossed the attractive/unattractive or healthy/unhealthy boundary than pairs that did not, even though the physical changes in both conditions were identical. Thus, categorical perception enhances the perception of physical changes that cross the boundary between discrete perceptual categories of important judgments such as attractiveness or health, which can be a cue for mate selection.  相似文献   

Studies of the visual system suggest that, at an early stage of form processing, a stimulus is represented as a set of contours and that a critical feature of these local contours is their orientation. Here, we characterize the ability of human observers to identify or discriminate the orientation of bars and edges presented to the distal fingerpad. The experiments were performed using a 400-probe stimulator that allowed us to flexibly deliver stimuli across a wide range of conditions. Orientation thresholds, approximately 20 degrees on average, varied only slightly across modes of stimulus presentation (scanned or indented), stimulus amplitudes, scanning speeds, and different stimulus types (bars or edges). The tactile orientation acuity was found to be poorer than its visual counterpart for stimuli of similar aspect ratio, contrast, and size. This result stands in contrast to the equivalent spatial acuity of the two systems (at the limit set by peripheral innervation density) and to the results of studies of tactile and visual letter recognition, which show that the two modalities yield comparable performance when stimuli are scaled appropriately.  相似文献   

The experiment reported here investigates the perception of orientation of color photographic images. A collection of 1000 images (mix of professional photos and consumer snapshots) was used in this study. Each image was examined by at least five observers and shown at varying resolutions. At each resolution, observers were asked to indicate the image orientation, the level of confidence, and the cues they used to make the decision. The results show that for typical images, accuracy is close to 98% when using all available semantic cues from high-resolution images, and 84% when using only low-level vision features and coarse semantics from thumbnails. The accuracy by human observers suggests an upper bound for the performance of an automatic system. In addition, the use of a large, carefully chosen image set that spans the 'photo space' (in terms of occasions and subject matter) and extensive interaction with the human observers reveals cues used by humans at various image resolutions: sky and people are the most useful and reliable among a number of important semantic cues.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to summarize and to compare some known mathematical models of orientation perception in random dot patterns and to propose new solutions of this question. The model adequacy is judged from the previously obtained experimental results. Apart from the models based on some simple function of the coordinates of dots forming a pattern, also models derived from the so-called image function of the pattern are analysed. The latter ones were found more flexible to render the different features of experimentally obtained data, mainly in the case of orientation ambiguity for some special patterns. The stochastic variants of the deterministic models are introduced.  相似文献   

Connor CE 《Current biology : CB》2000,10(22):R836-R838
Neural mechanisms of visual perception can be studied in detail only in non-human animals. But recent work in humans has revealed a striking functional homology between the human and monkey visual systems, confirming the relevance of animal data and establishing a paradigm for cross-species studies of brain function.  相似文献   

The responses of Goeldi's monkeys to their natural alarm calls as well as synthesized versions varying in the acoustic parameters that defined the calls were studied. The response patterns, which were subject to a distinct change only with an increase of 0.2 kHz in the frequency range of the modulating sweep, appeared to reflect strict underlying perceptual boundaries. This was analogous to the categorical perception that humans show with speech sounds. Supernormal releaser was found, and the characteristics of its acoustic structure were assessed in terms of the environmental influences of the physical situation in which alarm calls must be emitted.  相似文献   

The orientation threshold for two-dimensional filtered noise stimuli was estimated using forced-choice procedures with both dioptic and dichoptic viewing. In the dioptic case the two patterns were co-rotated. In the dichoptic case the stimuli were counter-rotated to produce an orientation disparity, which yields a percept of slant about the horizontal axis orthogonal to the cyclopean line of sight. Dioptic thresholds increased with the orientation bandwidth of the stimuli. In contrast, dichoptic thresholds were essentially constant across a wide range of conditions. In all cases, dichoptic orientation acuity was much finer than conventional estimates. In a second experiment, the dichoptic threshold was estimated for patterns superimposed on a depth pedestal. Acuity was affected significantly by the presence of the pedestal, and was an inverse function of pedestal amplitude. The results suggest that stereoscopic slant caused by dichoptic counter-rotation arises because of neural processing of the overall pattern of disparities of position produced by counter-rotation, rather than specialised encoding of orientation disparity.  相似文献   

