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Abnormal mesangial extracellular matrix remodeling by mesangial cells (MCs) is the hallmark of progressive glomerulonephritis (GN). We recently showed, using a type I collagen gel contraction assay, that α1β1 integrin-dependent MC adhesion and migration are necessary cell behaviors for collagen matrix remodeling. To further determine the mechanism of α1β1 integrin-mediated collagen remodeling, we studied the signaling pathways of MCs that participate in the regulation of collagen gel contraction. Immunoprecipitation and phosphotyrosine detection revealed that gel contraction is associated with the enhanced activity and phosphorylation of ERK1/2 by MCs. The tyrosine kinase inhibitors herbimycin and genistein inhibited collagen gel contraction dose dependently. Furthermore, targeting ERK1/2 activity with a MEK inhibitor, PD98059, and antisense ERK1/2 hindered gel contraction in a dose-dependent manner. Similar inhibitory effects on gel contraction and ERK1/2 phosphorylation were observed when MC-mediated gel contraction was performed in the presence of function-blocking anti-α1 or anti-β1 integrin antibodies. However, cell adhesion and migration assays indicated that PD98059 and antisense ERK1/2 blocked α1β1 integrin-dependent MC migration, but did not interfere with collagen adhesion, although there was a marked decrease in ERK1/2 phosphorylation and ERK1/2 protein expression in cell adhesion on type I collagen. None of the above could affect membrane expression of α1β1 integrin. These results suggested that ERK1/2 activation is critical for the α1β1 integrin-dependent MC migration necessary for collagen matrix reorganization. We therefore conclude that ERK1/2 may serve as a possible target for pharmacological inhibition of pathological collagen matrix formation in GN.  相似文献   

Phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in atherosclerosis and restenosis involves responses to the surrounding microenvironment. SMCs obtained by enzymatic digestion from tunica media of newborn, young adult (YA) and old rats and from the thickened intima (TI) and underlying media of young adult rat aortas 15 days after ballooning were entrapped in floating populated collagen lattice (PCL). TI-SMCs elongated but were poor at PCL contraction and remodeling and expressed less alpha2 integrin compared to other SMCs that appeared more dendritic. During early phases of PCL contraction, SMCs showed a marked decrease in the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin and myosin. SMCs other than TI-SMCs required 7 days to re-express alpha-smooth muscle actin and myosin. Only TI-SMCs in PCL were able to divide in 48 h, with a greater proportion in S and G2-M cell cycle phases compared to other SMCs. Anti-alpha2 integrin antibody markedly inhibited contraction but not proliferation in YA-SMC-PLCs; anti-alpha1 and anti-alpha2 integrin antibodies induced a similar slight inhibition in TI-SMC-PCLs. Finally, TI-SMCs rapidly migrated from PCL on plastic reacquiring their epithelioid phenotype. Heterogeneity in proliferation and cytoskeleton as well the capacity to remodel the extracellular matrix are maintained, when SMCs are suspended in PCLs.  相似文献   

