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Metal hyperaccumulation is a striking trait exhibited by many plant species, but the evolutionary ecology of metal hyperaccumulation is poorly understood. It has been widely hypothesized that metal hyperaccumulation evolved to protect plants from herbivory. However, there is currently little evidence that metal hyperaccumulation enhances the fitness of plants in the presence of herbivory. In this study, we conducted a multi-factor greenhouse experiment to examine the effects of two soil nickel concentrations (unamended (0 μg/g) and nickel amended (600 μg/g)), and three levels of artificial damage (0, 10 and 50%) on the growth of plants from two populations of Thlaspi montanum var. montanum. We observed a significant interaction between soil nickel and artificial damage. An a posteriori analysis of this interaction revealed that the presence of nickel significantly improved the ability of T. montanum to tolerate the negative effects of intense damage. Our results indicate that metal hyperaccumulation could benefit T. montanum by increasing its tolerance to damage. This study suggests that there is a potential for the evolution of metal hyperaccumulation in response to intense herbivory on T. montanum.  相似文献   

Robert S. Boyd 《Plant and Soil》2007,293(1-2):153-176
Elemental hyperaccumulation may have several functions, including plant defense against natural enemies. A total of 34 studies, including 72 experimental tests, have been conducted to date. At least some tests have demonstrated defense by hyperaccumulated As, Cd, Ni, Se and Zn, but relatively few plant taxa and natural enemies have been investigated. Defense by hyperaccumulated Ni has been shown for most leaf/root chewing herbivores and pathogens tested (20 of 26 tests) but not for herbivores of other feeding modes (1 of 8 tests). Most tests (5 of 6) using Ni concentrations below accumulator levels found no defensive effect, and the single test using plants in the accumulator range also found no effect. For Zn, mixed results have been reported for both hyperaccumulator (3 of 6 tests showed defense) and accumulator levels (3 of 4 tests showed defense). These tests have focused exclusively on leaf chewing/scraping herbivores: no herbivores of other feeding modes, or pathogens, have been tested. Both hyperaccumulator and accumulator concentrations of Se generally have shown defensive effects (12 of 14 tests). Most (75%) of these positive results used plants with accumulator Se concentrations. The three tests of Cd showed defensive effects in two cases, one for hyperaccumulator and one for sub-accumulator Cd concentrations. Arsenic has been tested only once, and was found effective against a leaf-chewing herbivore at a concentration much less than the hyperaccumulator level. Defense studies have used a variety of experimental approaches, including choice and no-choice experiments as well as experiments that use artificial diet or growth media. Investigations of hyperaccumulation as a defense against natural enemies have led to two emerging questions. First, what is the minimum concentration of an element sufficient for defense? Evidence suggests that plants other than hyperaccumulators (such as accumulators) may be defended by elements against some natural enemies. Second, do the effects of an element combine with the effects of organic defensive compounds in plants to produce enhanced joint defensive effects? Recent investigation of this “joint effects hypothesis,” using Ni and secondary plant compounds in artificial insect diet, has demonstrated joint effects. Initial answers to both these questions suggest that defensive effects of elements in plants are more widespread than previously believed. These results also suggest an evolutionary pathway by which elemental hyperaccumulation may have evolved from accumulation. In this “defensive enhancement” scenario, defensive benefits of elevated levels of elements may have led to stepwise increases in element concentrations that further magnified these benefits. This series of steps could have led to increased accumulation, and ultimately hyperaccumulation, of elements by plants.  相似文献   

An experimental assessment of the defence hypothesis of nickel (Ni) hyperaccumulation in Alyssum was lacking. Also, to date no study had investigated the effects of hyperaccumulator litter on a detritivore species. We performed several experiments with model arthropods representatives of two trophic levels: Tribolium castaneum (herbivore) and Porcellio dilatatus (detritivore). In no-choice trials using artificial food disks with different Ni concentrations, T. castaneum fed significantly less as Ni concentration increased and totally rejected disks with the highest Ni concentration. In choice tests, insects preferred disks without Ni. In the no-choice experiment, mortality was low and did not differ significantly among treatments. Hence, this suggested a deterrent effect of high Ni diet. Experiments with P. dilatatus showed that isopods fed A. pintodasilvae litter showed significantly greater mortality (83%) than isopods fed litter from the non-hyperaccumulator species Iberis procumbens (8%), Micromeria juliana (no mortality) or Alnus glutinosa (no mortality). Also, isopods consumed significantly greater amounts of litter from the non-hyperaccumulator plant species. The behaviour of isopods fed A. pintodasilvae litter suggested an antifeedant effect of Ni, possibly due to post-ingestive toxic effects. Our results support the view that Ni defends the Portuguese serpentine hyperaccumulator A. pintodasilvae against herbivores, indicating that Ni can account both for feeding deterrence and toxic effects. The effects of hyperaccumulator litter on the detritivore P. dilatatus suggest that the activity of these important organisms may be significantly impaired with potential consequences on the decomposition processes.  相似文献   

