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Based on the cross (Triticum aestivum L. × Secale cereale L.) × T. aestivum L., wheat-rye substitution lines (2n = 42) were produced with karyotypes containing, instead of a pair of homologous wheat chromosomes, a homeologous pair of rye chromosomes. The chromosome composition of these lines was described by GISH and C-banding methods, and SSR analysis. The results of genomic in situ hybridization demonstrated that karyotype of these lines included one pair of rye chromosomes each and lacked wheat-rye translocations. C-banding and SSR markers were used to identify rye chromosomes and determine the wheat chromosomes at which the substitution occurred. The lines were designated 1R(1D), 2R(2D)2, 2R(2D)3, 3R(3B), 6R(6A)2. The chromosome composition of lines 1R(1A), 2R(W)1, 5R(W), 5R(5A), and 6R(W)1, which were earlier obtained according to the same scheme for crossing, was characterized using methods of telocentric analysis, GISH, C-banding, and SSR analysis. These lines were identified as 1R(1A), 2R(2D)1, 5R(5D), 5R(5A), and 6R(6A)1, C-banding of chromosomes belonging to line 1R(1A) revealed the presence of two translocated chromosomes (3DS.3DL-del. and 4AL.W) during simultaneous amplification of SSR markers located on 3DL and 4AS arms. The “combined” long arm of the newly derived chromosome 4A is assumed to be formed from the long arm of chromosome 4AS itself and a deleted segment 3DL. All examined lines are cytologically stable, except for 3R(3B), which does not affect the stability of rye 3R chromosome transfer. Chromosome identification and classification of the lines will permit them to be models for genetic studies that can be used thereafter as promising “secondary gene pools” for the purpose of plant breeding.  相似文献   

The study presents a continuation of the research aimed at producing of wheat-rye substitution lines based on the cross (Triticum aestivum L. x Secale sereale L.) x Triticum aestivum L., and using winter rye cultivars Vyatka and Vietnamskaya Mestnaya. In BC1F5 two lines were identified, having karyotypes in which a pair of homologous wheat chromosomes was substituted by a homeologous pair of rye chromosomes. The chromosome composition of these lines was analyzed using C-banding, GISH, and SSR markers. It was demonstrated that karyotype of each line included a single pair of rye chromosomes and lacked wheat-rye translocations. The rye chromosomes were identified, and the chromosomes of wheat, at which the substitutions occurred, were determined. The lines generated by crosses with rye of Vyatka and Vietnamskaya Mestnaya cultivars were designated 1Rv(1A) and 5Rviet(5A), respectively. Chromosome identification and classification of the lines makes it possible to use them in breeding programs and genetic studies.  相似文献   

The study presents a continuation of the research aimed at producing of wheat-rye substitution lines (2n = 42) based on the cross (Triticum aestivum L. × Secale sereale L.) × Triticum aestivum L., and using winter rye cultivars Vyatka and Vietnamskaya Mestnaya. In BC 1 F 5 two lines were identified, having karyotypes in which a pair of homologous wheat chromosomes was substituted by a homeologous pair of rye chromosomes. The chromosome composition of these lines was analyzed using C-banding, GISH, and SSR markers. It was demonstrated that karyotype of each line included a single pair of rye chromosomes and lacked wheat-rye translocations. The rye chromosomes were identified, and the chromosomes of wheat, at which the substitutions occurred, were determined. The lines generated by crosses with rye of Vyatka and Vietnamskaya Mestnaya cultivars were designated 1Rv(1A) and 5Rviet(5A), respectively. Chromosome identification and classification of the lines makes it possible to use them in breeding programs and genetic studies.  相似文献   

用改良的Giemsa C-带技术对10个经辐射处理的带有黑麦某些性状的普通小麦品系进行鉴定。结果鉴定出1个小麦—黑麦易位系及2个小麦—黑麦异代换系,探索出冬季和夏季染色体分带的不同条件。因此,只要条件控制得当,C-分带不失为一种快速、精确而经济的鉴定外源染色体的方法。  相似文献   

