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Site-directed mutagenesis was carried out on the active site of water-soluble PQQ glucose dehydrogenase (PQQGDH-B) to improve its substrate specificity. Amino acid substitution of His168 resulted in a drastic decrease in the enzyme's catalytic activity, consistent with its putative catalytic role. Substitutions were also carried out in neighboring residues, Lys166, Asp167, and Gln169, in an attempt to alter the enzyme's substrate binding site. Lys166 and Gln169 mutants showed only minor changes in substrate specificity profiles. In sharp contrast, mutants of Asp167 showed considerably altered specificity profiles. Of the numerous Asp167 mutants characterized, Asp167Glu showed the best substrate specificity profile, while retaining most of its catalytic activity for glucose and stability. We also investigated the cumulative effect of combining the Asp167Glu substitution with the previously reported Asn452Thr mutation. Interpretation of the effect of the replacement of Asp167 to Glu on the alteration of substrate specificity in relation with the predicted 3D model of PQQGDH-B is also discussed.  相似文献   

Glucose dehydrogenase, a membrane bound enzyme oxidizing glucose to gluconic acid in the periplasmic space of Gram-negative bacteria plays a key role in mineral phosphate solubilization and is also an industrially important enzyme, being used as a glucose biosensor. A chimeric glucose dehydrogenase (ES chimera) encoding the N-terminal transmembrane domain from Escherichia coli and the C-terminal periplasmic domain from Serratia marcescens was constructed and the expression was studied on MacConkey glucose medium. The phosphate solubilizing ability of the chimeric GDH was also evaluated, substantiating the role of GDH in mineral phosphate solubilization (MPS). Four mutants of ES chimeric GDH were generated by site directed mutagenesis and the enzyme properties studied. Though the substrate affinity was unaltered for E742K and Y771M, the affinity of H775A and EYH/KMA to glucose and galactose decreased marginally and the affinity to maltose increased. Though Y771M showed a decreased GDH activity there was an increase in the heat tolerance. All the mutants showed an increase in the EDTA tolerance. The triple mutant EYH/KMA showed improved heat and EDTA tolerance and also an increase in affinity to maltose over the ES chimeric GDH.  相似文献   

Human aromatase is responsible for estrogen biosynthesis and is implicated, in particular, in reproduction and estrogen-dependent tumor proliferation. The molecular structure model is largely derived from the X-ray structure of bacterial cytochromes sharing only 15-20% identities with hP-450arom. In the present study, site directed mutagenesis experiments were performed to examine the role of K119, C124, I125, K130, E302, F320, D309, H475, D476, S470, I471 and I474 of aromatase in catalysis and for substrate binding. The catalytic properties of mutants, transfected in 293 cells, were evaluated using androstenedione, testosterone or nor-testosterone as substrates. In addition, inhibition profiles for these mutants with indane or indolizinone derivatives were obtained. Our results, together with computer modeling, show that catalytic properties of mutants vary in accordance with the substrate used, suggesting possible differences in substrates positioning within the active site. In this respect, importance of residues H475, D476 and K130 was discussed. These results allow us to hypothesize that E302 could be involved in the aromatization mechanism with nor-androgens, whereas D309 remains involved in androgen aromatization. This study highlights the flexibility of the substrate-enzyme complex conformation, and thus sheds new light on residues that may be responsible for substrate specificity between species or aromatase isoforms.  相似文献   

A new approach in altering the substrate specificity of enzyme is proposed using glucose dehydrogenase, with pyrroroquinoine quinone (PQQGDH) as co-factor, as the model. This approach is based on the selection of random peptide phage displayed library. Using an M13 phage-display random peptide library, we have selected peptide ligands. Among the peptide ligands, a 7-mer peptide, composed of Thr-Thr-Ala-Thr-Glu-Tyr-Ser, caused PQQGDH substrate specificity to decrease significantly toward disaccharides, such as maltose and lactose, while a smaller effect was observed toward glucose. Consequently, this peptide narrowed the substrate specificity of PQQGDH, without a significant loss of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Summary The over expression of PQQ glucose dehydrogenase PQQGDH was investigated. The level of PQQGDH expressed in E.coli PP2418/pGEc1 was more than 10 fold when the cultivation was carried out under holo enzyme forming condition in the presence of 600 nM of PQQ and 10 mM of MgCl2, compared with those of apo condition. It may be due to the difference in thermal stability of apo and holo PQQGDH.  相似文献   