Competition alters plant species response to nickel and zinc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phytoextraction can be a cost-efficient method for the remediation of contaminated soils. Using species mixtures instead of monocultures might improve this procedure. In a species mixture, an effect of heavy metals on the species' performance can be modified by the presence of a co-occuring species. We hypothesised that (a) a co-occuring species can change the effect of heavy metals on a target species, and (b) heavy metal application may modifiy the competitive behaviour between the plants. We investigated these mechanisms in a greenhouse experiment using three species to serve as a model system (Carex flava, Centaurea angustifolia and Salix caprea). The species were established in pots of monocultures and mixtures, which were exposed to increasing concentrations of Ni and Zn, ranging from 0 to 2,500 mg/kg. Increased heavy metal application reduced the species' relative growth rate (RGR); the RGR reduction being generally correlated with Ni and Zn concentrations in plant tissue. S. caprea was an exception in that it showed considerable Zn uptake but only moderate growth reduction. In two out of six cases, competitors significantly modified the influence of heavy metals on a target species. The interaction can be explained by an increased uptake of Zn by one species (in this case S. caprea) that reduced the negative heavy metal effect on a target species (C. flava). In two further cases, increasing heavy metal application also altered competitive effects between the species. The mechanisms demonstrated in this experiment could be of relevance for the phytoextraction of heavy metals. The total uptake of metals might be maximised in specific mixtures, making phytoextraction more efficient.  相似文献   

Host diet affects the defensive efficacy of Neodiprion sawflies. In laboratory assays with wood ants (Formica obscuripes), secretions from larvae reared on Pinus banksiana were the most repellent, while those from P. resinosa feeders were the least so. This was explained diterpene resin acid content, but not total monoterpene content. The terpene content of regurgitant generally reflected dietary concentrations. Compounds were sequestered nonselectively by larvae. Host-based differences in defense persisted at the behavioral level. P. banksiana feeders regurgitated greater volumes of fluid and were less likely to be disabled or killed by ants in one-on-one interactions than were larvae fed on P. resinosa. The defensive advantages of host diet conflicted with developmental requirements. N. sertifer reared on P. banksiana (the best diet for defense in all cases) had lower cocoon weights (a correlate of fecundity) than those reared on other diets, and had prolonged larval development compared to insects fed P. sylvestris. No such tradeoff was detected in N. lecontei. Larvae of both species strongly preferred P. banksiana over P. resinosa in feeding choice assays.  相似文献   

Serpentine soils, which contain relatively high concentrations of nickel and some other metals, are the preferred substrate for some plants, especially those that accumulate Ni in their tissues. In temperate regions more Ni-hyperaccumulator plants are found in Alyssum than in any other genus. In this study, serpentine soils of two areas (Marivan and Dizaj) in the west/northwest of Iran and also perennial Alyssum plants growing on these soils were analyzed for Ni and some other metals. The highest concentrations of total metals in the soils of these areas for Ni, Cr, Co and Mn were 1,350, 265, 94 and 1,150 μg g−1, respectively, while concentrations of Fe, Mg and Ca reached 3.55%, 16.8% and 0.585% respectively. The concentration of exchangeable Ni in these soils is up to 4.5 μg g−1. In this study two Alyssum species, A. inflatum and A. longistylum, have been collected from Marivan and Dizaj, respectively. Analysis of leaf dry matter shows that they can contain up to 3,700 and 8,100 μg Ni g−1, respectively. This is the first time that such high Ni concentrations have been found in these species. The concentrations of other metals determined in these species were in the normal range for serpentine plants, except for Ca, which was higher, up to 5.3% and 3.5%, respectively  相似文献   

