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The wildlife of the Brazilian Cerrado is threatened by large-scale habitat loss, in particular due to conversion to agricultural land. It is essential to study how the mammal fauna copes with the highly fragmented, human-influenced, non-protected landscape. The paper presents the results of a survey of the large to medium-sized mammals of a typical cattle ranch with a mixture of human-created and natural vegetation types. We recorded 18 species. Surprisingly, several species were found to still thrive in the area, however, many species are rare or have become extinct. We conclude the paper with comments relevant for the conservation of mammals in the Cerrado as a whole.  相似文献   

A comprehensive survey on large mammal diversity from a disturbed forest in Peninsular Malaysia has been carried out for over a period of 21 months. A total of 24 camera traps which accumulated to 5972 trap days. A total of 33 species 27 genera and 15 families of mammals were recorded via camera trapping and observations. The use of camera traps provides detailed information on diversity of some cryptic and secretive mammals. Secondary forest may support a wide diversity of mammals at a stable condition where intrusion, excision and fragmentation are reduced or avoided. The threats to mammals in the study are also discussed.  相似文献   

The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is threatened by large-scale habitat loss, in particular due to conversion to agricultural land. This is the first published study on maned wolf density and the first test of individual identification from camera-trap photographs. We present results from two Brazilian regions: the Cerrado and the Pantanal. Using capture–recapture analysis of camera-trap data, we estimated densities per 100 square kilometers of 3.64 ± 0.77 individuals at the Cerrado site and 1.56 ± 0.77 individuals at the Pantanal site. Parallel radio-telemetry studies at the Pantanal site showed that maned wolves occupied home ranges of 39–58 km2 (mean = 50.3 ± 7.67 km2). Our study in the Cerrado took place in a private farm with a mixture of agricultural land and native habitats, representative of the majority of the present-day Cerrado. Whereas many other mammalian species have suffered in the region, our results show that the maned wolf may cope better with this highly fragmented landscape than one might have feared. Finally, the paper briefly compares maned wolf density with density of puma (Puma concolor) in the Pantanal site.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between the distribution of tropical floodplain vegetation and environmental factors such as the soil types, their physical‐chemical properties and inundation dynamics in the northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Fifty‐four soil profiles of the four principal geomorphologic units of the lowland were classified into twenty‐one units of the FAO‐UNESCO system and related to eight vegetation formations. Under the deciduous and semideciduous woodland and forest formations on flood free riverbanks and relict dunes Arenosols, Solonetz and Alisols dominate. Inundation forests grow on a large variety of soil groupings such as Alisols, Solonetz, Fluvisols, Gleysols and Cambisols, mainly on fluvial deposits. Under the grassland formations of periodically flooded spreadings and depressions Planosols, Acrisols, Alisols, Fluvisols, Arenosols and Cambisols were cored, while Gleysols are common on swamps bearing Thalia geniculata or Cyperus giganteus. Canonical Correspondence Analysis was applied to study the influence of monitored environmental factors on spatial distribution of vegetation formations. Water regime and soil texture were found to define the grassland‐forest boundaries as well as the transition between different grassland formations and between seasonal as well as evergreen forests.  相似文献   

为了解深圳城市生物多样性现状及关键有蹄类物种野猪(Sus scrofa)的栖息地利用模式,2019年4至10月,在广东省深圳市梧桐山国家级风景名胜区设置1 km×1 km的调查网格32个,每个网格布设红外相机监测点位1处,监测野生动物群落及野猪的空间利用。32个监测点累积有效相机工作日4 460 d,记录到分属4目8科的兽类13种,其中,10种为本地分布物种,3种为人为放生的外来物种。本地分布的大中型兽类中,野猪的相对多度指数最高(IRA=27.13),其后依次为鼬獾(Melogale moschata,IRA=8.30)、豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis,IRA=7.17)、花面狸(Paguma larvata,IRA=5.38)、赤麂(Muntiacus vaginalis,IRA=2.24)、小灵猫(Viverricula indica,IRA=0.67)、中国豪猪(Hystrix hodgsoni,IRA...  相似文献   

