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Myrmecophytes depend on symbiotic ants (plant‐ants) to defend against herbivores. Although these defensive mechanisms are highly effective, some herbivorous insects can use myrmecophytes as their host‐plants. The feeding habits of these phytophages on myrmecophytes and the impacts of the plant‐ants on their feeding behavior have been poorly studied. We examined two phasmid species, Orthomeria alexis and O. cuprinus, which are known to feed on Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) myrmecophytes in a Bornean primary forest. Our observations revealed that: (i) each phasmid species relied on two closely‐related myrmecophytic Macaranga species for its host‐plants in spite of their normal plant‐ant symbioses; and (ii) there was little overlap between their host‐plant preferences. More O. cuprinus adults and nymphs were found on new leaves, which were attended by more plant‐ants than mature leaves, while most adults and nymphs of O. alexis tended to avoid new leaves. In a feeding choice experiment under ant‐excluded conditions, O. alexis adults chose a non‐host Macaranga myrmecophyte that was more intensively defended by plant‐ants and was more palatable than their usual host‐plants almost as frequently as their usual host‐plant, suggesting that the host‐plant range of O. alexis was restricted by the presence of plant‐ants on non‐host‐plants. Phasmid behavior that appeared to minimize plant‐ant attacks is described.  相似文献   

The palaeotropic pioneer tree genus Macaranga Thouars (Euphorbiaceae) is characterized by various types of mutualistic interactions with specific ant partners (mainly Crematogaster spp.). About 30 species are obligate ant-plants (myrmecophytes). We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to assess phylogenetic relationships among 108 Macaranga specimens from 43 species, including all available taxa from the three sections known to contain myrmecophytes. Eight primer combinations produced 426 bands that were scored as presence/absence characters. Banding patterns were analyzed phenetically, cladistically and by principal coordinates analysis. Monophyly of section Pruinosae is clearly supported. There is also good evidence for a monophyletic section Pachystemon that includes the puncticulata group. The monophyly of section Winklerianae and relationships between the three sections remain ambiguous. Section Pachystemon is subdivided into four well-supported monophyletic subclades that presumably correspond to taxonomic entities.We acknowledge the support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG Fi606/4-1, DFG We1830/2-1, 4-1 and 4-2), which in part was granted in the frame of the DFG-SPP 1127 Radiations: origins of biological diversity. Part of the plant material was kindly supplied by Dr. H. Feldhaar (University of Würzburg), Dr. U. Moog (University of Kassel) and Dr. F. Slik (Leiden University Branch, Nationaal Herbarium Nederland). We thank the University of Malaysia (Dr. Rosli b. Hashim) and Taman Taman Sabah (Datuk Lamri Ali; Dr. J. Nais) for permits and logistic support, and EPU for permission to conduct research in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Although the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia is ubiquitous in insects, it has a unique relationship with New World ants on which particular bacterial strains have specialized. However, data are from distantly related hosts and detailed phylogenetic information which could reveal transmission dynamics are lacking. Here, we investigate host–Wolbachia relationships in the monophyletic fungus‐growing ant tribe Attini, screening 23 species and using multilocus sequence typing to reliably identify Wolbachia strains. This technique reduces the significant problem of recombination seen using traditional single gene techniques. The relationship between Wolbachia and the fungus‐growing ants appears complex and dynamic. There is evidence of co‐cladogenesis, supporting vertical transmission; however, this is incomplete, demonstrating that horizontal transmission has also occurred. Importantly, the infection prevalence is frequently different between closely related taxa, with the Acromyrmex leaf‐cutting ants appearing particularly prone to infection and there being no consistent relationship with any of the major life history transitions. We suggest that infection loss and horizontal transmission have driven epidemics or selective sweeps of Wolbachia, resulting in multiple gains and losses of infection across the fungus‐growing ants.  相似文献   