The ubiquitous occurrence of series of biosynthetically related plant secondary compounds within individual species has given rise to the suggestion that such multiplicity is adaptive; one possible mechanism that would serve to maintain such within-plant diversity is analog synergism. In a series of experiments, we provide evidence that synergism may account for the presence of multiple structurally related furanocoumarins in apiaceous plants. The black swallowtail, Papilio polyxenes, feeds exclusively on plant species containing furanocoumarins. Growth of larvae fed parsley leaves treated with both xanthotoxin and angelicin, two furanocoumarins that co-occur widely in swallowtail hostplants, was significantly slower than that of larvae fed leaves with an equimolar concentration of either xanthotoxin or angelicin. A multivariate combination of growth, food consumption and frass excretion differed significantly between larvae fed leaves treated with both xanthotoxin and angelicin and larvae fed leaves treated with angelicin alone. In addition, we measured rates of in vitro cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism of three furanocoumarins — bergapten, xanthotoxin, and angelicin. While bergapten and xanthotoxin, both linear furanocoumarins, were metabolized at similar rates (8.07 and 9.86 nmoles/min/g fw caterpillar, respectively), angelicin, an angular furanocoumarin, was metabolized more slowly (2.76 nmoles/min/g fw caterpillar). When all three furanocoumarins were assayed together, overall rates of metabolism were significantly reduced, suggesting substrate inhibition. Thus, the pattern of growth of larvae is consistent with the pattern of in vitro metabolism and is evidence in support of analog synergism. In a separate experiment, metabolism of xanthotoxin and angelicin individually and together were compared in six maternal families. Again, angelicin was metabolized more slowly than xanthotoxin and each furanocoumarin inhibited metabolism of the other. That significant family effects were found for rates of metabolism and for the ratio of moles of angelicin metabolized for each mole of xanthotoxin metabolized raises the possibility that genetic variation exists for the rate and specificity of metabolism and suggests that insect herbivores may be able to adapt to analog synergism.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of lepidopteran herbivores, Manduca sexta (Sphingidae) and Trichoplusia ni (Noctuidae), were reared on synthetic diet containing either the alkaloid nicotine or the flavonoid rutin. Survival and pupal weight of the specialist M. sexta did not differ when larvae were reared on diet containing nicotine or rutin. In contrast, the generalist T. ni did not survive on diet containing 0.125% nicotine or greater, whereas larvae survived on all concentrations of rutin. These data demonstrate that the alkaloid nicotine is inhibitory toward generalist, but not specialist herbivores, whereas the flavonoid rutin has no effect on specialist herbivores and limited effects on generalist herbivores. Five species of Pseudomonas bacterial pathogens: P. syringae, P. syringae pv. angulata, P. syringae pv. tabaci, P. fluorescens, and P. solanacearum were grown on nutrient agar containing nicotine or rutin at concentrations ranging from 0.0 to 1.0% wet weight in 0.1% intervals. No species of Pseudomonas grew at concentrations greater than 0.5% nicotine when 106 colony forming units (cfu) were used, but growth occurred at all concentrations of rutin when 102 cfu were used. These data indicate that nicotine was inhibitory to growth of both herbivores and pathogens, suggesting that certain plant secondary chemicals with high toxicity are of a generalized nature and affect multiple species. Differences in the sensitivity of organisms to allelochemicals such as generalist or specialist can make it appear that specific allelochemicals affect specific organisms, when in fact it is the tolerance of the organism to the plant chemical that is responsible. In four separate studies, the growth of M. sexta, T. ni and Helicoverpa zea was significantly lower on plants inoculated with P. solanacearum. Alteration in leaf quality by P. solanacearum was due to either reductions in leaf nutrients or increases in allelochemicals. We speculate that localized or systemic induction by both herbivores and pathogens can cause changes in leaf quality, effecting each other's subsequent colonization. The generalized nature of plant secondary compounds and potential reciprocal effects on induction by both species suggests that herbivores and pathogens may affect plant quality through induction and diffuse interactions of disparate species can alter the community of organisms colonizing a plant.  相似文献   