The survival of an organism depends on its ability to respond to its environment through its senses. The sense of touch is one of the most vital; still, it is the least understood. In the process of touch sensation, a mechanical stimulus is converted into electrical signals. Groundbreaking electrophysiological experiments in organisms ranging from bacteria to mammals have suggested that this conversion may occur through the activation of ion channels that gate in response to mechanical stimuli. However, the molecular identity of these channels has remained elusive for a very long time. Breakthroughs in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of touch sensation have come from the analysis of touch-insensitive mutants in model organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. This review will focus on the elegant genetic, molecular, imaging, and electrophysiological studies that demonstrate that a channel complex composed of two members of the DEG/ENaC gene family of channel subunits (named for the C. elegans degenerins and the related mammalian epithelial amiloride-sensitive Na channel), MEC-4 and MEC-10, and accessory subunits is gated by mechanical forces in touch-sensing neurons from C. elegans. I also report here electrophysiological and behavioral studies employing knockout mice that have recently shown that mammalian homologues of MEC-4, MEC-10, and accessory subunits are needed for normal mechanosensitivity in mouse, suggesting a conserved function for this channel family across species. The C. elegans genome encodes 28 DEG/ENaC channels: I discuss here the global role of DEG/ENaCs in mechanosensation, reporting findings on the role of other three nematode DEG/ENaCs (UNC-8, DEL-1, and UNC-105) in mechanosensitive and stretch-sensitive behaviors. Finally, this review will discuss findings in which members of another family of ion channels, the Transient Receptor Potential channels family, have been implicated in mechanosensitive behaviors in organisms ranging from C. elegans to mammals.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are targets for insect-selective neonicotinoid insecticides exemplified by imidacloprid (IMI) and mammalian-selective nicotinoids including nicotine and epibatidine (EPI). Despite their importance, insect nAChRs are poorly understood compared with their vertebrate counterparts. This study characterizes the [(3)H]IMI, [(3)H]EPI, and [(3)H]alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BGT) binding sites in hybrid nAChRs consisting of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) or Myzus persicae (peach-potato aphid) alpha2 coassembled with rat beta2 subunits (Dalpha2/Rbeta2 and Mpalpha2/Rbeta2) and compares them with native insect and vertebrate alpha4beta2nAChRs. [(3)H]IMI and [(3)H]EPI bind to Dalpha2/Rbeta2 and Mpalpha2/Rbeta2 hybrids but [(3)H]alpha-BGT does not. In native Drosophila receptors, [(3)H]EPI has a single high-affinity binding site that is independent from that for [(3)H]IMI and, interestingly, overlaps the [(3)H]alpha-BGT site. In the Mpalpha2/Rbeta2 hybrid, [(3)H]IMI and [(3)H]EPI bind to the same site and have similar pharmacological profiles. On considering both neonicotinoids and nicotinoids, the Dalpha2/Rbeta2 and Mpalpha2/Rbeta2 receptors display intermediate pharmacological profiles between those of native insect and vertebrate alpha4beta2 receptors, limiting the use of these hybrid receptors for predictive toxicology. These findings are consistent with the agonist binding site being located at the nAChR subunit interface and indicate that both alpha and beta subunits influence the pharmacological properties of insect nAChRs.  相似文献   