为选育具有经济价值的带有黑麦R染色体组小片段的小麦-黑麦育种基础材料,对小麦-黑麦5R/5A×6R/6A代换系杂交后代的8份高代材料6-30、6-31、7-1、7-9、7-13、7-21、7-22和7-28进行形态学、细胞学观察,及SSR分析和GISH检测。结果表明,8个品系田间生长整齐、育性正常,具有大穗、多小穗,抗白粉病、叶锈病等优良性状;对其中2个品系7-1和7-9进行花粉母细胞减数分裂观察,发现大多数细胞染色体构型为2n=21Ⅱ,具有良好的遗传稳定性;选择黑麦R染色体通用引物及5R、6R染色体上的微卫星引物共8对,对8个品系进行SSR分析,结果表明8个品系都有黑麦5R或6R染色体片段的导入,进一步进行GISH检测,发现5个品系6-31、7-1、7-13、7-21、7-22都存在黑麦杂交信号,为小麦-黑麦小片段易位系。本研究综合多种手段鉴定的8份材料皆为小麦-黑麦小片段易位系,在育种上具有利用价值。  相似文献   

Seven different mildew resistant wheat lines derived from crosses between triticale and bread wheat were examined by molecular cytogenetics and chromosome C-banding in order to determine their chromosomal composition. Genomic in situ hybridisation (GISH) showed the presence of rye germplasm in all the lines and identified three substitution lines, three double substitution lines and one addition-substitution line. C-banding identified rye chromosomes 1R and 4R in the addition-substitution line, rye chromosomes 1R and 6R in two substitution lines and 1R and 2R in the third line, and rye chromosome 1R in the three substitution lines. Two of the latter lines (7-102 and 7-169) contained a modified form of the chromosome; fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) using five different repetitive DNA-probes showed a pericentric inversion of 1R in both lines. The breakpoints of the 1R inversion were between (1) the 5S rDNA site and the NOR-region on the satellite of the short arm, and (2) between two AAC(5) sites close to the centromere on the long arm. The role of the rye chromosomes in the mildew resistance, the utilisation of the inverted 1R and the significance of the lines in wheat breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

The short arm of rye (Secale cereale) chromosome 1 has been widely used in breeding programs to incorporate new disease resistance genes into wheat. Using wheat-rye translocation and recombinant lines, molecular markers were isolated and mapped within chromosomal regions of 1RS carrying rust resistance genes Lr26, Sr31, Yr9 from 'Petkus' and SrR from 'Imperial' rye. RFLP markers previously mapped to chromosome 1HS of barley - flanking the complex Mla powdery mildew resistance gene locus - and chromosome 1DS of Aegilops tauschii - flanking the Sr33 stem rust resistance gene - were shown to map on either side of rust resistance genes on 1RS. Three non cross-hybridising Resistance Gene Analog markers, one of them being derived from the Mla gene family, were mapped within same region of 1RS. PCR-based markers were developed which were tightly linked to the rust resistance genes in 'Imperial' and 'Petkus' rye and which have potential for use in marker-assisted breeding.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The rate of photosynthesis in paddy rice often decreases at noon on sunny days because of water stress, even under submerged conditions. Maintenance of higher rates of photosynthesis during the day might improve both yield and dry matter production in paddy rice. A high-yielding indica variety, ‘Habataki’, maintains a high rate of leaf photosynthesis during the daytime because of the higher hydraulic conductance from roots to leaves than in the standard japonica variety ‘Sasanishiki’. This research was conducted to characterize the trait responsible for the higher hydraulic conductance in ‘Habataki’ and identified a chromosome region for the high hydraulic conductance.


Hydraulic conductance to passive water transport and to osmotic water transport was determined for plants under intense transpiration and for plants without transpiration, respectively. The varietal difference in hydraulic conductance was examined with respect to root surface area and hydraulic conductivity (hydraulic conductance per root surface area, Lp). To identify the chromosome region responsible for higher hydraulic conductance, chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from a cross between ‘Sasanishiki’ and ‘Habataki’ were used.