The density of Brazilian tapirs ( Tapirus terrestris) was studied in the northeastern part of the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil using two simultaneous and independent methods: (1) systematic camera trapping combined with capture–recapture analysis, with camera traps spaced 1 km apart and distributed over 54 km2; and (2) line-transect sampling using an array of 12 linear transects, from 3.8 to 7.2 km long, covering the principal open and forest habitat types across the entire 1063 km2 SESC Pantanal Reserve. The two methods yielded conservative density estimates of 0.58 ± 0.11 tapirs/km2 (camera trapping) and 0.55 (95% CI 0.30–1.01) tapirs/km2 (line transects). The study suggests that certain Pantanal habitats and sites can sustain relatively high population densities of tapirs when these animals are protected from hunting. Further testing of the camera-trapping methodology as applied to tapirs is required, particularly focusing on extending the survey period. As it represents a relatively rapid method for estimating population density, in comparison to line-transect surveys, and as it generates information simultaneously on multiple species that are conservation priorities, we recommend that camera-trapping surveys be applied more widely across a variety of Pantanal habitats and land-use categories in order to confirm the value of the vast 140,000 km2 wilderness region for this vulnerable species.  相似文献   

Four sites situated on the Pantanal floodplain (Paraguay River and floodplain) were sampled throughout the annual cycle, mainly during the rising water period, with the aim of evaluating the effects of the flood pulse on the composition and population densities of the phytoplanktonic communities. Comprehensive water chemistry data were collected. Eighty-two taxa were found, numerically dominated by Chlorophyceae (23 taxa). Cryptophyceae (principally Cryptomonas brasiliensis) occurred in all samples, and were responsible for 47–58% of the phytoplankton abundance in the studied area. Highest phytoplanktonic population density was at the rising water period, when the limnological changes are most marked as the river water first enters into contact with the floodplain. During this period, when intense decomposition occurs, the Cryptophyceae decreased and the Euglenophyceae increased, except at site 1 (Castelo Lake), where this group were more stable during the year, representing 35–56% of the phytoplankton. In the falling water period (September and October), the phytoplankton was also represented by Bacillariophyceae and Cyanophyceae. In the Pantanal, the great abundance and sometimes dominance of Cryptophyceae, may be due largely to adverse conditions for the development of other groups; the former are adapted to low availability of dissolved nutrients, and high water transparency, such conditions prevailing during the high water period.  相似文献   

In spite of its size and biological significance, we know little about the ecology of the Pantanal, a 140,000 km2 floodplain in west-central Brazil. Increasing human pressures make this lack of understanding particularly critical. Using transects and 1 m2 circular plots, we documented floristic composition and interacting-environmental conditions associated with littoral herbaceous vegetation along inundation gradients at two ecologically-distinct sites in the Pantanal. We recorded water depth and percent cover for each species in Baía Piuval, a bay in the Bento Gomes River (Mato Grosso), and in a bay in the Acurizal Reserve (Mato Grosso do Sul). Baía Piuval and Acurizal plots contained a total of 22 and 18 macrophyte species, respectively. At both sites Eichhornia azurea and Salvinia auriculata occurred most frequently as dominant or co-dominant species. Chi2 analysis, used to quantify zonations along depth gradients, generated four different groups of species ( p < 0.05) for Baía Piuval. For Acurizal, two significantly different groups ( p < 0.05) occurred with an intermediate assemblage of species that could be assigned to either group. Canonical correspondence analysis, used to analyze species distributions, showed a pattern consistent with the Chi2 results for Baía Piuval but not for Acurizal. Higher species richness and diversity occurred where dry season and low water levels coincided and richness was generally highest in proximal plots where water depths were lowest. Our results are consistent with the few other plant ecological studies reported for the Pantanal. This study can be considered additive to needed baseline data on biota and ecology of this region of South America.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the issue cover date.  相似文献   

