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Organisms associated with another species may experience both costs and benefits from their partner. One of these costs is competition, which is the more likely if the two species are ecologically similar. Parabioses are associations between two ant species that share a nest and often attend the same food sources. Albeit parabioses are probably mutualistic, parabiotic partners may compete for food. We therefore investigated feeding niches and dietary overlap of two parabiotically associated ants in Borneo using cafeteria experiments and stable isotope analyses. The two species strongly differed in their food choices. While Crematogaster modiglianii mostly foraged at carbohydrate‐rich baits, Camponotus rufifemur preferred urea‐rich sources. Both species also consumed animal protein. The 15N concentration in Ca. rufifemur workers was consistently lower than in Cr. modiglianii. Camponotus rufifemur but not Cr. modiglianii possesses microbial endosymbionts, which can metabolize urea and synthesize essential amino acids. Its lower 15N signature may result from a relatively higher intake of plant‐based or otherwise 15N‐depleted nitrogen. Isotopic signatures of the two partners in the same parabiosis showed strongly parallel variation across nests. As we did not find evidence for spatial autocorrelation, this correlation suggests an overlap of food sources between the two ant species. Based on model simulations, we estimated a diet overlap of 22–66% for nitrogen sources and 45–74% for carbon sources. The overlap may arise from either joint exploitation of the same food sources or trophallactic exchange of food. This suggests an intense trophic interaction and potential for competition between the parabiotic partners.  相似文献   

The search for factors shaping leaf-litter ant communities has received particular attention due to the essential role of these insects in many ecological processes. Here, we aimed to investigate how the number of leaves and leaf morphotypes affect the litter-ant species density at forest edge and interior in an Atlantic Forest remnant in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. This study was developed based on 28 litter plots (1m2 each), 14 in the forest interior and 14 in the forest edge. As we early expected, ant species density increased with increasing both the number of leaves and the number of leaf morphotypes, but this result was clearly influenced by plot location. Contrasting with the forest interior, ant species density did not increase as the number of leaves increased in the forest edge. Possibly, factors such as plant species richness, vegetation structure and environmental conditions affect ant species density as well as promote a patchy distribution of species in ant communities along the edge-to-interior gradient. Our findings suggest that edge-affected forests present more simplified ant communities, with different factors shaping its structure. We encourage future studies to include leaf litter heterogeneity as one of the explanatory variables investigated.  相似文献   

1. Disturbance is a strong driver of community assembly and fire has long been recognised as one of the main disturbances of terrestrial ecosystems. This study tested the resilience of dung beetles to fire events in campos rupestres, which is a tropical savanna ecosystem that evolved under a frequent fire regime, by assessing the resistance and recovery of their communities. 2. Dung beetles were sampled before and after a fire event and the effect of fire on dung beetle richness, abundance, mean community biomass and composition was tested. The effects of time since last fire and fire frequency on the community were also tested. 3. No effect of fire occurrence, time since last fire and fire frequency on any community variable was found. 4. Some non‐mutually exclusive mechanisms promoting the resistance and recovery of dung beetles in campos rupestres could be acting in synergy. One potential mechanism is the mismatched seasonality between fire events and dung beetle occurrence, as fires occur during the dry season and dung beetles are present above ground during the rainy season. Furthermore, dung beetles are insects that remain buried during most of their lifetime, which could protect individuals from being burned. Another potential mechanism is the replacement of species in burned areas by the movement of individuals from unburned areas, attracted by resources and/or by metacommunity dynamics. 5. It is concluded that in this ‘fire‐dependent’ ecosystem, dung beetle communities are resilient to fire and seem not to be structured by this disturbance.  相似文献   

Since Btt last examined the iris and retina markets, demand has grown, the technology has improved, new players have entered the arena and new products have been developed. For the first time ever, Btt is devoting a complete survey to these two very different methods of recognising an individual by the unique patterns within parts of their eye.  相似文献   