To compare the effects of exposure to a near-resonant frequency of microwaves at two orientations with a higher frequency exposure, five rhesus monkeys were exposed for 4 hr to 225 MHz, electric field oriented parallel to the long axis of the body (225 MHz-E), and to 225 MHz, magnetic field orientation (225 MHz-H), or to 1290 MHz, electric field orientation. On a separate occasion, the monkeys were exposed at night to 225 MHz-E. Exposures were conducted with the animal chair restrained in an anechoic chamber with rectal temperature continuously monitored. Blood samples were taken hourly during the 225-MHz-E exposures for cortisol analysis. The power densities used were 0, 1.2, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, and 15.0 mW/cm2 for 225 MHz-E (day), 0 and 5 mW/cm2 (225 MHz-E night and 225 MHz-H), and 0, 20, 28, and 38 mW/cm2 (1290 MHz). The monkeys were unable to tolerate exposure at power densities equal to or greater than 7.5 mW/cm2 (5.1 W/kg) at 225 MHz-E for longer than 90 min. The criterion for tolerance was that the rectal temperature would not exceed 41.5 degrees C. Average rectal temperature increases for day exposure to 225 MHz-E were 0.4 and 1.7 degrees C for 4-hr exposures to 2.5 and 5.0 mW/cm2 (1.7 and 3.4 W/kg). No changes in circulating cortisol levels occurred during any exposures to 5 mW/cm2 or less. Night exposures to 5 mW/cm2 (3.4 W/kg) at 225 MHz-E raised mean rectal temperature 2.1 degrees C. Exposure to 5 mW/cm2 (1.2 W/kg) at 225 MHz-H for 4 hr resulted in a 0.2 degree rise in mean rectal temperature. For 4 hr of 1290-MHz exposure to 20, 28, or 38 mW/cm2 (2.9, 4.0, and 5.4 W/kg), the mean body temperature increases were 0.4, 0.7, and 1.3 degrees C, respectively. The degree of hyperthermia caused by radiofrequency (rf) exposure was shown to be frequency and orientation dependent for equivalent power densities of exposure.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked on three keys, responses to one of which could be reinforced after a few pecks, to a second key after a somewhat larger number of pecks, and to a third key after the maximum pecking requirement. The values of the pecking requirements and the proportion of trials ending with reinforcement were varied. Transits among the keys were an orderly function of peck number, and showed approximately proportional changes with changes in the pecking requirements, consistent with Weber's law. Standard deviations of the switch points between successive keys increased more slowly within a condition than across conditions. Changes in reinforcement probability produced changes in the location of the psychometric functions that were consistent with models of timing. Analyses of the number of pecks emitted and the duration of the pecking sequences demonstrated that peck number was the primary determinant of choice, but that passage of time also played some role. We capture the basic results with a standard model of counting, which we qualify to account for the secondary experiments.  相似文献   

Five laboratory-raised Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) were presented various types of photographs of Japanese and rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in upright, horizontal, and inverted orientations in a sensory-reinforcement experiment. The ratio of the duration of potential viewing time for the photographs which the subjects controlled to the interval between subject-controlled presentations of them (the D/I score) was used as a measure of preference for the photographs. When inverted photographs were presented, the D/I scores were lower than for upright photographs. The difference in D/I scores between photographs of the two species, which indicated discriminability between them, also diminished when the photographs were inverted. The results obtained suggest an inversion effect in face perception in macaque monkeys.  相似文献   

