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1. Insects that emerge from rivers provide nutritional subsidies to local riparian predators. Adult damselflies and dragonflies often benefit from aquatic resources, but their high mobility and evasiveness have made it difficult to monitor their diets. 2. A dual fatty acid and stable isotope analysis approach was used to investigate the links between Odonata size and behaviour with proportions of their aquatically derived nutritional sources. Additionally, the study investigated the variation in dietary contributions of aquatic food sources to Odonata between two sections of a river, each with different aquatic productivity rates. 3. Variations in body size and foraging method of Odonata in the Kowie River (South Africa) contributed to differences in the contributions of aquatic food sources to their diets. Large Odonata that consumed prey in flight had smaller proportions of aquatic indicator fatty acids and stable isotope‐generated proportions of aquatic food sources than did the smaller Odonata that consumed prey from perches. 4. There was a considerable amount of interspecific variation in indicators of aquatic feeding, but Odonata at an upstream site had smaller proportions of aquatic indicators than those at a downstream site which had higher insect emergence rates. 5. The findings of this study contribute information on the dynamics of feeding ecology among adult Odonata, and the substantial contributions of aquatic prey (>80% of total diet in some cases) indicated that cross‐boundary trophic linkages via odonates are strong in the Kowie River.  相似文献   

An ecological niche has been defined as an n‐dimensional hypervolume formed by conditions and resources that species need to survive, grow, and reproduce. In practice, such niche dimensions are measurable and describe how species share resources, which has been thought to be a crucial mechanism for coexistence and a major driver of broad biodiversity patterns. Here, we investigate resource partitioning and trophic interactions of three sympatric, phylogenetically related and morphologically similar species of thrushes (Turdus spp.). Based on one year of data collected in southern Brazil, we investigated niche partitioning using three approaches: diet and trophic niche assessed by fecal analysis, diet and niche estimated by stable isotopes in blood and mixing models, and bipartite network analysis derived from direct diet and mixing model outputs. Approaches revealed that the three sympatric thrushes are generalists that feed on similar diets, demonstrating high niche overlap. Fruits from C3 plants were one of the most important food items in their networks, with wide links connecting the three thrush species. Turdus amaurochalinus and T. albicollis had the greatest trophic and isotopic niche overlap, with 90% and 20% overlap, respectively. There was partitioning of key resources between these two species, with a shared preference for fig tree fruits—Ficus cestrifolia (T. amaurochalinus PSIRI% = 11.3 and T. albicollis = 11.5), which was not present in the diet of T. rufiventris. Results added a new approach to the network analysis based on values from the stable isotope mixing models, allowing comparisons between traditional dietary analysis and diet inferred by isotopic mixing models, which reflects food items effectively assimilated in consumer tissues. Both are visualized in bipartite networks and show food‐consumers link strengths. This approach could be useful to other studies using stable isotopes coupled to network analysis, particularly useful in sympatric species with similar niches.  相似文献   

Aim To determine how well variation in median body size of avian assemblages is predicted by (1) the environmental models usually employed in analyses of Bergmann's rule and (2) random sampling from the regional body size frequency distribution. If body size frequency distributions of local assemblages represent a random sample of a regional frequency distribution, then geographical variation in body sizes of assemblages might be a consequence of the determinants of spatial variation in species richness rather than direct influences on body size per se. Location Southern Africa. Methods Median body masses (as a measure of body size) of avian assemblages were calculated for quarter‐degree grid cells across South Africa and Lesotho. The relationship between median body mass and four environmental variables (minimum and maximum monthly temperatures, precipitation and seasonality in the normalized difference vegetation index, as a measure of seasonality in productivity) was examined using general linear models first without taking spatial autocorrelation into account, and then accounting for it by fitting an exponential spatial covariance structure. Model fit was assessed using the Akaike information criterion and Akaike weights. At each species richness value, random assemblages were sampled by either drawing species randomly from the regional body mass frequency distribution, or drawing species from the regional body mass frequency distribution with a probability proportional to their geographical distribution in the area. The ability of randomizations to predict actual body masses was examined using two‐tailed Fisher exact tests. Results Seasonality in productivity was the only environmental variable that remained a significant predictor of body mass variation in spatially explicit models, though the positive relationship was weak. When species richness was included in the models it remained the only significant predictor of size variation. Randomizations predicted median body mass poorly at low species richness, but well at high richness. Main conclusions Environmental models that have previously been proposed explain little of the variation in body mass across avian assemblages in South Africa. However, much of the variation in the median mass of assemblages could be predicted by randomly drawing species from the regional body mass frequency distribution, particularly using randomizations in which all species were drawn from the regional body mass frequency distribution with equal probability and at high species richness values. This outcome emphasizes the need to consider null expectations in investigations of the geographical variation in body size together with the probable environmental mechanisms underlying spatial variation in average size. Moreover, it suggests that in the South African avifauna, spatial variation in the body sizes of assemblages may be determined indirectly by the factors that influence geographical variation in species richness.  相似文献   