We examined the interspecific variations in intensity of total abiotic (chemical and physical) defenses in five sympatric Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) species, including three myrmecophytic species. The intensity of the total abiotic defense for each Macaranga species was estimated by measuring inhibiting effects on the growth performance of the common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) when the cutworm larvae were fed fresh leaves of each Macaranga species. Indices of the growth performance, number of dead larvae, pupal weight and length of larval period were obtained. We found that the intensities of total abiotic defense of the two non-myrmecophytic species were significantly stronger than those of the three myrmecophytic species, and that there was a significant difference in intensity even within the three myrmecophytic species. The former result supports the hypothesis that, unlike non-myrmecophytic species, myrmecophytic species cannot invest so many metabolic resources in abiotic defense, because they have to allocate nutrients to biotic defense (toward biotic defense agents). Moreover, the latter result suggests the possibility that the three sympatric myrmecophytes have different defense strategies, with a trade-off between abiotic and biotic defense, and/or with a trade-off between defense and other life-history traits such as growth and reproduction. Abiotic defense can be roughly separated into physical and chemical mechanisms. To assess the intensity of the physical defense of Macaranga leaves, we measured the leaf toughness of each species. In addition, to assess the intensity of the plants general chemical defense, cutworm larvae were reared on an artificial diet containing dry leaf powder of each Macaranga species, and their growth performances were compared. The estimated orders of intensity of both leaf toughness and general chemical defense coincided with that of the total abiotic factors measured by the growth performance of cutworm on fresh leaves. This suggests the presence of both physical defenses, represented by leaf toughness, and a general chemical defense affecting the intensity of the total abiotic defense in similar ways.  相似文献   

Myrmecochory (seed dispersal by ants) is a common seed dispersal strategy of plants in fire‐prone sclerophyll vegetation of Australia, yet there is little understanding of how fire history may influence this seed dispersal mutualism. We investigated the initial fate of seeds of two myrmecochorous plant species, the small‐seeded Pultenaea daphnoides J.C. Wendl. and the large‐seeded Acacia pycnantha Benth., in replicated burnt (3.25 years since fire) and unburnt (53 years since fire) forest plots in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Specifically we measured (i) seed removal rates; (ii) the frequency of three ant–seed interactions (seed removal, elaiosome robbery and seed ignoring); (iii) the relative contribution of different ant species to ant–seed interactions; and (iv) the abundance of common interacting ant species. Rates of seed removal from depots and the proportion of seeds removed were higher in recently burnt vegetation and the magnitude of these effects was greater for the smaller‐seeded P. daphnoides. The overall proportion of elaiosomes robbed was higher in unburnt vegetation; however, the decrease in elaiosome robbery in burnt vegetation was greater for P. daphnoides than for A. pycnantha. Ants ignored seeds more frequently in burnt vegetation and at similar rates for both seed species. In total, 20 ant species were observed interacting with seeds; however, three common ant species accounted for 66.3% of ant–seed interactions. Monomorium sydneyense almost exclusively robbed elaiosomes, Rhytidoponera metallica typically removed seeds and Anonychomyrma nr. nitidiceps showed a mix of the three behaviours towards seeds. Differences in the proportions of seeds removed, elaiosomes robbed and seeds ignored appeared to be largely driven by an increase in abundance of A. nr. nitidiceps and a decrease in abundance of M. sydneyense in burnt vegetation. Understanding how these fire‐driven changes in the initial fate of myrmecochorous seeds affect plant fitness requires further investigation.  相似文献   

  • Although the production of extranuptial nectar is a common strategy of indirect defence against herbivores among tropical plants, the presence of extranuptial nectaries in reproductive structures is rare, especially in ant‐plants. This is because the presence of ants in reproductive organs can generate conflicts between the partners, as ants can inhibit the activity of pollinators or even castrate their host plants. Here we evaluate the hypothesis that the ant‐plant Miconia tococa produces nectar in its petals which attracts ants and affects fruit set.
  • Floral buds were analysed using anatomical and histochemical techniques. The frequency and behaviour of floral visitors were recorded in field observations. Finally, an ant exclusion experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of ant presence on fruit production.
  • The petals of M. tococa have a secretory epidermis that produces sugary compounds. Nectar production occurred during the floral bud stage and attracted 17 species of non‐obligate ants (i.e. have a facultative association with ant‐plants). Ants foraged only on floral buds, and thus did not affect the activity of pollinators in the neighbouring open flowers. The presence of ants in the inflorescences increased fruit production by 15%.
  • To our knowledge, the production of extranuptial nectar in the reproductive structures of a myrmecophyte is very rare, with few records in the literature. Although studies show conflicts between the partners in the ant–plant interaction, ants that forage on M. tococa floral buds protect the plant against floral herbivores without affecting bee pollination.

1. Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) is a paleotropical tree genus comprising myrmecophytic and non-myrmecophytic species. All species are presumed to possess food bodies (FBs) to maintain or attract ants as anti-herbivore defence.
2. The hypothesis was tested that Macaranga species differing in their mode of association with ants would produce FBs differing in their chemical composition. We investigated contents of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in FBs of four myrmecophytic and one non-myrmecophytic Macaranga as well as one Parthenocissus (Vitaceae) species.
3. On a dry weight basis, FBs of myrmecophytes contained relatively higher amounts of proteins compared to carbohydrates than those of non-myrmecophytes. Soluble carbohydrates showed species-specific patterns and were found in especially high amounts in both non-myrmecophytes. Furthermore, Parthenocissus FBs contained higher amounts of soluble compared to polymerous substances not only in carbohydrates but also in proteins.
4. FBs seem to be specifically adapted to their respective role in ant attraction and nutrition, with myrmecophytes providing ants with high amounts of lipids and proteins and non-myrmecophytes mainly offering carbohydrates in the form of common soluble sugars.  相似文献   

Herbivores use symbiotic microbes to help derive energy and nutrients from plant material. Leaf‐cutter ants are a paradigmatic example, cultivating their mutualistic fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus on plant biomass that workers forage from a diverse collection of plant species. Here, we investigate the metabolic flexibility of the ants’ fungal cultivar for utilizing different plant biomass. Using feeding experiments and a novel approach in metaproteomics, we examine the enzymatic response of L. gongylophorus to leaves, flowers, oats or a mixture of all three. Across all treatments, our analysis identified and quantified 1766 different fungal proteins, including 161 putative biomass‐degrading enzymes. We found significant differences in the protein profiles in the fungus gardens of subcolonies fed different plant substrates. When provided with leaves or flowers, which contain the majority of their energy as recalcitrant plant polymers, the fungus gardens produced more proteins predicted to break down cellulose: endoglucanase, exoglucanase and β‐glucosidase. Further, the complete metaproteomes for the leaves and flowers treatments were very similar, while the mixed substrate treatment closely resembled the treatment with oats alone. This indicates that when provided a mixture of plant substrates, fungus gardens preferentially break down the simpler, more digestible substrates. This flexible, substrate‐specific enzymatic response of the fungal cultivar allows leaf‐cutter ants to derive energy from a wide range of substrates, which likely contributes to their ability to be dominant generalist herbivores.  相似文献   

Sponges (Porifera) are ancient metazoans that harbour diverse microorganisms, whose symbiotic interactions are essential for the host's health and function. Although symbiosis between bacteria and sponges are ubiquitous, the molecular mechanisms that control these associations are largely unknown. Recent (meta‐) genomic analyses discovered an abundance of genes encoding for eukaryotic‐like proteins (ELPs) in bacterial symbionts from different sponge species. ELPs belonging to the ankyrin repeat (AR) class from a bacterial symbiont of the sponge Cymbastela concentrica were subsequently found to modulate amoebal phagocytosis. This might be a molecular mechanism, by which symbionts can control their interaction with the sponge. In this study, we investigated the evolution and function of ELPs from other classes and from symbionts found in other sponges to better understand the importance of ELPs for bacteria–eukaryote interactions. Phylogenetic analyses showed that all of the nine ELPs investigated were most closely related to proteins found either in eukaryotes or in bacteria that can live in association with eukaryotes. ELPs were then recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli and exposed to the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii, which is functionally analogous to phagocytic cells in sponges. Phagocytosis assays with E. coli containing three ELP classes (AR, TPR‐SEL1 and NHL) showed a significantly higher percentage of amoeba containing bacteria and average number of intracellular bacteria per amoeba when compared to negative controls. The result that various classes of ELPs found in symbionts of different sponges can modulate phagocytosis indicates that they have a broader function in mediating bacteria–sponge interactions.  相似文献   