Mucins are high molecular weight proteins that make up the major components of mucus. Hypersecretion of mucus is a feature of several chronic inflammatory airway diseases. MUC8 is an important component of airway mucus, and its gene expression is upregulated in nasal polyp epithelium. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms of MUC8 gene expression. We first observed overexpression of activator protein‐2alpha (AP2α) in human nasal polyp epithelium. We hypothesized that AP2α overexpression in nasal polyp epithelium correlates closely with MUC8 gene expression. We demonstrated that phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate (PMA) treatment of the airway epithelial cell line NCI‐H292 increases MUC8 gene and AP2α expression. In this study, we sought to determine which signal pathway is involved in PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression. The results show that the protein kinase C and mitogen‐activating protein/ERK kinase (MAPK) pathways modulate MUC8 gene expression. PD98059 or ERK1/2 siRNA and RO‐31‐8220 or PKC siRNA significantly suppress AP2α as well as MUC8 gene expression in PMA‐treated cells. To verify the role of AP2α, we specifically knocked down AP2α expression with siRNA. A significant AP2α knock‐down inhibited PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression. While dominant negative AP2α decreased PMA‐induced MUC8 gene expression, overexpressing wildtype AP2α increased MUC8 gene expression. Furthermore, using lentiviral vectors for RNA interference in human nasal polyp epithelial cells, we confirmed an essential role for AP2α in MUC8 gene expression. From these results, we concluded that PMA induces MUC8 gene expression through a mechanism involving PKC, ERK1/2, and AP2α activation in human airway epithelial cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 1386–1398, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Troxerutin, a natural flavonoid guards against oxidative stress and apoptosis with a high capability of passing through the blood‐brain barrier. Our aim was to investigate the role of troxerutin in experimentally induced retinal neurodegeneration by modulating the interferon‐gamma (IFNγ)‐extracellular signal‐regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2)‐CCAAT enhancer‐binding protein β (C/EBP‐β) signaling pathway. Three groups of rats (10 each group) were included. Group I (control group), group II (rotenone treated group): the rats were injected subcutaneously with a single rotenone dosage of 3 mg/kg repeated every 48 hours for 60 days to trigger retinal neurodegeneration. Group III (troxerutin‐treated group): rats received troxerutin (150 mg/kg/day) by oral gavage 1 hour before rotenone administration. A real‐time polymerase chain reaction technique was applied to measure messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of retinal C/EBP‐β. Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay technique was utilized to assay tumor necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α), IFNγ, and ERK1/2 levels. Finally, reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as carbonylated protein (CP) levels, were assessed spectrophotometrically. Improved retinal neurodegeneration by downregulation of C/EBP‐β mRNA gene expression, also caused a significant reduction of TNF‐α, IFNγ, ERK1/2 as well as ROS and CP levels compared with the diseased group. These findings could hold promise for the usage of troxerutin as a protective agent against rotenone‐induced retinal neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Malignant transformation is highly associated with altered expression of cell surface N-linked oligosaccharides. These changes concern integrins, a family of cell surface glycoproteins involved in the attachment and migration of cells on various extracellular matrix proteins. The integrin alpha3beta1 is particularly interesting because of its role in migration and invasion of several types of metastatic tumours. In this study, alpha3beta1 from human bladder T24 carcinoma cells was purified and treated with peptide N-glycosidase F. Then the N-glycans of the alpha3 and beta1 subunits were characterized using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS). In alpha3beta1 integrin the presence of high-mannose, hybrid and predominantly complex type N-oligosaccharides was shown. Unlike to normal epithelium cells, in both subunits of alpha3beta1 integrin from cancer cells, the sialylated tetraantennary complex type glycan Hex7HexNAc6FucSia4 was present. In a direct ligand binding assay, desialylated alpha3beta1 integrin exhibited significantly higher fibronectin-binding capability than untreated integrin, providing evidence that sialic acids play a direct role in ligand-receptor interaction. Moreover, alpha3beta1 integrin was shown to take part in T24 cell migration on fibronectin: anti-alpha3 antibodies induced ca 30% inhibition of wound closure. Treatment of T24 cells with swainsonine reduced the rate of bladder carcinoma cell migration by 16%, indicating the role of beta1,6 branched complex type glycans in this process. Our data show that alpha3beta1 integrin function may be altered by glycosylation, that both subunits contribute to these changes, and that glycosylation may be considered a newly found mechanism in the regulation of integrin function.  相似文献   

The Type I interferon receptor (IFN-αR) interacts with all IFN-αs, IFN-β and IFN-ω, and seems to be a multisubunit receptor. To investigate the role of a cloned receptor subunit (IFN-αR1), we have examined the intrinsic ligand binding properties of the bovine and human IFN-αR1 polypeptides expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Albeit with different efficiencies, Xenopus oocytes expressing either the human or bovine IFN-αR1 polypeptide exhibit significant binding and formation of crosslinked complexes with human IFN-αA and IFN-αB. Thus, the IFN-αR1 polypeptide most likely plays a direct role in ligand binding.  相似文献   

David A. D. Parry 《Proteins》1995,22(3):267-272
In intermediate filaments (IF) both epidermal keratin and vimentin molecules have been shown to have an eight residue head to-tail overlap between the rod domains of similarly directed molecules. In the case of the epidermal keratins this region has also been shown to have particular structural/functional significance since it represents a hot-spot for mutations in the four keratinopathies characterized to date. While there is good evidence that this head-to-tail overlap is present in IF containing Type III, IV, and V chains, as well as in the epidermal keratin IF (Ib/IIb), there are no data currently available for the hard α-keratin IF (Ia/IIa). Using a variety of data derived from X-ray diffraction and crosslinking studies, as well as theoretical modeling, it is now possible to demonstrate that the overlap region is not a feature of hard α-keratin IF. Indeed, it is shown that there is a nine residue gap between consecutive parallel molecules in the IF. An explanation for this observation is presented in terms of compensating disulfide bonds that occur both within the IF, and between the IF and the matrix in which the IF are embedded. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Resistance to insecticides by modification of their molecular targets is a serious problem in chemical control of many arthropod pests. Neonicotinoids target the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) of arthropods. The spectrum of possible resistance-conferring mutations of this receptor is poorly understood. Prediction of resistance is complicated by the existence of multiple genes encoding the different subunits of this essential component of neurotransmission. We focused on the cluster of three Drosophila melanogaster nAChR subunit genes at cytological region 96A. EMS mutagenesis and selection for resistance to nitenpyram was performed on hybrids carrying a deficiency for this chromosomal region. Two complementation groups were defined for the four strains isolated. Molecular characterisation of the mutations found lesions in two nAChR subunit genes, Dalpha1 (encoding an alpha-type subunit) and Dbeta2 (beta-type). Mutations conferring resistance in beta-type receptors have not previously been reported, but we found several lesions in the Dbeta2 sequence, including locations distant from the predicted neonicotinoid-binding site. This study illustrates that mutations in a single-receptor subunit can confer nitenpyram resistance. Moreover, some of the mutations may protect the insect against nitenpyram by interfering with subunit assembly or channel activation, rather than affecting binding affinities of neonicotinoids to the channel.  相似文献   