The residues L40, A113, V291, and V294, in leucine dehydrogenase (LeuDH), predicted to be involved in recognition of the substrate side chain, have been mutated on the basis of the molecular modeling to mimic the substrate specificities of phenylalanine (PheDH), glutamate (GluDH), and lysine dehydrogenases (LysDH). The A113G and A113G/V291L mutants, imitating the PheDH active site, displayed activities toward -phenylalanine and phenylpyruvate with 1.6 and 7.8% of kcat values of the wild-type enzyme for the preferred substrates, -leucine and its keto-analog, respectively. Indeed, the residue A113, corresponding to G114 in PheDH, affects the volume of the side-chain binding pocket and has a critical role in discrimination of the bulkiness of the side chain. Another two sets of mutants, substituting L40 and V294 of LeuDH with the corresponding residues predicted in GluDH and LysDH, were also constructed and characterized. Emergence of GluDH and LysDH activities in L40K/V294S and L40D/V294S mutants, respectively, indicates that the two corresponding residues in the active site of amino acid dehydrogenases are important for discrimination of the hydrophobicity/polarity of the aliphatic substrate side chain. All these results demonstrate that the substrate specificities of the amino acid dehydrogenases can be altered by protein engineering. The engineered dehydrogenases are expected to be used for production and detection of natural and non-natural amino acids.  相似文献   

A water-soluble aldose sugar dehydrogenase (Asd) has been purified for the first time from Escherichia coli. The enzyme is able to act upon a broad range of aldose sugars, encompassing hexoses, pentoses, disaccharides, and trisaccharides, and is able to oxidize glucose to gluconolactone with subsequent hydrolysis to gluconic acid. The enzyme shows the ability to bind pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) in the presence of Ca2+ in a manner that is proportional to its catalytic activity. The x-ray structure has been determined in the apo-form and as the PQQ-bound active holoenzyme. The beta-propeller fold of this protein is conserved between E. coli Asd and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus soluble glucose dehydrogenase (sGdh), with major structural differences lying in loop and surface-exposed regions. Many of the residues involved in binding the cofactor are conserved between the two enzymes, but significant differences exist in residues likely to contact substrates. PQQ is bound in a large cleft in the protein surface and is uniquely solvent-accessible compared with other PQQ enzymes. The exposed and charged nature of the active site and the activity profile of this enzyme indicate possible factors that underlie a low affinity for glucose but generic broad substrate specificity for aldose sugars. These structural and catalytic properties of the enzymes have led us to propose that E. coli Asd provides a prototype structure for a new subgroup of PQQ-dependent soluble dehydrogenases that is distinct from the A. calcoaceticus sGdh subgroup.  相似文献   

The malate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli has been specifically altered at a single amino acid residue by using site-directed mutagenesis. The conserved Arg residue at amino acid position 102 in the putative substrate binding site was replaced with a Gln residue. The result was the loss of the high degree of specificity for oxaloacetate. The difference in relative binding energy for oxaloacetate amounted to about 7 kcal/mol and a difference in specificity between oxaloacetate and pyruvate of 8 orders of magnitude between the wild-type and mutant enzymes. These differences may be explained by the large hydration potential of Arg and the formation of a salt bridge with a carboxylate group of oxaloacetate.  相似文献   

Although several high-resolution X-ray crystallographic structures have been determined for Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase (eAATase), efforts to crystallize E. coli tyrosine aminotransferase (eTATase) have been unsuccessful. Sequence alignment analyses of eTATase and eAATase show 43% sequence identity and 72% sequence similarity, allowing for conservative substitutions. The high similarity of the two sequences indicates that both enzymes must have similar secondary and tertiary structures. Six active site residues of eAATase were targeted by homology modeling as being important for aromatic amino acid reactivity with eTATase. Two of these positions (Thr 109 and Asn 297) are invariant in all known aspartate aminotransferase enzymes, but differ in eTATase (Ser 109 and Ser 297). The other four positions (Val 39, Lys 41, Thr 47, and Asn 69) line the active site pocket of eAATase and are replaced by amino acids with more hydrophobic side chains in eTATase (Leu 39, Tyr 41, Ile 47, and Leu 69). These six positions in eAATase were mutated by site-directed mutagenesis to the corresponding amino acids found in eTATase in an attempt to redesign the substrate specificity of eAATase to that of eTATase. Five combinations of the individual mutations were obtained from mutagenesis reactions. The redesigned eAATase mutant containing all six mutations (Hex) displays second-order rate constants for the transamination of aspartate and phenylalanine that are within an order of magnitude of those observed for eTATase. Thus, the reactivity of eAATase with phenylalanine was increased by over three orders of magnitude without sacrificing the high transamination activity with aspartate observed for both enzymes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenases catalyze the oxidation of aldehyde substrates to the corresponding carboxylic acids. Lactaldehyde dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli (aldA gene product, P25553) is an NAD(+)-dependent enzyme implicated in the metabolism of l-fucose and l-rhamnose. During the heterologous expression and purification of taxadiene synthase from the Pacific yew, lactaldehyde dehydrogenase from E. coli was identified as a minor (相似文献   