Ants and dung beetles are focal indicators of change in several ecological processes and successional vegetation stages in Mediterranean landscapes. Despite relatively good knowledge of local species distributions, there are few data on their distributions at different scales. In the present study, the influence of multiscale landscape structure was examined using both ants and dung beetles to identify species that can serve as indicators and detectors of changes in vegetation structure. Multiscale analysis is necessary to explore the different roles of indicator and detector species for use as tools in studies focused on monitoring ecological changes. The study area was the Cabañeros National Park, in the center of the Iberian Peninsula. This site was selected because it is a good setting to evaluate the effects of typical vegetation mosaics on Mediterranean species at different scales. In this study, dung beetles and ants were trapped for one year. A multiscale analysis was designed using three different vegetation habitats (forest, scrubland and grassland) and landscape matrices (woodland, scrubland and grassland). Among dung beetles, 23 indicator species (IndVal values higher than 70%) were found at different scales of analysis. In addition, 20 dung beetle species were characterized as detector species (IndVal values between 45 and 70%) for the three different levels analyzed. Similar to the dung beetles, the ants had different species assemblages at various habitats and landscape levels; however, no indicator ant species were found in this study. All species with significant IndVal values (n = 8) were identified as detector species. Thus, ant and dung beetle assemblages were influenced in different ways by vegetation structure. Both groups showed strong individual species responses to different Mediterranean landscape conditions and vegetation types. Further, both insect groups showed a great number of detector species, which can be useful in ecosystem management because they have varying degrees of preference and sensitivity for different ecological states (such as successional vegetation stages). The diverse indicator and detector species identified in this work could be useful tools for the detection of landscape structure changes at both levels habitat patches and landscape matrix. However, a generalisation of the results at landscape scale should be taken with precaution, but they encourage to study more regions and similar landscapes. The use of more than one indicator group in the analysis confirms the importance of selecting groups with different sensitivities at varying spatial scales as well as different ecosystem functions. This strategy allows the establishment of a clear baseline with which to analyze future direct and indirect impacts of management in Mediterranean protected areas.  相似文献   

Convergent extension (CE), a kinematic motif associated with several important morphogenetic movements in embryos, entails narrowing of a tissue in one in-plane direction and elongation in the other. Although the cell elongation and intercalation which accompany this process have been investigated and relevant genes and biochemical pathways have been studied in multiple organisms, a fundamental question that has not yet been answered is "Do the lamellipodia thought to drive these motions actually have the mechanical capacity to do so?" Here, we address this and a number of related issues using a state-of-the-art computational model which can replicate cell motions, changes in cell shape and tissue deformations. The model is based on the cell-level finite element approach of Chen and Brodland, but has additional features which allow it to model lamellipodium formation and contraction. In studying CE, computational models provide an important complement to molecular approaches because they reveal the "mechanical pathways" through which gene products must ultimately act in order to produce physical movements. The model shows that lamellipodia can drive CE, that they do so through cell intercalations and that the elongated cells characteristic of CE arise only when adjacent tissues resist convergence, a result which we confirm experimentally.  相似文献   