1. Ants are highly interactive organisms and dominant species are considered to be able to control the species richness of other ants via competitive exclusion. However, depending on the scale studied, inter‐specific competition may or may not structure biological assemblages. To date, ant dominance–richness relationships have only been studied in small sample units, where a few dominant colonies could plausibly control most of the sample unit. 2. We conducted a comprehensive survey of terrestrial ant assemblages using bait, pitfall, and litter‐sorting methods in three sites in Brazilian Amazonia. Using a spatially structured rarefaction approach, based on sampling units with linear dimensions ranging from 25 to 250 m, the mesoscale patterns of ant dominance–richness relationships (sampling units covering hundreds of meters separated by kilometers) were investigated. 3. Interference–competition models (parabolic or negative linear relationships between species richness and the abundance of dominant ants) tended to be more frequent in smaller sample units or in assemblages sampled with interactive methods, such as baits. Using more inclusive sampling methods, the relationship was generally asymptotic rather than parabolic, with no reduction in species diversity because of the presence of dominants. Random co‐occurrence patterns of species within sites support the interpretation of a limited role for present‐day competition in structuring these assemblages. 4. Competition from dominant species may reduce species richness in small areas, especially when artificial baits are used, but appears to be less important than environmental constraints in determining ant species richness across scales of hectares and greater in these Amazon forests.  相似文献   

Partner fidelity through vertical symbiont transmission is thought to be the primary mechanism stabilizing cooperation in the mutualism between fungus‐farming (attine) ants and their cultivated fungal symbionts. An alternate or additional mechanism could be adaptive partner or symbiont choice mediating horizontal cultivar transmission or de novo domestication of free‐living fungi. Using microsatellite genotyping for the attine ant Mycocepurus smithii and ITS rDNA sequencing for fungal cultivars, we provide the first detailed population genetic analysis of local ant–fungus associations to test for the relative importance of vertical vs. horizontal transmission in a single attine species. M. smithii is the only known asexual attine ant, and it is furthermore exceptional because it cultivates a far greater cultivar diversity than any other attine ant. Cultivar switching could permit the ants to re‐acquire cultivars after garden loss, to purge inferior cultivars that are locally mal‐adapted or that accumulated deleterious mutations under long‐term asexuality. Compared to other attine ants, symbiont choice and local adaptation of ant–fungus combinations may play a more important role than partner‐fidelity feedback in the co‐evolutionary process of M. smithii and its fungal symbionts.  相似文献   

1. Dispersal plays a key role in structuring the local population densities of many insect species, yet the movement patterns across the landscape of most species are poorly understood. By measuring the stable isotope of carbon (δ13C) from multiple tissues, a novel approach applied to field‐collected insects, we were able to infer differences in movement patterns of two species of mobile generalist insect predators. 2. Coccinella septempunctata L (7‐spot ladybeetle) and Harmonia axyridis Pallas (multicoloured Asian ladybeetle) were collected in agricultural habitats in 2003 and 2004, and were assayed for δ13C in the elytra (slow turnover) and fat/reproductive tissues (fast turnover). δ13C values were used to infer diet use of C3 versus C4 crops. 3. Coccinella septempunctata was relatively more faithful to a particular habitat and tended to stay in alfalfa and soybean (C3‐based photosynthetic crops) over long periods during the summer. This contrasts with H. axyridis which showed isotopic evidence consistent with frequent late‐season movement between C3 and C4 crops such as corn in the landscape. 4. These differing patterns suggest that in the late summer season H. axyridis individuals traverse the environment more extensively and utilise broadly dispersed aphid resources, whereas C. septempunctata adults are more specialised on alfalfa and soybean crops.  相似文献   

