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1. The consequences to plants of ant–aphid mutualisms, particularly those involving invasive ants, are poorly studied. Ant–aphid mutualisms may increase or decrease plant fitness depending on the relative cost of herbivory by ant‐tended aphids versus the relative benefit of increased ant suppression of other (non‐aphid) herbivores. 2. We conducted field and greenhouse experiments in which we manipulated the presence and absence of cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii) on cotton plants to test the hypothesis that a mutualism between cotton aphids and an invasive ant, the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), benefits cotton plants by increasing fire ant suppression of caterpillars. We also manipulated caterpillar abundance to test whether the benefit of the mutualism varied with caterpillar density. 3. We found that more fire ants foraged on plants with cotton aphids than on plants without cotton aphids, which resulted in a significant reduction in caterpillar survival and caterpillar herbivory of leaves, flower buds, and bolls on plants with aphids. Consequently, cotton aphids indirectly increased cotton reproduction: plants with cotton aphids produced 16% more bolls, 25% more seeds, and 10% greater seedcotton mass than plants without aphids. The indirect benefit of cotton aphids, however, varied with caterpillar density: the number of bolls per plant at harvest was 32% greater on plants with aphids than on plants without aphids at high caterpillar density, versus just 3% greater at low caterpillar density. 4. Our results highlight the potential benefit to plants that host ant–hemipteran mutualisms and provide the first experimental evidence that the consequences to plants of an ant–aphid mutualism vary at different densities of non‐aphid herbivores.  相似文献   

1. Ant–plant mutualisms have been the focus of considerable empirical research, but few studies have investigated how introduced ants affect these interactions. Using 2 years of survey data, this study examines how the introduced Argentine ant [Linepithema humile (Mayr)] differs from native ants with respect to its ability to protect the extrafloral nectary‐bearing coast barrel cactus (Ferocactus viridescens) in Southern California. 2. Eighteen native ant species visited cacti in uninvaded areas, but cacti in invaded areas were primarily visited by the Argentine ant. The main herbivore of the coast barrel cactus present at the study sites is a leaf‐footed bug (Narnia wilsoni). 3. Herbivore presence (the fraction of surveys in which leaf‐footed bugs were present on individual cacti) was negatively related to ant presence (the fraction of surveys in which ants were present on individual cacti). Compared with cacti in uninvaded areas, those in invaded areas were less likely to have herbivores and when they did had them less often. 4. Seed mass was negatively related to herbivore presence, and this relationship did not differ for cacti in invaded areas versus those in uninvaded areas. 5. Although the Argentine ant might provide superior protection from herbivores, invasion‐induced reductions in ant mutualist diversity could potentially compromise plant reproduction. The cumulative number of ant species on individual cacti over time was lower in invaded areas and was associated with a shortened seasonal duration of ant protection and reduced seed mass. These results support the hypothesis that multiple partners may enhance mutualism benefits.  相似文献   

1. Ants interact with a diversity of organisms. These interactions, coupled with their abundance, cause ants to have ecologically important effects across multiple trophic levels. 2. Empirical study of ant nutritional ecology has led to the prediction that a macronutrient imbalance will affect ant behaviour and interspecific interactions that underlie these broad‐scale effects. Excess carbohydrate relative to protein is predicted to increase ant aggressiveness, predatory tendency and foraging activity, and to decrease collection of hemipteran honeydew and plant nectar. 3. In field experiments conducted in 2009 and 2010, captive colony fragments of a native ant, Formica podzolica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), were provided with either simulated prey or carbohydrate solution ad libitum. Foraging behaviours and interactions with flowers, myrmecophilous aphids and aphid natural enemies on wild‐grown plants were documented. 4. Strong effects of macronutrient imbalance on foraging manifested quickly and consistently across colonies; in accordance with predictions, prey‐fed foragers collected both honeydew and floral nectar, whereas carbohydrate‐fed ants ceased collecting these resources. Counter to predictions, carbohydrate‐fed ants dramatically lowered their activity levels and did not prey upon aphids. 5. Ants had no effect on aphid enemies in 2009, when the latter were relatively rare, but decreased their abundance in 2010. Despite this protection, the net effect of ants on aphids was negative (measured only in 2009). Prey‐fed ants demonstrated a strong preference for honeydew over floral nectar, thus demonstrating that a macronutrient imbalance may lead to different interactions with similar resources. 6. This study links ant nutrition and community ecology by demonstrating the rapid, asymmetric and multitrophic consequences of nutritionally mediated behaviour.  相似文献   