Traditional agro-pastoral practices are in decline over much of the Alps, resulting in the complete elimination of livestock grazing in some areas. Natural reforestation following pastoral abandonment may represent a significant threat to alpine biodiversity, especially that associated with open habitats. This study presents the first assessment of the potential effects of natural reforestation on dung beetles by exploring the relationships between the beetle community (abundance, diversity, species turnover and assemblage structure) and the vegetation stages of ecological succession following pastoral abandonment. A hierarchical sampling design was used in the montane belt of the Sessera Valley (north-western Italian Alps). Dung beetles were sampled across 16 sampling sites set in four habitat types corresponding to four different successional stages (pasture, shrub, pioneer forest and beech forest) at two altitudinal levels. The two habitats at the extremes of the ecological succession, i.e. pasture and beech forest, had the greatest effect on the structure of local dung beetle assemblages. Overall, dung beetle abundance was greater in beech forest, whereas species richness, Shannon diversity and taxonomic diversity were significantly higher in pasture, hence suggesting this latter habitat can be considered as a key conservation habitat. Forests and pastures shared a lower number of species than the other pairs of habitats (i.e. species turnover between these two habitats was the highest). The two intermediate seral stages, i.e. shrub and pioneer forest, showed low dung beetle abundance and diversity values. Local dung beetle assemblages were also dependent on season and altitude; early-arriving species were typical of pastures of high elevation, whereas late-arriving species were typical of beech forests. It is likely that grazing in the Alps will continue to decrease in the future leading to replacement of open habitats by forest. This study suggests therefore that, at least in the montane belt, reforestation may have potentially profound and negative effects on dung beetle diversity. Maintaining traditional pastoral activities appears to be the most promising approach to preserve open habitats and adjacent beech forests, resulting in the conservation of species of both habitats.  相似文献   

Plants and ants have widespread relationships that are commonly mediated by the offer of extrafloral nectar (EFN) to ants that protect plants against herbivores. However, these ant–plant interactions are highly facultative and vary in time and space, mainly depending on the characteristics of the ant species, such as density and aggressiveness. In general, the outcomes of these relationships are positive, but in some cases, the presence of ants is neutral or negative to plants. Some studies suggest that aggressive attacks or merely the presence of ants might reduce the visitation rate of insect pollinators, such as bees, to flowers. We used experimental manipulation in natural conditions to test the hypothesis that ants on flowers of EFN-bearing plants might be recognized as a danger by pollinators (bees) and reduce the plant fitness (fruit-set). Our results show that the avoidance that ant bodyguard species feeding on EFNs of the Malpighiaceae Heteropterys pteropetala cause in pollinators, is not enough to decrease plant fruit-set. However, ants were indeed identified as a danger to pollinators as hypothesized and as suggested for other plant–pollinator relationships: flowers with plastic ants placed on the petals produced significantly fewer fruits than other treatments (using instead a plastic circle) or the control (natural condition). Indirect costs of facultative mutualisms are the focus of few studies and have been performed only rarely in the Neotropics; our results show that mutualism must be considered in multitrophic interactions studies for a better understanding of the functioning of the system.  相似文献   



Social parasitism is an important selective pressure for social insect species. It is particularly the case for the hosts of dulotic (so called slave-making) ants, which pillage the brood of host colonies to increase the worker force of their own colony. Such raids can have an important impact on the fitness of the host nest. An arms race which can lead to geographic variation in host defenses is thus expected between hosts and parasites. In this study we tested whether the presence of a social parasite (the dulotic ant Myrmoxenus ravouxi) within an ant community correlated with a specific behavioral defense strategy of local host or non-host populations of Temnothorax ants. Social recognition often leads to more or less pronounced agonistic interactions between non-nestmates ants. Here, we monitored agonistic behaviors to assess whether ants discriminate social parasites from other ants. It is now well-known that ants essentially rely on cuticular hydrocarbons to discriminate nestmates from aliens. If host species have evolved a specific recognition mechanism for their parasite, we hypothesize that the differences in behavioral responses would not be fully explained simply by quantitative dissimilarity in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, but should also involve a qualitative response due to the detection of particular compounds. We scaled the behavioral results according to the quantitative chemical distance between host and parasite colonies to test this hypothesis.


Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles were distinct between species, but host species did not show a clearly higher aggression rate towards the parasite than toward non-parasite intruders, unless the degree of response was scaled by the chemical distance between intruders and recipient colonies. By doing so, we show that workers of the host and of a non-host species in the parasitized site displayed more agonistic behaviors (bites and ejections) towards parasite than toward non-parasite intruders.


