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Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a potent oxidant produced by the enzyme myeloperoxidase, which is released by neutrophils under inflammatory conditions. Although important in the immune system, HOCl can also damage host tissue, which contributes to the development of disease. HOCl reacts readily with free amino groups to form N-chloramines, which also cause damage in vivo, owing to the extracellular release of myeloperoxidase and production of HOCl. HOCl and N-chloramines react readily with cellular thiols, which causes dysfunction via enzyme inactivation and modulation of redox signaling processes. In this study, the ability of HOCl and model N-chloramines produced on histamine and ammonia at inflammatory sites, to oxidize specific thiol-containing proteins in human coronary artery endothelial cells was investigated. Using a proteomics approach with the thiol-specific probe, 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein, we show that several proteins including peptidylprolyl isomerase A (cyclophilin A), protein disulfide isomerase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and galectin-1 are particularly sensitive to oxidation by HOCl and N-chloramines formed at inflammatory sites. This will contribute to cellular dysfunction and may play a role in inflammatory disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Pattison DI  Davies MJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(19):7378-7387
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a powerful oxidant generated from H(2)O(2) and chloride ions by the heme enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO) released from activated leukocytes. In addition to its potent antibacterial effects, excessive HOCl production can lead to host tissue damage, with this implicated in human diseases such as atherosclerosis, cystic fibrosis, and arthritis. HOCl reacts rapidly with biological materials, with proteins being major targets. Chlorinated amines (chloramines) formed from Lys and His side chains and alpha-amino groups on proteins are major products of these reactions; these materials are however also oxidants and can undergo further reactions. In this study, the kinetics of reaction of His side-chain chloramines with other protein components have been investigated by UV/visible spectroscopy and stopped flow methods at pH 7.4 and 22 degrees C, using the chloramines of the model compound 4-imidazoleacetic acid and N-alpha-acetyl-histidine. The second-order rate constants decrease in a similar order (Cys > Met > disulfide bonds > Trp approximately alpha-amino > Lys > Tyr > backbone amides > Arg) to the corresponding reactions of HOCl, but are typically 5-25 times slower. These rate constants are consistent with His side-chain chloramines being important secondary oxidants in HOCl-mediated damage. These studies suggest that formation and subsequent reactions of His side-chain chloramines may be responsible for the targeted secondary modification of selected protein residues by HOCl that has previously been observed experimentally and highlight the importance of chloramine structure on their subsequent reactivity.  相似文献   

Protein thiol oxidation and modification by nitric oxide and glutathione are emerging as common mechanisms to regulate protein function and to modify protein structure. Also, thiol oxidation is a probable outcome of cellular oxidative stress and is linked to degenerative disease progression. We assessed the effect of the oxidants hypochlorous acid and chloramines on the cytoskeletal protein tubulin. Total cysteine oxidation by the oxidants was monitored by labeling tubulin with the thiol-selective reagent 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein; by reaction with Ellman's reagent, 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid); and by detecting interchain tubulin disulfides by Western blot under nonreducing conditions. Whereas HOCl induced both cysteine and methionine oxidation of tubulin, chloramines were predominantly cysteine oxidants. Cysteine oxidation of tubulin, rather than methionine oxidation, was associated with loss of microtubule polymerization activity, and treatment of oxidized tubulin with disulfide reducing agents restored a considerable portion of the polymerization activity that was lost after oxidation. By comparing the reactivity of hypochlorous acid and chloramines with the previously characterized oxidants, peroxynitrite and the nitroxyl donor Angeli's salt, we have identified tubulin thiol oxidation, not methionine oxidation or tyrosine nitration, as a common outcome responsible for decreased polymerization activity.  相似文献   

Monocyte cells are exposed to a range of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when they are recruited to a site of inflammation. In this study, we have examined the damage caused to the monocyte-like cell line U937 by peroxyl radicals and characterised the protective effect of the macrophage synthesised compound 7,8-dihydroneopterin.Exposure of U937 cells to peroxyl radicals, generated by the thermolytic breakdown of 2,2'-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH), resulted in the loss of cell viability as measured by thiazolyl blue (MTT) reduction, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage. The major form of cellular damage observed was cellular thiol loss and the formation of reactive protein hydroperoxides. Peroxyl radical oxidation of the cells only caused a small increase in cellular lipid oxidation measured. Supplementation of the media with increasing concentrations of 7,8-dihydroneopterin significantly reduced the cellular thiol loss and inhibited the formation of the protein hydroperoxides. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed 7,8-dihydroneopterin was oxidised by both peroxyl radicals and preformed protein hydroperoxides to predominately 7,8-dihydroxanthopterin.The possibility that 7,8-dihydroneopterin is a cellular antioxidant protecting macrophage proteins during inflammation is discussed.  相似文献   