Summary Numerous adaptive predator-induced responses occurred when eight clones representing seven Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera) species were tested against three common predators: fourth instar larval phantom midge Chaoborus americanus, adult backswimmer Notonecta undulata, and small sunfish Lepomis macrochirus. The predators were confined within small mesh bags, suggesting that the signal for induction is chemical. The induced responses included longer tail spines, longer heads, smaller bodies, increased egg clutches, and decreased lipid reserves. Each Daphnia species responded to each of the three predators in a unique manner. Induced responses in the above characters showed no significant association. The induced morphological changes are generally consistent with current theories of what is an adaptive response for the various sizes of Daphnia exposed to tactile and visual predators. The abundance of induced responses in these experiments suggests that predator-induced responses are a widespread and ecologically important phenomenon of the freshwater zooplankton.  相似文献   

Leaf samples were collected from 40 accessions of Chenopodium spp. and assessed for six heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr and Cd) accumulation to explore the use of Chenopodium for phytoextraction of heavy metals. The results suggest that Chenopodium spp. have the ability to accumulate large quantities of heavy metals in the leaf tissues even when they are present in low concentrations in the soil. C. quinoa is a better accumulator of Ni, Cr and Cd than the rest of the species, while C. album accessions are good copper accumulators. Bioconcentration factor for chromium ranged from 0.36 (C. album “Chandanbathua”) to 6.57 (C. quinoa Ames 13719) with 13 accessions of C. quinoa scoring above the mean value. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was recorded for Ni, Cr and Cd, which indicated a major role of additive gene action in the inheritance of these characters. Zinc showed significant positive association with iron (0.351**), nickel (0.659**), chromium (0.743**) and cadmium (0.288**). Nickel was significantly and negatively associated with copper (−0.663**), while it was positively and significantly correlated with chromium (0.682**) and cadmium (0.461**). Considering the accumulation efficiency of Chenopodium spp. with respect to heavy metals, this genus should be further explored for decontamination of metal polluted soils, with plant breeding playing an important role in evolving new plant types with higher capacity of heavy metal accumulation.  相似文献   

The optimum conditions for biosorption and bioaccumulation of lead and nickel were investigated by using a tolerant bacterial strain isolated from El-Malah canal, Assiut, Egypt, and identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa ASU 6a. The experimental adsorption data were fitted towards the models postulated by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations. The binding capacity by living cells is significantly lower than that of dead cells. The maximum biosorption capacities for lead and nickel obtained by using non-living cells and living cells were 123, 113.6 and 79, 70 mg/g, respectively. The biosorptive mechanism was confirmed by IR analysis and from the identification nature of acidic and basic sites. Moreover, the postulated mechanism was found to depend mainly on ionic interaction and complex formation.  相似文献   

We quantified the accumulation of and tolerance to exogenously-fed nicotine by monitoring photosynthetic capacity and growth in two nicotine producing species of Solanaceous plants (Nicotiana sylvestris andN. glauca) as well as two Solanaceous species (Datura stramonium andLycopersicon esculentum) that do not produce nicotine to examine the relationship between tolerence and the ability to produce nicotine in defensive quantities. SinceN. sylvestris uses nicotine as an inducible defense, we examined whether nicotine tolerance is induced by damage to examine further the relationship between nicotine tolerence and synthesis. All species were grown in a 1 mM nicotine-containing hydroponic solution. Reductions in the photosynthetic capacity of nicotine-fed plants were found in all species tested. Nicotine-producing species showed no greater tolerance as measured by photosynthetic capacity than the two non-producing species. Leaf damage marginally increased the tolerence ofN. sylvestris to exogeneouslyfed nicotine suggesting that photosynthetic tolerance is coordinated with nicotine production in this nicotine-producing species.N. glauca plants regained photosynthetic capacity after their accumulated nicotine was demethylated to form nornicotine. Leaf nicotine pools in the other three species did not decrease, suggesting that for these species alkaloid metabolism does not play a major role in tolerance. Tolerance, as measured by biomass gained, was higher in the two non-producing species than in the nicotine-producing species suggesting that nicotine may also be functioning as a growth regulator. These results do not support the hypothesis that tolerance is as important as biosynthetic ability in determining which species accumulate defensively significant quantities of nicotine.  相似文献   