李云凯  汪惠琼  陈新军  贡艺 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5418-5423
同域近缘种由于进化选择的压力,会形成不同的行为适应策略。研究同域近缘种生态位格局,有助于理解近缘物种的竞争和共存机制,是深入了解种群动态变化的基础性问题。选取东太平洋赤道海域的柔鱼科头足类近缘种茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼为研究对象,利用生物地球化学示踪物(稳定同位素和脂肪酸)分析两种头足类的营养生态位及相互关系。结果显示,茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼肌肉的部分必需脂肪酸(C18∶2n6、C20∶2n6、C20∶3n3、C20∶4n6和C20∶5n3)含量存在差异,说明二者食物来源不同,但其碳、氮稳定同位素比值无显著差异,可能是因为相同个体大小的茎柔鱼和鸢乌贼营养级相近,且摄食空间相似。这些结果在营养生态位的分析结果中也得到了验证,稳定同位素营养生态位的重叠程度高于脂肪酸营养生态位,表明脂肪酸组成更能体现同域近缘种的食性差异。本研究可加深对头足类进化过程中摄食行为适应机制的理解,并为评估同域近缘种的营养生态位关系提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis of exploitation ecosystems was reanalysed using the model of Armstrong (1979) which simultaneously deals with population dynamics and evolution. The results indicate that the prediction of Oksanenet al. (1981) of strict predation limitation of herbivores in productive ecosystems does not hold for coevolved systems. Depending on the nature of herbivore-carnivore coevolution, herbivore biomass may level off at a threshold productivity value or increase monotonously with increasing primary productivity, though at a strongly reduced rate in productive ecosystems. Under both circumstances, increasing primary productivity is predicted to be accompanied by gradual replacement of genuine folivores by semi-granivores and true granivores. The dominating guild members are predicted to show some degree of resource-limitation, although only granivores are predicted to be chiefly resource-limited even in the most productive ecosystems. Data on arctic-to-temperate patterns in the community structure of herbivorous vertebrates conform to the implications of the analysis.  相似文献   