We developed primer sequences for five polymorphic microsatellite loci in the tropical ant‐plant genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae). Population genetic parameters were determined on the basis of 30 individuals from each of two Macaranga species in Borneo. Allele numbers per locus ranged from three to 13. Expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.160 to 0.850 and from 0.130 to 0.700, respectively. Four of the five primer pairs cross‐amplify polymorphic PCR products in a wide range of Macaranga species.  相似文献   

The majority of terrestrial plants form mutualistic associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and rhizobia (i.e., nitrogen‐fixing bacteria). Understanding these associations has important implications for ecological theory and for restoration practice. Here, we tested whether the presence of AMF and rhizobia influences the performance of native woody plants invaded by a non‐native grass in experimental microcosms. We planted eight plant species (i.e., Acacia acuminata, A. microbotrya, Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. loxophleba, E. astringens, Calothamnus quadrifidus, Callistemon phoeniceus, Hakea lissocarpha and H. prostrata) in microcosms of field‐conditioned soil with and without addition of AMF and rhizobia in a fully factorial experimental design. After seedling establishment, we seeded half the microcosms with an invasive grass Bromus diandrus. We measured shoot and root biomass of native plants and Bromus, and on roots, the percentage colonization by AMF, number of rhizobia‐forming nodules and number of proteaceous root clusters. We found no effect of plant root symbionts or Bromus addition on performance of myrtaceous, and as predicted, proteaceous species as they rely little or not at all on AMF and rhizobia. Soil treatments with AMF and rhizobia had a strong positive effect (i.e., larger biomass) on native legumes (Amicrobotrya and A. acuminata). However, the beneficial effect of root symbionts on legumes became negative (i.e., lower biomass and less nodules) if Bromus was present, especially for one legume, i.e., A. acuminata, suggesting a disruptive effect of the invader on the mutualism. We also found a stimulating effect of Bromus on root nodule production in Amicrobotrya and AMF colonization in A. acuminata which could be indicative of legumes’ increased resource acquisition requirement, i.e., for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively, in response to the Bromus addition. We have demonstrated the importance of measuring belowground effects because the aboveground effects gave limited indication of the effects occurring belowground.  相似文献   

Morphological and chemical attributes of diaspores in myrmecochorous plants have been shown to affect seed dispersal by ants, but the relative importance of these attributes in determining seed attractiveness and dispersal success is poorly understood. We explored whether differences in diaspore morphology, elaiosome fatty acids, or elaiosome phytochemical profiles explain the differential attractiveness of five species in the genus Trillium to eastern North American forest ants. Species were ranked from least to most attractive based on empirically‐derived seed dispersal probabilities in our study system, and we compared diaspore traits to test our hypotheses that more attractive species will have larger diaspores, greater concentrations of elaiosome fatty acids, and distinct elaiosome phytochemistry compared to the less attractive species. Diaspore length, width, mass, and elaiosome length were significantly greater in the more attractive species. Using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, we found significantly higher concentrations of oleic, linoleic, hexadecenoic, stearic, palmitoleic, and total fatty acids in elaiosomes of the more attractive species. Multivariate assessments revealed that elaiosome phytochemical profiles, identified through liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, were more homogeneous for the more attractive species. Random forest classification models (RFCM) identified several elaiosome phytochemicals that differed significantly among species. Random forest regression models revealed that some of the compounds identified by RFCM, including methylhistidine (α‐amino acid) and d‐glucarate (carbohydrate), were positively related to seed dispersal probabilities, while others, including salicylate (salicylic acid) and citrulline (L‐α‐amino acid), were negatively related. These results supported our hypotheses that the more attractive species of Trillium—which are geographically widespread compared to their less attractive, endemic congeners—are characterized by larger diaspores, greater concentrations of fatty acids, and distinct elaiosome phytochemistry. Further advances in our understanding of seed dispersal effectiveness in myrmecochorous systems will benefit from a portrayal of dispersal unit chemical and physical traits, and their combined responses to selection pressures.  相似文献   