Vertebrate pheromones are water-soluble chemicals perceived mainly by the vomeronasal organ (VNO) for intraspecific communications. Humans, apes, and Old World (OW) monkeys lack functional genes responsible for the pheromone signal transduction and are generally insensitive to vomeronasal pheromones. It has been hypothesized that the evolutionary deterioration of pheromone sensitivity occurred because pheromone communication became redundant after the emergence of full trichromatic color vision via the duplication of the X-chromosome-linked red/green opsin gene in the common ancestor of hominoids and OW monkeys. Interestingly, full trichromacy also evolved in the New World (NW) howler monkeys via an independent duplication of the same gene. Here we sequenced from three species of howler monkeys an essential component of the VNO pheromone transduction pathway, the gene encoding the ion channel TRP2. In contrast to those of hominoids and OW monkeys, the howler TRP2 sequences have none of the characteristics of pseudogenes. This and other observations indicate that howler monkeys have maintained both their systems of pheromone communication and full trichromatic vision, suggesting that the presence of full trichromacy alone does not lead to the loss of pheromone communication. We suggest that the ecological differences between OW and NW primates, particularly in habitat selection, may have also affected the evolution of pheromone perception.  相似文献   

The certainty of judgment (or self-confidence) has been traditionally studied in relation with the accuracy. However, from an observer''s viewpoint, certainty may be more closely related to the consistency of judgment than to its accuracy: consistent judgments are objectively certain in the sense that any external observer can rely on these judgments to happen. The regions of certain vs. uncertain judgment were determined in a categorical rating experiment. The participants rated the size of visual objects on a 5-point scale. There was no feedback so that there were no constraints of accuracy. Individual data was examined, and the ratings were characterized by their frequency distributions (or categories). The main result was that the individual categories always presented a core of certainty where judgment was totally consistent, and large peripheries where judgment was inconsistent. In addition, the geometry of cores and boundaries exhibited several phenomena compatible with the literature on visual categorical judgment. The ubiquitous presence of cores in absence of accuracy constraints provided insights about objective certainty that may complement the literature on subjective certainty (self-confidence) and the accuracy of judgment.  相似文献   

After making foraging flights of several thousands of kilometers, wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans) are able to pinpoint a specific remote island where their nests are located. This impressive navigation ability is highly precise but its nature is mysterious. Here we examined whether albatrosses rely on the perception of the Earth's magnetic field to accomplish this task. We disturbed the perception of the magnetic field using mobile magnets glued to the head of nine albatrosses and compared their performances with those of 11 control birds. We then used satellite telemetry to monitor their behavior. We found that the ability of birds to home specific nest sites was unimpaired by this manipulation. In particular, experimental and control birds did not show significant differences with respect to either foraging trip duration, or length, or with respect to homing straightness index. Our data suggest that wandering albatrosses do not require magnetic cues to navigate back to their nesting birds.  相似文献   

In a task designed to simulate olfactory-guided foraging, the ability of squirrel monkeys to discriminate an artificial 12-component odorant from 3-, 6-, 9- or 11- component submixtures was investigated. A combination of factors was found to contribute to the animals' performance:
1.  Discriminability generally decreased as the number of components in the submixture increased.
Submixtures did not contribute equally to mixture perception, and one component in particular (cineole) disproportionately influenced stimulus discriminability.
3.  Interactive effects between submixtures resulted in marked deviations from the general pattern of discriminability.
4.  Changes in the relative concentration of submixtures could also influence discriminability.
5.  Finally, individual differences in responsiveness to particular stimuli were apparent.

The categorical data set is an important data class in experimental biology and contains data separable into several mutually exclusive categories. Unlike measurement of a continuous variable, categorical data cannot be analyzed with methods such as the Student's t-test. Thus, these data require a different method of analysis to aid in interpretation. In this article, we will review issues related to categorical data, such as how to plot them in a graph, how to integrate results from different experiments, how to calculate the error bar/region, and how to perform significance tests. In addition, we illustrate analysis of categorical data using experimental results from developmental biology and virology studies.  相似文献   

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