Xenopus gilli is a vulnerable anuran with a patchy distribution along the south-western coast of the Cape Province, South Africa. This species is sympatric with Xenopus laevis laevis , a widespread relative found over much of southern Africa. We examined the molecular phylogeography and population structure of the contact zone between these species to obtain information about historical biogeography and conservation management of this region. Analyses of the distribution, frequency, and cladistic and phenetic relationships among mitochondrial DNA haplotypes indicate that population subdivision is present in both taxa but that long-term isolation of sets of populations has occurred in X. gilli only. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity are also considerably higher within and among X. gilli ponds than X. l. laevis ponds in this region. We attribute the genetic segregation of X. gilli populations to ancient habitat fragmentation by ocean transgression into X. gilli habitat and to continued habitat alteration by human activity. The lower level of genetic diversity in X. l. laevis in this region is likely a result of a recent arrival of this taxon to the south-western Cape region relative to X. gilli . Population structure in X. l. laevis may be a result of isolation by distance. Clear evidence exists for at least two management units within X. gilli and strongly supports the establishment of protective measures east of False Bay in order to conserve a substantial portion of this species' extant genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Contemporary multivariate statistics were used to test the hypotheses that the dietary compositions of three populations of labrids on the west Australian coast are related to body size and undergo seasonal changes and to elucidate the relative extents and basis for any dietary differences within and between those populations. Gut content analyses determined the dietary compositions of Choerodon rubescens in marine waters of the outer reefs in the World Heritage Area of Shark Bay (26° S; 114° E) and of Choerodon schoenleinii in inner protected reefs of that large embayment. The dietary compositions of C. rubescens and C. schoenleinii differed significantly among length classes, progressed serially with increasing body size, both overall and almost invariably in each season and were more closely related to body size than season, whose effect was at best minimal. The size‐related dietary change in C. rubescens involved, in particular, a shift from crustaceans and non‐mytilid bivalves to mytilid bivalves and echinoid echinoderms. Although the diet of C. schoenleinii followed similar size‐related changes, it contained a greater volume of gastropods when the fish were small and mytilids when large and only a small volume of echinoids. The dietary composition of C. rubescens in the Abrolhos Islands, 300 km to the south of Shark Bay, was related both to length class and season and differed from that of this labrid in Shark Bay with the ingestion of lesser volumes of mytilids and greater volumes of echinoids. The size‐related changes in diet imply that these species shift from foraging over soft substrata to over reefs as their very well‐developed jaws become sufficiently strong to remove attached and larger prey. The dietary compositions of C. rubescens and C. schoenleinii in Shark Bay and of C. rubescens at the Abrolhos Islands were related far more to habitat–locational differences than to length class and season. The above intraspecific and interspecific differences in diet are consistent with qualitative accounts of the relative abundances of the main prey in their respective environments, supporting the view that, despite specializations in their feeding apparatus, these labrids can feed opportunistically to a certain extent and could thus potentially respond to moderate changes in the composition of their prey caused by climate change and other anthropogenic effects.  相似文献   

A complementary approach of stomach content and stable isotope analyses was used to characterize the foraging ecology and evaluate niche overlap between pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (K. sima) sperm whales stranded on the U.S. mid‐Atlantic coast between 1998 and 2011. Food habits analysis demonstrated both species were primarily teuthophagous, with 35 species of cephalopods, and 2 species of mesopelagic fishes represented in their overall diets. Pianka's Index of niche overlap suggested high overlap between whale diets (On = 0.92), with squids from the families Histioteuthidae, Cranchidae, and Ommastrephidae serving as primary prey. Pygmy sperm whales consumed slightly larger prey sizes (mean mantle length [ML] = 10.8 cm) than dwarf sperm whales (mean ML = 7.8 cm). Mean prey sizes consumed by pygmy sperm whales increased with growth, but showed no trend in dwarf sperm whales. Significant differences were not detected in δ15N and δ13C values of muscle tissues from pygmy (10.8‰ ± 0.5‰, ?17.1‰ ± 0.6‰), and dwarf sperm whales (10.7‰ ± 0.5‰, ?17.0‰ ± 0.4‰), respectively. Isotopic niche widths also did not differ significantly and dietary overlap was high between the two species. Results suggest the feeding ecologies of the pygmy and dwarf sperm whales are similar and both species occupy equivalent trophic niches in the region.  相似文献   

Adult population of a dragonfly Nannophya pygmaeaRamber inhabited in a damp ground was investigated with mark-and-recapture method in 1975. The following results about the seasonal changes of the population size and distribution in the habitat were obtained. Adults emerged from late May to mid August. The number of the adults was most abundant in early June, but that of matured males in early July. From the recapture data, the estimate of daily survival rate was 0.82, and the length of immature stage in males was estimated as 5 days or so. Total number of post-teneral adults emerged in the habitat was estimated as about 9,000. The mean crowding-mean density regression method was applied for the analysis of the distribution pattern of the adults. Matured males showed a spaced-out distribution, while females and immatured males distributed themselves rather aggregatively. Such a distribution pattern of the matured male would be attributed to their territorial behaviour. The territorial behaviour was considered to force the matured males to extend the distribution area in July when they were most abundant. From the above-mentioned results and some observations, the meaning of the territoriality in this species was discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of ambient flow velocity, colony size, and the presence of upstream colonies on the feeding success of the arborescent bryozoan, Bugula stolonifera (Ryland), were studied. Faster ambient flow velocities were found to reduce feeding of zooids of small colonies but not of large colonies. Zooids from different regions of colonies dominated in feeding at different ambient flow velocities: upstream zooids dominated in feeding from slow ambient flow: zooids from central regions dominated in feeding from fast ambient flow. These results are interpreted with respect to the branching morphology of colonies. Finally, evidence that upstream colonies interfere with the feeding success of zooids of colonies downstream was obtained.  相似文献   