Keywords Multitemporal data sets from the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) were used to evaluate their applicability for exploratory soil mapping in the floodplain of the Northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Fifty-four soil profiles were classified into 21 soil units according to the FAO–UNESCO system. Information layers of vegetation types and dynamics of flooding were elaborated by applying supervised hierarchical classification rules. Geomorphologic units were mapped by visual image interpretation. Multinomial logistic regression was applied to test relations between thematic layers and soil units as well as aggregated soil clusters, developing a statistical mapping model. Northern Pantanal floodplain soils show a high variability as a function of age and granulemetry of underlying sediments, as well as soil moisture and flooding regimes. GIS layers of nine vegetation formations, three geomorphologic units and three multi-temporal moisture types were elaborated. Cross-tabulations and multinomial logistic regression models indicate significant relations between FAO–UNESCO soil units and GIS layers. As soil sampling density had been low, a final predictive model was developed for the mapping of six aggregated soil clusters, obtaining a high significance level (p<0.05) for prediction. Applied methodology was found to be appropriate to develop models on soil–landscape relationships and improve information on spatial distribution of soil groupings in the Northern Pantanal.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to correlate the activity and habitat use of a large and ecologically specialized mammal ( Myrmecophaga tridactyla ) with the time of day and minimum daily temperature in Brazil's Pantanal wetland. Seven giant anteaters were fitted with very high frequency (VHF) radio transmitters and monitored from March to December 2001. The animal's state of activity or rest, time and ambient temperature were recorded in different patches of the study site, which were covered by a mosaic of vegetation types and several ponds. Whenever a giant anteater was inside a forest patch, the temperature inside and outside of the patch was also recorded. The temperatures throughout the day were recorded by the meteorological station at the study site. The period of greatest activity of giant anteaters started at 18:00 h on hot days, but whenever the daily minimum temperature declined, the species' activity began earlier. Giant anteaters use predominantly forest habitats for rest and open habitats for activity. The forest patches work as a temperature buffer, because they are cooler than the matrix of open habitats during the hot hours of the day and warmer than the matrix during the cold hours. Although the giant anteater is known to be associated with open habitats, this study indicates the need of preserving forest patches for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

A survey of the Iberian lynx was conducted in Portugal between January 2002 and November 2003 in order to define lynx status and distribution baselines. Intensive search for lynx scats, scat DNA analysis, and camera trapping were used in areas of potential lynx presence. Over 4,200 km were investigated during a global searching effort of 1,975 man-hours. DNA obtained from 168 scats was analyzed, producing no positive lynx amplifications. Camera trapping represented a total effort of 5,647 camera-days in three potential lynx areas, producing no positive detections. Although results cannot confirm the species’ extinction, the scenario is rather pessimistic and the Iberian lynx is probably no longer present in Portugal. Presently, considering the Portuguese lynx’s historical range, the only significantly suitable areas for the species are located in the southeastern part of the country bordering Andalusia where no recent evidence of lynx presence was recorded.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to develop and apply a fish-based biotic integrity index to assess lowland streams in a highly deforested region of the Upper Paraná River basin. Fifty-six first-order segments were randomly selected for environmental and fish evaluation. Because previous analysis had identified the main type of effect on the streams of the region as physical habitat degradation, 22 qualitatively biological attributes were selected and tested over a physical condition gradient between reference and degraded sites. Sensitivity and redundancy of each attribute revealed that five metrics were adequate for discriminating higher quality from degraded sites. Of the fifty-six streams assessed, one (2%) was classified as good, four (7%) as fair, ten (18%) as poor, and forty-one (73%) as very poor, indicating that, on a regional scale, many aspects of biological integrity are altered, indicative of serious degradation. Considering that first-order segments amount to 11,000 km in total, it is noticeable that 10,000 km of the stream segments have no more than half of the expected conditions, indicative of poor or very poor biotic integrity conditions. Possible strategies of mitigating this scenario are discussed. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

