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Molecular genetics in Aspergillus fumigatus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Manipulation of the genome of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus is not well developed. Approaches and data from related model organisms are being used to develop molecular genetic systems in A. fumigatus; for example, the molecular typing of strains during infection. A genome-sequencing programme has begun and will form the basis for future development.  相似文献   

Summary 1) Extract was obtained by repeated cryolysis of acetone-dried mycelia ofAsp. fumigatus killed by formalin. High titer immune serum could be easily obtained by immunizing rabbits with this extract.2) FI antigen prepared from mycelial extract by alcoholic precipitation exhibited species-specificity when examined by the precipitin test.3) FII, prepared from FI by chloroform-butanol treatment, was no better than FI in antigenic activity.4) FI could be used as antigen in the skin test with rabbits infected withAsp. fumigatus, when the final reading was based on the redness (larger than 5 mm in diameter) 36 hours after the injection of antigen.  相似文献   

Bark degradation by Aspergillus fumigatus. Growth studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Inhaled conidia of Aspergillus fumigatus rapidly adhere to pulmonary epithelial cells and other host constituents. Identifying molecular mechanisms underlying A. fumigatus adherence has therefore been the focus of a number of studies aimed at identifying novel therapeutic targets. Early studies of A. fumigatus adherence to host constituents focused on fungal proteins, including RodA and AspF2. None of these proteins however has been found to play a role in virulence in experimental animal models. Recent advances have suggested an important role for fungal carbohydrate components of the cell wall and extracellular matrix in adherence, including sialic acid and mannose residues, and the newly described polysaccharide galactosaminogalactan. Despite these advances, the host cell receptors that are bound by these ligands remain unknown.  相似文献   

Metabolism of progesterone by a typical strain of Aspergillus fumigatus was studied. The four metabolites isolated were characterized as 5α-pregnane-3ß-ol-20-one, 15ß-hydroxy-1,4-pregnadiene-3,20-dione, 7ß,15ß-dihydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione and 11α,15ß-dihydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione by the application of various spectrometric techniques.  相似文献   

Several outbreaks of sheep mastitis by Aspergillus fumigatus in Castilla y Leon (Spain), were studied. Only sheep that were treated intramammarily with antibacterial antibiotics during the dry period suffered this mastitis. Mastitis was acute with a morbidity up to 14 % and mortality near 100 %. The udder was markedly enlarged in size, fibrotic, haemorrhagic and with multiple compact nodules, some with purulent material inside; after 30-50 days postpartum, cheesy abscess of several centimetres in diameter were present. Some sheep had granulomatous nodules in the lung. Microscopy and culture shown the presence of A. fumigatus in milk, udder and lung. The route of infection was by intramammary via as a consequence of unhygienic intramammary treatment in the dry period.  相似文献   

A strain of Aspergillus fumigatus from composted coffee and garden wastes utilized natural deproteinized insect, banana, hair, octopus, and synthetic tyrosine and dopa melanins as sole sources of carbon. With a sucrose supplement, degradation was essentially complete after 50 days in Czapek medium pH 6.5 at 30 degrees C. The catabolic rate differed for each substrate pigment, as did the molecular weight distribution of products accumulating in the medium. After incubation with L-[U-14C]melanin, over 50% was recovered in a dark fungal pigment, the remainder appearing as cell protein, chitin, lipid, CO2, and polar metabolites. When grown on melanin, the normally pale mycelia darkened with the production of a fungal allomelanin, with infrared spectrum and alkali fusion products differing from those of the substrate pigment. Isotope distribution in amino acids for A. fumigatus grown on labeled melanin supplemented with sucrose suggested separate pools for synthesis of cell proteins and melanoproteins. Deposition of allomelanin increased resistance of conidia, sterigma, and conidiophores to lytic carbohydrases as judged by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