Key Results

The significantly higher hydraulic conductance resulted from the larger root surface area not from Lp in ‘Habataki’. A chromosome region associated with the elevated hydraulic conductance was detected between RM3916 and RM2431 on the long arm of chromosome 4. The CSSL, in which this region was substituted with the ‘Habataki’ chromosome segment in the ‘Sasanishiki’ background, had a larger root mass than ‘Sasanishiki’.


The trait for increasing plant hydraulic conductance and, therefore, maintaining the higher rate of leaf photosynthesis under the conditions of intense transpiration in ‘Habataki’ was identified, and it was estimated that there is at least one chromosome region for the trait located on chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Summary Marked effects of genotype on wheat anther culture response have been observed. Genetic factors have been recognised to be one of the major contributors to in vitro responses of cultured wheat tissues. In wheat anther culture, embryo induction, plant regeneration and albina/green ratio have been determined to be heritable traits. Using Chinese Spring (CS) monosomic 1D, single chromosome substitution lines of chromosome 5B or chromosome arm 5BL from Chinese Spring into six varieties, and F1 hybrids heterozygous for the 1B chromosome structure (1BL-1BS/1BL-1RS), the anther culture response was studied: genes on CS1D chromosome and 5BL chromosome arm increases the embryo frequency; gene(s) involved in regeneration ability are located on the 1RS chromosome arm; a gene increasing albina frequency is located on Chinese Spring 5B chromosome. Our results support the fact that without gametic selection, a differential development occurred from the particular classes of microspores carrying genes for higher regeneration ability. Moreover, in some crosses, a few genes with major effects were involved in determination of anther culture response.  相似文献   

Objective: Previous studies in mice have detected quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosome 7 that affect body composition. As a step toward identifying the responsible genes, we compared a chromosome 7 substitution strain C57BL/6J‐Chr7129S1/SvImJ/Na (CSS‐7) to its host (C57BL/6J) strain. Methods and Procedures: Fourteen‐week‐old mice were measured for body size (weight, length), organ weight (brain, heart, liver, kidneys, and spleen), body and bone composition (fat and lean weight; bone area, mineral content, and density), and individual adipose depot weights (gonadal, retroperitoneal, mesenteric, inguinal, and subscapular). Differences between the CSS‐7 strain and the host strain were interpreted as evidence for the presence of one or more QTLs on chromosome 7. Results: Using this criterion, we detected QTLs for body weight, bone area, bone mineral content, brain, and heart weight, most adipose depot weights and some indices of fatness. A few strain differences were more pronounced in males (e.g., most adiposity measures) and others were more pronounced in females (e.g., bone area). QTLs for body length, lean weight, bone mineral density, and kidney, spleen, and liver weight were not detected. Discussion: This study found several associations that suggest one or more QTLs specific to the weight of select tissues and organs exist on mouse chromosome 7. Because these loci are detectable on a fixed and uniform genetic background, they are reasonable targets for high‐resolution mapping and gene identification using a congenic approach.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy—the temporary failure of a viable seed to germinate under favorable conditions—is a complex characteristic influenced by many genes and environmental factors. To detect the genetic factors associated with seed dormancy in rice, we conducted a QTL analysis using chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from a cross between Nona Bokra (strong dormancy) and Koshihikari (weak dormancy). Comparison of the levels of seed dormancy of the CSSLs and their recurrent parent Koshihikari revealed that two chromosomal regions—on the short arms of chromosomes 1 and 6—were involved in the variation in seed dormancy. Further genetic analyses using an F2 population derived from crosses between the CSSLs and Koshihikari confirmed the allelic differences and the chromosomal locations of three putative QTLs: Sdr6 on chromosome 1 and Sdr9 and Sdr10 on chromosome 6. The Nona Bokra alleles of the three QTLs were associated with decreased germination rate. We discuss the physiological features of the CSSLs and speculate on the possible mechanisms of dormancy in light of the newly detected QTLs.  相似文献   