We used two different analyses of our behavioral data (standardized with the chemical distance between colonies or not) to test our hypothesis. Standardized data show behavioral differences which could indicate qualitative and specific parasite recognition. We finally stress the importance of considering the whole set of potentially interacting species to understand the coevolution between social parasites and their hosts.

Do Lanchester's laws of combat describe competition in ants?   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Lanchester's laws are mathematical models, originally designedto model military combat, that describe battle outcomes basedon the sizes of armies and the potencies of individual fightingunits. The "square law" describes a scenario in which small-sizedcompetitors may use a numerical advantage to overcome large-sizedcompetitors in simultaneous combat. The "linear law" describeshow a competitor with large-sized fighting units may use one-on-onecombat to favor victory when outnumbered. Lanchester's lawshave been suggested as an important regulator of interspecificcompetition in social insects, but without experimental support. In this study, experimental platforms were designed to invokethe conditions of both Lanchester's laws in a community ofants in lowland tropical wet forest in Costa Rica. I measuredbehavioral dominance at the food platforms in two separatemanners: an ordinal ranking of the number of workers present,and the monopoly of the food platforms. At the platform invokingsimultaneous combat, satisfying the square law, small-sizedants were more behaviorally dominant by numerical superiority.At the platform invoking one-on-one combat, satisfying thelinear law, larger ants were more behaviorally dominant by monopoly. These results suggest that Lanchester's laws explain,in part, the outcome of interspecific competition in ants.  相似文献   

Our phenomenal world remains stationary in spite of movements of the eyes, head and body. In addition, we can point or turn to objects in the surroundings whether or not they are in the field of view. In this review, I argue that these two features of experience and behaviour are related. The ability to interact with objects we cannot see implies an internal memory model of the surroundings, available to the motor system. And, because we maintain this ability when we move around, the model must be updated, so that the locations of object memories change continuously to provide accurate directional information. The model thus contains an internal representation of both the surroundings and the motions of the head and body: in other words, a stable representation of space. Recent functional MRI studies have provided strong evidence that this egocentric representation has a location in the precuneus, on the medial surface of the superior parietal cortex. This is a region previously identified with ‘self-centred mental imagery’, so it seems likely that the stable egocentric representation, required by the motor system, is also the source of our conscious percept of a stable world.  相似文献   

In flying organisms, wing shape and biomechanical properties are recognized as key traits related to dispersal, foraging behavior, sexual selection and habitat preferences. To determine if differences in dung beetle wing shape and flight biomechanics are consistent with habitat preferences in a phylogenetic context, we examined how wing morphology varied in a set of 18 Mozambique forest and grassland dung beetle (Scarabaeinae) species, representing nine genera and six tribes. Geometric morphometric measurements were taken of entire wings, as well as two additional shape characters comprising the RA4 and CuA to J regions of veins. Ordination (Principal Components Analysis and Canonical Variate Analysis) of landmark data revealed three different trends in wing shape related to expansion or contraction in external wing margins. These trends were consistent with published dung beetle phylogenies and a phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral morphological changes using parsimony analysis of wing landmark configurations. Analysis of variance showed that the Procrustes distances between wing shapes were significantly correlated to species identity (~?48% of variance), wing size (~?27%), habitat (~?11%) and two of the three, tested, biomechanical variables (wing loading, wing aspect ratio: ~?1%). However, while a phylogenetic generalized least squares analysis confirmed a strongly significant phylogenetic signal for wing shape, it found no significant effect of any other variable. Therefore, wing shape evolution in dung beetles appears to have been phylogenetically constrained and habitat may constitute only a weak selective pressure for changes in wing shape.  相似文献   

Aquaculture has been one of the most rapid and technically innovative of food production sectors globally, with significant investment, scientific and technical development and production growth in many parts of the world over the past two decades. While this has had a significant effect on the global supply of aquatic food products and had an important impact in rural and urban food supply and employment in many developing economies, growth and increasing internationalization has not been without concern for natural resource use, environmental impact and social disruption. The expectations for production and diversification are now significant and while the scientific and technical means are already available to meet much of the intended targets, practical constraints of investment, profitability, resource access and system efficiency are likely to become far more important constraints for the future. This review offers a contemporary perspective on the ways in which the sector might develop, its interactions with constraints and the strategies that may be required to ensure that future development is both positive and sustainable.  相似文献   