A PCR typing method has been developed and tested to investigate the polymorphism of clinical strains of Aspergillus fumigatus. Firstly, the DNA fragments from random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns of nine epidemiologically and geographically non-related monosporal strains of A. fumigatus were cloned and sequenced. The pairs of five sequence-specific DNA primers (SSDP), characteristic of the 5′ and 3′ extremities of the RAPD products, were then used in high stringency PCR to type 43 clinical strains of A. fumigatus from 13 patients, according to the presence or absence of a single amplified band. This original approach, which uses the advantages of PCR, has made it possible to overcome the difficulties resulting from the low stringency amplification. The SSDP analysis of 51 A. fumigatus strains (9 unrelated monosporal strains and 43 clinical strains from 13 patients) can be classed into 22 different types with a high reproducibility and a high level of discrimination (D=0.96). The results suggest that seven lung transplant patients with necrotizing aspergillosis, bronchitis aspergillosis and bronchial colonization were infected by multiple strain genotypes, whereas three patients with invasive aspergillosis seem to have been infected by a single strain.  相似文献   

Physical and biological properties of the fungal cell wall are determined by the composition and arrangement of the structural polysaccharides. Cell wall polymers of fungi are classically divided into two groups depending on their solubility in hot alkali. We have analyzed the alkali-insoluble fraction of the Aspergillus fumigatus cell wall, which is the fraction believed to be responsible for fungal cell wall rigidity. Using enzymatic digestions with recombinant endo-beta-1,3-glucanase and chitinase, fractionation by gel filtration, affinity chromatography with immobilized lectins, and high performance liquid chromatography, several fractions that contained specific interpolysaccharide covalent linkages were isolated. Unique features of the A. fumigatus cell wall are (i) the absence of beta-1,6-glucan and (ii) the presence of a linear beta-1, 3/1,4-glucan, never previously described in fungi. Galactomannan, chitin, and beta-1,3-glucan were also found in the alkali-insoluble fraction. The beta-1,3-glucan is a branched polymer with 4% of beta-1,6 branch points. Chitin, galactomannan, and the linear beta-1, 3/1,4-glucan were covalently linked to the nonreducing end of beta-1, 3-glucan side chains. As in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, chitin was linked via a beta-1,4 linkage to beta-1,3-glucan. The data obtained suggested that the branching of beta-1,3-glucan is an early event in the construction of the cell wall, resulting in an increase of potential acceptor sites for chitin, galactomannan, and the linear beta-1,3/1,4-glucan.  相似文献   

Galactofuranose-containing molecules have been repeatedly shown to be important antigens among human fungal pathogens, including Aspergillus fumigatus. Immunogenic galactofuran determinants have been poorly characterized chemically, however. We reported here the characterization of two glycoproteins of A. fumigatus with an N-glycan containing galactofuranose. These proteins are a phospholipase C and a phytase. Chemical characterization of the N-glycan indicates that it is a mixture of Hex(5-13)HexNAc(2) oligosaccharides, the major molecular species corresponding to Hex(6-8)HexNAc(2). The N-glycan contained one galactofuranose unit that was in a terminal nonreducing position attached to the 2 position of Man. This single terminal nonreducing galactofuranose is essential for the immunoreactivity of the N-glycans assessed either with a monoclonal antibody that recognizes a tetra-beta-1,5-galactofuran chain of galactomannan or with Aspergillus-infected patient sera.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus ATCC 28282 was found to be capable of growth on 4-ethylphenol as its sole carbon and energy source. A pathway for the metabolism of this compound has been proposed. The initial step involves hydroxylation of the methylene group of 4-ethylphenol to form 1-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol, followed by oxidation to 4-hydroxyacetophenone. The hydroxylase was NADPH and oxygen dependent, which is a characteristic of a monooxygenase type of enzyme. The 1-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol isolated from growth medium was a racemic mixture of R-(+) and S-(-) enantiomers. 4-Hydroxyacetophenone undergoes an NADPH-dependent Baeyer-Villiger type of oxygenation to give 4-hydroxyphenyl acetate, which is hydrolyzed to form hydroquinone (1,4-dihydroxybenzene). Hydroxylation of hydroquinone by an NADPH-dependent enzyme produces 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene, the ring fission substrate, which is cleaved by ortho fission to form maleylacetate. The pathway was elucidated by various kinds of investigations. Analysis of culture medium sampled during growth on 4-ethylphenol revealed the transient appearance of 1-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol, 4-hydroxyacetophenone, and hydroquinone. Cells grown on 4-ethylphenol were able to oxidize all of these compounds immediately, whereas oxidation by succinate-grown cells showed a lag period. Extracts prepared from cells grown on 4-ethylphenol contained enzyme activities for all of the proposed steps. Apart from a low level of esterase activity towards 4-hydroxyphenyl acetate, extracts prepared from cells grown on succinate did not contain any of these enzyme activities.  相似文献   