Escherichia coli ClpB is a molecular chaperone that belongs to the Clp/Hsp100 family of AAA+ proteins. ClpB is able to form a hexameric ring structure to catalyze protein disaggregation with the assistance of the DnaK chaperone system. Our knowledge of the mechanism of how ClpB recognizes its substrates is still limited. In this study, we have quantitatively investigated ClpB binding to a number of unstructured polypeptides using steady‐state anisotropy titrations. To precisely determine the binding affinity for the interaction between ClpB hexamers and polypeptide substrates the titration data were subjected to global non‐linear least squares analysis incorporating the dynamic equilibrium of ClpB assembly. Our results show that ClpB hexamers bind tightly to unstructured polypeptides with binding affinities in the range of ~3–16 nM. ClpB exhibits a modest preference of binding to Peptide B1 with a binding affinity of (1.7 ± 0.2) nM. Interestingly, we found that ClpB binds to an unstructured polypeptide substrate of 40 and 50 amino acids containing the SsrA sequence at the C‐terminus with an affinity of (12 ± 3) nM and (4 ± 2) nM, respectively. Whereas, ClpB binds the 11‐amino acid SsrA sequence with an affinity of (140 ± 20) nM, which is significantly weaker than other polypeptide substrates that we tested here. We hypothesize that ClpB, like ClpA, requires substrates with a minimum length for optimal binding. Finally, we present evidence showing that multiple ClpB hexamers are involved in binding to polypeptides ≥152 amino acids. Proteins 2015; 83:117–134. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Lys80, Gly82 and Met101 residues of glutamate dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis were mutated into a series of single mutants. The wild-type enzyme was highly specific for 2-oxoglutarate, whereas G82K and M101S dramatically switched to increased specificity for oxaloacetate with kcat values 3.45 and 5.68 s-1, which were 265-fold and 473-fold higher respectively than those for 2-oxoglutarate.  相似文献   

The gene encoding tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT, EC from the parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi was amplified from genomic DNA, cloned into the pET24a expression vector and functionally expressed as a C-terminally His-tagged protein in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS. Purified recombinant TAT exhibited identical electrophoretic and enzymatic properties as the authentic enzyme from T. cruzi. Both recombinant and authentic T. cruzi TATs were highly resistant to limited tryptic cleavage and contained no disulfide bonds. Comprehensive analysis of its substrate specificity demonstrated TAT to be a broad substrate aminotransferase, with leucine, methionine as well as tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and alanine being utilized efficiently as amino donors. Valine, isoleucine and dicarboxylic amino acids served as poor substrates while polar aliphatic amino acids could not be transaminated. TAT also accepted several 2-oxoacids, including 2-oxoisocaproate and 2-oxomethiobutyrate, in addition to pyruvate, oxaloacetate and 2-oxoglutarate. The functionality of the expression system was confirmed by constructing two variants; one (Arg389) being a completely inactive enzyme; the other (Arg283) retaining its full activity, as predicted from the recently solved three-dimensional structure of T. cruzi TAT. Thus, only one of the two strictly conserved arginines which are essential for the enzymatic activity of subfamily Ialpha aspartate and aromatic aminotransferases is critical for T. cruzi's TAT activity.  相似文献   

The deoxyribonucleoside kinase of Drosophila melanogaster (Dm-dNK) has a broad substrate specificity and a higher catalytic rate than other known deoxyribonucleoside kinases. Therefore it is a natural candidate for possible use as a suicide gene in combined gene/chemotherapy of cancer. We have performed site directed mutagenesis and tested different truncated forms of the enzyme in order to increase the affinity for ganciclovir.  相似文献   