The plasmalogen sn-1 vinyl ether bond is targeted by hypochlorous acid (HOCl) produced by activated phagocytes. In the present study, the attack of the plasmalogen sn-1 vinyl ether bond by HOCl is shown to be preferred compared to the attack of double bonds present in the sn-2 position aliphatic chain (sn-2 alkenes) of both plasmenylcholine and phosphatidylcholine. Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) is a product from the initial HOCl attack of plasmenylcholine and the sn-2 alkene bonds present in this LPC product are secondary targets of HOCl leading to the production of LPC-chlorohydrins (ClOH). The aliphatic ClOH was demonstrated in both the positive and negative ion mode using collisionally-activated dissociation (CAD) of the molecular ion of LPC-ClOH. Furthermore, HOCl treatment of endothelial cells led to the preferential attack of plasmalogens in comparison to that of diacyl choline glycerophospholipids. Taken together, plasmenylcholine is oxidized preferentially over phosphatidylcholine and leads to the production of LPC-ClOH.  相似文献   

Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (oxLDL) play a critical role in atherogenesis. One oxidative pathway of LDL involves myeloperoxidase, which catalyzes the production of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in monocytes. We investigated the apoptotic mechanism induced by oxLDL, generated by HOCl treatment of native LDL, in human monocytic U937 cell line. The involvement of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway was analyzed in Bcl-2-overexpressing clones, generated from U937 cells. HOCl-oxLDL induced in U937 cells (i) a marked caspase-dependent increase of apoptosis, (ii) a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, (iii) a specific activation of caspase-2, -3, -8, and -9, and (iv) a similar degree of apoptosis in presence or absence of anti-Fas and anti-TNF-R1 antibodies. Moreover, the degree of HOCl-oxLDL-induced caspase-3 and -8 activation, and apoptosis was significantly reduced in U937/Bcl-2 cells, with no activation of caspase-9. By contrast, Cu-oxLDL-mediated apoptosis in U937 cells involved exclusively the mitochondrial pathway. In conclusion, the mechanism of HOCl-oxLDL-induced apoptosis in monocytic U937 cells involves the two pathways of apical caspase activation: (i) death receptor-mediated caspase-8 and (ii) mitochondria-mediated caspase-9. This converges in the activation of executing caspases, including caspase-3, and apoptosis. The interference of Bcl-2 overexpression with HOCl-oxLDL-induced apoptosis suggests the importance of mitochondrial involvement in this apoptotic mechanism.  相似文献   

We set out to identify whether HOCl, which is generated from H(2)O(2) /MPO/Cl(-), is a proximal mediator of H(2)O(2) programmed cell death in the HL-60 human leukemia cell. We found that authentic HOCl induces apoptosis in the HL-60 cell. Both the addition of methionine, an HOCl scavenger, and the removal of Cl(-) from the medium to prevent the formation of HOCl inhibited H(2)O(2)-induced apoptosis. HL-60 cells underwent apoptosis when exposed to HOCl in full medium, which gives rise to chloramines by the reaction of HOCl with amine groups, but not by HOCl in the amine-free HBSS, in which HOCl but not chloramines can be detected. Authentic chloramines induced apoptosis in this cell line in a concentration-dependent manner and at concentrations lower than HOCl. Full medium exposed to HOCl for 24 h would support methionine noninhibitable apoptosis, but did not react with 2-nitro-5-thiobenzoic acid (TNB), raising the possibility that the final inducer is a nonoxidant formed from HOCl and chloramines. We conclude that the signal for apoptosis induced by H(2)O(2) in the MPO-containing HL-60 cell involves the reaction of the diffusible oxidant HOCl with amines producing chloramines and a subsequent non-TNB-reactive product.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize hypochlorous acid (HOCl) stress resistance of Staphylococcus aureus and to assess physiological state and changes in cell morphology. METHODS AND RESULTS: Clinical wild-type strain of S. aureus was used in the stress with HOCl at concentrations ranging from 0 to 4 mg l(-1). Concentrations below 1.5 mg l(-1) caused no significant drop in viability. During 2 h of HOCl stress at 2 mg l(-1), there was appearance of minicells capable of passing through the 0.45 microm pores of filtration membranes. Intracellular proteins increased gradually to reach a level of 51% of dry weight and an enhanced synthesis of at least two proteins of 23 and 220 kDa was concluded. CONCLUSIONS, SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Staphylococcus aureus can undergo morphological and physiological changes during 2 h of exposure to 2 mg l(-1) of HOCl, which represents an adaptative response towards the hypochlorous acid stress. This evolution limits the use of 0.45 microm pores size membrane filters for research on S. aureus in waters and the clinical environment.  相似文献   