A fungal infection in the right eye after retina detachment on an immunocompetent patient is reported. After surgery, she developed an infection that was empirically treated with antibiotics and corticoids. Later the patient developed another retina and choroid detachment. The infection evolved to endophthalmitis and a sample was sent to the microbiology laboratory, where Aspergillus fumigatus was isolated. In spite of treatment with intravenous and intravitreous amphotericin B, the eye was eventually removed by enucleation.  相似文献   

Metabolism of p-Cresol by the Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The fungus Aspergillus fumigatus ATCC 28282 was shown to grow on p-cresol as its sole source of carbon and energy. A pathway for metabolism of this compound was proposed. This has protocatechuate as the ring-fission substrate with cleavage and metabolism by an ortho-fission pathway. The protocatechuate was formed by two alternative routes, either by initial attack on the methyl group, which is oxidized to carboxyl, followed by ring-hydroxylation, or by ring-hydroxylation as the first step with subsequent oxidation of 4-methylcatechol to the acid. The pathway was elucidated from several pieces of evidence. A number of compounds, including 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic acid, protocatechualdehyde, and 4-methylcatechol, appeared transiently in the medium during growth on p-cresol. These compounds were oxidized without lag by p-cresol-grown cells but not by succinate-grown cells. Enzyme activities for most of the proposed steps were demonstrated in cell extracts after growth on p-cresol, and the products of these activities were identified. None of the activities were found in succinate-grown cells.  相似文献   

Fungal glycosylinositolphosphoceramides (GIPCs) are involved in cell growth and fungal-host interactions. In this study, six GIPCs from the mycelium of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus were purified and characterized using Q-TOF mass spectrometry and 1H, 13C, and 31P NMR. All structures have the same inositolphosphoceramide moiety with the presence of a C(18:0)-phytosphingosine conjugated to a 2-hydroxylated saturated fatty acid (2-hydroxy-lignoceric acid). The carbohydrate moiety defines two types of GIPC. The first, a mannosylated zwitterionic glycosphingolipid contains a glucosamine residue linked in alpha1-2 to an inositol ring that has been described in only two other fungal pathogens. The second type of GIPC presents an alpha-Manp-(1-->3)-alpha-Manp-(1-->2)-IPC common core. A galactofuranose residue is found in four GIPC structures, mainly at the terminal position via a beta1-2 linkage. Interestingly, this galactofuranose residue could be substituted by a choline-phosphate group, as observed only in the GIPC of Acremonium sp., a plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Differences were detectable among strains of the opportunist fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus when water-soluble (WS) preparations were analysed by combined SDS-PAGE and Western blotting procedures. A wide range of molecules of apparent molecular masses from approximately 20 to greater than 100 kDa showed specific binding to antibodies raised in rabbits to A. fumigatus wall and cytoplasmic components. The ability to bind antibody was markedly reduced by treatment of these antigens with sodium periodate or with specific proteases or glucanases. Pretreatment of blotted antigens with either concanavalin A (ConA) or wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) did not, however, inhibit subsequent antibody binding. The antigens of subfractions prepared from a single strain of A. fumigatus WS material were also susceptible to periodate oxidation and enzymic hydrolysis. Slight cross-reactivity was apparent when crude preparations of cellular or culture filtrate antigens, used in this laboratory to detect antibodies to Candida albicans, Coccidioides immitis and Cryptococcus neoformans, were probed with hyperimmune rabbit antisera to A. fumigatus. Efforts were made to characterize the WS preparations of A. fumigatus, used as diagnostic antigens in many laboratories. The electrophoretically separated antigenic moieties were shown to be predominantly glycoproteins. Binding of cytoplasmic antigens to antibodies raised to wall material showed the presence of many common components in both wall and cytosol. Antiserum to wall components revealed most differentiation among A. fumigatus strains.  相似文献   