Discussion of the vertical stratification of organisms in tropical forests has traditionally focused on species distribution. Most studies have shown that, due to differences in abiotic conditions and resource distribution, species can be distributed along the vertical gradient according to their ecophysiological needs. However, the network structure between distinct vertical strata remains little-explored. To fill this gap in knowledge, we used baits to sample ants in the canopy and understorey trees of a Mexican tropical rain forest to record the ant–tree co-occurrences. We examined the ant–tree co-occurrences in the canopy and understorey using complementary network metrics (i.e., specialization, interaction diversity, modularity, and nestedness). In addition, we evaluated co-occurrence patterns between ant species on trees, using C-score analysis. In general, we found no differences in the network structure, although the interaction diversity was greater in the understorey than in the canopy networks. We also observed that co-occurrence networks of each vertical stratum featured four ant species in the central core of highly co-occurring species, with three species unique to each stratum. Moreover, we found a similar trend toward ant species segregation in the both strata. These findings reveal a similar pattern of ant–ant co-occurrences in both vertical strata, probably due to the presence of arboreal-nesting ants in the understorey. Overall, we showed that despite the marked differences in species composition and environmental conditions between understorey and canopy strata, ant–tree co-occurrences in these habitats could be governed by similar mechanisms, related to dominance and resource monopolization by ants.  相似文献   

Host and parasite richness are generally positively correlated, but the stability of this relationship in response to global change remains poorly understood. Rapidly changing biotic and abiotic conditions can alter host community assembly, which in turn, can alter parasite transmission. Consequently, if the relationship between host and parasite richness is sensitive to parasite transmission, then changes in host composition under various global change scenarios could strengthen or weaken the relationship between host and parasite richness. To test the hypothesis that host community assembly can alter the relationship between host and parasite richness in response to global change, we experimentally crossed host diversity (biodiversity loss) and resource supply to hosts (eutrophication), then allowed communities to assemble. As previously shown, initial host diversity and resource supply determined the trajectory of host community assembly, altering post‐assembly host species richness, richness‐independent host phylogenetic diversity, and colonization by exotic host species. Overall, host richness predicted parasite richness, and as predicted, this effect was moderated by exotic abundance—communities dominated by exotic species exhibited a stronger positive relationship between post‐assembly host and parasite richness. Ultimately, these results suggest that, by modulating parasite transmission, community assembly can modify the relationship between host and parasite richness. These results thus provide a novel mechanism to explain how global environmental change can generate contingencies in a fundamental ecological relationship—the positive relationship between host and parasite richness.  相似文献   

Lianas can negatively affect their host tree. The evidence comes from studies in tropical forests, where lianas decrease the growth rate and reproduction of their host tree. This is primarily a consequence of water and nutrient competition, two limiting factors in tropical forests. In contrast, for some areas of southern temperate rainforests the competition for these resources could be less severe, because of the high rainfall and fertile soils. But so far, no study has determined the effect of liana competition over their host tree in southern temperate rainforests. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in field conditions, the effect of liana Cissus striata (Ruiz & Pavon) competition over the growth rate of mature Nothofagus obliqua (Bidr Egefam) host tree. In an experimental approach, we determined whether above‐ and/or below‐ground competition is more important in this interaction. We also looked for compensatory strategies that would allow to trees to respond to liana competition. In field conditions, we found that infested trees have a decrease in their relative growth rate of 26% and a reduction of the leaf area index (LAI) of 20% compared with control trees. In the greenhouse experiment, we found that saplings were water stressed and that there was light competition. Neither competition for water nor light had a significant effect on the growth rate of infested saplings. This could be explained because saplings showed compensatory strategies in response to competition. These strategies were based in the biomass distribution between organs (leaf area, slenderness index) and within leaves (LMA). In conclusion, we found that C. striata has a negative effect over the growth of mature and sapling N. obliqua host trees. This was a consequence of above‐ground and below‐ground competition, but we cannot disentangle which type of competition is more important. Trees respond to liana competition, mature host trees change the canopy architecture and saplings allocate resource between and within organs, which allows them to optimize resource capture.  相似文献   