Thiol oxidation by hypochlorous acid and chloramines is a favorable reaction and may be responsible for alterations in regulatory or signaling pathways in cells exposed to neutrophil oxidants. In order to establish the mechanism for such changes, it is necessary to appreciate whether these oxidants are selective for different thiols as compared with other scavengers. We have measured rate constants for reactions of amino acid chloramines with a range of thiols, methionine, and ascorbate, using a combination of stopped-flow and competitive kinetics. For HOCl, rate constants are too fast to measure directly by our system and values relative to reduced glutathione were determined by competition with methionine. For taurine chloramine, the rate constants for reaction with 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid, GSH, methionine, and ascorbate at pH 7.4 were 970, 115, 39, and 13 M(-1) s(-1), respectively. Values for 10 thiols varied by a factor of 20 and showed an inverse relationship to the pK(a) of the thiol group. Rate constants for chloramines of glycine and N-alpha-acetyl-lysine also showed these relationships. Rates increased with decreasing pH, suggesting a mechanism involving acid catalysis. For hypochlorous acid, rates of reaction with 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid, GSH, cysteine, and most of the other thiols were very similar. Relative reactivities varied by less than 5 and there was no dependence on thiol pK(a). Chloramines have the potential to be selective for different cellular thiols depending on their pK(a). For HOCl to be selective, other factors must be important, or its reactions could be secondary to chloramine formation.  相似文献   

Bacteria indigenous to water distribution systems were used to grow multispecies biofilms within continuous-flow slide chambers. Six flow chambers were also inoculated with an Escherichia coli isolate obtained from potable water. The effect of disinfectants on bacterial populations was determined after exposure of established biofilms to 1 ppm of hypochlorous acid (ClOH) for 67 min or 4 ppm of monochloramine (NH(2)Cl) for 155 min. To test the ability of bacterial populations to initiate biofilm formation in the presence of disinfectants, we assessed the biofilms after 2 weeks of exposure to residual concentrations of 0.2 ppm of ClOH or 4 ppm of NH(2)Cl. Lastly, to determine the effect of recommended residual concentrations on newly established biofilms, we treated systems with 0.2 ppm of ClOH after 5 days of growth in the absence of disinfectant. Whole-cell in situ hybridizations using fluorescently tagged, 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes performed on cryosectioned biofilms permitted the direct observation of metabolically active bacterial populations, including certain phylogenetic groups and species. The results of these studies confirmed the resistance of established bacterial biofilms to treatment with recommended levels of disinfectants. Specifically, Legionella pneumophila, E. coli, and beta and delta proteobacteria were identified within biofilms both before and after treatment. Furthermore, although it was undetected using routine monitoring techniques, the observation of rRNA-containing E. coli within biofilms demonstrated not only survival but also metabolic activity of this organism within the model distribution systems. The persistence of diverse bacterial species within disinfectant-treated biofilms suggests that current testing practices underestimate the risk to immunocompromised individuals of contracting waterborne disease.  相似文献   

Leukocytes, containing myeloperoxidase (MPO), produce the reactive chlorinating species, HOCl, and they have important roles in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease. Leukocyte-derived HOCl can target primary amines, alkenes and vinyl ethers of lipids, resulting in chlorinated products. Plasmalogens are vinyl ether-containing phospholipids that are abundant in tissues of the cardiovascular system. The HOCl oxidation products derived from plasmalogens are α-chlorofatty aldehyde and unsaturated molecular species of lysophosphatidylcholine. α-chlorofatty aldehyde is the precursor of both α-chlorofatty alcohol and α-chlorofatty acid. Both α-chlorofatty aldehyde and α-chlorofatty acid accumulate in activated neutrophils and have disparate chemotactic properties. In addition, α-chlorofatty aldehyde increases in activated monocytes, human atherosclerotic lesions and rat infarcted myocardium. This article addresses the pathways for the synthesis of these lipids and their biological targets.  相似文献   