Plant α-amylase inhibitors show great potential as tools to engineer resistance of crop plants against pests. Their possible use is, however, complicated by the observed variations in specificity of enzyme inhibition, even within closely related families of inhibitors. Better understanding of this specificity depends on modelling studies based on ample structural and biochemical information. A new member of the α-amylase inhibitor family of cereal endosperm has been purified from rye using two ionic exchange chromatography steps. It has been characterised by mass spectrometry, inhibition assays and N-terminal protein sequencing. The results show that the inhibitor has a monomer molecular mass of 13 756 Da, is capable of dimerisation and is probably glycosylated. The inhibitor has high homology with the bifunctional α-amylase/trypsin inhibitors from barley and wheat, but much poorer homology with other known inhibitors from rye. Despite the homology with bifunctional inhibitors, this inhibitor does not show activity against mammalian or insect trypsin, although activity against porcine pancreatic, human salivary, Acanthoscelides obtectus and Zabrotes subfasciatus α-amylases was observed. The inhibitor is more effective against insect α-amylases than against mammalian enzymes. It is concluded that rye contains a homologue of the bifunctional α-amylase/trypsin inhibitor family without activity against trypsins. The necessity of exercising caution in assigning function based on sequence comparison is emphasised.  相似文献   

The effects of α,β-amyrin, a pentacyclic triterpene isolated from Protium heptaphylum was investigated on rat model of orofacial pain induced by formalin or capsaicin. Rats were pretreated with α,β-amyrin (10, 30, and 100 mg/kg, i.p.), morphine (5 mg/kg, s.c.) or vehicle (3% Tween 80), before formalin (20 μl, 1.5%) or capsaicin (20 μl, 1.5 μg) injection into the right vibrissa. In vehicle-treated controls, formalin induced a biphasic nociceptive face-rubbing behavioral response with an early first phase (0–5 min) and a late second phase (10–20 min) appearance, whereas capsaicin produced an immediate face-rubbing (grooming) behavior that was maximal at 10–20 min. Treatment with α,β-amyrin or morphine significantly inhibited the face-rubbing response in both test models. While morphine produced significant antinociception in both phases of formalin test, α,β-amyrin inhibited only the second phase response, more prominently at 30 mg/kg, in a naloxone-sensitive manner. In contrast, α,β-amyrin produced much greater antinociceptive effect at 100 mg/kg in the capsaicin test, which was also naloxone-sensitive. These results provide first time evidence to show that α,β-amyrin attenuates orofacial pain atleast, in part, through a peripheral opioid mechanism but warrants further detailed study for its utility in painful orofacial pathologies.  相似文献   

Effects of Thymol on the spontaneous contractile activity (SCA) have been found in in vitro experiments with circular smooth-muscle strips (SMAs) from guinea pig stomach and vena portae. Thymol was found to possess an agonistic effect on the alpha(1)-, alpha(2)- and beta-adrenergic receptors. Its spasmolytic effect is registered at doses higher than 10(-6)M. Thymol in a dose of 10(-4)M inhibits 100% the SCA of the SMAs and reduces the excitatory effect of 10(-5)M ACH to 35%. It is assumed that Thymol has an analgesic effect through its action on the alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors of the nerve cells. By influencing the beta-adrenergic receptors in the adipose cells, it is possible to induce increased synthesis of fatty acids and glycerol, which is a prerequisite for increased heat release.  相似文献   

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