The effects of watering and fertilizer treatments on the vigor and biochemistry of the willow,Salix lasiolepis, and subsequent colonization and survivorship of its gallforming herbivore,Euura lasiolepsis, were investigated in two field experiments. Some plants received low (LW), intermediate (MW) or high (HW) levels of water as treatments, while others received no (OF), low (LF) or high (HF) fertilizer levels. In the watering experiment, plant protein concentrations decreased, while growth rate and number of galls per plant increased with increased water treatments. Plant growth proved to be the best correlate of sawfly attack. Sawfly survivorship increased slightly with greater watering, and phenol concentrations showed no pattern among treatments. In the fertilization experiment, leaf protein increased with fertilization, although shoot length, number of galls and survivorship ofE. lasiolepis survivorship were greatest in intermediate treatment plants. In both experiments, plant growth, rather than protein or phenol levels, was the best predictor of sawfly attack and survivorship. In a natural experiment with galls on wild plants, galled tissue had significantly greater protein concentrations and lower phenol concentrations than did ungalled tissue. We suggest that gallformers modify host plant biochemistry within willow galls, which may explain why the chemical parameters of ambient plant quality we tested were less predictive than plant growth.  相似文献   

Ecologists have long sought mechanistic explanations for the patterns of plant distribution and endemism associated with serpentine soils. We conducted the first empirical test of the serpentine pathogen refuge hypothesis, which posits that the low levels of calcium found in serpentine soils provide associated plants with a refuge from attack by pathogens. We measured the range of soil calcium concentrations experienced by 16 wild population of California dwarf flax (Hesperolinon californicum) and experimentally recreated part of this range in the greenhouse by soaking serpentine soils in calcium chloride solutions of varying molarity. When flax plants grown in these soils were inoculated with spores of the rust fungus Melampsora lini we found a significant negative relationship between infection rates and soil calcium concentrations. This result refutes the pathogen refuge hypothesis and suggests that serpentine plants, by virtue of their association with low calcium soils, may be highly vulnerable to attack by pathogens. This interaction between plant nutrition and disease may in part explain demographic patterns associated with serpentine plant populations and suggests scenarios for the evolution of life history traits and the distribution of genetic resistance to infection in serpentine plant communities.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships between host plant hybridization in the Quercus grisea x Q. gambelii species complex and the distribution and performance of a leaf-mining moth in the genus Phyllonorycter. In 2 years at two sites Phyllonorycter densities were lowest on Q. grisea and increased through the categories of hybrid host plants to Q. gambelii. Direct host plant effects on Phyllonorycter performance were consistent with Phyllonorycter distribution; unexplained mortality of larvae in the mines, which is often associated with direct plant effects, decreased from Q. grisea through the hybrids to Q. gambelii. Plant hybridization influenced parasitism of Phyllonorycter. Parasitism was density dependent, and across all densities was higher on Q. grisea and Q. gambelii than on hybrid host plants.  相似文献   

Summary Iron-ore tailings have been deposited along the coast of Tolo Harbour from Ma On Shan Iron-ore Mine since its operation in 1906. In order to search for any harmful effects caused by the tailings, the edible clam, Paphia sp. together with sediments and seawater samples were collected from different sites of the iron-ore tailings of Ma On Shan Iron Mine, its nearby seashores and an unaffected site, Cheung Chau. The analysis of metal contents in the tissue and shell of the clams, seawater and sediments was carried out. It was discovered that the clams collected from the tailings had accumulated higher metal contents, e.g. Mn, Fe and Ca while those collected from the nearby seashores were also affected to a less extent.Clams are collected from the seashores within Tolo harbour for consumption by the villagers, but no accident caused by toxic effects of heavy metals has been reported. However, the present investigation further confirmed the potential hazard of the heavy metal contamination within Tolo Harbour reported recently (Wong & Chan, 1976; Wong & Tam, 1977).  相似文献   

Toxic plants with sequestering specialists are presented with a problem because plant derived toxins protect herbivores against natural enemies. It has been suggested that early induction of toxins and later relaxation of these defenses may help the plant resolve this problem because neonate caterpillars incur the physiological cost of dealing with toxins in early life, but are denied toxins when they are able to sequester them efficiently. In California, the pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), feed exclusively on Aristolochia californica Torrey (Aristolochiaceae), an endemic vine that contains toxic alkaloids called aristolochic acids that caterpillars sequester to provide chemical defense in immature and adult stages. In a field experiment, the concentration of aristolochic acids doubled in the plant following leaf damage and returned to constitutive levels after six days. Neonate pipevine swallowtail caterpillars showed no aversion to high levels of aristolochic acid in a preference test. Caterpillars reared on leaves with supplemented aristolochic acid showed no physiological cost or increased mortality compared to caterpillars reared on un-supplemented leaves. Searching efficiency and capture rate of lacewing larvae (Chrysoperla), a common predator of first instar caterpillars, was compromised significantly after feeding on caterpillars reared on leaves with supplemented concentrations of aristolochic acid compared to caterpillars feeding on control plants. Additionally, mortality of lacewings increased when they were provided with a diet of B. philenor caterpillars reared on supplemented leaves compared to caterpillars reared on control leaves. Thus, the induction of aristolochic acids in the plant following leaf damage does not resolve the problem confronted by the plant and may confer benefits to this sequestering specialist.  相似文献   