Intratracheal inoculation of young quail chicks with Aspergillus fumigatus spores resulted in the development of characteristic gross and microscopic lesions. The lesions were restricted to respiratory tract and there was no dissemination of infection to other tissues of the body.Gross changes in lungs and air sacs were observed within 24 hours and continued up to 20 days while in trachea these were noticed from the 3rd to the 9th day post-infection. The lesions, in general, included congestion and focal haemorrhages in the first 2 days followed by the development of varying-sized greyish-white nodules in the lungs, air sacs and trachea.Microscopic changes consisted of congestion, haemorrhages and a diffuse cellular infiltration in the first 2 days followed by granulomatous reaction with well developed granulomas in lungs, air sacs and trachea. Spores and developing hyphae of Aspergillus could be demonstrated in sections from 24 hours to 20 days of infection.Reisolation of the fungus was consistently achieved from the lungs, air sacs and trachea up to 14 days.  相似文献   

Conidial hydrophobins of Aspergillus fumigatus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The surface of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia, the first structure recognized by the host immune system, is covered by rodlets. We report that this outer cell wall layer contains two hydrophobins, RodAp and RodBp, which are found as highly insoluble complexes. The RODA gene was previously characterized, and DeltarodA conidia do not display a rodlet layer (N. Thau, M. Monod, B. Crestani, C. Rolland, G. Tronchin, J. P. Latgé, and S. Paris, Infect. Immun. 62:4380-4388, 1994). The RODB gene was cloned and disrupted. RodBp was highly homologous to RodAp and different from DewAp of A. nidulans. DeltarodB conidia had a rodlet layer similar to that of the wild-type conidia. Therefore, unlike RodAp, RodBp is not required for rodlet formation. The surface of DeltarodA conidia is granular; in contrast, an amorphous layer is present at the surface of the conidia of the DeltarodA DeltarodB double mutant. These data show that RodBp plays a role in the structure of the conidial cell wall. Moreover, rodletless mutants are more sensitive to killing by alveolar macrophages, suggesting that RodAp or the rodlet structure is involved in the resistance to host cells.  相似文献   

Conidial Hydrophobins of Aspergillus fumigatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The surface of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia, the first structure recognized by the host immune system, is covered by rodlets. We report that this outer cell wall layer contains two hydrophobins, RodAp and RodBp, which are found as highly insoluble complexes. The RODA gene was previously characterized, and ΔrodA conidia do not display a rodlet layer (N. Thau, M. Monod, B. Crestani, C. Rolland, G. Tronchin, J. P. Latgé, and S. Paris, Infect. Immun. 62:4380-4388, 1994). The RODB gene was cloned and disrupted. RodBp was highly homologous to RodAp and different from DewAp of A. nidulans. ΔrodB conidia had a rodlet layer similar to that of the wild-type conidia. Therefore, unlike RodAp, RodBp is not required for rodlet formation. The surface of ΔrodA conidia is granular; in contrast, an amorphous layer is present at the surface of the conidia of the ΔrodA ΔrodB double mutant. These data show that RodBp plays a role in the structure of the conidial cell wall. Moreover, rodletless mutants are more sensitive to killing by alveolar macrophages, suggesting that RodAp or the rodlet structure is involved in the resistance to host cells.  相似文献   

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