Protein content (PC) is an important component of rice nutritional quality. In order to better understand the genetic basis of this trait and increase related breeding efficiency, 21 single chromosome segment substitution (SCSS) lines grown in four sites over two growing seasons (regarded as eight environments) were used to associate PC with particular chromosome segments. Segments from 15 chromosomes were found to contain quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for PC in at least one environment. These included segments from chromosome 3 and 8, in which QTLs for PC had not previously been identified. The segment of chromosome 8 in CSSL-48 had the largest positive effect across all environments. The interaction between substitution and environment was highly significant. Some substitutions had large effects in one environment, but no effect in another (i.e. CSSL-08 and CSSL-17), while some substitutions significantly increased PC in one environment but decreased it in another (i.e. CSSL-41 and CSSL-43). By biplot and clustering analysis, the eight environments were grouped into two contrasting environment types, that is, Hainan and Jiangsu. The segment of chromosome 8 in CSSL-48 had PC-enhancing QTLs in both of the environment types. The segments in CSSL-34 had QTLs which increase PC in the Jiangsu environment but have no effect in the Hainan environment. For enhancing PC, CSSL-48 could be explored in breeding for wide adaptation across all environments, while CSSL-12, CSSL-14, CSSL-17, CSSL-41 and CSSL-43, and that in CSSL-34 could be explored in breeding for specific adaptation to the Hainan and Jiangsu environments, respectively. Near isogenic lines are under development to validate the QTLs with large effects in a range of genetic backgrounds relevant to Jiangsu and Hainan breeding programs. Secondary mapping populations are also being developed for further localising the responsible QTLs in CSSL-14, CSSL-34 and CSSL-48.  相似文献   

杂交育种中,亲本选配是育种成败的关键。本研究以重庆市油菜工程技术研究中心提供的180份甘蓝型黄子油菜亲本种质为材料,应用分布于不同连锁群的60对SSR标记进行了分析,共检测出308个标记位点,每对引物在不同亲本材料之间的等位基因数在1~11个之间,平均位点为5.1个。其中多态性位点207个,多态率达67.2%。对SSR扩增结果进行UPGMA分析,在遗传距离0.566处,180个品种(系)分为3个类群,聚类结果与种质来源比较一致,本研究为甘蓝型油菜黄子杂交育种和优势组合的选配提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Diploid wild einkorn wheat, Triticum boeoticum Boiss (AbAb, 2n = 2x = 14), is a wheat-related species with a blue aleurone layer. In this study, six blue-grained wheat lines...  相似文献   

Fu SL  Tang ZX  Ren ZL 《遗传》2011,33(11):1258-1262
以重复序列pAS1和pSc119.2为探针,对八倍体小黑麦×普通小麦的F5代植株进行了FISH分析,同时对这些材料进行了田间抗病性鉴定。从中鉴定出了1R、2R、3R、4R、5R、6R、7R单体附加系和1R、2R二体附加系,1R和4R附加系出现频率相对较高。5R和6R单体附加系对白粉病免疫,推测5R染色体上带有新的白粉病抗性基因。此外,还检测到不少植株染色体组发生了变异,且小麦4B染色体优先缺失。  相似文献   

Information regarding the genetic diversity and genetic relationships among elite inbred lines is necessary to improve new cultivars in maize breeding programs. In this study, genetic diversity and genetic relationships were investigated among 84 waxy maize inbred lines using 50 SSR markers. A total of 269 alleles were identified at all the loci with an average of 5.38 and a range between 2 and 13 alleles per locus. The gene diversity values varied from 0.383 to 0.923 with an average of 0.641. The cluster tree generated using the described SSR markers recognized two major groups at 32% genetic similarity. Group I included 33 inbred lines while group II included 51 inbred lines. The clustering patterns of most of the waxy maize inbred lines did not clearly agree with their source, pedigree or geographic location. The average GS among all inbred lines was 35.7 ± 10.8. Analysis of waxy maize inbred lines collected from Korea and China at 50 SSR loci revealed higher values of average number of alleles (4.9) and gene diversity (0.638) in Korean inbred lines as compared to Chinese inbred lines (3.5 and 0.563, respectively). The information obtained from the present studies would be very useful for maize breeding programs in Korea.  相似文献   