Day and night levels of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, testicular size, and body weights were monitored in seven adult male bonnet monkeys maintained under controlled photoperiod and temperature over a period of 12 months. No significant change was observed in any of these parameters thereby suggesting lack of seasonality in this non-human primate species.  相似文献   

Little is known about the behaviour patterns and swimming speed strategies of anadromous upriver migrating fish. We used electromyogram telemetry to estimate instantaneous swimming speeds for individual sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) during their spawning migrations through reaches which spanned a gradient in river hydraulic features in the Fraser River, British Columbia. Our main objectives were to describe patterns of individual-specific swim speeds and behaviours, identify swimming speed strategies and contrast these between sexes, species and reaches. Although mean swimming speeds did not differ between pink salmon (2.21 BL s–1) and sockeye salmon (1.60 BL s–1), sockeye salmon were over twice as variable (mean CV; 54.78) in swimming speeds as pink salmon (mean CV; 22.54). Using laboratory-derived criteria, we classified swimming speeds as sustained (<2.5 BL s–1), prolonged (2.5–3.2 BL s–1), or burst (>3.2 BL s–1). We found no differences between sexes or species in the proportion of total time swimming in these categories – sustained (0.76), prolonged (0.18), burst (0.06); numbers are based on species and sexes combined. Reaches with relatively complex hydraulics and fast surface currents had migrants with relatively high levels of swimming speed variation (e.g., high swimming speed CV, reduced proportions of sustained speeds, elevated proportions of burst speeds, and high rates of bursts) and high frequency of river crossings. We speculate that complex current patterns generated by river constrictions created confusing migration cues, which impeded a salmon's ability to locate appropriate pathways.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of drifting seaweeds in the southeastern coastal waters of Izu Peninsula of central Japan were examined by sampling 966 patches from spring to autumn 1991–1993. In total, 57 plant species appeared, including 10 epiphytic algal species. Monthly totals of the number of species, excluding epiphytic aigae, were highest in May (33) and August (27), though 19–21 species of sargassaceous algae were found from May to August, The number of species, excluding epiphytic algae, in one patch of drifting seaweeds was 1 to 11 (x?= 2.93 ± 2.06) with high richness in May a result of almost entirely sargassaceous species. The wet weight of each patch and maximum stipe length of plants varied from 5 to 6970 g and from 20 to 840 cm (x?= 536.1 ± 782,3 g and 110.6 ± 76.8 cm), respectively, with highs in April and May. Out of 18 species common to all years, 10 species dominated the top or second rank in monthly pooled frequency of appearance. Seasonal changes of these 10 major species were examined, Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh and Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura were abundant in April, but were replaced partly by Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt in May and largely by Sargassum yamamotoi Yoshida in June. In July, Sargassum nipponicum Yendo and Sargassum piluliferum (Turner) C. Agardh dominated. Subsequently, the major species shifted to Sargassum ringgoldianum Harvey and S. yamamotoi in August, Sargassum micracanthum (Kützing) Endlicher, Sargassum macrocarpum C. Agardh and Zostera marina Linnaeus in September, and S. ringgoldianum and S. micracanthum in October. However, the occurrence of S. yamamotoi, S. nipponicum and S. piluliferum in June or July were particularly heterogeneous compared with other areas of Japan. Dendrogram analysis was done based on frequency of appearance. Pooled monthly samples were divided into three groups characterized from the dominant species, degree of domination, weight, length and number of species of drifting seaweeds as well as the degree of diversity or evenness in appearance. This characterization indicated that the diversity and abundance of drifting seaweeds were higher from April to June than in later months.  相似文献   

The effects of the addition of [Cr(phen)3](ClO4)3 and K3[Cr(CN)6] on the 1H nmr spectrum of the copper(I) form of parsley plastocyanin are described. It is concluded that the ions [Cr(phen)3]3+ and [Cr(CN)6]3? bind to different parts of the protein.  相似文献   

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