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Sex predominates in eukaryotes, despite its short-term disadvantage when compared to asexuality. Myriad models have suggested that short-term advantages of sex may be sufficient to counterbalance its twofold costs. However, despite decades of experimental work seeking such evidence, no evolutionary mechanism has yet achieved broad recognition as explanation for the maintenance of sex. We explore here, through lineage-selection models, the conditions favouring the maintenance of sex. In the first model, we allowed the rate of transition to asexuality to evolve, to determine whether lineage selection favoured species with the strongest constraints preventing the loss of sex. In the second model, we simulated more explicitly the mechanisms underlying the higher extinction rates of asexual lineages than of their sexual counterparts. We linked extinction rates to the ecological and/or genetic features of lineages, thereby providing a formalisation of the only figure included in Darwin''s “The origin of species”. Our results reinforce the view that the long-term advantages of sex and lineage selection may provide the most satisfactory explanations for the maintenance of sex in eukaryotes, which is still poorly recognized, and provide figures and a simulation website for training and educational purposes. Short-term benefits may play a role, but it is also essential to take into account the selection of lineages for a thorough understanding of the maintenance of sex.  相似文献   

Linkage Modification and Sex Difference in Recombination   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Masatoshi Nei 《Genetics》1969,63(3):681-699

The Two-Locus Model with Sex Differences in Recombination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Curtis Strobeck 《Genetics》1974,78(2):791-797
The criteria for stability of the equilibrium with D=0 are obtained for the two locus model with multiplicative or symmetric fitnesses when the recombination values in males and females are different. It is shown that if r is defined to be equal to the average of the recombination values in males and females, then the criteria are exactly the same as in the standard two locus model.-The equilibrium values with D not equal0 are obtained for the symmetric fitness model. At this equilibrium, the absolute value of D is always greater (for the same average recombination value) if the recombination values in males and females differ than if they are equal.  相似文献   

Models for the origin of the sex incorporate either obligate or facultative sexual cycles. The relevance of each assumption to the ancestral sexual population can be examined by surveying the sexual cycles of eukaryotes, and by determining the first lineage to diverge after sexuality evolved. Two protistan groups, the parabasalids and the oxymonads, have been suggested to be early-branching sexual lineages. A maximum-likelihood analysis of elongation factor-1α sequences shows that the parabasalids diverged prior to the oxymonads and thus represent the earliest sexual lineage of eukaryotes. Since both of these protist lineages and most other eukaryotes are facultatively sexual, it is likely that the common ancestor of all known eukaryotes was facultatively sexual as well. This finding has important implications for the ``Best-Man hypothesis' and other models for the origin of sex. Received: 21 August 1998 / Accepted: 26 December 1998  相似文献   

How consistent are the evolutionary trajectories of sex chromosomes shortly after they form? Insights into the evolution of recombination, differentiation, and degeneration can be provided by comparing closely related species with homologous sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and its sister species, the Japan Sea stickleback (G. nipponicus), have been well characterized. Little is known, however, about the sex chromosomes of their congener, the blackspotted stickleback (G. wheatlandi). We used pedigrees to obtain experimentally phased whole genome sequences from blackspotted stickleback X and Y chromosomes. Using multispecies gene trees and analysis of shared duplications, we demonstrate that Chromosome 19 is the ancestral sex chromosome and that its oldest stratum evolved in the common ancestor of the genus. After the blackspotted lineage diverged, its sex chromosomes experienced independent and more extensive recombination suppression, greater X–Y differentiation, and a much higher rate of Y degeneration than the other two species. These patterns may result from a smaller effective population size in the blackspotted stickleback. A recent fusion between the ancestral blackspotted stickleback Y chromosome and Chromosome 12, which produced a neo-X and neo-Y, may have been favored by the very small size of the recombining region on the ancestral sex chromosome. We identify six strata on the ancestral and neo-sex chromosomes where recombination between the X and Y ceased at different times. These results confirm that sex chromosomes can evolve large differences within and between species over short evolutionary timescales.  相似文献   