With the aim of establishing a complete monosomic alien tomato chromosome addition series in a potato background, the backcross progenies derived from repeated crossing of potato (+) tomato fusion hybrids to potato were screened through RFLP and GISH analyses. Because of the availability from our previous work of seven of the possible 12 tomato monosomic additions, selected from BC2 populations, attention was paid to those alien additions that were missing. Thus, since the alien additions were already available for tomato chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12, efforts were made to select for chromosomes 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 by screening specific BC3 populations. In all, 105 plants from four BC3 populations were screened through a combination of RFLP and GISH analyses in order to complete the series. Among the newly selected alien addition lines, five were monosomic additions for all the remaining chromosomes and one was a disomic addition for chromosome 11. When using conventional cytogenetics the selection of monosomic alien additions is highly laborious. All the tomato chromosomes showed a variable rate of transmission. Chromosome 6 was transmitted at 29.6% and 81.5% frequency in populations 2705 and 2701 respectively. The present study showed that molecular markers and molecular cytogenetics applied in this study were most efficient and rapid because a pre-selection for the desired genotypes was possible by screening a population with chromosome-specific markers for the presence of one tomato chromosome at a time. Received: 9 January 2001 / Accepted: 26 January 2001  相似文献   

Two Brassica napus--Crambe abyssinica monosomic addition lines (2n=39, AACC plus a single chromosome from C. abyssinca) were obtained from the F2 progeny of the asymmetric somatic hybrid. The alien chromosome from C. abyssinca in the addition line was clearly distinguished by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Twenty-seven microspore-derived plants from the addition lines were obtained. Fourteen seedlings were determined to be diploid plants (2n=38) arising from spontaneous chromosome doubling, while 13 seedlings were confirmed as haploid plants. Doubled haploid plants produced after treatment with colchicine and two disomic chromosome addition lines (2n=40, AACC plus a single pair of homologous chromosomes from C. abyssinca) could again be identified by GISH analysis. The lines are potentially useful for molecular genetic analysis of novel C. abyssinica genes or alleles contributing to traits relevant for oilseed rape (B. napus) breeding.  相似文献   

为创制结球甘蓝-大白菜异附加系、异代换系、易位系,利用二倍体大白菜(AA,2n=20)为母本与四倍体结球甘蓝(CCCC,2n=36)杂交,通过胚挽救获得了异源三倍体杂交种(ACC,2n=28);利用SSR对杂交种进行鉴定,6株F1均能扩增出父本的特征带,表明这6株是真杂交种。异源三倍体基因组原位杂交结果表明,未加封阻时,大白菜与结球甘蓝染色体均有较强的杂交信号;当加入适当比例的封阻时,来自大白菜和结球甘蓝染色体上的杂交信号强弱有明显差别;封阻过度时,大白菜与结球甘蓝染色体的杂交信号都十分微弱。说明大白菜与结球甘蓝基因组具有较高的同源性。  相似文献   

Meiotic chromosome pairing was studied in introgression lines of cultivated tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum (= Solanum lycopersicum), containing 1 or 2 chromosome segments from the wild species Solanum lycopersicoides. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used to compare the relative lengths at diakinesis of the different introgressed segments and to measure the chiasmate arm frequency for the chromosome pair involved in the introgression(s). Longer segments generally produced stronger GISH signals than shorter segments. GISH signal intensity also depended on whether or not an introgressed segment encompassed the centromeric region. For example, a 29 cM segment that included the centromeric region produced a stronger GISH signal than a 42 cM segment that did not. In each line the chromosome arm containing the homeologous segment showed a reduction in chiasmate arm frequency that was most pronounced in lines with long segments. This reduction was accompanied by an increased chiasmate arm frequency on the other arm. Double introgression lines, heterozygous in repulsion phase for 2 introgressions on opposite chromosome arms, showed a lower frequency of chiasmata than single introgression lines. Pairing failure, indicated by the presence of univalents, was highest in the double introgression and whole chromosome substitution lines. These results are discussed with respect to observations of suppressed recombination in these stocks and potential practical implications for reducing linkage drag in breeding programs.  相似文献   

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