Lactic acid content and production, as well as lactic dehydrogenaseactivity were studied in pea root tips grown in media salinatedwith NaCl or Na2SO4. Salinity of both types depressed the lacticacid content of the tissue. Lactic dehydrogenase activity linkedto NADH was depressed by high concentrations of NaCl in thegrowth medium, but was stimulated by increasing concentrationsof Na2SO4. There was a trace of NADPH linked activity of theenzyme; this activity was not affected by chloride salinitybut was depressed by sulphate salinity. It is not yet clearhow these events are connected with the overall effect of salinityon the carbohydrate metabolism of pea root tips. (Received June 27, 1970; )  相似文献   

Cysteine residues in proteins have important biological roles. For example, disulfide bonds are important structural elements; additionally, reversible oxidation of thiols to disulfides functions as a molecular switch and constitutes an early response to oxidative damage. Because organs are heterogeneous structures composed of diverse cell types, there is a compelling need for a histological approach to investigate thiol oxidation in situ in order to address the role of specific cell types in oxidative imbalance. Here we describe a fluorescence technique-which can be used in association with standard immunological staining procedures-to detect variations in disulfides in histological preparations. Moreover, by monitoring the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a labeled specific primary antibody and the thiol probe described here, this method can detect thiol oxidation in candidate proteins of interest. When applied to an animal model of Parkinson's disease, our technique demonstrated that thiol oxidation occurs selectively in the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra, the same neurons that are lost selectively in the disease. In summary, this technique provides a new, powerful tool for providing further understanding of oxidative imbalance, a phenomenon common to many diseases.  相似文献   

Treatment of cells with hypochlorous acid (HOCl) at sublethal doses causes a concentration-dependent loss in reduced glutathione (GSH) levels. We have investigated the products of the reaction of HOCl with GSH in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Despite a complete loss of GSH, there were only very small increases in intracellular and extracellular glutathione disulfide and glutathione sulfonic acid after exposure to HOCl. (35)S labeling of the GSH pool showed only a minimal increase in protein-bound GSH, suggesting that S-thiolation was not a major contributor to HOCl-mediated loss of GSH in endothelial cells. Rather, the products of the reaction were mostly exported from cells and included a peak that co-eluted with the cyclic sulfonamide that is a product of the reaction of GSH with reagent HOCl. Evidence of this species in endothelial cell supernatants after HOCl treatment was also obtained using electrospray mass spectrometry. In conclusion, exposure to HOCl causes the irreversible loss of cellular GSH with the formation of novel products that are rapidly exported from the cell, and resynthesis of GSH will be required to restore levels. The loss of GSH would alter the redox state of the cell and compromise its defenses against further oxidative stress.  相似文献   

1. The trend of the total acid-soluble thiols (AST) levels including glutathione (both in reduced form, GSH, and in the oxidized one, GSSG) and free cysteine (CySH) has been studied in Euglena gracilis cells exposed to copper or cadmium up to the fifth day of growth.2. The copper does not affect the levels of AST and of glutathione. A limited increase of CySH is observed during the first days of growth. This is followed by a gradual depletion for longer times.3. The exposure to cadmium leads to an increase in the content of AST as well as of glutathione and CySH levels according to the metal dose and to the exposure time.4. The data are interpreted taking into account the previous observations on the responses of Euglena gracilis to exposure to heavy metals.  相似文献   

M A Babizhaev  A I Deev 《Biofizika》1986,31(1):109-114
Content of primary (diene conjugates), secondary (ketodienes), end (Schiff's bases) products of free radical oxidation (FRO) of lipids was determined, as well as content of total and non-protein-bound thiols in human lens at different stages of cataractogenesis. Lens opacity was estimated by quantitative morphometric analysis. Participation of FRO of lipids in lens opacity is proved. It is shown that total thiols of lens fibres are rapidly inactivated when the intensity of lipid FRO is increased at the expense of the fall of glutathione level. These processes promote the formation of high molecular protein aggregates in the lens and cataract development. Coefficients of linear correlation between the indicated parameters are presented. A conclusion is drawn concerning possible prevention of cataract development by decreasing the level of accumulation of lipid peroxides and by maintaining high concentration of reduced glutathione in the lens.  相似文献   