Supporting Hamilton’s inclusive fitness theory, archival analyses of inheritance patterns in wills have revealed that people invest more of their estates in kin of closer genetic relatedness. Recent classroom experiments have shown that this genetic relatedness effect is stronger for relatives of direct lineage (children, grandchildren) than for relatives of collateral lineage (siblings, nieces, nephews). In the present research, multilevel modeling of more than 1,000 British Columbian wills revealed a positive effect of genetic relatedness on proportions of estates allocated to relatives. This effect was qualified by an interaction with lineage, such that it was stronger for direct than for collateral relatives. Exploratory analyses of the moderating role of benefactors’ sex and estate values showed the genetic relatedness effect was stronger among female and wealthier benefactors. The importance of these moderators to understanding kin investment in modern humans is discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency of spontaneous and X-ray-induced mitotic recombination involving the Y chromosome has been studied in individuals with a marked Y chromosome arm and different XY compound chromosomes. The genotypes used include X chromosomes with different amounts of X heterochromatin and either or both arms of the Y chromosome attached to either side of the centromere. Individuals with two Y chromosomes have also been studied. The results show that the bulk of mitotic recombination takes place between homologous regions.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), the prototypic member of herpesviruses, employs a virally encoded molecular machine called terminase to package the viral double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome into a preformed protein shell. The terminase contains a large subunit that is thought to cleave concatemeric viral DNA during the packaging initiation and completion of each packaging cycle and supply energy to the packaging process via ATP hydrolysis. We have determined the X-ray structure of the C-terminal domain of the terminase large-subunit pUL15 (pUL15C) from HSV-1. The structure shows a fold resembling those of bacteriophage terminases, RNase H, integrases, DNA polymerases, and topoisomerases, with an active site clustered with acidic residues. Docking analysis reveals a DNA-binding surface surrounded by flexible loops, indicating considerable conformational changes upon DNA binding. In vitro assay shows that pUL15C possesses non-sequence-specific, Mg2+-dependent nuclease activity. These results suggest that pUL15 uses an RNase H-like, metal ion-mediated catalysis mechanism for cleavage of viral concatemeric DNA. The structure reveals extra structural elements in addition to the RNase H-like fold core and variations in local architecture of the nuclease active site, which are conserved in herpesvirus terminases and bear great similarity to the phage T4 gp17 but are distinct from podovirus and siphovirus orthologs and cellular RNase H, delineating a new evolutionary lineage among a large family of eukaryotic viruses and simple and complex prokaryotic viruses.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of recombination rates and patterns in plants is far from being comprehensive. However, compelling evidence indicates a central role for recombination, through its influences on mutation and selection, in the evolution of plant genomes. Furthermore, recombination seems to be generally higher and more variable in plants than in animals, which could be one of the primary reasons for differences in genome lability between these two kingdoms. Much additional study of recombination in plants is needed to investigate these ideas further.  相似文献   

While stromatolites, and to a lesser extent thrombolites, have been extensively studied in order to unravel Precambrian (>539 Ma) biological evolution, studies of clastic-dominated microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) are relatively scarce. The lack of a consolidated record of clastic microbialites creates questions about how much (and what) information on depositional and taphonomic settings can be gleaned from these fossils. We used μCT scanning, a non-destructive X-ray-based 3D imaging method, to reconstruct morphologies of ancient MISS and mat textures in two previously described coastal Archaean samples from the ~3.48 Ga Dresser Formation, Pilbara, Western Australia. The aim of this study was to test the ability of μCT scanning to visualize and make 3D measurements that can be used to interpret the biotic–environmental interactions. Fossil MISS including mat laminae with carpet-like textures in one sample and mat rip-up chips in the second sample were investigated. Compiled δ13C and δ34S analyses of specimens from the Dresser Fm. are consistent with a taxonomically diverse community that could be capable of forming such MISS. 3D measurements of fossil microbial mat chips indicate significant biostabilization and suggest formation in flow velocities >25 cm s−1. Given the stratigraphic location of these chips in a low-flow lagoonal layer, we conclude that these chips formed due to tidal influence, as these assumed velocities are consistent with recent modeling of Archaean tides. The success of μCT scanning in documenting these microbialite features validates this technique both as a first step analysis for rare samples prior to the use of more destructive techniques and as a valuable tool for gaining insight into microbialite taphonomy.  相似文献   