If parasites decrease the fitness of their hosts one could expect selection for host traits (e.g. resistance and tolerance) that decrease the negative effects of parasitic infection. To study selection caused by parasitism, we used a novel study system: we grew host plants (Urtica dioica) that originated from previously parasitized and unparasitized natural populations (four of each) with or without a holoparasitic plant (Cuscuta europaea). Infectivity of the parasite (i.e. qualitative resistance of the host) did not differ between the two host types. Parasites grown with hosts from parasitized populations had lower performance than parasites grown with hosts from unparasitized populations, indicating host resistance in terms of parasite’s performance (i.e. quantitative resistance). However, our results suggest that the tolerance of parasitic infection was lower in hosts from parasitized populations compared with hosts from unparasitized populations as indicated by the lower above‐ground vegetative biomass of the infected host plants from previously parasitized populations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of ants as secondary seed dispersers of six primarily bird‐dispersed Miconia species in the cerrados of southeastern Brazil. Vertebrate exclosure and seed germination experiments were performed for M. albicans, M. alborufescens, M. corallina, M. ferruginata, M. ibaguensis, and M. irwinii. Excluding vertebrates did not significantly alter fruit removal rate for any of the Miconia species relative to open controls. Fruits on stalks and fallen fruits were removed and transported to nests mainly by species of Atta, Acromyrmex, and Ectatomma (dispersal distance ranging from 0.1 to 45.2 m), while Camponotus ants tended to be observed removing the fruit pulp (seed cleaning) where the fruits were found. Seed manipulation by Atta decreased germination of M. irwinii, but not M. ferruginata. Germination did not occur in intact fruits, and thus seed cleaning was an important service provided by the ants. Ant nest soils did not inhibit germination of any of the Miconia species, suggesting they are a good substrate for long‐lived Miconia seeds. We conclude that ant activity could have important effects on the fate of Miconia seeds adapted for bird dispersal.  相似文献   

Resistance and tolerance are considered to be different plant strategies against disease. While resistance traits prevent hosts becoming parasitized or reduce the extent of parasitism, tolerance traits reduce the fitness-impact of parasitism on infected hosts. Theoretical considerations predict that in some circumstances mutual redundancy will give hosts with either high resistance or high tolerance a fitness advantage over hosts that exhibit both of these traits together. However, empirical evidence has provided mixed results. In this paper, I describe the pattern of phenotypic selection imposed by the holoparasitic mistletoe Tristerix aphyllus upon resistance (spine length) and tolerance (branching) traits in the cactus Echinopsis chilensis. Results indicate that branching was an efficient compensatory mechanism, reducing 75.5% of the fitness-impact attributable to parasitism. Even though both traits showed a negative correlation, as expected from the presence of allocation costs between strategies, no correlational selection coefficient was significant indicating that selection did not favor alternative combinations of traits. Consequently, I did not find evidence for selection promoting mutually exclusive defense strategies against the mistletoe, which suggests that tolerance and resistance traits may coexist stably in populations of E. chilensis.  相似文献   

Parasites often affect the abundance and life‐history traits of their hosts. We studied the impact of a social parasite – a slavemaking ant – on host ant communities using two complementary field manipulations. In the first experiment, we analysed the effect of social parasite presence on host populations in one habitat. In a second experiment, conducted in two habitats, we used a cross‐fostering design, analysing the effect of sympatric and allopatric social parasites. In the first experiment, host colonies benefited to some extent from residing in parasite‐free areas, showing increased total production. Yet, in the second experiment, host colonies in plots containing social parasites were more productive, and this effect was most evident in response to allopatric social parasites. We propose several explanations for these inconsistent results, which are related to environmental variability. The discrepancies between the two habitats can be explained well by ecological variation as a result of differences in altitudes and climate. For example, ant colonies in the colder habitat were larger and, for one host species, colonies were more often polygynous. In addition, our long‐term documentation – a total of four measurements of community structure in 6 years – showed temporal variation in abundance and life‐history traits of ant colonies, unrelated to the manipulations. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 559–570.  相似文献   