The Pantanal hosts diverse wildlife species and therefore is a hotspot for arbovirus studies in South America. A serosurvey for Mayaro virus (MAYV), eastern (EEEV), western (WEEV) and Venezuelan (VEEV) equine encephalitis viruses was conducted with 237 sheep, 87 free-ranging caimans and 748 equids, including 37 collected from a ranch where a neurologic disorder outbreak had been recently reported. Sera were tested for specific viral antibodies using plaque-reduction neutralisation test. From a total of 748 equids, of which 264 were immunised with vaccine composed of EEEV and WEEV and 484 had no history of immunisation, 10 (1.3%) were seropositive for MAYV and two (0.3%) for VEEV using criteria of a ≥ 4-fold antibody titre difference. Among the 484 equids without history of immunisation, 48 (9.9%) were seropositive for EEEV and four (0.8%) for WEEV using the same criteria. Among the sheep, five were sero- positive for equine encephalitis alphaviruses, with one (0.4%) for EEEV, one (0.4%) for WEEV and three (1.3%) for VEEV. Regarding free-ranging caimans, one (1.1%) and three (3.4%), respectively, had low titres for neutralising antibodies to VEEV and undetermined alphaviruses. The neurological disorder outbreak could not be linked to the alphaviruses tested. Our findings represent strong evidence that MAYV and all equine encephalitis alphaviruses circulated in the Pantanal.  相似文献   

A phytosociological study was conducted in a riparian forest of the Rio Paraguai near Corumbá and Ladário in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The topographic distribution of species was correlated with durations of the river's seasonal floodings and the cumulative time of flooding between 1974 and 1995. One hundred and eight contiguous 10×10 m plots were systematically established. All individuals with more than 15 cm of girth at breast height (gbh=1.3 m) were sampled. A total of 695 individuals distributed among 37 species, 35 genera and 23 families were found. The Shannon index (H′) for species diversity was 2.7. The highest importance value (IV) was found for Inga vera ssp. affinis, followed by Triplaris gardneriana, Ocotea diospyrifolia, Crataeva tapia and Vochysia divergens. The plots were classified into two groups according to their distance from the margin, applying Ward's method of classification and principal coordinate analysis (PCO) on the same Bray Curtis distance matrix. The topical environments were divided into four bands by Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN), and the species were also grouped into four groups. Flooding in these groups ranged from regular inundation in all 23 years of the historical series of the Ladário gauge to sporadic flooding for a maximum of 2 consecutive years.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Seeds can accumulate in the soil or elsewhere, such as on the stems of palms when these are covered by persistent sheaths. These sheaths could act as a safe site for some species. Here, we studied whether persistent sheaths of the palm Attalea phalerata (Arecaceae) are available sites for seed accumulation in the Pantanal wetland of Brazil. We also investigated whether the composition, richness and diversity of species of seeds in the persistent sheaths are determined by habitat (riparian forest and forest patches) and/or season (wet and dry).


All accumulated material was collected from ten persistent sheaths along the stems of 64 A. phalerata individuals (16 per habitat and 16 per season). The material was then individually inspected under a stereomicroscope to record seed species and number.

Key Results

Of the 640 sheaths sampled, 65 % contained seeds (n = 3468). This seed bank included 75 species belonging to 12 families, and was primarily composed of small, endozoochoric seeds, with a few abundant species (Cecropia pachystachya and Ficus pertusa). Moraceae was the richest family (four species) and Urticaceae the most abundant (1594 seeds). Stems of A. phalerata in the riparian forest had 1·8 times more seeds and 1·3 times more species than those in forest patches. In the wet season we sampled 4·1 times more seeds and 2·2 more species on palm stems than in the dry season. Richness did not differ between habitats, but was higher in the wet season. Abundance was higher in forest patches and in the wet season.


Attalea phalerata stems contain a rich seed bank, comparable to soil seed banks of tropical forests. As most of these seeds are not adapted to grow in flooding conditions, palm stems might be regarded as safe sites for seeds (and seedlings) to escape from the seasonal flooding of the Pantanal.  相似文献   