Koh H  Igarashi S  Sode K 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(20):1695-1701
The ion-exchange chromatography behavior of recombinant glucose dehydrogenase harboring pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQGDH) was modified to greatly simplify its purification. The surface charge of PQQGDH was engineered by either fusing a three-arginine tail to the C-terminus of PQQGDH (PQQGDH+Arg3) or by substituting three residues exposed on the surface of the enzyme to Arg by site-directed mutagenesis (3RPQQGDH). During cation exchange chromatography, both surface charge-engineered enzymes eluted at much higher salt concentrations than the wild-type enzyme. After the chromatography purification step, both PQQGDH+Arg3 and 3RPQQGDH appeared as single bands on SDS-PAGE, while extra bands appeared with the wild-type protein sample. Although all tested kinetic parameters of both engineered enzymes are similar to those of wild type, both modifications resulted in enzymes with increased thermal stability. Our achievements have resulted in the greater production of an improved quality PQQGDH by a simplified process.  相似文献   

The mutagenic potency of the simple reversible intercalators isopropyl-OPC (iPr-OPC) and 9-aminoacridine (9-AA) is assessed in E. coli using reversion assays based on plasmids derived from pBR322 carrying various frameshift mutations within the tetracycline resistance gene in repetitive sequences: +/- 2 frameshift mutations within alternating GC sequences; +/- 1 frameshift mutation at runs of guanines. The results obtained show that iPr-OPC and 9-AA have a sequence specificity for mutagenesis: they revert +1 and -1 frameshift mutations within runs of monotonous G:C base pairs. The precise determination of the size of a small restriction fragment which contains the mutation allowed us to demonstrate that reversion occurred by -1 deletions for the +1 frameshift mutations and by +1 additions for the -1 frameshift mutations. The possible relations of this specific reversion with the base sequence specificity of the mutagenesis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Human glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase contains about 18 sulfhydryl groups per active dimer (MW = 110,000, and it does not contain S–S bridges. Chloromercuribenzoate stoichinmetrically and reversibly inactivates the enzyme. Oxidation of the enzyme by hydrogen peroxide induces a reduction of enzyme activity, an alteration of the substrate specificity, and an increased anodal electrophoretic mobility. The oxidized enzyme can use 2-deoxyglucose 6-phosphate, deamino NADP, and NAD far more effectively than the native enzyme. Oxidation of the enzyme by air at pH 8.0 does not induce a significant loss of enzyme activity or an alteration of the substrate specificity, although about 70% of the sulfhydryl groups of the enzyme are oxidized by the treatment.  相似文献   

Purine nucleoside phosphorylase catalyzes reversible phosphorolysis of purine nucleosides and 2'-deoxypurine nucleosides to the free base and ribose (or 2'-deoxyribose) 1-phosphate. Whereas the human enzyme is specific for 6-oxopurine ribonucleosides, the Escherichia coli enzyme accepts additional substrates including 6-oxopurine ribonucleosides, 6-aminopurine ribonucleosides, and to a lesser extent purine arabinosides. These differences have been exploited in a potential suicide gene therapy treatment for solid tumors. In an effort to optimize this suicide gene therapy approach, we have determined the three-dimensional structure of the E. coli enzyme in complex with 10 nucleoside analogs and correlated the structures with kinetic measurements and computer modeling. These studies explain the preference of the enzyme for ribose sugars, show increased flexibility for active site residues Asp204 and Arg24, and suggest that interactions involving the 1- and 6-positions of the purine and the 4'- and 5'-positions of the ribose provide the best opportunities to increase prodrug specificity and enzyme efficiency.  相似文献   

All pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-containing dehydrogenases whose structures are known contain Ca(2+) bonded to the PQQ at the active site. However, membrane glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) requires reconstitution with PQQ and Mg(2+) ions (but not Ca(2+)) for activity. To address the question of whether the Mg(2+) replaces the usual active site Ca(2+) in this enzyme, mutant GDHs were produced in which residues proposed to be involved in binding metal ion were modified (D354N-GDH and N355D-GDH and D354N-GDH/N355D-GDH). The most remarkable observation was that reconstitution with PQQ of the mutant enzymes was not supported by Mg(2+) ions as in the wild-type GDH, but it could be supported by Ca(2+), Sr(2+) or Ba(2+) ions. This was competitively inhibited by Mg(2+). This result, together with studies on the kinetics of the modified enzymes have led to the conclusion that, although a Ca(2+) ion is able to form part of the active site of the genetically modified GDH, as in all other PQQ-containing quinoproteins, a Mg(2+) ion surprisingly replaces Ca(2+) in the active site of the wild-type GDH.  相似文献   

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