1. Adapting to a low‐quality plant may require modification of an insect's digestive physiology, oviposition behaviour, or other host‐use traits. If colonising a marginal host entails a cost, a decay in adaptation would be expected after selection is relaxed, i.e. if populations on a novel host are reverted to their high‐quality ancestral host. 2. Replicate lines of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) rapidly adapted to lentil seeds; larval survival rose from approximately 1 to ≥ 90%, and oviposition on lentil increased more than two‐fold. This study compared egg‐laying behaviour in lines that either remained on lentil or were reverted to the ancestral host, mung bean, for 22–62 generations. 3. Consistent with the trade‐off hypothesis, females from two reverted sublines showed decreased oviposition on lentil (estimated as lifetime fecundity), but host acceptance in a third subline was unchanged. In a short‐term assay, acceptance of lentil by newly emerged females was lower in each reverted subline than in the corresponding non‐reverted one. Because effective population sizes (determined from genome resequencing) were large throughout the experiment, this decline in host acceptance is unlikely to be explained solely by genetic drift. 4. Variation among replicates in the magnitude of the reversion effect was also observed in a previous study of larval survival. However, the pattern of variation for survival was not congruent with the pattern of variation for host acceptance in this study. Thus, genes mediating improved performance on lentil appear to be largely independent of those responsible for increased oviposition.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine whether nutrient fluxes mediated by hyphae of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi between the root zones of grass and legume plants differ with the legume's mode of N nutrition. The plants, nodulating or nonnodulating isolines of soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.], were grown in association with a dwarf maize ( Zea mays L.) cultivar in containers which interposed a 6-cm-wide root-free soil bridge between legume and grass container compartments. The bridge was delimited by screens (44 μm) which permitted the passage of hyphae, but not of roots and minimized non VAM interactions between the plants. All plants were colonized by the VAM fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe. The effects of N input to N-sufficient soybean plants through N2-fixation or N-fertilization on associated maize-plant growth and nutrition were compared to those of an N-deficient (nonnodulating, unfertilized) soybean control. Maize, when associated with the N-fertilized soybean, increased 19% in biomass, 67% in N content and 77% in leaf N concentration relative to the maize plants of the N-deficient association. When maize was grown with nodulated soybean, maize N content increased by 22%, biomass did not change, but P content declined by 16%. Spore production by the VAM fungus was greatest in the soils of both plants of the N-fertilized treatment. The patterns of N and P distribution, as well as those of the other essential elements, indicated that association with the N-fertilized soybean plants was more advantageous to maize than was association with the N2-fixing ones.  相似文献   

Enzyme I initiates a series of phosphotransfer reactions during sugar uptake in the bacterial phosphotransferase system. Here, we have isolated a stable recombinant C-terminal domain of Enzyme I (EIC) of Escherichia coli and characterized its interaction with the N-terminal domain of Enzyme I (EIN) and also with various ligands. EIC can phosphorylate EIN, but their binding is transient regardless of the presence of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). Circular dichroism and NMR indicate that ligand binding to EIC induces changes near aromatic groups but not in the secondary structure of EIC. Binding of PEP to EIC is an endothermic reaction with the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 0.28 mM, whereas binding of the inhibitor oxalate is an exothermic reaction with KD of 0.66 mM from calorimetry. The binding thermodynamics of EIC and PEP compared to that of Enzyme I (EI) and PEP reveals that domain–domain motion in EI can contribute as large as ∼−3.2 kcal/mol toward PEP binding.  相似文献   

Plant–plant interspecific competition via pollinators occurs when the flowering seasons of two or more plant species overlap and the pollinator fauna is shared. Negative sexual interactions between species (reproductive interference) through improper heterospecific pollen transfer have recently been reported between native and invasive species demonstrating pollination‐driven competition. We focused on two native Impatiens species (I. noli‐tangere and I. textori) found in Japan and examined whether pollinator‐mediated plant competition occurs between them. We demonstrate that I. noli‐tangere and I. textori share the same pollination niche (i.e., flowering season, pollinator fauna, and position of pollen on the pollinator's body). In addition, heterospecific pollen grains were deposited on most stigmas of both I. noli‐tangere and I. textori flowers that were situated within 2 m of flowers of the other species resulting in depressed fruit set. Further, by hand‐pollination experiments, we show that when as few as 10% of the pollen grains are heterospecific, fruit set is decreased to less than half in both species. These results show that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs between I. noli‐tangere and I. textori. This study suggests that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs in the wild even when interacting species are both native and not invasive.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that plant physical and chemical traits vary considerably in space and time. Hence, leaf‐mining insects may adjust their oviposition in response to leaf attributes representing high quality. Moreover, herbivorous insects can modify leaf morphology by acting as stressors, increasing, for example, fluctuating asymmetry (FA) levels. Here, we investigate oviposition preference in Agnippe sp.2, a leaf‐mining moth of Erythroxylum tortuosum, in relation to differences in leaf nutritional quality (i.e. levels of water, nitrogen and tannin content), leaf area (i.e. quantity of resource hypothesis) and FA. We also verify whether temporal variation in plant nutritional quality emerges as an alternative hypothesis to explain oviposition distribution in time, and whether this leaf miner is a stress‐causing agent, increasing FA during larval development. Mined leaves and leaves with and without eggs were periodically collected from plants located in a Cerrado fragment in Brazil. In the laboratory, leaf traits were assessed (using image analysis software) and quantified (biochemical analysis) according to the aims previously determined. Oviposition probability did not change in relation to variations in nitrogen, tannins and FA of leaves. However, leaf‐miner females preferred to oviposit on leaves having large areas and low water contents. It was also verified that new leaves of E. tortuosum, which carried most leaf‐miner eggs, presented significantly lower tannins and greater levels of nitrogen and water than old leaves. The oviposition choice exhibited by leaf miners was found to be non‐random because they appear to use resource quantity and water content as cues as where to lay their eggs. The temporal variation of plant nutritional quality is likely to influence the time of leaf‐miner oviposition; and leaf FA was not increased during larval feeding, suggesting that these herbivores do not cause variations in FA levels.  相似文献   