We studied the role of plant vascular architecture in the determination of the spatial extent of herbivore induced responses within Betula pendula Roth saplings. The induced responses were measured in bioassays in terms of the relative growth rate of larvae of a geometrid moth, Epirrita autumnata. We hypothesised that the level of induced resistance of a certain leaf would be determined by the degree of vascular connectivity between the leaf in question and a damaged leaf, as suggested by recent theoretical and empirical studies. A comparison of the control plants with the damaged plants indicated that damaging one leaf of a sapling was sufficient to induce an increase in the resistance level. There were also differences among the leaves within a plant in the resistance level, but these differences could not be explained by the degree of vascular connectivity with the damaged leaf. These results suggest that the vascular connections have low power as explanations of the spread and spatial extent of the induced resistance in Betula pendula saplings Instead, the resistance level of all leaves within a sapling increased following the damage. We suggest that the pattern of increased resistance observed in this experiment may be beneficial for the young saplings studied. For young saplings at their early stages of development, it may be beneficial to be able to distribute the induction signal to all leaves as fast as possible and thus repel the herbivore totally. For a young sapling, the capability of repelling the herbivore totally might thus be a feasible strategy whereas an older sapling may tolerate localised damage better and compensate for the damage within the undamaged plant parts.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate host plant performance relative to different soil arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities, Andropogon gerardii seedlings were grown with nine different AMF communities. The communities consisted of 0, 10, or 20 spores of Glomus etunicatum and 0, 10, or 20 spores of Glomus intraradices in all possible combinations. Spores were produced by fungal cultures originating on A. gerardii in a serpentine plant community; seeds of A. gerardii were collected at the same site. The experiment was performed in the greenhouse using a mixture of sterilized serpentine soil and sand to which naturally occurring non-mycorrhizal microbes were added. There was no difference in root AMF colonization rates between single species communities of either G. etunicatum or G. intraradices, but G. intraradices enhanced plant growth and G. etunicatum did not. However, plants grew larger with some combinations of G.␣intraradices plus G. etunicatum than with the same quantity of G. intraradices alone. These results suggest the potential for niche complementarity in the mycorrhizal fungi. That G. etunicatum only increased plant growth in the presence of G. intraradices could be illustrative of why AMF that appear to be parasitic or benign when examined in isolation are maintained within multi-species mycorrhizal communities in nature.  相似文献   

Summary We used an automated technique for the observation and quantification of zooplankton swimming behavior to study the behavioral responses of two congeneric, herbivorous, freshwater copepod prey to a copepod predator (Limnocalanus macrurus). One prey, Diaptomus sicilis, often co-occurs with Limnocalanus, while previous studies indicated that the zoogeographic distribution of the second prey, Diaptomus oregonensis, was independent of the predator. We found that in the presence of Limnocalanus, D. sicilis swims more slowly and with less hopping and jumping than D. oregonensis. Diaptomus sicilis is also attacked and consumed by the predator Limnocalanus macrurus less frequently than D. oregonensis. We suggest that the faster, noisier swimming of D. oregonensis increases its vulnerability to Limnocalanus. The behavioral defenses to both prey are induced by the presence of the predator, and may represent two different anti-predator strategies, crypsis and avoidance for D. sicilis and D. oregonensis respectively. In a zoogeographical analysis D. oregonensis occurs at densities below D. sicilis in lakes where Limnocalanus is at elevated abundances, while in low-predator lakes the opposite is true. This distribution pattern supports our experimental results, and suggests that D. sicilis is adapted to survive with Limnocalanus, while D. oregonensis is not.  相似文献   

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