The ability of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) (anion form - hypochlorite, OCl-) and HOCl/OCl- -modified human blood low density lipoproteins (HOCl-LDLs) to stimulate erythrocyte adhesion to endothelial cell monolayers was studied. LDLs were modified by incubating at different HOCl/OC- concentrations. This led to a damage of proteins and lipids. We found (1) a more than 20-fold decrease of LDL fluorescence intensity (extinction at 285 nm, emission at 340 nm), (2) accumulation of secondary (TBA-reactive substances) and final (Schiff bases) products of lipid peroxidation, and (3) increase in the electrophoretic mobility of LDLs. Preincubation of endothelial cells (ECs) with HOCI/OCl- (up to 50 microM) enhanced erythrocyte adhesion to the EC monolayer. Preincubation of ECs with HOCl-LDLs (up to 250 microM of HOCI//OCl- during LDL modification) (1) caused an increase in the cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio in EC and (2) enhanced adhesion of erythrocytes to endothelium. Application of HOCl/OCl- at concentrations above 50 microM or treatment of LDLs with 500 microM HOCl resulted in the cytotoxic effect on ECs and led to a decrease in the molar cholesterol/phospholipid ratio in ECs and adhesion of erythrocytes to endothelium. The results suggest that HOCl/OCl- at physiological concentrations stimulates the adhesion of blood cells to the endothelium and cholesterol accumulation in the vessel wall ECs either directly or due to LDL modification. Both effects could be important in the development of many vascular diseases.  相似文献   

Tyrosinemia type 1 (HT1) is an autosomal recessive disorder of the tyrosine metabolism in which the fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase enzyme is defective. This disease is clinically heterogeneous and a chronic and acute form is discerned. Characteristic of the chronic form is the development of cellular hepatocarcinoma. Although p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid (pHPPA) is used as one of the diagnostic markers of this disease, it was suggested that it is unlikely to be involved in the pathophysiology of HT1 as it is present in other disorders that does not have hepatorenal symptoms. It was the aim of this study to investigate the possible effect of pHPPA on DNA damage and repair in mammalian cells. The comet assay was used to establish the genotoxicity of pHPPA in human peripheral blood lymphocytes and isolated rat hepatocytes after their exposure to pHPPA. At first glance the damage to DNA caused by pHPPA seemed reparable in both cell types, however, after challenging the DNA repair capacity of metabolite-treated cells with treatment with H(2)O(2), a marked impairment in the DNA repair capability of these cells was observed. We suggest that the main effect of pHPPA is the long-term impairment of the DNA repair machinery rather than the direct damage to DNA and that this effect of pHPPA, together with the other characteristic metabolites, e.g., FAA and MAA, causes cellular hepatocarcinoma to develop in the chronic form of HT1.  相似文献   

Incubation of isolated rat hepatocytes with menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) or the thiol oxidant, diamide (azodicarboxylic acid bis(dimethylamide)), resulted in the appearance of numerous plasma membrane protrusions (blebs) preceding cell death. Analysis of the Triton X-100-insoluble fraction (cytoskeleton) extracted from treated cells revealed a dose- and time-dependent increase in the amount of cytoskeletal protein and a concomitant loss of protein thiols. These changes were associated with the disappearance of actin and formation of large-molecular-weight aggregates, when the cytoskeletal proteins were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nonreducing conditions. However, if the cytoskeletal proteins were treated with the thiol reductants, dithiothreitol or beta-mercaptoethanol, no changes in the relative abundance of actin or formation of large-molecular-weight aggregates were detected in the cytoskeletal preparations from treated cells. Moreover, addition of dithiothreitol to menadione- or diamide-treated hepatocytes protected the cells from both the appearance of surface blebs and the occurrence of alterations in cytoskeletal protein composition. Our findings show that oxidative stress induced by the metabolism of menadione in isolated hepatocytes causes cytoskeletal abnormalities, of which protein thiol oxidation seems to be intimately related to the appearance of surface blebs.  相似文献   

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