In the present study an extensive amount of data, comprising more than 30,000 offspring in total, was analyzed to evaluate the influence of age and sex on the recombination frequency in the K-PGD segment of the equine linkage group (LG) I and the influence of age, breed and sex on recombination in the Al-Es segment of LG II. A highly significant sex difference is reported for both segments. Male and female recombination values in the K-PGD segment were estimated at 25.8 ± 0.8 and 33.3 ± 2.5%, respectively. Similarly, recombination was less frequent in the male (36.6 ± 0.7%) than in the female (46.6 ± 1.2%) in the Al-Es segment. Comparison of data from two Swedish horse breeds revealed no significant breed differences in either sex for recombination in the Al-Es segment. No evidence of an age effect was found in any segment or sex. The distribution of individual male recombination estimates was also investigated, and a significant heterogeneity among stallions was revealed in the K-PGD segment. The results are discussed in relation to previous studies on factors affecting recombination in mammals.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae cells, infected with the sex factor P, produce discrete, plaque-like clearings when plated on lawns of P(-) cells. We investigated the nature of these clearings and conclude that they are probably sites of active mating. We developed a quantitative assay for P(+) cells and used it to study the kinetics of sex factor spread in broth cultures. Both established and newly infected donor populations were efficient sex factor donors, indicating that P is not self-repressed. We also investigated the kinetics of recombinant formation in broth matings. In 1-hr matings, we routinely found recombination frequencies of 10(-6) per donor cell. Kinetic studies of recombinant formation showed that the markers tested all appeared at early times. Thus P, the V. cholerae sex factor, seems to resemble F in its transfer properties.  相似文献   

Maternal lineage influences performance traits in horses. This is probably caused by differences in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transferred to the offspring via the oocyte. In the present study, we investigated if reproductive traits with high variability—gestation length and fetal sex ratio—are influenced by maternal lineage. Data from 142 Warmblood mares from the Brandenburg State Stud at Neustadt (Dosse), Germany, were available for the study. Mares were grouped according to their maternal lineage. Influences on the reproduction parameters gestation length and sex ratio of offspring were analyzed by simple and multiple analyses of variance. A total of 786 cases were included. From the 142 mares, 119 were assigned to six maternal lineages with n≥10 mares per lineage, and 23 mares belonged to smaller maternal lineages. The mean number of live foals produced per mare was 4.6±3.6 (±SD). Live foal rate was 83.5%. Mean gestation length was 338.5±8.9 days (±SD) with a range of 313 to 370 days. Gestation length was affected by maternal lineage (p<0.001). Gestation length was also significantly influenced by the individual mare, age of the mare, year of breeding, month of breeding and sex of the foal (p<0.05). Of the 640 foals born alive at term, 48% were male and 52% female. Mare age group and maternal lineage significantly influenced the sex ratio of the foals (p<0.05). It is concluded that maternal lineage influences reproductive parameters with high variation such as gestation length and foal sex ratio in horses. In young primiparous and aged mares, the percentage of female offspring is higher than the expected 1:1 ratio.  相似文献   

Inheritance of restriction fragment length polymorphisms associated with four anonymous DNA markers (D12Nyu1, 2, 3 and 4), the Fos proto-oncogene, the Mtv-9 viral integration site, and the alpha 1-antitrypsin (Aat-1) and immunoglobulin heavy chain (Igh) gene families in the mouse has been followed in a backcross experiment. A Bayesian multilocus map-building strategy yielded the map: centromere-D12Nyu2-10 cM-D12Nyu1-2 cM-D12Nyu3-15 cM-Fos-1 cM-D12Nyu4-2 cM-Mtv-9-8 cM-Aat-1-17 cM-Igh-C. A map constructed from male meiotic data was substantially shorter than one constructed from female meiotic data. Significant interference was observed for the linkage group. Two groups of markers studied in recombinant inbred strains of mice could be interpolated into the map: Es-25, D12Nyu10, D12Nyu7 and Apob form a cluster proximal to D12Nyu2, and Ly-18, Ah, and D12Nyu5 form a cluster between D12Nyu2 and D12Nyu1. These data establish an unambiguously ordered linkage group including Igh and Aat-1 that spans most of chromosome 12.  相似文献   

The western Palearctic ant, Tetramorium moravicum , is the only species of the large genus known to display two alternative social strategies: macrogyny-monoygyny (characterized by one large queen per colony) and microgyny-polygyny (multiple small queens per colony). The microgyne colonies of this ant are confined to the westernmost part of its distribution area and occasionally co-occur with macrogyne colonies. We investigated phylogenetic and geographical patterns in relation to social strategy by analysing 1031 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene of T. moravicum from the entire known species range. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two clear-cut lineages coinciding with the eastern and western populations, which probably were separated after the late Quaternary glacial periods. Geographical distance analysis suggested allopatric fragmentation of the two lineages. We hypothesize that the two lineages colonized Central Europe postglacially from two directions. The current distribution gap of 500 km between the tip of the eastern lineage, in the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary, and the western lineage, in Germany, was confirmed by hierarchical population analysis. Macrogyny-monogyny probably was the original condition in T. moravicum ; the alternative strategy of microgyny-polygyny may have evolved at the tip of the western lineage, as recently as the early Holocene.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 247–255.  相似文献   

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