Coarse-scale patterns of distribution and abundance of species are the outcome of processes occurring at finer spatial scales, hence the conservation of species depends on understanding their fine-scale ecology. For Bornean carnivores, little is known about fine-scale predictors of species occurrence and it is assumed that the two main threats to wildlife on Borneo, habitat disturbance and hunting, also impact their occurrence. To increase our understanding of the Borneo carnivore community, we deployed 60 cameras in a logging concession in northern Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, where different landscape covariates, both natural and anthropogenic, were present. We built single-species occupancy models to investigate fine-scale carnivore occupancy. Overall, forest disturbance had a negative effect on Hose’s civet (Diplogale hosei), banded civet (Hemigalus derbyanus) and yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula). Further, banded civet had greater occupancy probabilities in more remote areas. Logging roads had the most diverse effect on carnivore occupancy, with Hose’s civet and masked palm civet (Paguma larvata) negatively affected by roads, whereas Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga), short-tailed mongoose (Herpestes brachyurus) and leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) showed higher occupancy closer to roads. Canopy height, canopy closure, number of trees with holes (cavities) and distance to nearest village also affected occupancy, though the directions of these effects varied among species. Our results highlight the need to collect often overlooked habitat variables: moss cover and ‘kerangas’ (tropical heath forest) were the most important variables predicting occurrence of Hose’s civet. The preservation of such forest conditions may be crucial for the long-term conservation of this little-known species. Our results confirm that logged forests, when left to regenerate, can host diverse carnivore communities on Borneo, provided less disturbed habitat is available nearby, though human access needs to be controlled. We recommend easy-to-implement forest management strategies including maintaining forest next to logging roads; preserving fruiting trees and trees with cavities, both standing and fallen; and blocks of remote, less disturbed, mid- to high-elevation forest with understorey vegetation.  相似文献   

Use of Terra Firme Forest by Caicubi Caboclos, Middle Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. A Quantitative Study. An ethnobotanical study was carried out with caboclos from the village of Caicubi, Roraima State, Brazil. This village is located between the Rio Negro and Rio Branco. The data were collected in 1 ha of terra firme forest and involved caboclo knowledge of the tree species with individuals dbh ≥ 10 cm. A total of 11 informants between 34 to 74 years of age were interviewed. The caboclos used 185 (98%) of the 189 species analyzed. The family with the highest use value for the community was Arecaceae. The species with the highest use value was Bertholletia excelsa. Arecaceae, Lecythidaceae, and Sapotaceae showed a wide variety of uses. The uses were grouped into eight categories; those with the highest use values were firewood, technology, and construction. The mean use value for species was 1.6. The most intensely used resources in the forest were wood, leaves, spines, and exudates.  相似文献   

The Pantanal Mato-grossense is an extensive floodplain system located in the center of South America with important macrophytic primary producers. This study describes the dynamics of net primary production and the biomass of the aquatic macrophyte Pontederia lanceolata, the dominant species in some floodplain fields near Poconé. Productivity was determined from a combination of demographic and growth methods. Biomass was determined using squares of known area, periodically distributed at random. The average productivity during the period was 3.11 g dry weight m-2 day-1. The minimum and maximum values (0.04 g dry weight m-2 day-1 and 8.59 g dry weight m-2 day-1, respectively) occurred during the drought and the flood period, respectively. The standing stock varied between 12.7 and 235.9 g dry weight m-2, determined at the beginning of the flood and at its peak, respectively. The dynamics of the productivity and the standing stock of the species are associated with the flood patterns of the area and with life cycle of the plant.  相似文献   

Measurements of the organic carbon inventory, its stable isotopic composition and radiocarbon content were used to deduce vegetation history from two soil profiles in arboreal and grassy savanna ecotones in the Brazilian Pantanal. The Pantanal is a large floodplain area with grass-dominated lowlands subject to seasonal flooding, and arboreal savanna uplands which are only rarely flooded. Organic carbon inventories were lower in the grassy savanna site than in the upland arboreal savanna site, with carbon decreasing exponentially with depth from the surface in both profiles. Changes in 13C of soil organic matter (SOM) with depth differed markedly between the two sites. Differences in surface SOM 13C values reflect the change from C3 to C4 plants between the sites, as confirmed by measurements of 13C of vegetation and the soil surface along a transect between the upland closed-canopy forest and lowland grassy savanna. Changes of 13C in SOM with depth at both sites are larger than the 3–4 per mil increases expected from fractionation associated with organic matter decomposition. We interpret these as recording past changes in the relative abundance of C3 and C4 plants at these sites. Mass balances with 14C and 13C suggest that past vegetational changes from C3 to C4 plants in the grassy savanna, and in the deeper part of the arboreal savanna, occurred between 4600 and 11 400 BP, when major climatic changes were also observed in several places of the South American Continent. The change from C4 to C3, observed only in the upper part of the arboreal savanna, was much more recent (1400 BP), and was probably caused by a local change in the flooding regime.  相似文献   

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