Many insects are ubiquitously associated with multiple endosymbionts, whose infection patterns often exhibit spatial and temporal variations. How such endosymbiont variations are relevant to local adaptation of the host organisms is of ecological interest. Here, we report a comprehensive survey of endosymbionts in natural populations of the chestnut weevil Curculio sikkimensis, whose larvae are notorious pests of cultivated chestnuts and also infest acorns of various wild oaks. From 968 insects representing 55 localities across the Japanese Archipelago and originating from 10 host plant species, we identified six distinct endosymbiont lineages, namely Curculioniphilus, Sodalis, Serratia, Wolbachia, Rickettsia and Spiroplasma, at different infection frequencies (96.7%, 12.8%, 82.3%, 82.5%, 28.2% and 6.8%, respectively) and with different geographical distribution patterns. Multiple endosymbiont infections were very common; 3.18±0.61 (ranging from 1.74 to 5.50) endosymbionts per insect on average in each of the local populations. Five pairs of endosymbionts (Curculioniphilus-Serratia, Curculioniphilus-Wolbachia, Sodalis-Rickettsia, Wolbachia-Rickettsia and Rickettsia-Spiroplasma) co-infected the same host individuals more frequently than expected, while infections with Serratia and Wolbachia were negatively correlated to each other. Infection frequencies of the endosymbionts were significantly correlated with climatic and ecological factors: for example, higher Sodalis, Wolbachia and Rickettsia infections at localities of higher temperature; lower Wolbachia and Rickettsia infections at localities of greater snowfall; and higher Curculioniphilus, Sodalis, Serratia, Wolbachia and Rickettsia infections on acorns than on chestnuts. These patterns are discussed in relation to potential host-endosymbiont co-evolution via local adaptation across geographical populations.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi form the most wide‐spread endosymbiosis with plants. There is very little host specificity in this interaction, however host preferences as well as varying symbiotic efficiencies have been observed. We hypothesize that secreted proteins (SPs) may act as fungal effectors to control symbiotic efficiency in a host‐dependent manner. Therefore, we studied whether arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi adjust their secretome in a host‐ and stage‐dependent manner to contribute to their extremely wide host range. We investigated the expression of SP‐encoding genes of Rhizophagus irregularis in three evolutionary distantly related plant species, Medicago truncatula, Nicotiana benthamiana and Allium schoenoprasum. In addition we used laser microdissection in combination with RNA‐seq to study SP expression at different stages of the interaction in Medicago. Our data indicate that most expressed SPs show roughly equal expression levels in the interaction with all three host plants. In addition, a subset shows significant differential expression depending on the host plant. Furthermore, SP expression is controlled locally in the hyphal network in response to host‐dependent cues. Overall, this study presents a comprehensive analysis of the R. irregularis secretome, which now offers a solid basis to direct functional studies on the role of fungal SPs in AM symbiosis.  相似文献   

1. In organisms characterised by complex life cycles, habitat selection often occurs at multiple spatial scales. For instance, female mosquitoes searching for an appropriate aquatic habitat to oviposit their eggs should also consider the characteristics of the terrestrial landscape in which it is embedded. 2. In this study, a field experiment was conducted to test for multi‐scale oviposition site selection in two mosquito species. Artificial pools were placed in two adjacent landscapes, olive plantations and a citrus orchard, mainly differing in their blooming periods and nectar availability. Pools were organised in three pairs: predatory caged fish were present in both pools, in one pool, or in none. 3. Early during the season, most of the egg rafts were laid by Culiseta longiareolata females in pools located within the blooming citrus orchard. When blooming shifted to the olive plantation, C. longiareolata become opportunistic. Culex pipiens females appeared later on during the season, when egg rafts of C. longiareolata were scarce, and they exhibited a higher selectivity to the olive plantation, although its blooming ended. In addition, the selectivity of C. pipiens to fish‐free pools was stronger than that of C. longiareolata. 4. Culex pipiens was more selective, possibly due to its high dispersal ability, which can lower movement cost and enhance the ability to gather environmental information. A trade‐off among gonotrophic cycles, combined with a shorter breeding season and limited recognition ability of the predatory fish may have reduced C. longiareolata selectivity. These differential oviposition patterns can strongly affect the population and community dynamics of both species.  相似文献   

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