Understanding the novel ecological interactions that result from biological invasions is a critical issue in modern ecology and evolution as well as pest management. Introduced herbivorous insects may interact with native plants and indigenous natural enemies, creating novel tri‐trophic interactions. To help predict the potential outcomes of novel interactions, we investigated the behavioural and physiological responses of an indigenous generalist parasitoid (Habrobracon gelechiae) to an introduced generalist herbivore (the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana) and its new host plants in California. We first examined the parasitoid's host location and acceptance on a range of nine common host plants of the moth representing distinctly different geographic origins and morphologies (to examine the effect of a known toxic plant on the parasitoid's performance, an additional toxic plant species was also tested that the moth consumes in the laboratory but does not naturally attack). The parasitoid was able to locate the host larvae on all plants equally well, although clutch size was affected by host plant. We then determined fitness of the moth and the parasitoid on four representative plants. The moth larvae suffered higher mortality and a slower developmental rate on the known toxic plant than on the other three plants, but the parasitoid's fitness correlates did not differ between the host food plants. These results show a high level of plasticity in the indigenous generalist parasitoid in its ability to exploit the exotic host on a wide range of host plants, generating an invasion‐driven novel tri‐trophic interaction.  相似文献   

Tamm  Carl Olof 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):21-27
The paper contains a discussion of the interrelations between the sciences used by managers of forest land to improve their management, in particular with respect to the plant nutrient economy of the forest ecosystems. Both site studies and studies of nutrient cycling have been carried out for long periods without proper consideration of tree nutrition. Therefore these studies contributed less to the understanding of the role of nutrients as regulators of processes in ecosystems than might have been expected. This situation has improved, especially within the last decade. In addition the necessity to manage forest land for environmental values as well as for forest yield requires new interdisciplinary approaches in the study of the roles of plant nutrients in the forest. Even more branches of biological and environmental sciences than those just mentioned must be involved.  相似文献   

  • Intraspecific trait variation and trait–climate relationships are crucial for understanding a species’ response to climate change. However, these phenomena have rarely been studied for tree species. Euptelea pleiospermum is a relict tree species with a wide distribution in China that offers a novel opportunity to examine such relationships.
  • Here, we measured 13 leaf traits of E. pleiospermum in 20 sites across its natural distribution in China. We investigated the extent of trait variation at local and regional scales, and developed geographic and climate models to explain trait variation at the regional scale.
  • We documented intraspecific trait variation among leaf traits of Epleiospermum at local and regional scales. Five traits exhibited relatively high trait variation: leaf area, leaf density and three leaf economic traits (leaf dry matter content, specific leaf area [SLA] and leaf phosphorus concentration). Significant trait–geography correlations were mediated by local climate. Most leaf trait variation could be explained (from 24% to 64%) by geographic or climate variables, except leaf width, leaf thickness, leaf dry matter content and leaf length–width ratio. Latitude and temperature were the strongest predictors of trait variation throughout the distribution of Epleiospermum in China, and temperature explained more leaf trait variation than precipitation. In particular, we showed that leaves had longer petiole lengths, higher SLA and lower densities in northern Epleiospermum populations. We suggest that northern Epleiospermum populations are adapting to higher latitudinal environments via high growth rate (higher SLA) and low construction investment strategies (lower leaf densities), benefitting northern migration.
  • Overall, we demonstrate that intraspecific trait variation reflects Epleiospermum response to the local environment. We call for consideration of intraspecific trait variation to examine specific climate response questions. In addition, provenance experiments using widely distributed species are needed to separate trait variation resulting from genetic differentiation and plastic responses to environmental change.

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