Do we have the auxin receptor yet?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several auxin-binding proteins (ABP) have now been identified using a variety of techniques. A 43-kDa glycoprotein thought to be a dimer of 22-kDa subunits has been identified as a strong candidate for the auxin receptor that mediates cell elongation in etiolated maize shoots. The primary sequence has been deduced and several interesting structural features have been discerned. There is indirect evidence that this 22-kDa ABP has a receptor function, the most compelling being that antibodies directed against the ABP can block an auxin-induced response. There is evidence that changes in auxin-induced growth capacity in shoots correlates with changes in the abundance of the 22-kDa ABP suggesting that in some cases the 22-kDa ABP may be limiting growth. Confirmation of receptor function for one of these newly-identified ABP's should open the way for genetic manipulation of crop growth.  相似文献   

The overexploitation of tropical forests for bushmeat and of the oceans for fish are two of the most important threats to global biodiversity. Both phenomena also have manifold implications for human livelihoods and food security. A recent article by Brashares et al. indicates that these two resources are linked: when regional fish supplies are low, local bushmeat hunting intensifies. Although coordinated management of bushmeat and fisheries is thus needed, gaps in our knowledge of these systems must first be filled.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and differentiation of two carabid beetle species were examined in woodlands along rural–urban gradients in two cities (Brussels, Belgium, and Birmingham, UK), based on allozymes, studied in more than 1000 beetles. Compared to Abax ater, Pterostichus madidus showed higher levels of genetic diversity but lower genetic differentiation, probably because of its ability to survive in non-forest habitats. Higher genetic diversity in both species was observed in Brussels as compared to Birmingham. However, genetic differentiation among sites was higher in Birmingham corresponding to the more extreme degree of fragmentation and isolation between the Birmingham woodlands. The isolation-by-distance model did not explain genetic differentiation among sites within the two regions. Gene diversity in P. madidus Birmingham populations was higher in smaller urban forests with a small perimeter. A similar absence of genetic erosion in smaller and more highly modified (urban) populations was also obtained for A. ater populations from Brussels, with a higher genetic diversity in sites closer to woodland edges. This unexpected result is hypothesised to be the result of an adaptive increase of genetic diversity in more heterogeneous landscapes, closer to woodland edges and in smaller and more perturbed forests.  相似文献   

1. Bipartite network analyses are increasingly being used to better understand mutualistic and antagonistic plant–insect interactions at the community level. As a result of taxonomic limitations, it is usually very difficult to identify all nodes of a network down to the species level and many studies leave some specimens identified as lower resolution taxa. Accordingly, we do not know how much a lower resolution taxonomic representation changes the network structure compared with a representation with all nodes at species level. 2. The present study aimed to test whether insect–plant networks built using different combinations of taxonomic levels can still preserve the same basic structure of networks built only with species. 3. In total, 73 bipartite published interaction networks (mutualistic and antagonistic) were selected, which were turned into binary networks and reconstructed using the nodes classified as species, genus, family or order (representing different levels of classification difficulty). The network structures were compared using their binary representations mainly using connectance, NODF (Nestedness metric based on Overlap and Decreasing Fill) and modularity. 4. The mutualistic network structure was strongly linearly related to the original network structures if all nodes were grouped up to genus level. In antagonistic networks, the structure was related to the original network only if nodes were only grouped at the species level. 5. The findings of the present study are especially helpful for comparative network studies, such as those assessing the effects of environmental gradients. For mutualistic networks, Citizen Science programmes can provide useful ecological indicators, even with its taxonomic limitations.  相似文献   

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